Card Alchemist

Chapter 406 Back to the abyss plane

The scenery of Gru's land is still the same as Star came here two years ago, with no change at all.

The temperature is enough to burn everything, making the extinct wilderness a veritable biological extinction place. In this thorny hell, only a few indigenous demons who live here all year round can be seen occasionally. They like to crawl on the ground, and their limbs will unfold like spiders and move at high speed on the ground.

Two ghouls crawled alternately and got into the dense thorns.

The skeletons like the skeletons of the undead allow them to hide well in the pale thorns, and the hard and sharp claws rubbed on the ground anxiously. The ghoul demon is undoubtedly a very patient demon. They can even endure hunger for half a year in order to have a good meal. Their main food source is carrion, most of which is the corpses of demons who strayed into the land of Gru.

Sometimes, when they are extremely hungry, they will also choose to attack some living creatures.

For example, Star, who is now stepping into the extinct wilderness.

Originating from the fear of the great devil, the ghouls consciously erased Faschi from their recipes.

Faschi stood opposite Star and hummed in a low voice. Long and low, the sound spread rapidly like ripples, one wave after another, spreading the whole place of Gru in an instant.

Several ghouls who were eating suddenly stopped their movements, as if they had heard something, which made them raise their heads doubtfully and look at the same place. Then, almost all the ghouls chose to give up their food in an instant, chasing the weak voice and galloping away. The sharp limbs left scratches on the solidified loess.

More and more noise came from the originally silent thorn bushes. On the swinging thorn flowers, I don't know when one more ferocious skull head came out. The almost frozen eyes in their eyes were quietly turning and tightening, and then reflected a teenager in black casual clothes.


Fasqi's singing suddenly rose, like a diving dragon rising to the sky in an instant.

At the moment when Faschi's last syllable was raised, the tranquility in the thorns was interrupted. Countless shadows came out of the thorns and kept whispering. Countless ghoul-eating demons spread out their spider-like limbs, crawling crazily on the ground, following, and quickly surrounded Star. Although these ghouls know very well, this teenager is no less powerful than the big demon who keeps calling. But it comes from the obedience of the soul to the great demons, which makes them choose to attack.

Star narrowed his eyes and clenched the god in his hand.

The corpse-eating demons arrogantly spit out their fiery red forked tongues, and the fishy smell floated out at the same time with the exposed mouth. The ticking sound on the ground is getting louder and louder. Dozens of corpse-eating demons galloped back and forth alternately, running with each other with small earth dragons. Their shadows are almost overlapping...

And I don't know when Faschi's singing fell down. Her mouth was squirming rapidly, and no one could hear what she was singing. In the end, even the low voice could not even hear the melody clearly. But Star knew that the first wave of attack was coming!

At this moment, Faskey's singing stopped abruptly!

At the same time, the actions of the ghouls also stopped at the same time. It was like a brief calm on the sea, followed by an attack like a storm. The nearest corpse-eating demon stopped his body in time, and his limbs left a deep mark on the ground. Before he even stopped his body, his feet-like limbs twisted strangely, and suddenly exerted his strength, driving the whole huge body to jump to Star like a tiger.

With sharp limbs and slightly unfolded ribs, the hunting experience of this ghoul demon is also one of the best in the whole extinct wilderness!

The sharp limbs are to better cut the body of the prey for the corpse-eating demon, and the slightly unfolded ribs are ready to shoot out at any time to prevent the prey from escaping. The ribs of the ghoul can grow infinitely, and the demons in the abyss plane have unique hunting skills. And these skills are revealed at this moment!

Star sneered and couldn't help looking at Faschi. Although the corpse-eating demon is powerful, it is only aimed at himself two years ago. And now, these guys are not their own enemies at all. Star just took a slight step forward and crossed a beautiful straight line in the air. The body of the ghoul who pounced on the air suddenly paused, and then it seemed to be stagnant...

He could only watch Star walk past him. Soon, the ghoul had reacted. He wanted to twist his direction in the air and chased Star. But as soon as his neck turned, he found that he could no longer control his body. Then, the whole body disintegrated.

