Card Alchemist

Chapter 218 The Road to the Carriage

Regent Roland is probably the first king in history to pay so much attention to alchemy.

After he ascended the throne, he even changed the name of the country to 'Refining'.

In the first year of refining, Emperor Roland announced the construction of hundreds of alchemy laboratories in the thirteen identities of the empire. A large number of magic apprentices who could not advance saw their soaring future and turned to the alchemy guild one after another.

The members of the alchemy guild have doubled from the original 30,000 people in just half a year. Today's growth rate is still jaw-dropping!

The magic guild was indirectly suppressed, and the alchemy guild became the object of the royal family. Countless high-level alchemists first entered the palace and announced one alchemy invention after another to the public.

In the same year, Doriel became the president of the Alchemy Association. The conservative faction led by him completely broke free from the factional struggle for hundreds of years and completely suppressed the other two factions.

In the same year, on the day Roland succeeded to the throne. His Majesty the Pope died, and the two cardinals in the Holy See fought on the street. One died and one injured on the spot shocked the whole country! His Royal Highness Feigrand, who returned from the mainland, ascended the throne of the Pope with the highest reputation. And with multiple votes, the phenomenon of three cardinals working at the same time was banned.

In the same year, Kemesl, the former presiding judge of the Holy See, who had been imprisoned but had not had time to carry out the death penalty, suddenly returned. On the day he came back, the Bimon tribe slaughtered a brigade of soldiers, which shocked the whole continent in an instant. In almost three days, the imprinted frame made by the Alchemy Association has been released to every township... Then the sub-church of Witherspoon was destroyed, and an archbishop and nine members of the Holy See were killed!

At the same time, the important officials of the empire were assassinated...

The occurrence of one thing after another has been doomed to the unrest of the first year of the refining era.

Just when everyone was panicking, a controversial teenager stood up.

He seems to be full of hardships from the first time he appeared in front of the public.

The first time was in the capital of Azeroth, one of the warriors who rose up to resist when the demon invaded.

The second time was in Witherspoon, who was regarded as a rebellious apprentice who killed his teacher.

The third time was in the Death Forest...

And today, he will rush to the imperial capital. Accept the coronation of the Pope and become the next successor of the Holy See. Everyone knows that with only one cardinal now in office, whoever becomes a cardinal will be the next pope.

And he is also the 'Star Alchemist' of the Alchemy Guild. The day before he received the edict, Doriel had been given the position of Elder of the Alchemy Guild.

Since even the alchemy guild has said that the magic guild will naturally not show weakness, and he has also been given the status of an elder of the alchemy guild. There are even rumors that he will be canonized as a viscount by His Majesty Roland.

For a moment, envy, jealousy, admiration, worship... All kinds of rumors filled around this teenager. And he seemed to be motionless, and all of this seemed to be something outside his body.

The owner of all this didn't care, and his eyes always looked out of the car window.

The carriage was galloping on the road, and the pastoral scenery outside the window was regressing rapidly.

Sitting in the carriage, Star's eyes never turned.

The vast wheat field makes the field of vision extremely wide. A breeze swept over, and the wheat field seemed to have set off a green spray. From the car, you can also see the lush forest in the distance, which is foggy. Fog fir is a rare evergreen plant. Their trunks are straight and their long treetops point straight to the sky. Like a group of loyal knights guarding their homes.

Fog fir is an extremely precious plant. It is not only one of the commonly used raw materials in alchemy, but also emits a refreshing fragrance when the tree core burns, which has a refreshing effect.

After passing the foggy fir forest, there are large tracts of hilly areas. The sunny side of the hill is covered with clusters of short shrubs, dotted with blue and white flowers, like irregular snow.

Shuttle through the uneven hills, and the two straight tracks extend into the distance.

Now Star is dressed like a young man from the countryside, rushing to the city to work. Next to him was a girl of the same age, looking at all this curiously with a pair of shining eyes.

"What is that?" The girl pointed to the very regular railway outside the window and shouted in surprise. She looked like a girl from the countryside who had never seen the world.

Star couldn't help frowning. He really couldn't figure out why Anthony let his daughter follow him. Anna was always shocked to see something new along the way, as if she wanted to know it immediately. God knows why this girl has so much energy to make a carriage for more than ten hours in a row, and she is still curious about all this.

