Card Alchemist

Chapter 147 Forced Start

Green is spreading...

A clear green at the wound of the two quickly spread around, like ink dripping in the clear water, almost covering Sylvanas' dark skin in an instant.

"The antidote... here..."

Sylvanas said with difficulty, and she stretched out her trembling hand and pulled out the cluster of arrows in her lower abdomen.

The arrows used by the Zhuoer elves have opened blood grooves on them, and have also made inverted hooks on the arrows. There is also a title of "inverted hook arrows" in human society. Being poisoned is simply a sharp weapon for killing people. Even Sylvanas took a piece of bloody meat from her lower abdomen, and she almost fainted with pain.

The surviving spider elf climbed to Sylvanas in a hurry, took out a blue bottle from her trouser bag, and hurriedly smeared the ** in the bottle evenly on Sylvanas' lower abdomen.

Star took a step forward at the same time, blocking Sadek's eyes behind him with his own body. What do you want to do?"

"Well, Star... Anyway, I'm your mentor. How dare you talk to me like this?" Sadek clenched his fists, and the blue veins on his forehead were quietly rising. I believe you will regret talking to me in such a tone!"

Star narrowed his eyes, and he sensed a bad breath from Sadek's tone. This old man has always been very deep in the city. Why did he become so abrupt today?

"Star, I warn you... I hope you will appear in front of me as soon as I wake up tomorrow morning. Otherwise, the lives of those two people will be insurable. Sadek turned his head and left.

Star looked back in a hurry. Sylvanas and Rogge were not detoxified as he thought, but fainted. The light blue spreading from the wound has almost covered their bodies, and Sylvanas is better... And Rogge's body looks like it has been thrown into the dyeing workshop.

"What's going on?" Star drank Sadek. What the hell did you do to them?"

"You are an alchemist. Do you still want to ask me this kind of question?" Sadek stopped and couldn't help asking rhetorically. The Zalls have been in the underground world for too long. I just put an extra layer of poison on her arrows. If there is no antidote in three days, I think they will turn into a pool of corpses.

"Stop him!"

Star shouted loudly and raised his sword. You can't let Sadek leave here today, otherwise with this butcher's means, Rogge and Sylvanas will not see the sun in three days.

Originally, everyone was suppressing their anger. As soon as they heard Star's order, they did not hesitate to block all Sadek's retreat immediately.

Seins frowned. He immediately waved his hand, and the guards immediately swarmed up.

"Do you think these people can stop me?" Instead, Sadek stopped and looked at Seins with a hint of teasing. You are an imperial official. I don't want to have any conflict with you. If you know each other, get out of the way..."

As soon as the voice fell, the arrows kept coming up, and Saiins had already made a move. His arrows are not as flexible as Sylvanas, and he doesn't have that kind of dazzling archery skills. Using fighting spirit to support the arrow cluster is his biggest killing move. No matter when, the quality will always break through the limit of quantity. There is no doubt that the crystal wall summoned by Sadek was smashed by an arrow. Before rubbing Sadek's throat...

At the same time, the wind blade of the sword also followed at the same time. This warcraft from the abyss has amazing spirituality. It can always find the enemy's flaws and give the most deadly blow in the first time. And this is not its killing trick. I don't know if it is the commonality of creatures from the abyss - they prefer hand-to-hand combat and tear up the enemy with their claws.

And there are also prepared trial knights. The dragon gun in their hands is not vegetarian. Forty people divided into two groups and attacked in the form of overlapping waves.

In the face of so many attacks, Sadek actually sneered. A dark shadow outside the crowd suddenly broke into the battlefield, and his fragile body unimaginably blocked all the attacks.

"Kol!" Starr exclaimed.

"Star, today's tutor will teach you how to control your puppet." Sadek took a step back and the land under his feet suddenly pulled up. A tornado-like whirlpool surrounded him, and gradually everyone felt a scorching breath rising on their faces. The flames in the city owner's house were actually mobilized and surrounded Sadek.

With a 'bang', the wind blade plunged into the tornado that had become a fire shield. Not only did it not cut it, but a burst of flames.

