Card Alchemist

Chapter 353 Commitment

From the moment he stepped into the cell of the gods, Greer kept deceiving himself. There was only one thing that Greer told the truth to Star - that is, only by destroying all the gods in the prison of the gods could he get out of the cell.

Looking at Gler's lighter and lighter body, Star's mouth became more and more bitter, and the anger in his heart disappeared in this moment.

"Why don't you fight?" Glele looked at Star with a smile, with an interesting expression.

Star clenched the handle of the sword and couldn't help loosening it. If he continues to attack Greer now, in less than three hours, Greer will definitely disappear from this cell because he has exhausted all his strength. Star looked at Glele and shook his head helplessly. Thank you!"

Glare took a good look at Star for this sentence, but didn't say anything.

"If you continue to fight, you will die!" Star licked his dry lips and looked at Glele. "Why don't you tell me the truth? Are you the last god? You don't want to kill me. That's what you planned from the beginning? Let me slaughter all the gods in the area, and then let me kill you with my own hands?"

Unlike the two legendary alchemists Starr met before, this Gleer never thought about himself and focused on Star. Even if he is dead, he wants to teach Starr how to really use alchemy at the end of his life. Although it was only half a day, Starr had learned more experience than usual in this half day.

After all, Glair is the most powerful and magical alchemist on the mainland.

"Have you seen it?" The smile on Greer's face became more and more faint. The power in his body is almost unable to maintain his current appearance. To look, he is almost integrated with the background behind him. Glele shook his head with a wry smile and said, "I saw that you were an emotional person when you entered the prison room of the gods. If you know the truth, you may not be able to do anything to me. You should know that although I can't live for a long time, I can still live for more than a hundred years just by relying on the strength of this cell.

"Only fighting can accelerate the loss of my strength! Now, I only have three hours of life!" Glear said. As for Kaisya, you don't have to worry at all. I have played with her many times and I am familiar with her. She is not that kind of selfish creature. Don't worry, you will definitely walk out of the cell!"

Star took a deep breath and looked at Gryor. He didn't know what to say.

I don't know when the purple beam of light over the fire mushroom forest behind Star has disappeared.' Oh...' The familiar whistling, replacing the magic array of the Great Summoning, resounded over the whole mushroom forest.

"Swordmang!" Starr quickly looked back.

A strong wind behind him has rushed and rushed straight into Star's arms.

It's really good. Who else can there be if it's not Jian Mang? Star touched Jian Mang's head happily and let Jian Mang's wet tongue lick his face.

"Wow..." Just as Star was happy, Kaisya also came out.

Jian Mang couldn't help beating a thrill all over his body and slowly jumped down from Star's body. He tilted his head and looked at Kaisya who walked slowly, and his eyes were full of doubts.

"From the appearance, they are almost carved out of a mold." Glear said with a smile. Boy, what are you still doing here? Let's go out and give the rest of the time to the little guy and his mother. There is nothing left for us here.

"Mother?" Although Jian Mang can't speak, he can also understand Glare's words. He looked at Kai Siya doubtfully, and his eyes changed from disbelief at the beginning to surprise.

"I'll come back to you later!" Star nodded and patted the sword.

"Wow..." Jian Mang was a little reluctant. He bit the corner of Star's clothes, and no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't move a step. In the end, it was Star who persuaded him for a while before he let Jianmang let go and stand with Kai Siya, his mother who had never masked.

"Let's go!" Glele tilted his head and motioned Star to leave. Don't worry, Kaisya won't be bad for the little guy. Almost all the intelligent creatures in the mainland know that the abyss demons love their children the most.

Star nodded doubtful and followed Gryor away from the fire mushroom forest. Since their mother and son recognize each other, it's meaningless for them to stay.

With this idea, as soon as Star walked out of the fire mushroom forest, there was a loud explosion behind him.

Red-gray mushroom clouds are rising in the fire mushroom forest. The strong hurricane caused by the explosion has blown all the fire mushrooms in the forest. Countless mushroom covers have been swept to the sky, and there is a large area of smoke and dust on the ground, and the road under your feet can hardly be seen.

"What's going on?" Star only felt that his head was hot, so he turned around and ran back. It's just that before his foot fell, he was grabbed by Gler. What do you do? Why did you stop me?"

"Don't go back!" Glear grabbed Star. You don't understand!"

"What don't I understand?" Star asked doubtfully. Didn't you just say that the devil in the abyss is the most child-loving creature? Where did the battle just now look like a battle between mother and son?

"So I said this is what you don't understand!" Gleier said with a smile. With a flash, another earthen wall rose outside the fire mushroom forest to block Star's continued to look in. The abyss plane is the cruelest plane of the three thousand planes, which is a cruel living environment for the strong. What do you think the parents who love their children the most should do? Is it to hold your children in the palm of your hand and not let them be hurt at all?

In the face of Gryor's question, Star could only shake his head. Isn't that so?"

"If you think so, then you are totally wrong! Do you want your child to be threatened with death? The abyss plane is like this. Not to mention the newborn fragile demons, even those big demons are likely to be threatened with death. So demons will continue to train their children as soon as they are born!" Glele said with a smile.

"Like eagles, they always throw their children off the cliff. Only after experiencing setbacks will they grow up!"

"But they..." Star was still a little worried. The momentum just now was so great that it could even be compared to the battle of life and death.

"Don't worry, have you forgotten what I said before? Only by killing all the god guards here can they leave this cell. So don't worry, Kaisya won't do any damage to that little guy. Glele patted Starr on the shoulder with a smile.

"Does Kaysya have the same intention as you?" Star couldn't help but be stunned.

"What do you think?" Glear shrugged his shoulders, and then showed a helpless expression. It's not that you don't know our situation. Even if we can get out of the cells of the gods, we may not be able to fight against the enemies from the outside world with our current power. Too long of bondage has made us lose most of our strength. The only thing you can do now is to let you vigorous children take on everything!"

Star nodded, and he believed Greer's words. There is no doubt that it is the gods who can be trapped here. Glele becomes the guardian of the last cell, and naturally has a part of his strength. But now, his strength is almost the same as that of the Holy Land, and a larger part of it can't even surpass the Holy Land.

"If I guess right, Kaisya will give all her last strength to that little guy." Glear said with a smile. But I don't have much power, otherwise I would have transmitted all the power to you like Keith. As the saying goes, teaching people to fish is better than teaching people to fish. You are also half of my apprentice!"

"Glail..." Starr wanted to speak, but he couldn't help swallowing all his words back into his stomach. He is not the kind of person who is good at expressing his feelings, and more gratitude will stay in his heart. If you have any wishes, I will definitely help you solve it.

"Haha, that's what you said!" Glear patted Starr's arm with a smile, and then said seriously, "Go back to the main plane and kill the other two Glyers. I don't want my reputation to be ruined by these two splits.

"No problem, I will never forgive them!" Star said firmly. Do you have any other unfulfilled wishes? If so, you can tell me!"

"Protect the alchemy guild and promise me that as long as you are in one day, don't let the alchemy guild collapse!" Gleier said righteously. The alchemy guild is what I watched it grow up step by step. In my heart, he is like my child.

"I see!" Star nodded heavily and assured Greer.

"Now that you have agreed, I'm relieved. But before you leave this cell, I have to give you a gift!" Glear said. Although I can't pass on my strength to you like Caesar, I can tell you my experience. Although you are good at strength now, you are still one line away from the Holy Land. This is the problem of the field. As long as you understand the field, you can quickly reach the strength of the Holy Land.