Card Alchemist

Chapter 392 Tarina

Nanyao Forest is located in the basin, covering an area of tens of thousands of hectares. Because it once belonged to the territory of Narmina, there are all kinds of monsters in this area. Previously, these indigenous people living in the Nanyao Forest were the sworn enemies of mankind. But because of the natural protection of their territory, they dare to attack all enemies who invade their territory. So these monsters became the first front of Nanyao Forest.

It is precisely because of these monsters that the human kingdom not only does not react at the first time, but also does not cause the rampant demons. In addition, the "thick soil layer" in the Nanyao Forest also serves as the second defense line, which is the reason why the median demon appears in the Nanyao Forest and still has no chance. The demons from the abyss plane almost forgot all the dangers when they saw the beautiful environment of the main plane... But they always forgot their feet.

And when these demons sensed the danger and began to face the enemy, they found that they had completely lost their territory. There is only one exit in the whole canyon. In addition to the ancient trees and ferocious monsters, there are also large areas of mosquitoes in the Nanyao Forest.

Even the towering ancient trees can't stop the burning of the sun in summer. For mainland creatures, the indispensable sunlight is as vicious as poison for these demons. Even if the sunlight scattered through the mottled shade falls on them, it burns crazily like sulfuric acid sprinkled on the skin, accompanied by a large piece of choking fog.

Although the environment of the abyss plane is bad, the sun never appears. This is also the reason why demons hate sunlight and water... After being scorched by these suns, their fighting ability has undoubtedly been greatly weakened. The already ugly body has a series of abscess-like blisters, and these pustules exude an unpleasant smell, constantly attracting the mosquitoes and flies in the Nanyao forest.

Many demons have not even crawled out of the forest, but have been swallowed by the parasites on their bodies.

"The commander here wanted to order all the trees in Nanyao Forest to be cut down, but failed. The resistance of the demons is so strong that our people can't rush in at all. Even if you use magic, it won't work. There are too many demons. They will choose to put out the fire as soon as possible! Stop us from destroying the forest!" The clerk followed Starr and kept introducing the battles that had happened here to him.

"How can they let you destroy the forest? Only high-level demons are not afraid of the sun. The sunlight on the main plane is fatal to them. Now Nanyao Forest is their umbrella. Star couldn't help nodding and then asked. Who is the commander here? I didn't expect him to choose to destroy the forest!"

"It's Count Tarina! She is the highest officer of this army. The clerk said cautiously.

"She?" Star noticed the word and couldn't help repeating it. He remembered Roland's strange smile before leaving and couldn't help but have a headache. It seemed that the handover ceremony would not be as easy as he thought.

"Yes, Count Tarina is a very powerful woman. She is also the direct officer of the Third Army and is famous for her iron and blood. Your Majesty..." The clerk said half of it and stopped abruptly, and his whole body seemed to hide behind Star.

"Oh, Your Majesty has sent his concube!" I don't know when a middle-aged woman in glamorous clothes came out of the military tent, with endless charm in her smile.

This woman is absolutely difficult to deal with. Just from the first sentence she said, it can be heard that she has a lot of opinions about herself.

But even so, there was no unhappy expression on Star's face. Instead, he nodded slightly to the woman who was talking. Is your Excellency Count Tarina?

The woman did not answer, but walked straight to Star and looked carefully. With a disdainful smile on his face, he circled around Star. I didn't expect that Your Majesty's vision was not bad, but he was white and tender, and his voice was also very beautiful. I just don't know if moaning will be a little harsh. You are much better and more polite than those stinky men in the barracks. It seems that this is the reason why you can become a prince at such a young age, right?

Star shook his head with a wry smile.

He doesn't know what the outside world is gossiping about him. At the age of 18, he has become a big red man in front of the monarch, and at the same time, he has become the only cardinal of the Holy See and the star magician of the magic guild... Under these dazzling auras, it will always make many people envy and jealous.

Compared with the ** in the royal family, these gossips are too normal. However, His Majesty Roland is also over 18 years old, which has contributed to the spread of such rumors without the imperial concubine.

