Card Alchemist

Chapter 289 The Comeer is not good

And this stay is a whole four days. And for these four days, Starr has not been idle.

He kept simulating the scene in the land of evil diseases in his mind, the attack mode of Galloco and Mazulu. Although their attacks are full of tricks, they still have something in common. That's decomposition!

Obviously, they are more proficient in alchemy than Star.

And the appearance of Kaseseser is also an inevitable blow to Star. On the one hand, Star's heart can't believe that there is such a dragon at the end of the land of evil. However, the facts are here, and there is no room for Star to have any doubts. What's more, the defeat of the three powerful people in the Holy Land is an unacceptable fact for him... Although Mazulu and Galloco have lost their breath, Star suspects that they may not die.

And the biggest reason is the sitting statue of Death. Because of Kasesser's anger, the statue can summon the dark clouds from the deepest part of the land of the evil disease and drag the monster back. That guy doesn't look like an ordinary dragon at all. Its strength is beyond Star's cognition.

On the other hand, the appearance of Greedy Wind and Jealous Witch Fire made Star deeply feel an uncontrollable sense of crisis. Coupled with De Sen, who claims to be the anger of blood, the seven deadly sins of human inferiority have been put together, so who will the remaining four be? This is obviously more powerful than the seven apprentices of Dihas.

For the past four days, Star has been going around to catch the dead in the forest. But these guys, as Kaninage said, can't die at all... Even if they are decomposed into the smallest powder by alchemy, they will still restore them again in less than five hours. Fortunately, their strength is not strong, and their range of activities is only limited to this forest.

It's like the magic array behind the land of evil diseases, and there seems to be an unknown magic array in this forest that binds them. However, it is for this reason that Starr is assured that Uther can practice with these guys.

The battle in the land of evil diseases was so sudden that even the magic scrolls in the space ring were still lying quietly in it. More than two dozen magic scrolls, but most of them are just intermediate magic...

After sorting out some disordered thoughts, Star remembered the statue of Death. By the way, Uther! What do you think you see in the code of the statue of death?

Uther writes on the ground with his memory. These are ancient texts belonging to Bimon, which can only be seen in some ancient libraries. However, in a short period of time, Uther did not write down all the contents of the code, so his meaning was also intermittent.

And the content is nothing more than what Uther told Starr earlier.

No matter how strong Star's estimation ability is, he can't get more information from it. It's just that these things must have something to do with Dihas... It's just that no matter how you think about it, you can't figure it out.

After staying in the forest for a few days, Sta kept using the 'wheel of time' to restrain Quiles' more and more serious injuries due to dragon breath. Fortunately, the injury has been suppressed and is constantly getting better.

The recovered group said goodbye to the canyon, the Thunder Mountains, and continued to move north.

Tony's fighting spirit has recovered 40% to 50%, and Star has also recovered 70% or 80% of his strength. In addition, with Kaninage and Quiles, he naturally no longer has to worry about the attacks of monsters around him. In order to train Uther all the way, he was the main force for most of the time. However, the child's progress is also amazing. Perhaps he witnessed the battle in the land of evil diseases, and his heart to become stronger became more and more tenacious.

In the early morning of the fourth day, after the arrangement, everyone set off again.

The destination this time is naturally still the imperial capital... Everything seems to be normal, and the only difference may be Kaninage. The girl, known as the 'death knell', dodged in front of Star. I even deliberately avoided Star.

The group went out of the Thunder Mountains and continued to go north. They still saw the stone tablet, which marked the land of evil diseases.

Star continued to walk north and came to the small town on the northern edge of the forest. This is the nearest town to the Thunder Mountains. Star exchanged some Warcraft cores and alchemy materials in the ring for some gold coins - which had to be done. Although there are strong decision-making people in the mainland and Star, who holds the top position in the mainland, it is ridiculous. Everyone doesn't even have half a copper.

But there are not many crystal nuclei on Star, because when they were with the people of the Desert Fox Mercenary Regiment, most of the crystal nuclei hunted were given to the people of the Desert Fox Mercenary Regiment. And Star is reluctant to sell some high-level good goods in the space ring, because they are all indispensable raw materials for alchemy experiments.

So there are not many gold coins in exchange. In addition to buying some food and necessities, there is not even money to hire another carriage. Stari's pocket is empty again... Although he wants to sell some ordinary potions, the town is so depressed that those idle mercenaries can't afford to spend the money. And the shops in the town don't even know what the alchemist is.

Star sighed and thought that Roland had given him such a large amount of treasure, but now he has become such a virtue. It seems that I can only hope to go to the next city to sell some potions in exchange for some gold coins.

