Card Alchemist

Chapter 171 Is It True or False

There is such a strange side in the dark street.

Abby, who was wearing a dog, showed an extremely ferocious smile. The skin on his face seemed to be torn apart, revealing a pale face that was not the same as before. It's like the faces of two different people.

However, this is not the most important thing. Abby still held a card that was not the size of a palm in his hand, and a crying Bimon was locked in a prison-like fantasy card.

"It seems that the boy in your hand is the real child named Abby." Star narrowed his eyes. It was simply unforgivable. He tried his best to suppress his anger and signaled the sword on the roof to calm down. Who on earth did you send you here?

"It seems that I have taken the initiative now!" Abby said with a gloomy smile. When you go to hell, you will know all this.

"Looking for death!"

Star's pupil suddenly tightened. A sharp thorn was suddenly pulled up between the ground, and it stabbed Abby with lightning speed. However, the other party seemed to have already known that Star was going to attack first, and his whole body was instantly twisted to the right at a strange angle. The sharp thorn that pierced his throat passed against the Adam's apple...

"Damn it, don't you care about his life?" Abby shouted angrily, pointing to the magic card in his hand. If you dare to take another step, I will tear him up without hesitation. You should know that once the soul is sealed, once the magic card is torn, the soul will also disappear in an instant.

A sound of bone friction was suddenly lifted, and a translucent wind blade cut off Abby's hand holding the magic card against the corner of the room through the darkness. The pain made him retreat in a hurry.

"I can't believe that you are still a card magician." Star shook his head. But I hate other people's threats the most... All those who dare to threaten me, I sent him to hell with my own hands. I'm a little tired of it. It seems that a character like you will immediately choose to commit suicide even if you catch it. So I canceled the idea of going to capture you alive.

"Oh, no! Star, you can't do this!" Abby shouted in a hurry. As he covered the bleeding wound, he kept retreating. I'm not those stupid guys. I'll tell you the truth whatever questions you want to ask. As long as you can let me go!"

"No, I don't believe what you said." Star shook his head resolutely.

The sword suddenly jumped down from the roof, and his tight body was like an eagle flying in the sky, and his sharp claws fell into Abby's body mercilessly.

Star turned his head.

He once saw a description of the card magician in the alchemy castle: the card magician can use his power to pull the souls of ordinary people out of their bodies and even seal them into the magic cards. The soul is elusive... Once it is pulled out, it can only be declared dead. So don't believe the threat made by the card magician with a magic card with a soul, because even the card magician can't stop the soul from being pulled away, and the soul will dissipate in three days.

"Star, you will regret it. My lord, she is waiting for you in the underground world... I think you will be surprised when you see her. It's a pity... I can't see your surprised... even a frightened expression... Ah!"

Abby shouted hard, and he struggled hard. However, Jian Mang did not hesitate to bite his throat with his sharp teeth like a dagger and completely ended his life. Star looked at Abby's body and sighed deeply. Then the earth surged, like being suddenly turned up by a pair of invisible big hands, and the surrounding buildings were quickly detained in the ground. It seems that everything in the killing just now seems to be non-existent.

"Sword Mang, let's go!" Star looked at the little guy who was slowly devouring his soul and shouted, and his body quickly disappeared into the darkness. He had to find someone else... Abby's words just now made him shudder.

'She', the fake 'Abby' just now used the word 'she'. The obvious problem is that 'she' should be the leader of this group of people. So who is 'she'? Why did Abby say that?

'I think you will be surprised when you see her.' Why did that Abby say these words to himself in such a positive tone? Did that person know him? Disha? Anna? Tannis? Starr shook his head hard. These were the only girls on this continent who knew their names... To be honest, if the leader of this group was any of them, Star would not be surprised at all.

But since Abby said that, it's probably not them. Then who should it be?

Star couldn't help frowning. He began to regret the previous recklessness. If he was caught and tortured, he might be able to find out who 'she' was.

"Aw...!" Jian Mang suddenly stopped, and the blood-stained wolf kissed loudly. Its eyes, like green lanterns in the dark night, staring straight ahead.

