Card Alchemist

Chapter 319 The Holy Land is the Holy Land after all

After all, the Holy Land is still the Holy Land. Whether it is Gler or Tonis, the strength of both of them cannot be underestimated.

Tonis, who rose to the sky, almost cut through the sky, and his speed even left a virtual shadow behind him. The sound of the sword breaking in front of him roared up and almost shocked the whole square. The silver-white tip of the sword is surrounded by fighting spirit, and the energy generated by fighting spirit is rampant on the tip of the sword.

The man has not yet arrived, and the momentum has still arrived.

A thick layer of thunder clouds in the sky was broken, and a swirling-shaped round hole appeared in the clouds, like a monster's open mouth, raging silently.

However, Greer is not mediocre. In fact, the strength of the strong who can become the Holy Land is not weak. Especially for Glear, who escaped from the 'land of evil diseases', his strength is even more out of reach of ordinary people. But this is also Star's headache!

If this Greer is still the one he saw in his study, it is impossible to defeat him with such a large number of holy places in the collection square. But this Greer came out of the 'Land of Evil Disease'! It's not that Star hasn't seen those monsters with his own eyes, even if you bombard them into powder with flames, thunder and whirlwinds, but after a few hours, they are still alive!

The monsters in the 'Land of Evil Disease' all have this ability. Obviously, Gle will not have it!

In the face of the attack of the Knights of the Holy Land, Glair did not appear in a hurry. It can even be said that since he appeared, there has been no such panic expression. It seems that everything is under his control! In fact, with Glear's strength, he can be so confident!

Gler was still so casual in the air. He just made a humb in front of him with his hand. Facing Tonis with such a simple finger, a strong Thunderbolt in the sky suddenly burst out! A column-sized thunder and lightning frightened from the clouds and hit Tonis fiercely, and suddenly set off a frenzy of lightning in the sky.


Tonis shouted loudly, raised his sword with both hands and raised his finger. The silver sword actually cut the thunder and lightning column from it.

This scene made Tonis look like a fish against the current, rushing up against the torrent of lightning. His whole body was shrouded in electric light. Lightning and fighting gas collided, stirring out countless electric sparks, shining with dazzling light in the air!

At the same time, Star doesn't care about hiding his strength. He quickly recited the spell, and countless wind elements gathered here crazily around him. With the power of the 'Sage' Stone', the wind element quickly formed an almost stagnant internal whirlwind in his hand! Even because of the excessive compression of the elements, there is even a magic tide around...

Glear's home court is in the sky, so Star's only idea now is to beat this bastard from the sky!

At the same time, the electric light has disappeared. Tonis was indecisive, and the sword in his hand stabbed into Glear without hindrance. His figure was blurred in the air, and then he appeared beside Greer.

The power of the Holy Land...

This scene made Star see clearly, but with his current strength, he still can't know which rule Tonis used!

Is it time? Or space?

But the only thing that is clear is that Glear knows it. Just as Tonis' figure flashed out like lightning, and the silver sword went straight to Glear's chest, it suddenly happened!

Gler's eyes flashed with lightning, making a deep cold hum. A large mass of electric light appeared all over his body, just like a hedgehog... But there is no doubt that there is a world of difference between the hedgehog and Glare now! These electric lights rotated around him crazily, even rendering the sky into silver. Then, these lightnings spread wildly around, and the sky was suddenly covered by the sound of lightning and thunder!

The continuous rumbling sound almost enveloped the whole imperial capital!

Not to mention the square in front of the Alchemy Guild directly below Lei Yun. There was chaos in the square, but no matter how high it was, the shouting and beatings were drowned out by this thunder!

A wide range of thunder and lightning gushed out of Greer's body, turbulent like a tide, hitting Tonis. The crackling electric light exploded like a continuous firecracker and directly hit Tony's body.

Tonis was slowed down for a while. In the face of Gleel's crazy counterattack, he could only protect his body as much as possible with fighting spirit to protect his key points. But Gleair is a legendary alchemist and comes from the 'land of evil diseases'! His magic is as endless as a sea, which can directly drown the other party, not to mention controlling thunder and lightning to attack!

