Card Alchemist

Chapter 304 The Sword Walks away

Glyer declared war!

Gler, who is not even an opponent of the Holy Land, declared war on Star.

"Of course! As I said before, people always have to fight with enemies who are stronger than themselves. Because even if you fail, you won't be ashamed. And he always fights with opponents who are not as good as himself. Although he is a bully, once he loses, he will be ashamed. Just like Dios! If he is willing to tear open the plane and fight with you, I'm afraid that you will not be his opponent in full strength.

Star couldn't help shaking his head and sighing heavily. It was just that he was afraid of causing a battle between the heaven and the abyss in advance, so he used the soul fragments to revenge. So he lost, and it was very humiliating!"

"You mean, I will also lose to you like Dios? You should know that the power gap between you and me is too big. Sometimes, the gap in strength can be filled by other factors. But when the power gap has exceeded a certain extent, there will be no such problem!"

Glyre's staff is gently in front of him. A white light quickly flew towards Star. Star did not dodge, because he knew that even if he did, he may not be able to dodge.

The white light shrouded his body. Under the control of Gle's spiritual power, Star's body flew into the air completely uncontrollably. He looks like a controlled puppet!

"You know, as long as I make a move, you will be crushed." Glear looked at Star and said with a smile. Aren't you afraid?"

"Why should I be afraid?" Although he lost control of his body, Starr was still full of confidence. You won't kill me!"

"Why do you think I won't kill you?"

"Because you are the pride of darkness - Greer. Killing one or even attacking with all your strength can't hurt your enemy, which is not an honor for you. And this enemy is still an alchemist. With your reputation on the mainland, you only need to wave your arms, and all the alchemists will submit to your feet. Because my appearance is even more harmful to your pride.

"You are very smart and brave. No wonder Sadek will be defeated in your hands again and again, and he doesn't even have a chance to turn over. But unlike Sadek, he is more keen on ** his opponent and puts his enemies in a desperate and pessimistic situation to achieve his pleasure. I'm sorry, I don't have this hobby. So I decided to kill you!"

Gler waved his staff again.

"No! You are afraid of me, you coward without courage!" Star shouted in a hurry. He didn't want to die here. He didn't want to die so worthless. He still has a lot of things to do.

"Oh? Coward? You are the first person to use this word to describe me, and in my eyes, you are the last. I will never tolerate an ant screaming in front of me, let alone an ant that has shouted at me and still lives in this world!" Glear laughed, and the bare front end of the staff was slowly gathering light. No matter what you say, you just want me to let you go.

"Don't you admit that you are a coward?" Hearing Gler's rebuttal for himself, Star couldn't help laughing loudly. That kind of laughter doesn't sound like his life being controlled at all. On the contrary, the laughter is full of disdain and contempt.

Gleair frowned.

"I have only been exposed to alchemy for two years, and what about you? More than 2,000 years! With your pride, you can't tolerate my existence. Isn't it afraid of what else? You are afraid of my growth, and you are afraid that one day my strength will surpass you and trample you under your feet. You are just hiding the fear in your heart in the name of pride... But if there is really one day, I don't think your pride may be acceptable! Because in your eyes, I'm afraid it's just an ant.

"You are very unconvinced!" Glele said.

"Yes, I'm really not convinced. If you give me two thousand years, my strength will definitely surpass you. Maybe it doesn't take two thousand years, three years is enough. Star looked at Greer. You can only bully people and play with people who are not as strong as you.

"Well, since you don't accept it, there's nothing I can do. I'll give you a chance, as long as you can hurt me, even if you just cut off my hair or the corners of my clothes, it's your success. If not, then whether you are convinced or not, I will kill you.

Gler waved his wand, and the white light covering Star quickly disappeared.

"I won't show mercy, and I will attack you with all my strength!"

Star, who regained control of his body, looked at Glele coldly. Although he had a chance to survive, the probability was too slim. After seeing that Greer easily got rid of the soul imprint of the star-tailed turtle and Dios, Starr has understood that Greer's strength has reached a terrible level. No matter what spells you rely on to fight... I'm afraid you can easily catch it with Greer's experience and strength.

