Card Alchemist

Chapter 328 Tracking

Seeing Sethus enter the temple, Star's heart suddenly thumped.

It's a little troublesome.

Although he did go to the temple last time, the temple was not as ordinary as the civilians in the city thought. It was just a place of pilgrimage and prayer.

The long corridor is a straight road. Even if ordinary people walk, it will take at least a quarter of an hour!

This is not how long this corridor is, but the stone bricks laid on the ground are a little strange. As early as last time, Star had already noticed it. It's not that he didn't care, but he secretly used alchemy and quietly scraped a small piece of stone from the ground to study it.

The result surprised Star!

This is actually a thick soil that has been diluted nearly thousands of times!

In the forest where the mercenary regiment fought for wisdom and courage, it was these strange gravity thick soil that was used as a natural protection by Medusa Narmina. Tonis, who was the Holy Land, almost fell on this strange magic item. After that, Star also wanted to get a little gravity and thick soil to study it carefully, but he never had a chance. Now this temple, as a sacred place for tens of thousands of worshippers of goddesses, has actually got this strange natural product, which actually makes Star a little confused.

But of course, this is what the previous popes did. Not only Sta can't figure it out, but even today's Pope Fergrand doesn't know what the slate is buried under the ground. After walking up, his whole body seems to be doubled. Even the last pope had investigated, and even sent someone to pry up all the slate here, but the thick soil was buried in a deeper layer, which he did not notice. In the end, it's over.

Because after becoming the Pope, you will inevitably understand the secrets behind the whole Holy See, and no one will be stupid enough to dismantle this kind of 'defense' arranged by predecessors.

This thick layer of soil not only makes these pure believers more convinced of the true existence of God, but also makes many people who want to pry into the secrets behind the Holy See have to stop at the door of the temple. No matter how cleverly you dodge the monitoring of the guards at the door of the temple, you must walk through this corridor. Even in the Holy Land, it is a little difficult to cross this passage in a short time!

It seems that this temple is really a little strange, and there must be an unspeakable secret.

Sta calmed down and couldn't help frowning. It seems that it is not so easy to enter the temple unless someone leads the door.

At this time, Fergland was sent out of the temple like a group of people holding the moon. Looking at the dusty appearance, there seemed to be something urgent. He just said hello to the crowd and disappeared into the night.

In order to save people, Star immediately gritted his teeth and took out a bag of sticky black objects from the space ring.

The moon is dark and the wind is high. Although it is autumn, the residual heat of summer has not dissipated.

The cryphony of the knowledge is constantly coming from the rows of willow trees outside the temple, sometimes high, sometimes low, and like a strange piece of music.

Gradually, a dark cloud covered the sky, quietly covering the face of the moon.

Several guards of the temple at the door suddenly increased their vigilance. The powerful magic fluctuations from outside the imperial city before have always been vividly remembered by them, and those forces that were almost close to the Holy Land surprised them.

A breeze swept by, the torch in front of the statue of the goddess couldn't help trembling, and the strange shadow began to sway.

I don't know when there is an extra figure in the shade of the down-hanging willows, and he is rushing to the temple.

The temple guard suddenly raised his vigilance and couldn't help clenching the weapon in his hand and staring at the flying figure.

This figure became clearer and clearer, and the temple guards suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

"It turned out to be the Pope." The leading temple guard stroked his chest at Feigrand. Praise the great goddess, didn't you go out just now?

Feigran's face seemed to be anxious, which made several temple guards a little confused. But he broke straight into the temple without saying a word, as if he didn't even mean to take care of these temple guards.

"Your Holiness, please show me your pass!" The temple guard held the sword at his waist with his right hand, shining cold light, and the uniform cloud-striped sword body was fierce and murderous under the light and shadow.

"Do you want to get out of the way, even I need a pass?" Feiglan brushed his sleeves and fanned towards the temple guard.

In front of the silent temple, there was a slap in the face. The temple guard covered his face aggrievedly, and several other companions also looked at Feigrand with great surprise, with a puzzled face. Although the new pope usually behaves a little strangely, why does it seem to be more different today?

The four temple guards immediately crossed in front of the door, and their right hands pressed the hilt of the sword one after another.

"Your Holiness, you just said that today. Whoever wants to enter the temple must show a pass. Even you are the same! You said this sentence in person!" The face of the temple guard who was beaten looked quite embarrassed. At the beginning, what Feigrang said was indeed right, and of course, it also included the sentence that was not even his own exception. But now it's time for the guards to hesitate.

After all, the Pope is the Pope with a high status.

