Card Alchemist

Chapter 367 Enemy

Kasese came out of the land of evil disease, and it was led by the old Gler.

The immortal dragon has at least five levels of strength. His appearance was an absolutely fatal blow to the Rainbow Star Dragon Valley in cash. In the Dragon Valley, no one can stop him except the blue-eyed white dragon.

Every intelligent creature has his most feared darkness in the bottom of his heart, and the blue-eyed white dragon is no exception. As the head of the dragon clan, if he can have a guy that scares him, it will undoubtedly be Greer.

Only the two of them came to attack Dragon Valley this time, but it gave Dragon Valley the most painful memory. It's even more painful than the time when Dios attacked Dragon Valley! Of course, most of this also comes from the fact that Longgu has not recovered from that battle.

In the face of the counterattack of the blue-eyed white dragon, Glear only said one sentence: "Have you forgotten the memory of the Tower of Gru?"

The tower of Gru imprisoned almost all the top strong men in the plane of that era that could be called by name, and even Dios was among them. From this, we can see how terrible the strength of Glear's peak was! Even when even Star entered the Tower of Gru, he could see it. Greer has not appeared in the tower for thousands of years. Even if the various confinement measures in the tower have already failed, no one dares to escape from it.

Until Dios roared that sentence - "Glair, you didn't even kill me even if you died."

This sentence was a hornet's nest, and the prisoner imprisoned in the tower suddenly went crazy when he heard this sentence. Without the name Greer on their heads, even if the cage is made of the hardest material in the world, it can't stop them from escaping. It was at that time that the blue-eyed white dragon could be completely liberated from the tower of Gru.

Just when everyone thought that Glele had completely disappeared, his 'split' appeared one after another. I didn't expect that this time he took Kasese to the Dragon Valley!

"With the double attack of the undead dragon and Greer, I don't even have the strength to fight back. I used the dragon curse to avoid the Dragon Valley being destroyed in my hands. However, this has also completely overdrawn my vitality. There are still three years at most. This is my life now!" The blue-eyed white dragon slowly flapped its wings and took Star to Dragon Valley. And they haven't seen the shadow of the red-eyed black dragon for a long time. He should have arrived in the Dragon Valley.

The closer it is to Longgu, the more Star can smell the thick smell of blood that can't be washed clean.

Several young dragons with not yet long scales circled in the air sadly, and their voices were sad and painful. Even if he saw the blue-eyed white dragon flying from the bottom of the mountain, he did not stop this strange behavior.

"They are holding a memorial ceremony. The normally dead dragons will enter the dragon cemetery in advance. Even the dragons who die unexpectedly will have their relatives put their bodies in the cemetery. But this time, Glele didn't just want to destroy the Rainbow Star Dragon Valley, but he even took more than half of the body before he left. The blue-eyed white dragon said.

Star was stunned and couldn't help straightening up.

He couldn't help but have a numb scalp when he thought of Kasese's strength. These damn guys, they seem to have some way to bring dead creatures back to life and have the strength of their lives.

"How many dragon corpses did he take?" Star asked.

"Twelve, they are all fourth-order dragons!" The blue-eyed white dragon said, "Why are you asking this?"

"The strong man of the twelve holy realms, my God! We have twelve more difficult enemies for nothing!" Star muttered, and seeing that the blue-eyed white dragon was puzzled, he couldn't help explaining it again. Soon, the blue-eyed white dragon had also realized the seriousness of the matter. In fact, he did not think of so many problems at all. Before Starr came here, he just thought that Glear had just come back to avenge himself for destroying the Tower of Gru.

"Oh, my God, is the dragon clan going to be extinct?" The blue-eyed white dragon shouted.

"No, I don't think so. They won't have time to come so soon. If they want to resurrect the twelve giant dragons, they will not be allowed to run around in time!" Star said. In fact, as you said, Greer came so abruptly that many outgoing dragons did not react. Now that they have come back, I'm afraid it won't be so easy for them to make trouble from the Rainbow Star Dragon Valley again!"

The loss of the dragon clan is extremely huge, but after all, it has existed since ancient times.