So the only way is for the sword to go side by side.

Thinking of this, Star immediately sang the spell loudly. This is the most common fire advanced magic spell, which can summon the flame storm. It is not very lethal in an instant. Once it is successful, it can burn by itself without the input of magic.

It's just this kind of spell. Any magician with a senior title can do it, and they even master it better!

Because of the magic spell, it pays attention to a word 'fast'! The faster the spell is chanted, the faster you can master the opportunity. It's only halfway through the magic spells sung by others. You have completed the spells, so you can attack first. Even if the other party sings the forbidden spell, you can win in an instant. And many powerful magicians know many skillful ways to chant spells. They will intentionally shrink, or blur the monotone, or continuously skip syllables that will not cause magic fluctuations. Even if you can finish the spell and release magic one second earlier than the other party, then there is a great chance of winning.

It's just that what about Star now?

Greyer almost laughed. Is this boy who wants to compete with himself? As early as when I was learning alchemy, the Flame Storm Spell had thirty-nine ways to reduce its time by half. Before you get the 'Stone of the Sage', this spell only needs a gesture that can affect magic fluctuations, such as ringing fingers... to be simply released.

But Starr read such a simple fire magic spell slowly and long... This boy, does he think he is performing a drama? A spell is sung so slowly that it seems to be afraid that others can't hear it clearly, and every syllable is read so carefully. Word by word, just like singing.

Gler has tried several times to interrupt the spell that Starr sings, but out of his arrogant personality, he disdained to do so at all.

Finally, Star spent almost several times more time than the magician and finished reading such a fire magic spell. However, the released 'flame storm' only flashed twice on the ground... It looked like a candlelight.

Gler even felt that he could step on this 'advanced magic' by stepping on it casually.

But suddenly, there was an ominous premonition in his heart. This child is very smart. He can't use such a lame technique... And he has the strength to defeat Sadek again and again and come back from the land of evil diseases, so his strength must be more than a little bit. It won't be stupid. Even such a spell will have to be chanted for so long.

Gler did react, but it was too late.

Maybe he is too confident, or maybe Star's performance is too real to distinguish between true and false. As a magician, they all need great face and dignity. I can't wait to be taller than people everywhere. How can I be so willing to show off!

Suddenly, the already swaying flame storm quickly erupted.

Almost at that moment, a little green color has faintly appeared in the erupting flame.

Ordinary magic has no way to cause damage to Glaire. The only way is to rely on Lv Yan. Use the clown-like performance to attract the attention of Greer and hide the magic fluctuation to the maximum extent, in order to hit!

Lu Yan appeared without warning... The deformation of the flame triggered a chain explosion, and the circle of the flame storm suddenly turned into a dense explosion! The roar was like a series of lightning in the sky, shaking around, and even Star felt that the eardrums were about to be broken... And Lvyan had enveloped Gle almost in an instant.

Seeing that Greer had been swallowed up by the explosion of Green Yan, a blue glow suddenly appeared in the firelight. A large number of water elements were almost crazily sucked in by this rapidly rotating whirlpool in the firelight, but Lv Yan did not mean to stop at all, but became more and more intense.

The sound of flame and water mist is endless, and then the water vapor is all over the sky!

Glear's whole body was shrouded in this water mist. He only heard a shout, and the water vapor boiled and evaporated crazily in the explosion of the flame. The rapidly rising water mist enveloped the area almost in an instant and was still expanding.

Gler was shocked and angry. He was so shocked that this boy mastered the transformation between materials so quickly. He was so angry that he was so careless and embarrassed by this boy.

Yan magic will not be extinguished so easily. It and the constantly gathering water elements create a huge thick fog. Gryor's strength is also extremely strong. Under the sudden attack of Lv Yan, he did not receive any damage. It's just that these damn fogs block his sight... The summoning wind elements that Greer is used to blow away the fog.

It's just that in the fog, Glaer suddenly heard a crisp movement...

It seems to be the sound of an arrow tearing the air!