Card Alchemist

Chapter 234 Dark Night Attack (4/4)

Star has heard the magnificent symphony ensemble, heard the high solo singing, and also heard the shouts of walking around the streets.

But there has never been a song that is so strange.

Bimon's thin drum is rough and bold, which sounds like freedom on the grassland in the wilderness. The morning glory bells of the elves are crisp, like the singing of birds on the first day, making people feel like they are in an elegant forest. Human musical instruments are even more variety... But Starr dares to assert that this song is not only full of Bimon's boldness, but also full of elves' elegance, but also full of demons **!

The wind blows and the grass moves, and there is a clear rustling sound in the distance.

Star frowned and moved the crystal ball. This time, the opponent is the strong man of the Holy Land. In order to detect their actions, Star almost released all the reconnaissance bees he had ever made. In this forest a hundred miles away, as long as there is a little movement, it will fall into the picture in the crystal ball.

The song continued, and the treetops began to twist their bodies, as if to accompany the song.

"Are you awake?" Star wiped his eyes on Tonis and found that the latter had opened his eyes. There is still a trace of indelible fatigue on his face, but he looks much better. Since the black plague was expelled from his body, no one could stop his body from recovering. Coupled with Star's potion, Tonis can definitely restore to ten times of his strength in three days.

"Ye-huh. I was woken up by the strange song!" Tonis couldn't help frowning. I smelled a bloody smell and murderous atmosphere from this song. There are magical fluctuations hidden in the syllables of the song... But it's not like a curse!"

It's true that this is not like a forbidden spell.

Although there has never been a Holy Land that can silently send most of the magic, the forbidden spell still requires a large number of magic spells. Not only is it difficult to sing, but the magician must provide a lot of magic at the end of each syllable. Therefore, the forbidden spell sings back, and even the magic that overflows inadvertently is an incomparable power.

But what's going on? The magic fluctuation hidden in the song is not even more than what a fireball needs. When the last syllable ended, Starr felt that the magic needed in this spell would not even be more magical than his rock puppet.

Is this just a spell sung by a magic apprentice?

No, no, no! Starr absolutely dares to guarantee that from the spell just now, whether it is the skipping of special syllables, it skillfully reduces the time required for the spell.

"I feel like we've been fooled!" Tonis cursed fiercely. There is indeed a magician in the Holy Land among them. I think he did this completely to make us unable to rest and wait until we are exhausted to clean up!"

"No, I think it's the right thing for us to be ready to fight at any time." Star shook his head, and then focused his eyes on the crystal ball in front of him.

The night in the forest is quiet and serene, and the night is deep. Even if it's late at night, you won't feel a trace of coolness, which is completely caused by geothermal heat. The high song in the forest has gradually lowered, as if the other party's voice has reached its limit.

Tonis fell asleep angrily again. He believed that Star was ready to fight and waited for four hours. Tired, he chose to recover his physical strength quickly. It's not that he is not vigilant... but because the song is really weird. The ** in the song is always mixed with an imperceptible 'awake-up technique', so that Tonis was woken up as soon as he was about to fall asleep.

That's why he stubbornly believes that this is just a trick played by the Hekai Mercenary Regiment.

But Star doesn't think so, because Narmina once told him the details of the strong man of the Holy Land. But he couldn't tell Tonis that because he didn't reasonably explain why he knew all this, Star had to hide it.

The sword mang raised his head from time to time, and his limbs moved uneasily on the ground. It really wants to follow the direction of singing to see who is singing at night.

I don't know when the forest began to be lively. It is no longer as quiet as it used to be, as if it has become a vegetable market. Through the crystal ball, Star could clearly see that a little bright and faint green light flashed in the forest, just like countless floating fireflies. When did all this change? It seems that it started when the song became low.

"Has the enemy come?" Tonis woke up again. No matter how tired a strong man is, he will wake him up as soon as the surrounding environment changes.

Star nodded and gently stroked the restless sword. It should be a pack of wolves."

"You seem to know all this for a long time!" Tonis asked.

"Yes, I guessed it when the song changed. There is a kind of magic that can indeed become a means of attracting prey. Powerful people can even control the prey in the whole forest at will. I think it must be what the Holy Land did. Star laughed.