"Be careful!" Leren shouted loudly. He endured the injured body and quickly approached forward. Star's flesh and blood puppet has been reversed by Sadek again, and he grabbed the machete thrown by Sadek into the camp of the judges.

"The biggest advantage of flesh and blood puppets compared with other puppets is that they have their own combat experience... Stupid apprentices, every time you control it, you will pour your spiritual power into its body. Do you think you are more powerful than a thorny knight?" Sadek's laughter came from the circle of fire.

The machete forcibly cut the formation of the knights, and the painless Cole was like a crazy lion, rushing violently to Laren.

The scene was almost in a mess... Just after Sadek controlled Cole, two flame giants came out of the circle of fire and joined the battle camp. This elemental body could not cause damage to them at all. Even if Seins' fighting arrows beat the flame giant into a flame splashing all over the sky, they can quickly recover their bodies in a blink of an eye.

Star rushed forward, and a long sword tore towards the circle of fire. He, who is also an alchemist, clearly understands the weaknesses of alchemy. As long as this area is sealed, Sadek can no longer gain power from the outside world through 'equivalent exchange'. The magic is instilled in the 'stone of the sage'. Suddenly, the surrounding ground was suddenly pulled up. An unimaginable earth prison was displayed in front of everyone, and almost in an instant, the whole outer courtyard was sealed by the uprooted stone slab.

Under the powerful magic, the pulled-out slate extended to the height of more than a dozen blades, and then quickly twisted and merged.

A huge semi-circular rock suddenly appeared in the city owner's mansion, which was like an iron pot upside down on the ground to isolate the yard from the outside world.

As Star imagined, without the intervention of external wind and fire elements, Sadek's defense was suddenly disintegrated. But when he was about to go forward... the ground quietly shook again. A vine rose rapidly from its feet, like a huge python entangling Sta's bare feet.

"Bastard, 'Frost Nova!'" Star shouted, almost mobilized the magic of his whole body. A huge three-edrink ice cone appeared in front of him, and the ice cone appeared even if the surrounding temperature suddenly dropped. However, Sadek was not idle. He just waved his left hand... The huge ice cone did not rush towards him, but rushed back crazily.

There was no time to use magic. Star hurriedly released his fighting spirit and took a fierce blow.

The huge ice cone hit him and hit the Star to the rear. In the strangely fluctuating soil behind him, a dark shadow rushed out and shot at the Star. It was a thorn pulled out of the rock, and the target was Star's back heart.

Several cyan wind blades hit quickly in the dark and shot at the earth thorn at the same time. The thorns were shattered on the spot and splashed with gravel on the ground. Stakan fell to the ground, and his chest was covered with frost... Fortunately, it was not a sharp ice cone, otherwise his body would be tied into meat sauce.

As soon as Star landed, he sang the spell loudly, "In the name of ice..."

Almost all his magic was thrown out at this moment, but there was still no way to hurt Sadek. For Sadek... Although he does not have the real 'stone of the sage' as help, the items condensed by countless lives can provide him to release powerful alchemy without paying the price of exchange.

But Star is different... Although his 'Sage Stone' is not a fore, it is not mature. If you use it too much, you will even overdraw your life. For an alchemist who can be exchanged infinitely, he is an invincible existence... Otherwise, Greer in his early years would not have such a high status.

The scene gradually turned to the other side...

"Sadek, what the hell do you want!" Star shouted loudly. Once again, he felt that he was so small that every time his strength went further, Star would think that he could compete with Sadek. But every time the other party appears, he will break his fantasy without mercy. Let them go... I'll go with you now!"

"Good!" Sadek stood down. I hope you won't go back on your words..."

"Give me the antidote first..." Star stared at the other party.

"I don't think this poison should be difficult for you. You have been exposed to it as early as in the alchemy castle. I just diluted the potion dozens of times." Sadek laughed and said, "I will wait for you in the alchemy guild. Don't try to escape from here or try to annoy me, or I will kill these people without mercy!"

(Half of the city has been rated as a model worker... I haven't broken the update... Let's collect it.)