Card Alchemist

Chapter 321 Two Legendary Alchemists

In the sound of doubt, Roland's voice resounded throughout the audience.

"I can prove for my Star Duke that his stone is indeed from the 'Sage Stone' on a tree with Greer!" Roland came out of the many imperial guards. Under the fully dressed dress, the emperor's unhungry momentum suddenly enveloped the audience. The guards clenched the weapons in their hands, and with the appearance of Roland, they secretly raised their vigilance.

"What do you use to prove it?" Sethus asked.

"Prove it with my identity as Your Majesty the Empire!" Roland said resolutely.

"I can also prove it with my identity as the president of the alchemy guild!" Doriel said later.

"I can also prove... Hey hey, use my identity as a legendary alchemist!"

Just as Roland and Doriel stood up to defend Star, the person who had been ignored appeared again.

The huge tail of the star-tailed turtle meteor hammer has been dragged away from the original place, where it was originally a pool of corpses turned into meat sauce, splashed with blood all over the ground. Just when everyone thought that the old man who pretended to be Greer had been killed, his voice came again.

Everyone's mechanical eyes turned around...

The minced meat quickly gathered under everyone's sight and slowly squirmed. The organ that looks like a human face is still talking. I use my identity as a legendary alchemist to prove it! That stone is indeed the 'stone of the sage' that I picked from the same tree 2,000 years ago!"

There is a dead silence in the square.

No one has ever been able to survive after being smashed into minced meat. This is obviously the devil's spell...

Everyone turned their angry eyes to Sethus and the knights of her fanatical trial, because the demon followed them and slaughtered so many alchemists.


Finally, someone broke the silence, and his shouts were lost with dazzling spells.

For a moment, almost all the people who know magic in the square summoned the magic or alchemy that they were best at. The position where Greer stood has become a deep pit. But when a hurricane swept by and took away the smoke and dust, the minced meat had changed back to its old appearance.

The attacks of tens of thousands of alchemists and magicians have no effect on him!

This strange scene made a cold wind sweep across the square, sweeping everyone's backbone, and the chill inadvertently enveloped everyone.

"Oh, my God, how can I think of working with him!" Sethus closed his eyes in despair. The old man who came out of the 'Land of Evil' and claimed to be Glear went to the crazy trial... How could Sithers know that he was also a monster who escaped from the 'Land of Evil'!

"The best way to defeat a holy land is to cover up the other party with thunder before he starts all his strength! Hey hey, Star, you've done it once!" Glele twisted his neck with a continuous click, and a cunning and strange smile appeared at the corners of his mouth. But can you do it once?"

Gler opened his hands, and the vast magic came out of his body, covering the whole square.

"I'm going to kill you. So many delicious and powerful souls can restore my strength." I laughed.

His white alchemist robe danced without wind, and his gray hair stood up.

The already clear sky darkened again, and countless rain clouds shrouded here from around. Then, the heavy rain fell with a magnificent momentum. But the scope of the rain is only shrouded in this square, and no one can escape!

Almost every drop of this rain is attached to magic. If it falls on everyone, it will not slip down. Instead, it gathers like a water balloon, trying to wrap everyone in it.

It's not just that. It's almost in the rain clouds above the head. Countless thunder and lightning lights are like long dragons, shuttling through the dark clouds. There were countless screaming roars, making noises about everyone's eardrums.

The spells of the water system and the lightning system only need to be released in order, which can cause more than ten times the power than usual.

This also means that none of the tens of thousands of people in the square can go out alive.

This time, the old man's eyes were undisguised murderous.

This is a real murderous atmosphere, which is completely different from the previous appearance of a hippie smile. The fierce murderous atmosphere almost made the surrounding temperature drop straight to the freezing point. Everyone couldn't help shivering.

Several holy places present are the first ' care' objects of Gle. They have completely endured most of the mental strength from Greer, but this has made others more and more unbearable. No one can resist this murderous intention that directly affects the soul.

Star, who is opposite Glyer, is the first to be the brunt.

Just in the face of Gle's spiritual lock, Star can still avoid it. Of course, this is due to the role of the "Sage Stone" on his chest. And in the face of spells at the same time, he can only use his flexible body to avoid all this.

"Hmm, isn't the martial arts low? Young, but greedy. You don't know how greedy you are. With your qualifications, if you only learn one, you will definitely have extraordinary achievements. Perhaps you standing today are close to the strength of the Holy Land. Mowu Shuangxiu, hum, that's just a joke!"