Maybe that sentence is just to show that Feigrand is not different, but it is at this critical time that makes others embarrassed. Is it to let go or not to let it go!

"Your Holiness, please don't embarrass us." The temple guard thought about it carefully for a long time, but still insisted on his choice.

In fact, this is also a disguised gambling for temple guards. Even if Feigran broke through, they didn't dare to stop him. But if this is just a test for the Pope, it may also be an opportunity to rise.

Just as the guards lowered their heads and were ready to be reprimanded, they suddenly ushered in a burst of laughter.

With an angry face, Feigrand suddenly turned into anger and patted the temple guard who had been contradicting him with great pride. Just when some monks in the temple guard were confused, Feigrand said the reason.

"After I got off the temple just now, I haven't left yet. I noticed that there was a huge breath here. When I was about to explore, it happened to disappear. So I rushed back... I was afraid that they would disguise themselves as you, so I came to test it." Feigrang laughed and nodded with satisfaction. Quickly pull out a token full of thick light elements from his arms.

Several temple guards wanted to come up and see it clearly, but they had no choice but to gather the elements on the token. Especially at night, it is like a dazzling sun. Several guards couldn't even open their eyes, but before they could see it clearly, the token had been taken back.

"You are here to stay. From now on, no one is allowed to enter the temple until I come out!" At this moment, Feigrand suddenly exuded the momentum of taking advantage of the world. I suspect that the man didn't go far, and may even pretend to be me and sneak into the temple!"

The four guards unconsciously tightened their bodies and gave a gentle salute to Feigrand. It was not until Feilang's shadow had completely disappeared into the corridor that he raised his head.

"Brothers, did you just see the token in the Pope's hand?" The temple guard with a small beard on his mouth first raised his head and asked his companion in a low voice, looking at Feiglan, who was gradually blurred by the shadow. That token is so dazzling that I didn't see it clearly at all!"

"Hey, is that what you can see clearly?" The other guard with a hemp on his face said rudely and sarcastically. He is the Pope, the closest person to the goddess in the whole Holy See. Compared with previous popes, I don't know how kind they are. It's good for him to give you the token. You still want to see it clearly. Dream of you!"

"That's it!" The other guard also talked about it. Anyway, we just need to keep an eye on the door. We can't let anyone without a token enter or leave the temple. Since the Pope praised us tonight, I don't think a good day will come in a few days.

"Why?" The mustache is a little unclear.

"Think about it, it's a big deal to be praised by the Pope. From tomorrow on, maybe those priests will have to transfer us out of this damn guard job. Do you think the good days are coming soon?"

Several guards laughed.

"In a hurry, your heads have to fall to the ground!" In the deep corridor, Feigran clenched his fist. A sounding stone in the palm of the hand was suddenly crushed, and the black powder quietly slipped from the palm of the hand, fell into the pure white floor and disappeared invisibly.

If those guards want to see this scene, they will never be happy anymore.

I saw Feigran gently touch his face. A sticky black object fell down. Fergran's resolute and hard face suddenly became thin, and suddenly returned to Star's appearance.

"It seems to be really effective!"

Star smiled secretly and quietly put the black object from his face into the space ring. This transformation mud is really useful. It has deceived all those idiots. But Fergran came out of the temple so late. What the hell happened? Why is the temple so heavily guarded recently? What on earth does he want to do?

Although Star successfully entered the temple, he was still a little afraid when he remembered the scene just now. If it hadn't been for the fact that I was in a hurry to resist the guards, if I hadn't condensed into a forged token with alchemy in time, and made the light element on the token unusually thick, I'm afraid I would have to show flaws on the spot! Even so, Star's hand was burned by too pure light elements.

Although these demonic forces in the body are Starr's greatest help, they also cause a lot of trouble to Starr.

After taking a deep breath, Star closed his eyes to find out the position of Sethus. Although the light elements in this temple are extremely rich, ** still detects the faint traces of darkness in the depths of the earth.

It seems that the poison of 'red lead' in Sethus's body has not completely disappeared, otherwise, she must have been able to detect such a small thing hidden in her body.

Taking a deep breath, Star walked quickly to the depths of the temple. Just halfway there, Star stopped again. The whole corridor has not passed, even the residual smell of Sethus in the air, as if it had disappeared out of thin air.

"What's going on?" Star couldn't help frowning. Normally, it is impossible for Sethers to find his little move so soon!

Close your eyes...

He remembered the situation when he came to the temple with Feigran for the first time. At that time, he was careful in all the rooms in the whole temple. Although the building was huge, it was only on the ground at that time. According to the faint dark fluctuations from the ground, Star is convinced that this is the entrance to the bottom of the temple.

