Card Alchemist

Chapter 191 Blood Magic

Originally, there were only three teams that entered the wind stream, but now only Star is still complete, and the other two teams have long disappeared.

Moore's work efficiency is really unusual. As Starr narrates, Moore's officer records it. At the same time, he kept sending people to the city to inquire, and soon news came from Yinyue City.

Several human corpses were indeed found outside the city this morning. The body has long been destroyed, and countless scars have been cut by the blade.

So there is no doubt that it must be those who pass through the wind and stream. Starr estimated it again, and the result was even more unexpected. Among the many bodies, no trace of Feigran and Alice was found... If both of them defected to Zall, their plans would be completely disrupted.

The knowledge brought by human beings from the surface world is absolutely advanced for these elves living in the underground world... and the consequences are unimaginable. After being attacked by Moore's 'Shenwei Cannon', Zhuoers will definitely think about fighting back and regaining their face. If the other party gains trust in Zall, it will be a fatal blow to Starr.

Even Fergran's action is likely to be a harbinger that they will attack Silver Moon City.

And now the only way is to strengthen the defense of Silver Moon City.

Star pinched his sour temples. Naturally, these are just guesses... If he has absolute strength, he will definitely take everyone into the second layer of the underground world, but now he can't. He can only use these moles.

The Earl of Green invited a group of people to the Earl's House, which was delicious and delicious. Even Sylvanas was treated as a guest. On the contrary, Starr couldn't see Count Green for three days in a row. After asking several questions, the Moore servants in the mansion couldn't make it clear. All I know is that he goes out early and comes back late, which seems to be very busy.

Star only thought he was running back and forth for the attack of the shepherd in front of the gate that day.

Even if Stachu came here, he got some news from Sylvanas. The class of the Blood Elf Tribe is also in the shape of a pyramid, just like other races. Only nobles can become chariot knights, that is, chariots pulled by white wild boars. Like all nobles, these children must go through some training before they can ascend to the title. There were dilapided little nobles in the chariot that day, and naturally there were also children from large families who came out to practice.

About 30 shepherds killed more than 200 people in almost one round of durian shells. He was also the leader of the army that day, so naturally he could not escape. So I have to be busy to solve this mistake these days, so that I left Star and the others here.

Roger and Deson were a little anxious. They couldn't wait to put in a pair of wings and fly to the second floor. But it's not so easy for them to go at the intersection of Zall and Moore Elf. He can only wander around Silver Moon City for three days. Fortunately, Old Rogge has also been in the underground world for a period of time. Now that the blacksmith master is back, who doesn't know? Coupled with the waist card given by Count Green himself, even if he took Sylvanas around the streets, he didn't make much trouble.

And when he came back every day, Sylvanas seemed a little excited. She never thought that she could walk in Silver Moon City as if nothing happened, and she would always tell some details to Laren and Star.

It's just that Star has no spare time to pay attention to these things. Since Green's words woke him up last time, he has been closed these days.

He asked Count Green for an empty courtyard, and Starr began his own practice.

It's just that blood magic is not so easy. Without a topology, Star can only explore the way forward by himself. First of all, controlling the blood flow in your body is a very dangerous behavior. If you are not careful, you may even be killed on the spot. In the process of Moore's practice of blood magic, it is not completely smooth sailing, and there are also Moore who go crazy and will cause the blood to evaporate and die.

So Star was not stupid enough to implement it on himself... Fortunately, there are some common monsters in the underground world.

The water arrow rabbit is an extremely docile warcraft. Although it can spit out water arrows to attack the enemy, it is not powerful enough. Star has to use it as an experiment.

In fact, blood magic is not difficult. The only difference is like the difference between alchemy and magic. The former controls tangible objects, while the latter controls intangible elements. Star took a deep breath and slowly injected the magic into the body of the water arrow rabbit.

The water arrow rabbit was excited and stared at Star uneasily with blood-red pupils. It hurriedly wanted to escape, but had to turn around in the iron fence.

