Heart of Space

Chapter 343 Mantis Catching Cicadas Second Update

Stark looked at the light curtain in the air, and a trace of light flashed in his eyes. He did not come forward to attack the light curtain. Instead, he snorted coldly and went back into the crack canyon below. It was covered with mud and sand below, and Stark disappeared in the blink of an eye.

This time, there was no one in the area above the canyon.

After a few breaths, three figures suddenly appeared over the light curtain, led by the president of the Magician Union.

"President, do you want to go down?" The obscene middle-aged man looked at the crack below and asked.

A smile squeezed out of the wrinkled face: "Don't worry, the good show is yet to come."

Sure enough, after a while, there was a fierce fight below again. This time, the fight was even more fierce, with the white holy light, the black annihilation light, and the blue water aura. It represents Stark and the two popes. In this kind of fight of high-level professionals, the sea is more turbid.

Suddenly, the president waved his hand and shouted, "Ok, start the ten thousand swords!"

The obscene middle-aged man and another middle-aged mage pinched the formula in his hands, read words in his mouth, and constantly hit spells in the light curtain below. Soon, the light curtain began to shine, and the energy vortex formed little by little from the light curtain and began to absorb the aura in the sea. And the cliff below also began to emit a little blue light. Looking down from the top, it's like a bright light in the night.

The two mages shouted loudly and shot two dark yellow mana from their hands, which hit the light curtain below with a sharp edge.


The light curtain gave a violent tremor. Hundreds of vortices, which were originally slow, suddenly made a strong roar and began to swallow the aura in the sea. In a moment, the light curtain absorbed a large amount of aura, and the vortices began to expand one after another. Make a sizzling sound. Corresponding to it, a bright light in the cliff below also burst into a strong light.

"Wo!" Suddenly, a golden electric light came out of a whirlpool. Lightning shot into the crack below.

Like a signal, hundreds of whirlpools burst on the light curtain, and one golden electric light after another stabbed into the cracks below. If the golden electric light is slower, you can see that the golden electric light is not lightning, but a sword-shaped metallic aura.

These sword-shaped aura flashed away and sank into the turbid sea below.

The next moment, there were screams one after another from the bottom. The sword spirit penetrated one after another, and tens of thousands of sword spirits were released at the same time. Even the sixth-order strongman was not spared under this kind of blow. A quarter of an hour later, the energy on the light curtain gradually weakened, and the screams below had already disappeared.

"Haha, president, they are all dead." The flattering middle-aged mage laughed proudly.

The president stroked his beard and smiled: "Well, I believe that this time, all their men should be dead. And they have to peel off the skin even if they don't die. Send them a signal. It's time to take action."

The middle-aged mage nodded, lowered his head and took out a diamond-shaped iron sheet from his arms. Then he suddenly crushed the iron pieces, and the iron pieces turned into a little light and dissipated.

For a moment, there was a sharp roar in the surrounding sea, but a quarter of an hour later, more than 20 people began to gather here. There are more than 20 people, each of whom is actually a mage above the fourth level, and everyone exudes strong mana.

"President, here we are!"

"President, can we start?"

"President, this time our magician's union will definitely rule the whole world."

"President, we must kill them all this time."

These more than 20 people are all the elite forces of the magicians' union. This time, the design of the Pope of Light and the Dark Pope has devised all their strength. Only success is not allowed to fail. If it fails, the Sorcerers' Guild will be hit by the Holy See of Light and the Holy See of Darkness. This is what they can't afford.

The magic president nodded to them and said solemnly, "In this move, everyone must work together to attack the enemy this time. After it is done, the world will be our magic union.

"Don't worry, president! We will do our best."

The president of the Magic Union turned his eyes downward and waved his hand and said, "Go, go down!"

A group of people entered the cracks in turn from the cracks. At this time, the crack canyon has become very quiet, with a kind of dead tranquility. In the dark crack, it is dead and there is no trace of life. And the turbid sea water gradually became clear with the cessation of the battle.

The magic president hit the head, and the group flew very slowly. The old man is very vigilant.

Suddenly, the magic will grow up and shout, "Be careful, quickly deployment the earth spirit defense array!"

More than 20 magicians are well-trained. In the president's high shouting, they quickly gathered together one by one. The mana link formed a formation of more than 20 people. More than 20 people huddled together in a circle back to back, and the aura fused, and a burst of earthy yellow aura permeated around them. A 100-meter earthy yellow defense shield.

Just as they set up the magic array, a huge ice-blue sharp cone suddenly bombarded the earthy yellow defense cover. The sharp top of the ice cone pierced into the earthy yellow defense cover, constantly rotating and rushing into it, suddenly protruding more than ten meters deep, but failed to break it with a blow. The khaki defense cover is very elastic. Although it is protruded by the ice cone, it produces great resistance and stickiness. Let the power of the ice cone continue to weaken. In the end, the ice cone was squeezed and broken with a click.

"Cock!" The ice cone broke up and turned into water aura and dispersed.

The magic president stared solemnly at a broken cliff in the distance and shouted, "Stark, come out, the eighth-order strongman can even do such a sneak attack, which is really disgusting."

In the dark, there was a sudden cold hum.

"Ice Blue, I didn't expect you to be promoted to the seventh level. You hide so deeply. Saying that I am despicable, I think you are the most despicable person. While I was fighting with Kabion and Port, I quietly put up a magic circle to trap us. This kind of behavior is worse than dirty beggars. You are as thick as your age.

With the voice, a blue figure slowly flew out of the dark cliff, and a layer of light blue light mask set off the extraordinary Starkweiyi. However, some cracks in his clothes still show that he was injured just now.

"Hahaha, Stark, you are not from our world in the first place. You don't need to use any open and upright means to deal with you. Don't think I don't know what you're thinking. You want to rule the world after being promoted to the ninth level. You can forgive me then. It's just the idea that Bolt and Kibien are going to sneak up on you. Today, there is you without us, and there is no you. Let's fight! Stark. I want your blood to witness the rise of our magicians' union on the mainland.

Stark laughed: "President Ice Blue, don't you think it's too easy for the two Popes to die?"