Card Alchemist

Chapter 174 Knights of the Holy See

On the left is the shortcut to the Thunder Mountains.

However, the first thing is that a dense coniferous forest blocks Star's vision. The area of the forest covers hundreds of square kilometers, which is not big, but not small. The coniferous forest is dark, and the tall trunks and dense needle-like leaves firmly block the sunlight.

Obviously, there is a scorching sun outside, but the coniferous forest is gloomy. The damp and cold air swept through everyone's faces with gusts of wind, making their bodies have a layer of goose bumps.

And on the right is a high and undulating ground.

There are low-lying depressions with two or three edges, and there are also small slopes that highlight the three or four edges on the ground. At a glance, you can't see the whole picture at all.

"Is there an ambush? Are you sure this is what Sylvanas said? Star frowned. In order to be sure of his words, he asked specifically.

"Yes, sir. I heard it clearly. She said there was an ambush here. Just as I was about to ask her where there was an ambush, she fainted again. Deson sighed, shook his head, and his long nose was danced like a snake. Sir, you said that she didn't faint early or late, but she fainted without saying a word. It's really tossed to death."

Sta couldn't help frowning.

He began to calculate in his heart again. Whether Sylvanas is sent by the other party or not, Star has reason to believe her words. First of all, if Sylvanas is pretending, then as a spy of that group of alchemists, she must not want her group to encounter any danger. Once these people are intercepted by the Holy Knights, it will affect the itinerary.

If it weren't for pretending, then Star would have more reason to believe her.

It's just that the problem is now. A coniferous forest, an undulating land. On the one hand, it is the only way, and on the other hand, it is the original road... Which road is safe?

Star pinched his swollen temples, and he finally found the drawbacks of his character. In the months of the alchemy castle, he has developed a suspicious personality that likes calculus. If the opponent is also a master of calculus at the same level, then he can fully infer the clues based on the clues. But what if his opponent is just a guy who doesn't know tricks at all?

This is no different from punching the master to death.

Take the experience in the City of Thunder as an example. The person who attacked him that night was obviously from the Holy See, but their poor acting skills made Star suspicious. So what about now? It's the same now!

According to common sense, that group of people will inevitably choose to ambush in the coniferous forest. Once you get close, the sudden sneak attack will catch you off guard. But this coniferous forest... Anyone who looks up knows that it is good at hiding and is a shortcut to the wind stream.

But what if the other party also thinks of this? Will they do the opposite and choose to ambush in the ups and downs?

But the other party didn't think of this, so will they still choose to hide in the coniferous forest?

Star shook his head. For the first time, he met such an enemy who did not use any tricks, but he forced himself into a dilemma. Thinking about how vicious Sadek's strategy was at the beginning, he knew that he was rebellious, but he still didn't say anything. I'm still comfortable under his hands, and seize the right time to kill it in one fell swoop!

Thinking of this, Star couldn't help smiling bitterly. It's really like what Desen said. Sylvanas didn't faint early, and he didn't faint until he finished a word.

But can this question be thrown to the 'traitor' hidden around him? Soon this idea was rejected by Star. Before he came here, the other party was likely to have discussed it. Even if he threw out the problem like this again, it would not be a problem. But it may be good to listen to their opinions!

"Derson, where do you think we should go?" Star turned his head and asked.

"Sir, you are killing me. If I didn't know there was an ambush here, I would definitely walk in the coniferous forest. But now... I can still walk in the coniferous forest. The other party responds to our 'changes' with 'invariable', and we can also respond to the party's 'invariant'!"

"Good!" Star's eyes lit up. Let's go to the coniferous forest.

The three of them looked at each other and quickly walked to the forest.

However, just as they left here, a piece of grass in the undulating ground suddenly shook. The rolling stones rolled down the slope, and a pair of black and oily eyes emerged from the loess.

"Xiao San, they went into the coniferous forest."

"Don't worry, in order to deal with this kind of thing, the regiment leader has already arranged another pair of people to stay in the coniferous forest. Whether they walk in the coniferous forest or come to us, they will see blood. We retreated... That damn Bimon, he actually chose to commit suicide!"

Just after the end of the speech, the meadow in the undulating ground was opened straightly. Twenty people quickly bypassed the coniferous forest and rushed to the foot of the Thunder Mountains.

