Card Alchemist

Chapter 248 Dark Vortex

It seemed to be a warm but extremely strange scene. Five young girls lay powerless on **, and their slender necks were tilted to their side. The sudden bone vertebrae pierced from the fair skin, leaving a dazzling bright red on the pure white sheets.

Kemesle put on the sheets stained with the girl's blood. With the window opened by the wind, it rose as high as a cloak, with a strong smell of blood.

At this moment, the awe-ins from Kemesle's body almost shocked everyone's heart. No one can end five innocent lives with his own hands like him, but he laughs like an angel. Kemesle pulled out the sword with cold light around his waist and pointed to Star standing at the door from afar.

It's a pity that his opponent is Star.

Star could see Kemesle pointing to the tip of his sword and trembling slightly. His white eyes were full of ferocious blood, spreading into his eyes like poison.

In the name of darkness, wake up from the abyss and revive when everything is silent. Let the fear be full, and let the nihilistic will control everything... dark fear!"

Kemesl sang loudly, and there was even a trace of trembling due to excitement in his voice. The darkness of nothingness quickly abruptly emerged from the tip of the sword and pointed to Star from afar. This is the magic of the dark spirit system. Only those who are darker than dusk can release such a thrilling spiritual magic!

Star didn't mean to dodge, and didn't even have the idea of interrupting the other party's chanting spells.

It was not until the trace of darkness hid into Star's body that Kemesle finally couldn't help laughing crazily. How dare you underestimate me so much? I want you to feel it with your soul, so that you will always remember the fear of contact with death this time!"

However, the next moment, Star's movements quickly silenced his crazy heart. A black epee appeared in Star's right hand, which was the dark fear that had just hidden into his body. The black fog that keeps jumping above is like a churning dragonfly, and the 'hss' sound is like a roar begging for mercy.

Dark fear is a powerful spiritual magic, and the instantaneous soul impact will even make the opponent lose himself in fear. However, Kemesl didn't expect that his appetizer would be easily decomposed and synthesized.


Kemesul was furious, and he waved the exquisite silver cross sword in his hand. The slender sword body was waved by him like a epee. The attack method that should have been as light as the wind was used by Kemesl to cut and split like a epee.

Star quickly met him, and he used the epee formed by the dark fear in his hand to cut against Kemesul. He easily blocked the other party's chopping, and his body made a gorgeous turn. While passing close to Kemesul, the blade of the epee did not hesitate to cut the other party's throat.

However, at the same time, Kemesl continued to sing frightening spells: "In the name of darkness, fallen creatures will be promised to become demons. Even if you die, the soul will still be the most evil existence..."

Kemesle's left hand drew a strange forward-spinning six-pointed star gesture, and the next moment, several girls lying in ** suddenly roared and rushed over. Their bodies have become extremely tall, and the unknown black and gray fog spreads from their hearts and is gradually devouring their bodies.

Star did not waver at all. His sword accurately scratched the throat of a corpse and separated her body. But the next second, the headless body roared over.

'Blood rage!' Star shouted loudly in his heart. At the same time, he moved forward quickly. The epee pointed to the heart of the headless body without hesitation. The epee tore open her chest, and her internal organs mixed with dirty blood flowed out. Suddenly, a fishy smell filled the whole room. In the heart of the body, it can be clearly seen that the black and gray fog is being swallowed up by Star's heavy sword. The fog did not weaken by one point, and the black sword in Star's hand also increased by one point.

It's just a matter between two breaths. The headless body fell to the ground like a wooden stake again.

The fight between the two had already caused the dirty bed to be torn apart, and the splashed wood chips fell on the phonophono machine, and suddenly made a click sound.

However, at this time, several other corpses have also changed. They are as ugly as real demons. Their black and gray skin is covered with messy hair, and their beautiful faces have become extremely ferocious. The thin body is as strong as a cow, and naturally the eyes that have long been distracted become red again. There is also a pair of curved demon horns coiled on the head!

"Look, Star! Look, does this look like a synthetic beast in alchemy? They are so beautiful and charming. I think you will like them!" With Kemeser's hysterical laughter, a demon who had changed from a girl raised her thick and broad hands, quickly grabbed a large piece of bedboard on the ground and hit Star.

The bed board was so big that it was enough to lie down three or four people. However, now in her hand, it has become like a slender toothpick.

Soon, a rising rock puppet on the ground stood in front of Star. He blocked the smashed bedboard with his most solid arm, and with a 'bang', the wood chips splashed around crazily.

The rock puppet rushed up quickly. It quickly poked out its left fist and easily blocked the devil's hands. The barrel-like waist twisted gently, and the right fist was fiercely imprinted on the devil's beautiful face with inertia.