Stand on your feet.

The spiritual power was instantly released to the extreme, and the skilled alchemy followed Star's palm, covering a whole yard of distance around. Sure enough, in this place with the strongest smell, that is, at the height of the ten blades at the foot of the Star, there is already a hollow place. There are all the structures of granite, as if they had been hollowed out.

Star glanced at the periphery of the corridor and slowly squatted down. Knocking one by one along the neatly laid slates on the ground... Sethus can't disappear out of thin air. The only explanation is that there are hidden roads here, and there are hidden switches.

After the sixth slate was knocked, Star quickly stepped back a few steps. After a moment of silence, I saw a few soft flipping sounds of the slate on the floor of the ground. Then, faintly, there seemed to be a thin light shining out.

Star couldn't help frowning. The stone slab in this corridor is actually enchanted with magic. As long as this piece of magic is touched, the slate will crack and then automatically release the space magic array. The people standing in the corridor will be introduced into the secret path under the temple. Starr couldn't help nodding. No wonder none of the people who came to observe the temple could detect the reason. They may guess that the secret of the temple is in the deepest palace or the most hidden place. How can I imagine that the biggest secret is in the aisle of this person coming and going!"

"It's really a good means!" Star couldn't help laughing.

When I looked at the ground again, the glimmer of light had dissipated. The original slate was very tightly grounded, and it suddenly opened gently like a local block on the Rubik's Cube. Silently, a dark passage appeared, and all the stones below shrank in. There are only three or four steps, which is just a matter of three steps.

It's just that the secret path is more than ten meters deep in the ground.

Although this magic array with 'space magic' is not very smart, it is definitely long enough. Because this type of magic array has long been lost, I'm afraid it has existed since before the establishment of the Holy See!

Star took a deep breath, and then jumped into the dark entrance. As soon as Star's forefoot entered the passage, the shruncated slates on the ground immediately turned back silently. In just a moment, it quickly returned to its original appearance. The connection is tight, where is there a little gap? Where are the traces of the previous passage?

Star, who jumped into the secret path, only felt dark around him. The secret path did not seem to be narrow. He reached out and touched the wall. The tentacles were cold, and the stone was as cold as ice, but it was a little strange. If it hadn't been for the urgent matter now, Star would have been unable to suppress his curiosity and turn to study the strange stones in the secret channel.

Fortunately, it didn't seem to be wet down here. Star took a tentative step, and the ground under his feet was hard and not soft at all.

I took two more steps, and suddenly, it seemed that there was a gust of wind over my head. Then I heard a shout in front of me, and a light lit up.

After two steps, Star has crossed the path and reached the bottom of the temple.

Star looked up and couldn't help but be stunned on the spot. This underground palace is really a big hand!

Before we meet, there is a secret path that extends for a long time, like a sheep's intestine, turning around and thousands of times, and can't look at the top. On the wall in front of you is a hanging lamp shaped like a torch. The lamp is not a flame, but a faint magic crystal.

Star had just taken a step, and then it seemed to be some kind of automatic induction. On the wall of this secret road, there is such a lamp every ten meters, walking forward step by step with Star. The crystal lamps on the wall also automatically light up one by one, illuminating the way forward! There are a lot of light elements in these magic crystals. Star is still far away, and you can feel the light element coming to your face, like burning pain.

Star quickly protected his whole body with his mental strength, and he felt that it was better.

Walking forward, the secret road is about three or four meters wide and high. Walking in it alone, it was very empty. The stone slab on the wall was not dust and corruption at all. It looked like new, as if someone had come to clean it every day!

Star couldn't suppress his curiosity and squatted down. There was an invisible transparent film on the ground. I reached out and wiped it on the wall. Sure enough, there was no dust, and it was also covered by a light film.

"It's not simple!" Star took a deep breath.

But I became more and more confused. Such a big project, such an old transmission array, such a huge magic. This history did not appear not only when the empire was the strongest and the national strength was the richest. And, for Star. He has almost read all the books about the mainland and built such a maze-like underground secret road group. Without three or two years, it is absolutely impossible to complete it, and it is absolutely impossible not to leave a trace!"

Speaking of the maze, Star has just taken more than ten steps, and dozens of different fork roads have appeared in front of him.

There are suddenly upward passages, and there are straight roads. If others come here, I'm afraid they will die in this maze. But Star won't, because the smell left by Sethus in the air has not dissipated.

Just a little condensation, Star chose the leftmost channel and walked in!