After thinking about it, everyone had to move towards the capital of Azeroth. Star was thinking about the rookie warriors who judged the Knights, and old Billy's own lectures. It's time to come. If he can't get back in time, maybe some people will grab their braids to do something.

The weather in the south is extremely hot, and the fields have dried up along the way, revealing ferocious spider-like cracks. Although the climate is hot, it is not known how many times better than the place of evil diseases. Fortunately, I met some discerning mercenaries on the way, and then I changed a few horses, and the journey was finally easier.

Several people left the southern town and rushed north. However, after only walking for a long time, he heard the sound of horses' hoofs behind him. Quiles stopped and looked back. There was a faint piece of smoke and dust on the road not far behind, and the dense sound of horses' hoofs trampled on the ground. I'm afraid that at least more than a hundred horses came in a hurry.

There were not many people on this road, and Star couldn't help frowning. It's a blessing, not a curse, it's a disaster that can't be avoided... Moreover, several people are injured, so they have to let everyone get out of the way to avoid unnecessary trouble.

Seeing that the more than 100 riders behind him gradually approached, Star and Kaninazi were both visually sharp people, and they immediately saw the two knights running in front of them. A style of armor, a red cloak is blowing behind him. At first glance, it looks like a red torrent. Those are the knights of the Holy See! In the sky behind him, there are several mages in white robes that have floated up, and the light elements around them have been realized, rotating like magic runes. They seemed to be unable to wait, casting wind spells to catch up quickly here. Look at those mages flying in the sky. When they fly, the wind roars through the sky. Obviously, they are powerful magicians!

"Is it coming towards us?" Tonis asked in a low voice. He has been following Roland for a long time and knows a little about the feud between Star and the Holy See. Now seeing these Holy See knights coming fiercely, he has quietly pressed his hand on the hilt of the sword. The murderous intent is revealed in his eyes. If the other party is really coming towards him, then he can only fight. It's better to kill them all and don't stay alive!

There are only four horses for several people, and they still buy bad horses at a low price. If the horse escapes, it will definitely not be as fast as the chasing soldiers behind them. At this time, Star and Tonis exchanged a winch, indicating that they should not act rashly. At the same time, he motioned Kaninagi to hide his body and prepare for a raid. Several people strangled the reins, stuck to the forest behind them, standing by the roadside, with strange light in their eyes, and they were already ready to go. There is a strong man in the Holy Land on his side, and Quiles and Kaninage are not weak. If the other party wants to make trouble, I'm afraid it's not enough!

However, the group slowed down halfway. More than a hundred knights stayed far behind, and only two or three people walked forward. One of them is a mage flying in the sky. He wears a robe that is not a regular magician's robe in the name of the magic guild, but the dress of the clergy of the temple. And these guys are all white-haired. When flying, the magic fluctuation sensor seems to be not weak. The cavalry behind them is not weak.

Star pretended to look casually and found that these people were all Knights Templars! There are only two levels away from the Holy Land, and there are more than 100 people. Where on earth did the Holy See get such a powerful help? But Star then remembered that when he arrived at the imperial capital for the first time, there were more than ten people following the holy land around Feigrand!

Such a group of people ran past Star and others and quickly stopped.

A knight, a magician! They looked at Kaninagi and Quiles, intentionally or unintentionally, and stood in front of Star.

Kaninage was a wanted criminal designated by the Holy See, and Star's heart suddenly rose. What Starr is most worried about is that while Kaninage's identity is exposed, his identity will also be exposed. And if these people are specially sent by Feigrang to target themselves, the trouble will undoubtedly be greater. Although the knights did not move at all, they stood in front of Star intentionally or unintentionally and blocked the road.

"The people in the Holy See... There are a few magicians in the enclave above. They are the elders in the temple, and their standard is not bad." Tonis said in a low voice.

However, as this team of hundred-horse-riding Holy See knights and several magicians of the temple had just stopped, the sound of horseshoes came again in the south! And this time, the horseshoe roared, dense and neat, probably a rough sound, but I'm afraid there are nearly a thousand riders!

Star's face changed, and he couldn't help looking up. On the road, a huge army of cavalry came, banners fluttered, and the sound of horses' hoofs shocked the sky! What's more rare is that these cavalry queues are neat. Even in the high-speed galloping, the queues are still neat, and the cavalry's armor is sharp and extremely powerful.

A kind of killing spirit unique to the regular army comes to the face!

The cavalry of more than ten thousand people rushed over and heard someone shouting loudly from afar, but they shouted with a fighting spirit. Lord Star, please take your time!"