Card Alchemist

Chapter 425 Death Fight

These angels looked at Tarina, whose figure had gradually disappeared in the dark, and seemed to say something else, but looking at Rosen's eyes, they quickly closed their mouths.

Star is now very clear that these angels are definitely a cold and inhuman guy - because he is not human at all, no one's feelings! I will do whatever I can to achieve my goal!

"Now, let those knights get out of here quickly." There was a sneer at the corners of Rose's mouth. Although those people are also ants in my eyes, after all, they are all my subordinates. If they fight for a while, they will all die, and the old people of the Holy See will be dissatisfied with us!"

The other angels didn't dare to say anything more. They just nodded to Rose and whistled, making all the knights turn over. The knights left here for a moment.

"Now, are you relieved? Star? You don't have to thank me... because I'm happy to have you! Without the presence of these human beings, I don't think anyone can distract you!" A little cold star burst out on the gun of Roseland.

Star took a deep breath. Although the eight angels had surrounded him, it would not make him lose his will to fight, but stronger. In fact, Tarina did not run away at all. She just hid her figure. It was not until then that she began to use the home court that Star had carefully prepared for her.

A god-sling shock is like countless stars falling from the sky. At this moment, it looks dazzling in the dark! Seeing this scene, Ross finally showed excitement in his eyes. He couldn't help laughing and looking at Star fiercely. This is your real strength, Star. The stronger you are, the better for me. You will be very lucky to be my next body!"


The knights who had run away far away suddenly heard a huge roar behind them. Although they have run so far, they can't even see the scene behind them. But with the roar, there was a gust of wind, and the strength was still able to blow everyone off the horse! Looking back again, the previous forest has been shrouded in an electric spark!

"The power of the Holy Land is so powerful!" The knights have no other ideas in their hearts. Their only idea now is to leave this place that is about to be destroyed quickly. Come on! Come on, get out of here!"

These brave and good knights don't even have a trace of the idea of staying in place at this moment. They are like a group of homeless dogs, quickly fleeing from this place that is about to become the battlefield of the Holy Land!


The silver sword and the god-s killer collided fiercely again. Rose's silver sword finally couldn't help but make a sad cry. His sword could no longer withstand the power of the Holy Land, and it suddenly broke apart.

And at this moment, a ball of fine light burst out in the eyes of the body, and suddenly exhaled. The fragment of the broken blade was instantly controlled by Star's alchemy. It did not fall to the ground as Rose imagined, but suddenly turned into a meteor with the light of stars and shot at Rose!

Take it from people and use it for people!

Such a sudden move, even Rose himself did not expect it at all. He had known the identity of Starr as an alchemist long ago, so he has been preparing for a sudden alchemist attack. But Star has always insisted on using only martial arts to fight against himself. Unconsciously, Rose seems to have forgotten that Star has used alchemy. However, in the sudden appearance of this move, Rose couldn't help roaring.

Suddenly, Rose's body was protected by a circle of holy light, but the sword that turned into countless starlight still penetrated his holy light!

Quietly, Rose's body seemed to be passed through by dozens of sharp arrows, and the severe pain made his body shake violently! However, at this time, all the angels had found that Rose was in a passive disadvantage and rushed here quickly.

Facing the simultaneous attack of the seven angels, Star couldn't help raising the corners of his mouth. Just then, Starr suddenly gave up the god-seler in his hand and saw his left hand shake violently. With a shrill, the god quickly rushed to the rapidly retreating Rose. Poor Rose has been bruised all over by the fragments of those piercing swords, and he has no strength to escape at this time. However, in the face of the god-sling that came straight to his lower abdomen, he could only watch all this!


It's like the same fist banging fiercely on Rose's lower abdomen! Suddenly, the fighting spirit of the god-sassing exploded on Rose's lower abdomen, and Rose suddenly opened his mouth and sprayed dark golden blood! However, it did not stop, and the great power contained in the god-sling flew straight back with Rose's body. Nailed this hateful guy firmly to a big tree!