"But human beings can't do this unless he is a Druid!" Tonis quickly understood the truth, and he said with a smile. It turns out that that guy is a hybrid of humans and Druids! Does that guy want to test us, or does he want this damn wolves to tear us to pieces? I think we are underestimated."

Star shook his head. Maybe the other party just wanted to lead Narmena here.

The song of the pillar is erratic, as if it came from all directions. The whole forest is shrouded in his singing, and it is impossible to distinguish their position at all. If Star didn't know Narmena in advance, it was indeed a poisonous trick. The means of exorcising wolves have also been used a lot. I didn't expect that this time it would become someone else's prey.

"We have to kill these wolves, otherwise our position will be exposed." Tonis looked at the approaching green spots in the woods and clenched his fists.

Star held him down, "Don't be tricked, let's leave first. It's enough to give me the rock puppet here!"

Tonis was stunned for a moment and then understood.

In terms of strength, the strong man in the Holy Land is always a powerful existence, even if he is seriously injured. These driven beasts are just an appetizer before the meal. When Nalmina notices the battle here, she will definitely come. In the face of the fifth-order Medusa, Tonis will definitely fight with all his strength. No matter what the outcome of the battle is, the Hekai Mercenary Regiment will always be the final winner.

All they need to do is clean up the battlefield.

So Star chose a temporary concession. In this way, your plan will not be variable because of the behavior of the mercenary regiment.

A huge wind wolf slowly came out from the back of the forest with cautious steps, and a pair of green eyes in the night were shining like a fire.

The wind wolf carefully took a few steps forward. When he was about to get closer to the two people, the ground under his feet suddenly shook.

Out of the intuition of the beast, the wind wolf immediately sensed the danger.

A huge rock hand rose from the ground, with a strong wind, and its hard fist waved straight to its fragile lower abdomen.

The wind wolf let out an angry roar, and its strong limbs made it jump up quickly from the ground. However, as soon as it left the attack range of the rock giant, another strong wind hit. The rock puppet waved his huge fist and hit the wind wolf on the back fiercely.

Copper head iron tail bean curd waist - this fist made the wind wolf collapse to the ground. The slender body twisted strangely, and the bones of the whole body became an exaggerated arc. With the trembling of the ground when the wind wolf landed, the sharp roar suddenly sounded from the woods again. Dozens of wind wolves appeared from the woods. They were so fast that they passed through the bodies of their classmates almost instantly and roared to Star and Tonis.

With the sound of a finger in the noisy forest, dozens of rock puppets almost shrouded the open space.

Star pointed to the two smaller rock puppets, and the magic was instantly input. Tonis looked at the place where he had just sat in surprise, and the two rock puppets were gradually shrinking into the appearance of himself and Star.

"I think it's time for us to get out of here!" Star waved his hand casually, and several reconnaissance bees flew out of the palm of their hands and quickly hid on the treetops nearby. Soon, we will see a good show!"

As the wolves rushed into the camp of the rock puppet, the forest was in chaos.

In the noisy and chaotic environment, shouts were everywhere, blood splashed, and Star and Tonis chose a place that they thought was safe in an orderly manner. The reconnaissance bee covers almost all the open space in the forest, so such a safe place is not difficult for Star to find.

Soon they stopped and took out the crystal ball to carefully observe the movement of the wolves.

The wolves obviously regarded the two models as the target this time. In order to tear them up, the wolves had to hit the rock puppets that formed the defense line again and again.

As ordinary beasts, the wolves are obviously not the opponents of these tall summoners. Each fist will be accompanied by a wailing and an extra pool of meat sauce, and the forest will soon be shrouded in a pungent smell of blood.

And the two puppets who became Star and Tonys also played their roles. Star looked righteous and kept directing the rock puppets to fill the loopholes in the defense array. But 'tonis' looked weak and sat weakly by the tree.

Wind wolves are just the most ordinary beasts. Although their attacks are fiercer, they still do not have the outermost defensive front of the rock puppet.

But the next moment, a deep roar came from the woods again.

Through the crystal ball, the two can clearly see the guest this time - the blood python!