This scene did not make other ghoul-eating demons vigilant. Because the speed was too fast, they didn't even have time to fear. Then the more and more rapid singing from Fasqi's mouth made them lose their last ray of reason and quickly rushed to Star.

He leaned slightly and avoided the corpse-eating demon rushed by a tiger.

These guys are covered with venom. Even if they touch the skin, these venoms will penetrate into the body like maggots of the metatars. But Star is not afraid of these. The ghoul that passes by him does not mean that he has escaped the punishment of death, and the real punishment is the real beginning.

While Star waved his fist, the air in front of his hand shook slightly and quickly made a vacuum in front of his fist. The sideways eater demon was immediately punched in the abdomen, and the huge power directly disintegrated his body!

It is clearly visible to the naked eye that the area where the ghoul was hit in the abdomen is disintegrating to the extent of silk and peeling cocoon. A crack suddenly opened in his back, and countless bones were swallowed by them. The strange food residues gushed out in an instant, and quickly turned into a subtle invisible powder after leaving the body!

"Well, do you want these guys to kill me?" Star couldn't help snorting coldly.

"Don't you think these little guys are cute? They are like your favorite puppies, very obedient!" Faschi narrowed her eyes and squatted down. In front of her sat a very small ghoul, as if he was enjoying Faski's touch on the head.

"Alike?" While flexibly avoiding the attack of the ghoul-eating demon, Star asked the other party disdainfully. I didn't expect the demons in the abyss plane. Their preferences are really different!"

At this point, Star's face turned cold.

"Since you think these ghouls are cute, I'll crush them all here!" Starr shouted loudly.

After avoiding the pursuit of the ghoul, Star raised his hands against the ground. Three huge rock puppets rose up in an instant. The rock puppets quickly used their huge bodies to fight against these small demons! However, this time it is not a simple rock puppet. After the attack in the land of evil diseases, Star clearly felt the strength of the mixed elements.

Today, this puppet is a collection of fire and earth elements - they are like another legendary plane creature, as strong as hellfire.

The flame stone puppet raised his huge fist and smashed a corpse-eating demon who dared to provoke him into meat sauce. The other two flame stone puppets also quickly rushed into the group of corpse-eating demons and became powerful.

Looking at the corpse-eating demons fleeing around, Star couldn't help raising the corners of his mouth.

"Look, these are the little guys you like." Star looked at Faschi and couldn't help laughing.

Faschi stared at Star fiercely and began to sing in a low voice again. Her singing became more and more high and thrilling, and every time she sang to the corner of a syllable, she rushed straight to the sky. The fleeing demons gradually stopped running away. But before he stopped, he was punched by the flame stone puppet who followed him up.

Suddenly, a series of screams were mixed with Faschi's singing, which made her originally full of ** singing suddenly become depressed.

Faski's singing stopped abruptly. With a gloomy face, she stopped the movement of continuing to touch the corpse-eating demon in her hand. Two slender fingers fell on the fragile neck of the ghoul, and then gently twisted.


The crisp sound accompanied the end of the song and finally ended.

"Okay, very good!" Faschi kept nodding her head. She looked at the ghoul that was still twitching under her feet in disgust, and immediately took another kick, which solved the guy's life. You are the first person who dares to try to make me angry, but I believe you are the last one!"

Fasqi took a deep breath and couldn't help clenching her fist. I want to see what ability you have to become the favorite of the devil! However, it doesn't matter much whether you look at it or not, because no matter what, you have also angered Your Majesty Dios. So, you have to die here!"

"Noise!" Starr couldn't help sneer. You have said this sentence to me many times. If you don't try, I don't know what you can do yet!"

Stayang raised the sword in his hand and said to Faschi. Come on, I also want you to taste the consequences of offended me. You shouldn't have caught old Billy and Tonis to lead me to the abyss plane! However, this is also what I want to do. Without you commanding the group of demons on the main plane, those scattered guys will be slowly eaten away by the whip of the God of War sooner or later!"