It was not until this time that Starr retreated so that he would not be surrounded by other angels again. Although there is no weapon, it is not a problem for Starr to go. His every move now is enough to frighten these angels.

"Damn bastard!" Rosse scolded fiercely. He felt like there was a flame burning in his lower abdomen. And this flame is not so honest. It keeps drilling into its own body and constantly destroying its own body. With each small explosion in the body, Rose can clearly feel that his energy is passing rapidly.

Rose's heart tightened. He knew that if the sword was inserted in his lower abdomen, his body would be completely damaged in a short time.

He gritted his teeth, and Rose endured the severe pain all over his body and raised his arm with difficulty. Just as he was about to pull out the sword inserted in his lower abdomen, he suddenly felt that his wrist was tight. I don't know when his wrist had been pinched by the other party. And it was not someone else who grabbed his wrist, but Tarina, who thought she had escaped early in the morning!

"Didn't you run away?" Rousse looked at Tarina in horror, and his heart suddenly felt cold.

"Who said I ran away?" Tarina couldn't help asking, "But I know now that you can die soon!"

Rousse gasped and stared into Tarina's eyes. He hammered it fiercely with one fist, but was easily caught by Tarina. When he looked at the other party again, he greeted Rose with joking eyes and ruthless sarcasm! You have run out of strength. Can you still do it now? Why is this punch so light!"

However, the next moment, Tarina's black gun rudely swept over Rose's body. The angel's body was like fallen leaves in the wind, and immediately flew out horizontally. Rolling to the ground, he still slid more than ten meters from the ground. It was not until he hit a tree fiercely that he climbed up.

Ross, who fell to the ground, got up silently.

"Tarina, hum! Sooner or later, you will pay for your behavior!" Rossy tilted his head, spit out a mouthful of blood foam, and wiped the corners of his mouth hard. He stared at Tarina rudely. Stupid human beings..."

It's just that before Rose's words were finished, Tarina's gun suddenly burned like a black flame. The gun pointed at Rose with a shout. Stop talking nonsense. No one can save you now! Look back, those people have already been killed by Star!"

"Haha...!" Rose laughed wildly, and his laughter was full of arrogance! Even though he has been soaked with golden blood at this moment, his arrogance is not falling at all! In the face of the strong enemy, the angel couldn't help gasping for a few times and laughing. Do you think I will believe you?"

Although that's what he said, Rose's attention has always been behind him. Because there was no fierce fight behind him as he thought, but there was silence. In this case, Rose couldn't help but be shocked. Because he didn't dare to look back at all, for fear that he would be attacked back and forth by Star and Tarina at the moment he turned around!

But Star is not as easy as he imagined at this moment. If he wants to give one of the seven angels with the power of one person, he will get more serious injuries. In fact, it is not cost-effective to calculate in this way. However, he can only rely on the strength of the field now and try his best to delay time. Make Tarina end the battle and then help herself.

The only advantage of this kind of scheme is that it can constantly encroach on each other!

But the shortcomings are also extremely big. As long as the other party recognizes it, there is no chance. On the contrary, they can pull out more people to deal with themselves!

That's all, Rose doesn't know.

At this moment, Rose suddenly flashed to the side of a big tree and reached out a little on the trunk. Kick under your feet. He grabbed the trunk of a tree with such a thick one person. He looked at Tarina without fear. He shouted loudly. Come on!"

"Dead to the end of the earth. Your head is mine!"

Tarina held a black war gun and waved it quickly.

The trunk in Rose's hand just came into contact with the black war gun, and pieces of sawdust scattered like butterflies flying all over the sky. The black gun penetrated the trunk almost without hindrance, and the tip of the gun rudely pierced Rose's shoulder!

The feeling of the tip of the gun, Rose couldn't help laughing, but the next moment, his smile had frozen on his face!

The demonic power of the tip of the gun is rapidly rushing into his body, and the power in his own body is quickly dissipating!