"Well, what are you doing here?" The woman stood in front of Star. Although she had put on a serious look, the slightest in her eyes and the inexplicable desire still did not fade.

"Well, Nanyao Forest has been taken over by the First Army of the Empire from now on. This is the handover procedure..." Star waved his hand, and the clerk behind him quickly put the note in Star's hand.

"So it's like this?" The woman couldn't help snorting coldly. Instead of taking the note, she turned around. Why?"

Star couldn't help frowning.

"As you can see, I am Count Tarina. I want to ask why the handover ceremony was carried out. Did I do anything wrong? No backup, no food and fodder... I led my soldiers to perfectly stop these disgusting and disgusting demons in the Nanyao Forest, and no demon could escape. A rookie like you who has never been to the battlefield may think it's just a game... Because it's daytime, and you haven't seen the situation at night. Without the resistance of the sun, the demons will launch the strongest attack. During the day, our warriors will not be weaker than those demons at all, but a series of factors such as vision at night will greatly lose my soldiers!"

At this point, Tarina paused and then said. Pretty young man, I think you should understand what I mean by saying this! This is not suitable for you to please the child with the military industry. Go back to your ** moan. I don't want to see such a beautiful boy like you sent back to the imperial capital with a broken arm and leg!"

"I think you misunderstood me." Star explained with a smile.

From what Tarina said, he should be able to understand the reason why the countess was angry. This guy probably regarded himself as the forbidden man of Roland **, and then he got to the position of the prince. Perhaps because of the opposition of the ministers in the court, he wanted to come to the front line or military industry to block the mouths of those ministers.

"Misunderstanding?" Tarina turned around and looked at the well-trained troops behind Star. The imperial guard, the first legion - the whip of the god of war, your majesty is willing to give him to you. Is this also a misunderstanding? Yo, it seems that Your Majesty has spent a lot of thoughts on you. Is that dressed as someone from the Holy See? And the magic guild, the alchemy guild... All the people of the five major guilds of the imperial capital have arrived.

Star didn't say anything. He already felt that the woman seemed to be making trouble.

"If you come here when I'm in a good mood, I may leave you here for two days and let me try to see how strong the man your majesty has chosen. But..." Tarina's tone changed. " Unfortunately, you came at the wrong time. You can't make military achievements here. Go back to your Majesty's arms and act coquettishly while your head is still on your neck. Send off!"

"Your Majesty, let's go!" The clerk whispered behind Star. No matter how much he despised the prince in his heart, the clerk still took it for granted. He is just a nobody, and he doesn't have the status of Count Tarina at all.

"Count Tarina, please sign the handover ceremony. I will now be the garrison of Nanyao Forest. Your task has been completed, and I will take over here. I will never let any demon come out of the Nanyao Forest!" Star took a step forward and put the handover hand in front of Tarina's eyes.

"Kid, you are challenging my patience!" Tarina couldn't help frowning. Although there is no white and tender little white face like you in the barracks, each of them is more like a man than you, so I don't need you here at all!"

At this point, Tarina licked her plump lips even more annoyingly. Do you want to go by yourself or let me send you out?

"This woman..." Old Billy couldn't help coming forward. He was about to talk, but he was stopped by Star.

"Count Tarina, I repeat, I won't leave!" Starr said loudly. In fact, whether you sign this handover ceremony or not has no impact on me at all. The First Legion is ordered by His Majesty Roland to take over Nanyao Forest. Now I'm the supreme commander here... And please pay attention to Count Tarina, I'm the prince!"

Sta suddenly raised the tone of the last sentence and responded to Tarina provocatively.

"It seems that you are here to be determined!" Tarina stopped and said, "I will treat you well. Don't worry, I won't make your beautiful little face, at least I won't make Your Majesty Roland hate you!"

After saying that, Tarina clapped her hands heavily. With the fall of applause, strong soldiers drilled out of the military tent one after another, and quickly surrounded Star.

There is a shout from Tarina outside the circle, "These are the strongest soldiers in my army. If you can beat them with one person, I will allow you to stay. However, if you lose, just go back to the imperial capital honestly. It should be too late for you to admit defeat now. They won't show mercy!"