Card Alchemist

Chapter 282 Jealous of Witch Fire

Kaninage's face became paler and paler under the beating firelight. Although his plump and seductive lips had lost their blood color, they still couldn't help but rise up.

Through the faint firelight, through the circling bat monsters, she could clearly see the guy hiding at the end. It's the guy who just spoke... He held a pair of armor in his hand, shining silver in the firelight.

Star narrowed his eyes, and he could detect the slightly trembling body of Kaninage lying in his arms, which was an uncontrollable fear.

"It doesn't make sense?"

Star raised his eyebrows, and his eyes suddenly tightened. The fire folds in Kaninazi's hand suddenly burst out, and the flames soared crazily. Almost the next moment, the cluster of flames jumped into Star's hand. With his waving right hand, the flame swept out like a long whip that had been magnified countless times, covering almost half of the sky.

The night became as bright as day, and countless bats howled and fell down.

Their bodies are stained with flames, as dazzling as meteors in the night. But the man still stopped in the air, and his eyes were full of disdain and contempt. Those flames were eliminated by another invisible force when they reached him.

"Exerme let me introduce myself. People usually call me jealous witch fire - Mazulu. Dear Blood Bath Duke, the end of your life will stop here.

This man looks like an elegant aristocrat with a slightly pale and thin face. The tall bridge of his nose set off his cheek bones wider, and the flat corners of his eyes made him have a few more evil spirits.

Star quickly captured two messages from his words, 'others' and 'jealous witch fire'. It seems that this Mazulu is not here alone. He also has companions. As for jealousy of witch fire, does it represent a title? Or is it his character?

"You should be honored to accompany me through the last part of my life." Star stood up slowly and blocked Quiles with his body.

"It's an honor? This is simply a shame. Why aren't you in the Holy Land... It's a shame for me to let me play with you low-powerful guys. Mazulu twisted the handsome face, and the corners of his eyes became more and more narrow.

**Naked jealousy, **Naked anger. Star could clearly feel his anger caused by jealousy.

"Holy Land... So, my friend is more powerful than your other companion?" Starr's expression was solemn. It seems that he is more and less auspicious. Even your strength is so shocking, your other companion... tut."

Star deliberately squeaked his mouth and sighed.

"What, will he be stronger than me? He is not my opponent at all. Every time in front of the master, he can only flatter, only slip and pat the horse! Which point will he be stronger than me? What's worse than him?" Mazulu roared angrily. Why should he deal with the Holy Land, and I can only deal with you bastards!"

"Who is he?" A ray of light flashed in Star's eyes and he asked eagerly.

"Greed for the wind - Galloco!"

"Blood anger, greed chasing the wind, jealousy of witch fire..." Star said slowly in his heart. The titles of these three people are added - anger, greed and jealousy. If you are not careful, it will be easy for others to ignore these three words. But Starr won't, because he found it here for Derson's words - remember me, I'm Bloody Fury Derson.

If you add lust, overeating, laziness and pride, it will make up seven.

The seven greatest inferiorities of human beings, commonly known as the seven deadly sins!

The situation made Star feel a little unprepared. Mazuru had four other companions who did not appear. What made Star feel most unacceptable was that Desen had become one of them.

If their character is really as depicted in the Seven Deadly Sins, this crisis has been resolved.

"Maybe you will regret it!" Star slowly stretched out his right hand and let the flame jump on the palm of his hand. You see, your strength is not as strong as I thought. It's not even my opponent of the Holy Land partner at all, so you were sent to deal with us..."

"What did you say?" Jealous witch fire tried to round his narrow eyes and stared at Star.

"If I guess correctly, you have been seducing us through the territory of these monsters. Although their strength is not strong, they can consume our strength and physical strength to the maximum extent... Then you will come out to pick up a bargain and clean us up. Am I wrong? Because of your strength, you were sent to deal with us. But you are not our opponent - your companion, who is known as greedy and wind-seeking, he may soon be able to deal with the strong in the Holy Land, and then come to clean us up.

Star taunted the other party as much as possible. On the one hand, he maliciously devalued the strength of Mazulu, and on the other hand, he deliberately raised the strength of greed... The nature of human jealousy will soon be reflected! The more Majulu is jealous of others, the stronger his reaction will be.