The fighting shield has been exhausted in the blink of an eye, but the attack of thunder and lightning has not stopped. Coupled with the last lightning spear, it directly knocked Tonis out like a flutter. The lightning spear went straight through Tony's abdomen, sending him back to the ground again, and his departure was faster and more fierce than the coming!

With a bang, Tonis smashed a dent on the ground fiercely. When he fell back to the ground, Tonis wowed and spit out a big mouthful of blood. Even in the blood, it seems to be stained with thunder and lightning elves...

Star's face was gloomy. He didn't expect Tonis to lose so quickly. Lightning shield... You can use the lightning element to this extent and change the form of lightning according to your own thoughts. Greer, you really deserve to be a legendary alchemist! A monster from the 'Land of Evil Diseases'!"

A deep sneer jumped out of Greer's throat, "After seeing my strength, it's too late for you to regret it. I'm going to turn you into ashes under my anger!"

A crescent-shaped arc quickly formed in Greer's hand. Greer raised his hands, and the crescent arc fell from the air. Just as it reached the ground, it almost rubbed the ground and shot at Star. A terrible deep ditch was ploughed on the ground and hit Star with a fierce force.

It's just that Star is not fighting alone.

Quiles quickly exhausted his whole body of fighting spirit and arranged a huge fighting shield around Star!

But then, with a 'bang', the crescent arc firmly hit the fighting shield. Suddenly, it emitted a dazzling light like a star collision. And centered on the collision point, a visible ripple scattered around the dust on the ground. The powerful airflow almost blew away most of the clouds in the sky and swept away with the roar.

The fighting shield arranged by gathering the whole body strength of the pity knight was actually torn apart by this crescent arc.

And the power of the explosion almost covered the whole square. The people closest to the site of the explosion suffered. The powerful airflow blew them away, and even the unreliable buildings outside the square collapsed. Countless beams and walls were blown away by the hurricane...

This is the power of the Holy Land!

A lightning shield, a lightning spear, and a crescent arc, Glaire exerted great power with the simplest spell. This kind of strength may be Greer's real strength!

Star couldn't help squinting his eyes... If the Greer in the sky, his strength is as strong as the Greer he saw in the study two days ago, then Star can't be sure until now... Even the current Greer still hasn't used all his strength. Because at that time, it was still so easy for Gle to defeat the soul imprint of Dios!

This is Glear! A legendary alchemist who is so powerful that people can't believe it! It's not a variety of spell combinations, it's not a terrible spell at the level of forbidden spells, and it's not a special casting skill... He seems to be so simple to gather a single element, reaching a powerful and unimaginable level.

The fighting shield was broken. Star was no longer supported by the airflow impact caused by the explosion and immediately flew backwards.

But Tonis and Quiles have bought enough time for themselves, and a lot of time can make him complete his spell.

The internal cyclone that had almost stopped in his hand was quickly thrown out by him... This group gathered countless wind elements and rushed into the air quickly by the ball of light compressed to the extreme by Star.


Gler actually returned a thunderous roar. Who would have thought that such a powerful energy could be released in his old body. The thunder suddenly appeared between his tongue, almost dispersing the internal swirl airflow. Even the internal cyclone could not stand the power of this roar. The photosphere almost burst and almost disappeared into the air. Even so, the wind element of escape suddenly disappeared!

Greyer let out a sneer.

He is the legendary alchemist. No matter who comes here, he will not be afraid! No one is his opponent!

It's just that when he looked at Star, the eyes he thought would be full of surprise, but the eyes of fear were full of smiles. What's going on? This idea suddenly came to Gler's mind!

But what happened later made Glele understand all this.

The clouds under his feet quickly dissipated. No matter how he imprisoned these thunder clouds with magic, he didn't seem to be able to do it. Large clouds began to disappear, replaced by waves of heavy rain, snow and even hail on the ground.

No one knows more about how clouds are formed than Star!

As long as he moves his mind a little, he can make the clouds disappear. However, Gladell's arrogation made Star succeed again!

The black clouds over the square finally disappeared with the last piece of hail!

(I'm very sorry... I will recover later...)