Star shook his head, and he was too lazy to answer.

Originally, Anthony wanted Star to rush to the imperial capital. Because he didn't get Kemesl's head... After Fergran's order, Star took a rare rest for a few days, and then declared that he had cut off the devil's head.

He believed that since Kemesle did not appear, he would hide and spy on himself secretly. And his move is tantamount to finding his own death. If Kemesl suddenly comes out at the coronation ceremony given to him by the Pope, even a fool will guess what the situation is.

This time, Star can be regarded as a risk to lure Kemesle to appear.

As for why he went to the imperial capital in such a low-key way, there is also a reason. Neither Roland nor Fergrand will want to rush to the imperial capital alive. The former does not want the ora to have signs of a resurgence of theocracy, while the latter does not want the boy holding his handle to wander in front of his eyes all day long.

There was a good reason, so Star had to dress up as an ordinary teenager and get into this carriage.

Witherspoon's public carriage is like a long-distance bus in Star's previous life, but it can only take twelve people. The benches made of pine are spread along both sides of the carriage, leaving a one-wide aisle in the middle.

"That's the railway track... It can provide a road for a guy called a steam car." The passengers in the car said tiredly. He is dressed as a businessman, but he looks beautiful. Maybe it's because the carriage has been on the road for a long time, which makes everyone a little sleepy. Most people are a little drowsy. The question and answer of the girl and the businessman caught their attention, and everyone opened their hazy eyes.

"You look like an erudite scholar. Can you tell me what that kind of steam car is?" A boy in the carriage asked happily.

"It is a huge thing, hundreds of times bigger than our carriage. I heard that it can carry thousands of passengers at one time!" The businessman seemed to enjoy the taste of being noticed, he said proudly.

"Oh, my God, how many horses are needed to pull it?" The little boy shouted.

"That doesn't need horses, they use a kind of fuel. As long as you keep adding wood to it, you can move it. This is the greatest invention of the alchemist! It is three times faster than the carriage, much more comfortable, and also very cheap.

"Do you hear me?" Anna pulled Sta's arm and said excitedly, and Sta replied with a fake.

"You should know that the road is not peaceful, and no one knows when there will be trouble or even danger. People who travel far away are better to be with each other and take care of each other. In a small carriage like ours, there will be robbers on the road. I can't imagine what it would be like if such a lengthy steam car was targeted by the robbers. The businessman laughed.

"For the blessing of Kemesr, now the robbers who robbed on the road are so scared that they have fled back to their hometown." There was a shrill voice in the carriage.

"Oh, my God. Don't mention that demon. You always like this!" Soon a female voice sounded again, and the carriage suddenly burst into laughter.

"Thanks to our Cardinal, he cut off the devil's head with his own hands. Otherwise, I won't go to the imperial capital now. Someone in the carriage said loudly. I even dare to assert that he is the next pope.

The businessman took out a handful of candy from the package and gave it to the children and women in the car. It was not until the end that he stopped his eyes on Star. I went to the imperial capital to do business. How about you?

"Let's go to our relatives. He wants to give me a decent wedding!" Anna rushed to say.

Because they began to get acquainted, the carriage also became lively. Having a fixed conversation partner with each other has somewhat reduced the fatigue of the journey.

The businessman kept showing off his erudite knowledge and knowledge, and everyone listened with relish.

Just as he was excited to tell the crowd that he had boarded a steam car once, the originally galloping carriage suddenly stopped.

"We are in trouble!" The driver shouted loudly. Thank you, we have met the robbers!"

There was a loud noise in the carriage. Almost instinctively, Starr's hand quickly rested on his waist. The whole body shows a bow-like bend, which allows him to respond to emergencies as soon as possible.

Anna lifted the curtains, and dozens of robbers riding huge horses waved the long knives in their hands and shouted the horns. They strangled the reins and skillfully surrounded the horse around the carriage.

"It's a human, not a demon!"

Star said in a low voice. The swordmang is always hanging not far behind the carriage. Once the demonic breath approaches, it will remind itself as soon as possible. Originally, I thought I could rush to the imperial capital, but I didn't expect to be stopped by these robbers.

Star slowly walked out of the carriage, followed by several strong-looking knights.

Maybe it's Star's actions that stimulated them. They don't want to be more cowardly than a child. But soon, they found out that they had made a mistake.