Suddenly, the 'kash' bone fracture sound, accompanied by the rumble sound, the demon who was punched has been completely buried in the ruins.

The battle on the rock puppet side has just ended, and the battle of Jian Mang has just begun. The high-speed rotating internal cyclone sent out an electric snake-like trajectory, and a demon who wanted to rush up from the side of the Star was suddenly cut in half.

Gradually, a pool of blood puddles accumulated from blood began to appear on the ground. With gorgeous footsteps, there were more blood footprints on the ground...

The five demons have been quickly solved. Either they have been smashed into meat sauce or have collapsed on the ground and lost their limbs.

The proud and confident smile on Kemesl's face quickly converging.

The wind outside the house is getting bigger and bigger. Through the hole that has just been smashed on the wall, it is raging crazily in the house. The blood-stained cloak behind Kemesle roared, symbolizing his increasingly uneasy heart.

The fragments of the rock puppets on the ground also quietly trembled between the killing intentions of the two people.

"Okay, that's good. I have been waiting for too long today. In the past year, I have been thinking about how to kill you all the time. When I got the power of demons from Dios, I began to completely degenerate because I needed more strength. Kemesle opened his arms, smelled the increasingly strong smell of blood in the air, and let out a long sigh. As my strength increased, I began to become more and more obsessed with such days. Isn't it?"

"No, I'm not like you. I also sold my soul to Dios. You are just Dios' minions and running dogs, but I'm free. I have my own will!" Star said coldly.

"I originally wanted you to appear at the baptism ceremony of being promoted to cardinal and perform the most gorgeous performance, but unfortunately, you didn't give me this opportunity." Kemesl suddenly opened his eyes and stared at the other party fiercely. That's good. Although I can't discredit you, I don't have to endure the endless suffering anymore.

The eyes of the two met together, and their eyes were full of provocation, ridicule and a strong murderous intention.

Kemesl glanced at the demon's body on the ground, but finally his eyes stayed on Star's body. As you said, I sold my soul to the devil, but I think only I can experience this depravity. And I also learned a piece of news that may frighten all alchemists... Haha!"

"The devil has an inextricable connection with the alchemist!" Kemesr stopped his unbearable laughter and roared crazily. Alchemists, like demons, are things that should not exist in this plane.

With that, a trace of viciousness flashed in Kemesr's eyes: "From today on, I will gradually kill the alchemist from you!"

As he spoke, he pointed to Star Yaoyao with his left hand. The spells in his mouth kept chanting, and dozens of dark and deep dark light balls suddenly appeared around the Star. The photospheres are colliding with each other and then cracking. The black fog inside the photosphere suddenly overflowed and began to rotate like a whirlpool.

"Dark vortex? Kemesle, you always like to look down on me like this. Looking at this scene, Star couldn't help shaking his head.

The magic of the dark system is as evil as the magic of the undead system. They do not belong to the magic of this plane, but the evidence left by other planes when they attacked the continent of Hastan. But it seems that the magic from the outside world always has something to do with the alchemist, just like most of the undead magic can be done with alchemy...

The dark whirlpool quickly surrounded the Star and began to spin crazily.

"Look down on you? Haha! I'm going to piece your body!" Kemesle shouted loudly. But then, his voice seemed to be choked and disappeared into his throat.

The whirlpool is getting smaller and smaller, and is gradually being absorbed by the epee in Star's hand. The epee has changed from the black fog at the beginning to the simplicity and unpretentiousness of the current one, which is because it has absorbed many dark elements.

"Your magic is released too slowly!" Star said with laughter.

It's true. Kemesul's magic is released too slowly. He always wanted Starr to die in endless torture, so he deliberately delayed the release of magic. But he didn't know that he had given the other party enough time to discover his magic and then decompose it.

The reason why the dark magic is so lethal is that its elements and their purity rarely contain other kinds of elements. The magic of a single element is undoubtedly the best exercise method for Starr's latest understanding from the 'magic breaker'.

"Ah!" The cry outside the door interrupted the two people's hostile eyes,

I don't know when a large group of waiters gathered outside the house. They looked at the corpses that had turned into meat sauce and the dirty blood in horror.

"Spiritual shock!"

Kemesl quickly shouted, and his eyes suddenly shot a substantial luster, and rushed straight into the eyes of the waiters outside the house. The waiters suddenly were all over, their eyes grew up, and the blood in the white of their eyes came out of the corners of their eyes crazily. The water blue spread quickly in their bodies, and then they fell to the ground like a puddle of mud.

"Haha, I was scared to death." Kemesr smiled crazily, as long as there was endless killing that one could give his heart a brief peace. Then he looked at Star. I won't give you another chance. I'm going to imprison your soul in permanent darkness and let you taste fear forever.