Card Alchemist

Chapter 388 Struggling Relief

The relief is struggling. This is what Starr saw at first glance.

The inner side of the mountain is like a prison, firmly imprisoning all the Dihas statues in all shapes on the wall. But now they have woken up and watched as they tried to break free from the prison that imprisoned them.

A relief of the statue of Death suddenly stood up, and the stone body protruding the wall seemed to be quickly colored by a brush. The white arms, the black silver-rimmed cloak, and even the saw sickle... It was as if this invisible brush gave them new life.

Star looked at the panting sword, and the two couldn't even stand up now, let alone fight. The number of those statues is too large, innumerable, and dense, like worker bees flying out of the hive, occupying almost all of Sta's vision.

"Is this the secret of the city of evil diseases?" Star smiled bitterly.

Whether these are the secrets of the city of evil diseases or not, it doesn't matter for Star and Jianman now. The important thing is whether they can get out of the city alive.

Thousands of Dihas have surrounded the largest statue in the city. After breaking free from the wall, their shape is tantamount to carving from a mold. Except for different expressions, there is no difference at all. These Dihaas are like stepping on the air, casting their warm, indifferent, angry or disdainful eyes. But there has never been an attack.

"Brother Star, why didn't they come here?" Jian Mang lay at Star's feet, with his head leaning against a piece of clothes on the statue of death, so that he could lift his head even without effort. Are you afraid of the statue we are standing on now?

"It's not like that!" Starr replied without thinking. It seems that there is a strange force blocking them from approaching, so that they can't get close at all!"

"It's so amazing!" Jian Mang sighed and shook his head and closed his eyes. I don't know if what he said was too surprised, but whether it refers to the strength of this force or who is the owner of this power. But Star knows that no matter who it is, the other party's strength is far greater than himself!

And Star also shook his head. He did not choose to close his eyes and recover his strength quickly like Jian Mang, but stared at the many Dihas reliefs in front of him. But this does not mean that Starr is desperate. It is precisely because he is never willing to give up that he seizes the time to analyze everything around him.

Blocking the Dihas relief is like a transparent barrier, and it is surprisingly large. It can not only cover the whole statue of death, but also slowly expand outward. The huge power is not only enough to block thousands of Dihas reliefs flying in the sky from the statue of Death, but also allows them to move back slowly to ensure that they are in the safest place.

Those reliefs rushed to the star, but every invisible transparent barrier next to it was like breaking into an area full of soil, and the speed slowed down in an instant. Not only that, they would be pushed back to their original position during the temporary pause.

The power of terror!

This is Star's evaluation of this magic shield. But he really can't figure out who made this magic shield?

Dihas? It's impossible. The friendship between himself and him is nothing more than relying on the 'stone of the sage'. However, that's just the relationship between a tutor and an apprentice. There is not only one person that Dihas has taught, and Sadek is one of them. If he would protect his apprentice, he should have stopped him when he killed Sadek. Instead of appearing now to stop these statues from killing themselves.

In fact, Dihas may hate the Star to the bone. Because Starr has destroyed Dihas' plan many times, almost all his deployments have been ruined.

But since it's not Dihas, who will it be? At least in Star's memory, he has never met or known anyone who can easily block so many statues. His brain is running rapidly, consuming the limited physical strength in Star's body.

It's impossible to fear the demon king Dios! Cross-level attacks are at least unlikely to occur, and there have not been too many space cracks in the continent, which means that there is no channel that Dios can reach the main plane from the abyss plane, and it should not be him.

Disha? I don't know why, when one person after another was excluded, Star suddenly thought of the little girl. I don't know why, but it's just that among all the people she knows, the little girl doesn't seem to have much strength, and she is basically the same as an ordinary girl. But Star has an intuition. First of all, there are strong people like Agarish who can't be seen through, and it can also make Medusa like Narmina, who has reached the fifth level, feel afraid.

Why can't I feel the horror of Disha? Maybe it's just because my strength is too low!

Star sighed deeply and tried to spread his consciousness outward. Since that person refuses to take the initiative to contact him, he has to contact each other by himself. Although Star is not afraid of death, it does not mean that he is so willing to die in the hands of such a pile of reliefs without self-consciousness.

Consciousness touched the transparent barrier, and Star tried to communicate with each other.

"Who are you?" Star's consciousness carefully raised questions. Anyway, he is still worried about another possibility. This possibility is just that the probability is so small that even Star himself won't believe it. That is, this barrier is emitted by the statue itself. If your consciousness is too reckless, it will not be worth it if you accidentally penetrate this barrier.

Starr raised four or five questions in a row, but the barrier seemed to have no sense of autonomy. It seems to be out of thin air and not controlled by anyone.

"Brother Star, what are you doing?" Jian Mang recovered more than half of his physical strength, and then he opened his eyes slightly. At the same time, he also saw Star's abnormal state and couldn't help asking.

"I suspect that this barrier has been arranged by other people. I want to contact the owner of this barrier, but the other party does not respond, not even a sense of autonomy!" Star shook his head helplessly.

"Will this statue be released by holding a barrier?" Jian Mang asked doubtfully.

"I don't think so! This barrier gives me a strange feeling, like the palpitations of someone peeping at me in the land of evil diseases. I think the person in the land of evil disease should be the same person who released the magic barrier. As for why he wants to help us, I don't know. Maybe we can still use the value!" Star shrugged his shoulders.

At this moment, a soft applause suddenly sounded in the air. It seems to come from the distant sky, and it seems to ring in my ears. Not only Star heard it, but also Jian Mang heard it. They quickly became vigilant and looked around, looking for all possible enemies.

"Who is it?" Star asked.

"I'm the person you're looking for. The people who peep at you from the periphery of the land of evil diseases to the current city of evil diseases! Dear Blood Bath Duke, your wisdom is really amazing that you can guess that it is the same person who peeped at you and helped you!" The voice suddenly paused, and then said again, "No, I think you used the wrong word. It's the same god!"

Unexpectedly, the owner of this voice seems to be very small, with a strong childish smell, which sounds like a child who has not grown up joking. However, Star doesn't think so. He can peep at himself in the sky and easily release such a wide range of defensive magic to stop the attack of these Dihas reliefs. It can be seen that the strength of the other party is really powerful and amazing!

And the other party also knows his other identity! Is she really a god? Star couldn't help frowning.

"Dear lady, although I really hope you can help us selflessly, in fact it should not be so. I really don't know where people like me can help you!" Star tried to be careful with his words and talked to the owner of the voice.

"I'm very sorry, not only you, but also the ghost wolf beside you has to help me." The voice said unexpectedly, with a little pleasure. This trace of pleasure made Sta couldn't help frowning. He became more and more convinced that he had heard this way of speaking. But I don't know why, a clear head before is now confused, so that he really can't remember who it will be.

"Me? What can I do for you?" Jian Mang raised his head and asked.

"The demon army is invading the main plane. In addition to fear that the demon king Dios likes this way of aggression and devouring, his two brothers are extremely opposed. And his brother has disappeared for nearly a thousand years, so the current abyss plane is equivalent to being included in the territory of Dios. And as an abyss creature, you should be able to easily accommodate that environment..." The voice said with a smile.

"Damn it, are you asking me to deal with Dios and fight with him for control of the abyss plane?" Jian Mang couldn't help but be surprised. He was really shocked and angry at the other party's idea. With my strength, I can't deal with Dios for the time being! Not to mention his two brothers!"

"Don't think about how to refuse me. This should be a very favorable condition for you. I will help his two brothers go to each other. And your big brother Star should also want you to do it very much. Because once there is an infighting in the abyss plane, they won't have much energy to deal with the main plane!"