Star closed his eyes and slowly penetrated the magic into the blood of the water arrow rabbit. Magic is another name after the invisible spiritual power is condensed. If you want to prevent the penetration of magic, you can only use spiritual power as a barrier, and even Douqi can't stop it. And once the magic penetrates, it is equivalent to breaking through the enemy's defense... No matter how the other party stops it, it's just a dying struggle.


Sta muttered. Although he understands the theory, there will still be some gaps when he really practices it. He began to recall how he summoned a stone wall with alchemy... Summoning the stone wall with alchemy is nothing more than the suffocation of the earth element. Use magic to drive the movement of the soil, and then change its shape. At the same time, it can also be compressed with magic, and even ordinary sand can be turned into hard rocks.

In fact, every alchemist understands the process, but rarely thinks about the reason.

Star just changed a little, and immediately knew how to use alchemy to achieve the effect of blood magic.

The magic quickly spread to the flowing blood of the water arrow rabbit... The blood was controlled by him. The water arrow rabbit suddenly trembled all over, and his whole body was like a shaking sieve, and then it became bigger and bigger. Then his legs stared, and the twitch gradually decreased. No one knew what had happened to the water arrow rabbit. They only knew that it shook its body and there was no movement.

But Star's heart is very clear that the blood of the water arrow rabbit quickly changed its shape after bearing its own magic. No matter how strong the external defense is, the blood vessels and internal organs in their bodies are extremely fragile. The flowing blood just stretched out the spur in an instant, almost piercing all the blood vessels in his body. This kind of behavior is also a sharp weapon for assassination. As long as the other party does not put a layer of spiritual shield on his outside all the time, it is only a moment to kill the other party.

But the effect of blood magic simulated by alchemy Star understands its disadvantages better than anyone else... No matter what kind of creature, their bodies have a certain magic. And the stronger the other party is, the more magic is contained in the body. This kind of trick can only be used as a sneak attack or a surprise attack. Once used twice, others will be on alert.

As for the research of blood archery, it is also very simple... After understanding how to control the blood, Star also learned the appearance of Green that day, bit the tip of his tongue and made a blood arrow. As for the beginning, nine out of ten will fail.

The magic is too great, and the blood spit out at one time is not enough, and it can't carry the spiritual power.

There is too little magic, and the blood arrows spit out can't form power.

After three consecutive days of experiments, I only felt dizzy for a while, and then I groped for some ways. But if you want to achieve the power of Count Green that day, you still owe a lot of heat.

It is another experiment, but Star thinks it is well done, and magic and fighting spirit can be combined. Although it is often heard that all people on the mainland who want to practice magic and martial arts can't reach the highest level of strength, it is a little difficult to resist ** Star, whose strength has increased significantly in a short period of time.

'Puff!' Star bit the tip of his tongue and injected magic and fighting gas into the spewed blood at the moment of bleeding. But the power of the two different sources is not the same. This blood arrow... can't be called a blood arrow at all. Star's mouth only spewed a blood mist.

With a squeak, the wooden door was pushed open. At this time, the blood fog in the house has not dissipated, and the house is full of a strong smell of blood. Starr quickly looked at Count Green standing at the door with a smile, looking at himself strangely.

"Your Excellency, are you back?" Star wiped the blood on the corners of his mouth awkwardly, and then he remembered that he was secretly learning blood magic.

"That's right. I've been so busy these days that I've been neglecting you." Count Green nodded slightly. He was full of anger, and the smoke dissipated after Star's blood mist spewed out. In the past, how many human beings wanted to learn blood magic, but which one could succeed? He sprayed a few mouthfuls of blood and stopped by himself. It often happened that he even sprayed blood. Without blood magic, Tutuo dares to practice by himself. This human is really bold!

However, Count Green is not a fool. Instead of breaking it, he pulled out a handbook from his arms that had been turned out of the footers. Mr. Star is so interested in blood magic, but I have a hand here. Maybe I can help you.

"Thank you, Your Excellency, for your kindness." Star put up with ** and pushed it back. I haven't asked the adults what's going on here.

"We found Fergland."