Card Alchemist

Chapter 170 The Fourth Person

"First of all... who is Glele?"

There is nothing in the narrow room, only a simple wooden board that serves as a bed. Star sat on it, his fingers constantly clapping.

"So who do you think he is? An insignificant little man is still a guy with the same name. If you really think so, then it's a pity that you're wrong. That guy is really Glair. The first human in the history of the alchemist to win the 'Stone of the Sage'.

Star's eyes widened. To be honest, he has also thought about this. But he kept telling him in his heart not to think so. Never has a human being able to live for three thousand years, and he will not meet a "great man" who has such a reputation in history, and he has also talked to himself! So should you feel glory or fear?

"This is a big problem. Although I really thought it would be him, I still don't believe it after verifying it from you. Although Sadek is servile to many people, he has no intention of resisting Greer. Star shook his head. If my speculation is correct, you should also have a mentor. That's what Gle should have said in the alchemy guild. As one of the seven, you should comply with these rules. Please forgive me for making such a bold assumption.

The room has been shrouded in a silent boundary, and Deson, Leren and Sylvanas are all in another wooden house. Now, in addition to the unique heavy breathing sound of Jian Mang, there is only silence left in the room. Star stared straight at old Rogge. He really wanted to know all this. Since he was involved in all this, he couldn't help but drift with the tide. You can only watch this happen and change the facts, not control it in advance.

"Yes, I'm indeed one of the seven. But Gleair has ordered that no one can reveal the identity of others to others, so I can't tell you everything. And it's up to you to guess more. In fact, I don't know who the others are. Old Rogge shook his head and said. So I can't answer your last question. As you think, I do have a tutor, that is, Dihas.

"I'm one, Sadek is the same, you are one, and Greer is also one. Since he is the one selected by Dihas, I think there must be something in common. If I don't have a wrong car, I should know how to make the Stone of the Sage. And it's all Professor Dihas." Star's fingers are calculated. Now that Gler is dead, the identity of only three people has not been revealed, but now the scope has been reduced a lot. As long as the person who knows the manufacturing method of the 'Sage Stone' must belong to one of the seven people.

"Yes, and the alchemist who sneaked on us this time must also be one of them. Your previous actions in Witherspoon were so flamboyant that you exposed your identity. Rogge frowned. This has made us fall behind, and the situation of the enemy is not easy to deal with.

Star nodded. If so, the previous puzzles have been solved. The 'Sage Stone' he found from the old Rogge's residence in the capital of Azeroth was made by himself, probably to attract others.

At that time, in the monastery, those mutated and lost control of synthetic beasts may also have been done by the three people hiding in the dark. Now the only thing Star is worried about is two things... First, whether old Billy is also one of them is not difficult to see from his reaction. It seems that the people I know who know how to make the 'Sage' Stone' are only Sadek who dares to use the human body to refine. Others don't seem to do this, at least they and Old Rogge have never done it.

And the old man Anthony. However, Starr automatically ruled him out... Although he seemed to have some unspeakable secrets, for some reason, Star thought from the bottom of his heart that he was not like the kind of bloodthirsty and desperate human.

Second, have the remaining three people united? If so, then the whole thing will become more troublesome. No one knows the value of the Stone of the Wise more than an alchemist. With the 'Sage's Stone' to help the battle, the number of alchemists can't beat them at all.

But the most difficult one is the Greer. Since I lifted the alchemy, the name seems to represent the glory of all alchemists. Almost all the alchemists regarded him as a sacred being. After all, during his highest reputation, even the Pope and the emperor had to honor him when they saw him.

Although he seems to have been 'dead' for a long time, after all, no human has ever been able to live for 3,000 years.

And Star also knows a lot of things about this guy. For example, the tower of Gru that appeared in the abyss plane extinction wilderness! A fear demon king and a blue-eyed white dragon are his prisoners. I'm afraid this kind of thing is something that human beings can't imagine at all. But he did it. And he looks only seventeen or eight years old, and he is not even older than himself. Star pinched his swollen temples, which made him feel a little anxious.

He began to regret that if he was given another chance, he would rather not know these things. After all, these things are so amazing that he can't accept them at all. But he won't do it... He must understand these situations to the greatest extent. Otherwise, you can't face what will happen in the future.

"So do you know about Glair or the Dihas... who is called a god by Sadek?" Star asked.

"No, I don't know. But do you really think there will be gods in this world? Rogge asked rhetorical. Or, what do you think of God?

"Before that, I always thought that God was just some more powerful human beings. In fact... The strongest knight is the pity knight, and there may be more powerful people above them. Their strength is unmatched by everyone... So they have gradually become the gods in people's mouths. In fact, it's easy to understand. For example, we alchemists and magicians, who can control the power of elements, don't we also exist like gods in front of those ordinary people?

"There is some truth to what you said, but I have to correct one of your mistakes. Pity knights are not the final point of strength. There is a holy land above them!"

"Holy Land?" Star asked in surprise.

"Yes, the Holy Land can control the field. They are the closest to the existence of God, or the most common kind of people regarded as gods by mortals. Rogge said. However, you haven't told me what you think of God now?

"I'm a little confused." Star shook his swollen head. In fact, in my subconscious, I have been telling myself that there is no God in the world. But since I saw Dios, this idea has begun to waver.

"Dios? Which demon king of fear?" Old Rogge asked.

"Yes. So can you tell me what the god in Sadek's mouth wants to do? Star said.

"This story is a little long. Listen to me slowly." Old Rogge sorted out his thoughts. This also starts with the first human to discover the 'stone of the sage'. Greer, he is the first human being to win such an honor, and also the last one.' The value of the stone of the sage is beyond imagination for alchemists. It can escape the existence of the law of 'equivalence exchange', making everyone flock to this power.

"Since Glele 'dead', almost every alchemist has wanted to find that magical stone. After all, power, power and wealth are not something that ordinary people can resist. Then it led to the 'white storm' against the alchemist three hundred years ago.

"You mean, it was the emergence of Dihas that led to the spread of the 'Sage Stone' formula. So what exactly does he want to do?" Star couldn't help frowning. I once heard that the 'stone of the sage' is not an object that can be driven by human beings. It is controlled by death. And Dihas is the name of death.

"In fact, it is the same. I'm not sure what Dihas wants to do. But I know that he needs to be understood and made a 'stone of the sage' for him. However, not everyone is willing to do it or can do it. For example, you and I don't want to do it. But for some reason, Dihas can't erase us. Rogge said. I think you should know that the seven of us seem to exist for some reason. They can't even kill each other."

Star nodded, and Gleell had warned Sadek when he was in the Alchemist Church. He even helped him drive away the large piece of 'Sage Stone' from his body. But the rest of the question is again. If that's the case, then why didn't Greer come to settle accounts with him? Isn't Sadek dead? Is that bastard in the alchemy still just a split?

Thinking of this, Star couldn't help but condense. This is indeed a difficult problem.

But all this doesn't seem to be the case. Star sighed deeply and raised his eyes to look out of the window. It seems that we can only know all this if we go to the underground world. At least we know that there must be people selected by Dihas for that group of alchemists. As long as you find him, maybe all the puzzles can be solved.

Old Rogge coughed twice and looked out of the window. In fact, I don't want to say that the people you are waiting for have come. I wonder if we should meet these mice who like to hide in the dark?