"Who is it?" Star asked alertly, and at the same time summoned a flame to float in the air, quickly illuminating the front.

"Master, it's me. It's my Desen." A deep voice sounded and replied quickly.

Under the dark shadow, first of all, a pair of thick legs like wooden piers stepped into the area covered by fire. Deson grinned and leaned forward with some shaky steps. He seemed to have experienced an extremely dangerous fight, and his whole body was covered with ferocious wounds. The three knives in his hand have also rolled the blade, and he has to stop and take a breath at every step. I'm full of blood, and I don't know which are my own and which are other people's.

"Derson, how are you?" Star quickly greeted him and quickly took out the healing medicine from his arms and poured it on him. Have you seen anyone else?"

"I see it!" Deson seemed to swallow with great difficulty. Those guys are really awesome... There are hundreds of puppets alone, just like during the day. Even if they are broken, those alchemists can regroup them. At that time, I risked my life, tried my best to get the knives of those puppets, and rudely cut the human into two halves.

"Oh? Is that so?" Star frowned and raised his voice slightly. What about the others?"

"It's really terrible..." Deson shivered and said slowly. I saw with my own eyes that Sylvanas was caught by those bastards, and they poured it on them with a strange potion. I just blinked my eyelids twice, and two Sylvanas came out.

"Why didn't you save her?" Star asked with a slight reproach.

"Lord, they found me. A lot of people were sent to chase me... I fought all the way to find you. They, they are at the top of the village. Let's go quickly! Otherwise, when the fake 'Sylva Nas' comes, it will be troublesome. Derson said in a hurry. He paused and looked at the sword that kept roaring at him. What's wrong with this guy?"

"Sword light, be quiet." Sta shouted harshly and looked at the bloody Olefin, who had just been fighting. Deson, I have an idea. Listen to my arrangement... After the fake Sylvanas comes, let's not say anything. You just pretend that you don't know what to do, and then we kill her in one fell swoop.

"Wow..." Jian Mang sobbed and lowered his head with great aggrievedness.

"Master, it's really yours." Deson couldn't help shouting.

The two discussed for a while and quickly walked to the depths of the village. According to the information provided by Desen, there are at least six or seven people on the other side. Defending the enemy head-on is really not a wise choice. At present, the most important thing is to find Old Rogge and Leren and gather the strength of the five people.

Star summoned a flame, and the circle of fire soared into the sky, quickly illuminating the dark night sky. The shadow under the house was suddenly swept away... The blurred vision suddenly became clear.

"Over there!" Deson shouted loudly.

In a circle of uneven houses, Rogge gasped for breath, and his heavy breath had a bloody smell. These armored puppets are really endless, and the enemies hidden in the dark have not exposed their hiding place from beginning to end. Although these cans can't withstand their own random blows, they have surrounded him more than a dozen times.

"Hey, Star! I'm here." Rogge glanced at the fire in the air and shouted loudly. But in such a distraction, the five armored puppets closest to the old Rogge seemed to have been ordered. They changed the desperate state before. The rusty weapon in his hand brushed the sharp corner hammer at an extremely strange angle and cut into the old Rogge's chest.


Star roared and put his hands together. The flame around the top suddenly tossed up and down, like a danced color practice, flying into Star's hand. Desen rushed into the formation of the armored puppet, and a cross cut the two puppets. Another nose and knife fell, and a puppet was about to cut it into two pieces.

"Wow!" Jian Mang shouted, and the internal airflow quickly formed in the wolf's kiss. The wind blades rippled in the air. Suddenly, dozens of wind blades spewed out, and bursts of harsh metal friction sounded. Where the wind blade passed, the armor puppets were cut off like wheat.

And Star did not stop, and the blow of flame had been firmly held in his hand. As his hands danced, the flame quickly turned into a long whip in his hand. Where the flame whip passed, all the armored puppets were melted. The only way to deal with these flinching and fearless guys can only destroy the axis of their bodies.

With a 'swk', the sound of breaking the sky passed through the flame whip of Star and nailed an armored puppet to the ground.

"Sirvanas!" Desen looked in the direction of the arrow and couldn't help shouting.