Glyre sneered. Looking at Star dodging left and right to avoid his spell, at the same time, another wind spell flew out of his hand. Under the lock of Greer's spiritual strength, Star had already dodged the difficulties, but now he can't dodge. The body was immediately locked by airflows. Not to mention struggling, even a little finger could not move.

"I will take away this 'stone of the sage'!"

Under Glele's robe, the airflow surged. He walked quickly in the square that almost became an ocean, while grabbing Star's chest with both hands.

But at this time, the water shrouded in the square suddenly dispersed around the Star.

The scattered position is not large, but it is enough to accommodate one person to stand down.

It looks like a whirlpool rising out of thin air, pushing countless water around. However, in this whirlpool, a figure slowly came out, and what he saw was a dark corner of his clothes.

Soon, the vortex dissipated.

This figure, which seemed to rise from the ground, had stood in front of Starr and stood in front of Greer.

Black hair is like ink...

The black casual clothes are close and neat, and the strong and tall body actually emits vigorous power.

Another Glair!

It's the Glear that Star saw in his study!

This 'Young Greer' has a frosty face, and his eyes are full of unparalleled murderous intent. The casual clothes around him were blown by the bottom-up airflow, and his hand grabbed the wrist of the 'Old Greer'.


The voice of 'Old Greer' suddenly swallowed back, and he looked at the sudden appearance of the young man in front of him in surprise. At first, it was anger, and then the angry expression changed sharply. A pair of eyes almost bulged out of their eyes, and the tip of his nose shrugged rapidly. The bean-sized sweat soaked from his forehead, and his whole body trembled violently as if it were a sieve.

"Who are you?" The old Glear shouted in a hoarse and shrill voice.

"I, I'm the legendary alchemist Greer!" The teenager Greer let go of the other party's hand, casually tidied up a robe, and looked at the other party with a smile.

"Then who am I?" The old Glear roared almost like a scream. If you are me, then who am I?

"You are a demon, a monster crawling out of the 'land of evil diseases'." The teenager Gleer said. You are just a corpse, an unconscious corpse.

"No! No! You are not! I'm the legendary alchemist, Greer. You're lying!" The old Grail suddenly raised his hand and pointed at each other. He shouted in an unparalleled sad voice.

He suddenly shouted as if he had met a ghost. Then the voice almost seemed to be extremely afraid! While wailing, he could retreat. The momentum of the Holy Land disappeared in an instant, and when he retreated, he tripped several times in a row. No way, no way, you're lying!"

"No, I'm not lying. I'm the real legendary alchemist - Greer!"

As soon as the young Gleer's words fell, the old man who had been in the square before ran away with a sad scream.

Star watched this scene, because the wind spell was still binding him.

"Isn't he Gle?" Star asked.

"No, he is!" Young Glele shook his head.

"What about you?"

"Me too!" Young Glele said.


"He is just a corpse! It's just a corpse that generates self-awareness, just like those monsters in the 'land of evil diseases'!"

"Then why did you save me?" Star asked.

"Well, I still want to watch you become a being beyond me in three years! If someone else takes action today, I will definitely watch you die here. But after all, it was 'I' who took action!" Glele said.

"Is that so? You will regret it one day!" Star said with a smile.

"Humph!" Gleir ignored Star's ridicule, turned around and disappeared in place.

It was not until the 'two' Greer disappeared that the water covering the whole square gradually disappeared. When everyone escaped from this damn spiritual power, they did not shout for joy as much as they imagined, but some were just silence. Everyone stared at the center of the square, where Greer was standing just now.

What happened just now?

They only vaguely remembered that they were wrapped in a ball of water. Then, where did the powerful man who pretended to be Glele go? What the hell is going on here? What about the powerful monster that can resist the digital sanctuary alone?

Even the other holy places present did not see what was going on. They only faintly saw a figure in the water curtain, but what about now?

When everyone came to their senses, they realized that it was over. Anyway, the powerful enemy has at least disappeared. After a moment of silence, there was a burst of noise around the square. Everyone was extremely amazed! But after amazement, they noticed another thing, and the main person who caused these things was still here!

"Kill them!"

A shout broke out among the alchemists, quickly surrounding the remaining knights of the fanatical judgment house.

" Stop it!" It was just a subsequent shout that calmed down these excited alchemists!