"Damn it, say it again if you have the ability! It's easier for me to kill you than to kill an ant. Mazur shouted angrily.

"Look, maybe my strength is not as good as you. That's why you can yell at me like this... If I had the greedy strength, I think you must have no courage.

Star continued to say that he did not relax his observation of Mazulu at all, so as to better let the other party fall into his own trap.

Sure enough, as soon as he finished saying this, Mazulu's body couldn't help trembling. Then Star saw unparalleled jealousy and hatred in his eyes! Although he hid it well, he was still captured by Star.

The flame beat abruptly in the palm of his hand, with almost no warning. Star quickly stretched out his hand, and the flame head was pulled infinitely and attacked Mazuru crazily. The fire lit up the dark desert...


The explosion sounded, and countless bat monsters were stirred into the flames. They didn't even have time to waile or scream. In an instant, they turned into a mass of flames and fell feebly from the air.

A black cloud of mushrooms rose from mid-air, and even the bat monsters that were not stirred by the flames were blown away by the strong airflow caused by the explosion... They just grew a pair of wings, and their power was not even as strong as adult men. Under the anger of the flame, there is only death.

"Is it over?" Quiles gasped and quickly approached Star. Hurry up, we have to get out of here."

"No, it's not over yet. He blocked my attack..." Star took a deep breath and calmed down the continuous breath in his chest.

"This is a big trouble!" Quiles said.

"No, maybe the ending is not as bad as we thought."

Star pinched out the last flame in his palm. Suddenly, the whole desert suddenly returned to darkness again. Countless bat monsters stared at their blood-red eyes. In the countless dazzling red like lanterns, the body of Mzulu gradually emerged. His arms protected his body at the critical moment. His luxurious and clean clothes had been burned out by the flames, and there were some sporadic flames on them.

Mizulu looked extremely embarrassed at this moment, and his dazzling blonde hair had been burned, covered with black dust. Even the pale face can no longer see the original handsome face of Ma Zulu.

"Look, look! You are not my opponent, and even your strongest blow can't help me. Mazulu shouted loudly, and he smiled ferociously and shouted crazily. You are not my opponent at all, and your companion is not my opponent. I'm going to pinch you to death, it's easier than an ant!"

Kaninage clenched the corners of Star's clothes and couldn't help trembling. She struggled to stand up, but even such a simple action was extremely difficult for him because of her strength. Star slowly put his hand around her ribs and let Kaninage's body stick to his back.

"Yes, I lost. I'm not your opponent, that's really my strongest trick. I didn't expect you to avoid it so easily." Star bowed slightly, "I'm sorry, in my previous tone, you have proved that you are stronger than us!"

"Haha, it's really surprising that your attitude has changed. However, generously, I allow you to make a wish before you die. Mazuru snorted coldly. He slowly fell from the air.

Quiles secretly clenched the handle of the knife, "Did you lead him over?"

"No, don't act rashly. It's better to deal with such people from their personalities!"

"Are you discussing how to escape? Hurry up, I don't have much time to play with you." Mazulu urged impatiently.

"Are you worried that greed will come? Or are you afraid that his speed of laughing at you is so slow that even we can't deal with it? Star said with a smile. Although I admit that your strength is stronger than us, it doesn't mean that you can really do whatever you want!"

"Huh! Will I not be as good as him?"

"There is no evidence, what about the evidence?" Star laughed.

"Are you provoking me to deal with him?" M'Azulu reacted quickly. It's better than him! Where do you need evidence?"

"That's why you don't have self-confidence. I have a way to prove that you are stronger than him."


"If greed is cleaned up by me, it means that he is not my opponent. And you are more powerful than me, which clearly tells everyone that his strength is not as good as you!"

"Good idea!"

"Let us go. After we clean up the greed and the wind, you will appear and defeat us again. Even if he is not convinced, he can't do it. Isn't it?" Star said.

"It's up to you?" Mazulu said disdainfully.

"If you don't try, how do you know we can't do it?" Star smiled. But if you can tell us the weakness of greed, then of course we will win more easily.

"Smart guy, I'd be happy to do it."