There are places where they live in all parts of the mainland. Although most of the dragons are relatively lonely, when the blue-eyed white dragon played the 'phantom dragon flute', more than a hundred dragons had come from all directions of the mainland. Most of these giant dragons are adult dragons. Their own strength has reached the third level, and even a few have reached the fourth level, injecting fresh vitality into the Dragon Valley, which has temporarily lacked defense ability.

The slowly fluttering wings of the blue-eyed white dragon fell into the Dragon Valley.

The sword light in the breath of the devil quickly attracted the attention of the wandering dragons, and they quickly turned their eyes here. However, the behavior of the blue-eyed white dragon made them a little confused, and a demon is also worth being received by the patriarch in person. It's just that they forgot to pay attention to the Star walking beside the blue-eyed white dragon.

Star jumped down from the back of the blue-eyed white dragon and carefully looked at the Dragon Valley, which had been spread by the flames of war not long ago.

Speaking of which, the place where the dragons live looks very much like the Roman arena. The peak of the Thunder Mountains is a huge crater. Of course, it is just an extinct volcano that will never erupt again. Its bottom was cushioned by countless boulders, and it was flattened, and it walked up as smooth as a flat ground. The top of the mountain surrounded by circles looks more like a row of huge fences - but these fences are made of stone and have countless huge holes. And the dragons live there!

At a glance, there are thousands of dense caves on the mountain, which are simply countless.

"In fact, the number of dragons has never exceeded a thousand. In fact, from the emergence of the dragon clan to now, the total number has not even exceeded 100,000! Each cave here has a dragon, and every dragon will not live in a cave where companions have lived, except for husband and wife. The blue-eyed white dragon explained. But in fact, the number of dragons living in the Dragon Valley has never exceeded 300! Even with these giant dragons who just came back from other places, there are only 132 dragons left in the Dragon Valley today! Nearly one-third of them are young dragons!"

Star was silent.

He came to Rainbow Star Dragon Valley this time not only to help the red-eyed black dragon fulfill his promise, but also wanted to borrow troops. It seems that it won't work now. In the Dragon Valley, there are also blood stains that have not been washed off, and some of them have dried up. Although several blue water dragons keep releasing the 'rainstorm technique', they can't wash away all the blood stains.

"There is an abyss demon in the Nanyao Forest. From the low-level demon at the beginning, it has become the middle demon now. Before long, even the upper demon will appear. The number of demons in the abyss plane is like ants, and it can't be counted!" The blue-eyed white dragon looked at Star and said thoughtfully.

"There's nothing we can do. Their base is really too big. Even if there is a one-in-million chance to produce upper demons, their number will be tens of thousands of times that of your dragons. Starr shrugged his shoulders helplessly. "In fact, human empires have noticed these things. Nowadays, the whole continent is like a seductive cake, no matter what kind of plane you want to get involved.

"This is the real purpose of your visit this time!" The blue-eyed white dragon suddenly said. If this doesn't happen, I think I will be happy to assign at least twenty-headed and fourth-order dragons to help you. But it doesn't work now. How about ten?

The generosity of the blue-eyed white dragon surprised Star.

"But the premise is to help me persuade my brother to succeed him as the next patriarch. You should know that I only have three years of life. Every day, my life expectancy is decreasing. I don't want to waste the rest of my precious time waiting for the arrival of death..." said the blue-eyed white dragon. An indestructible hatred flashed in his eyes. The dragon clan will never forget hatred and revenge!"

"Do you want to go to the land of evil diseases?" Star's heart was stunned, and he had already guessed the meaning of the blue-eyed white dragon's words.

"Yes, even if I can't deal with the devil, I will bite off his head desperately."

The demon in the mouth of the blue-eyed white dragon naturally refers to Gler. When it comes to him, the body of the blue-eyed white dragon can't help trembling. It seems that he had enough of Glele's fear of himself in the Tower of Glu.

"In fact, Greer is dead, in the cell of the gods. Now the two Glairs appearing on the mainland are his splits. And their strength is not as strong as you think. Although they don't reach the fifth level, they are not much different from the fifth level. The previous Gryor, who attacked Dragon Valley, actually only had the fourth-order strength. His greatest ability is not the strength of strength, but the inability to kill at all!"

The blue-eyed white dragon couldn't help frowning. No wonder my magic hit him several times, but he had nothing to do at all.

While Star was about to speak, there was a noise not far away.

Several strong middle-aged people surrounded the sword and red-eyed black dragon...