"Huh! It's really not what I expected!" Starr muttered to himself. If you are careful, you can see several bees flapping their wings all around his ears. This is another masterpiece of his alchemy - the reconnaissance bee. This thing is small and good at hiding. Although it can't detect all the noises that occur in the distance, it can transmit all the sounds made within the monitored range.

The conversation between the two people just now was heard by Star.

In fact, what Starr felt embarrassed was not which road had an ambush. Carefully, he soon found that there were a series of inconspicuous traces in the ups and downs. Those are some places that are most suitable for hiding the body... There are traces of being heavily crushed by stones on those places. In order to hide the body, the people of the Holy See deliberately removed the stones, which revealed the flaw.

On the way to the coniferous forest, the needles that fell all over the ground also had traces of being broken. And the stubble is still fresh... There is no doubt that there are ambush on both roads.

Although Deson's words did not tell Starr how to deal with the knights of the Holy See, it gave Star another inspiration that he could take this opportunity to get rid of the traitors hiding beside him.

Along the way, everyone walked with extreme caution. Except for Star, no one else knows whether the coniferous forest is ambushed or not. So when a row of crossbows came, Rogge was not even surprised at all, and he waved his sharp-horned hammer rudely. The huge hammer swaving a semicircle in front of him, bringing a gust of wind, and the row of crossbows had been blown to shattered before they arrived.

"Come out, guys." Star stood in front of him, and the sword at his waist had been pulled out. I didn't expect that your regiment leader was so deep that he cheated me. Holy Knights, hum! It seems that you are going to eliminate the number because of me again.

"Demon, you will be purified by the fire of light! We will cut off your head, put the sword with honor through your chest, and we will step on your blood to our bright road!"

A row of figures, silver-white armor, Holy See-style weapons and crossbows flashed in the dense coniferous forest... A group of young children with their faces. Although their age is not much different from their group of students, Star will not stay, and he will never be kind to the enemy.

As soon as the figure flashed, Star rushed to the front.

As early as when Witherspoon led the training of the group of rookies, there was this kind of long-distance running around obstacles. Although there are many trees in the coniferous forest, they are still not as good as the obstacles set at the beginning. The distance of more than 20 steps was pulled in half by Sta. More than a dozen needle trees that were originally in front of him seemed to be nothing, so they were easily bypassed by Star.

"Double formation collection, crossbow and arrow shooting."

With the orderly shouts of the other party, the soldiers of the Holy Knights quickly divided into two teams. One team shoots before, and the first team shoots after. The ten single-time crossbows hit like an arrow rain. It seems to be uneven, but it seems very regular. The range of the crossbow almost covers nearly three yards in front of Starr, and there is no absolute dead angle.

Like ordinary people, even if a heroic knight is against him, he has to suffer a little secret loss.

However, Stark is an alchemist with the 'Stone of the Sage'! When the first wave of arrows came, the trunks of the two needle trees in front of him were suddenly stretched, as if a saw quickly cut the trunk into several pieces and formed a door-sized wooden shield in front of Star. Cover all the directions covered by the rain of arrows!

There was a splashing sound, and the arrows were rudely nailed to the wooden shield.

Star is sure that these sacred knights are absolutely elite, otherwise the weapons in their hands would never be so strong. You can summon a wooden shield with the thickness of a palm! The strength of those crossbows was beyond my imagination. With just one volley, the wooden shield opened several big cracks. If you want to rely on it to help you resist the second arrow rain, it won't work at all.

Star simply crossed his heart, and the wooden shield quickly disintegrated in front of him.

At this time, the opponent's formation began to change again. The first wave of the holy knight who shot the crossbow quickly ran behind his companion. At this time, the second wave of sacred knights was also ready, and they aimed the crossbow star at Star again.


Starr's left hand spread, and two ice cones that had already been gathered quickly flew out. He forcibly plunged into the other party's formation with lightning speed. At this time, the holy knights had just pulled the trigger of the crossbow. Two ice cones rudely penetrated into the throats of the two cubs.

A rain of arrows hit. Due to the loss of two holy knights, the coverage of the crossbows suddenly became sparse. Star easily dodged and rushed forward quickly.