Heart of Space

Chapter 392 Lori has grown up Last update

"Thunder Eagle, where have we been?"

"Miss, on the gale plain 500 miles ahead, it is the Confederate Military Department. Shall we report there first tonight?"

"No, it's not easy to escape from the old guy this time. Let's have fun first. This alliance battlefield brings together the top power of the three major alliances, so something interesting must happen. Let's go and have a look first."

"Yes, miss."

The three escapes came from the east and quickly went to the west.

In the sun, the bright sun shines on the ages. A hundred miles away from the east of the Wolf Valley, the Golden Armor Legion is full of people chasing the Bright Alliance. This kind of pursuit has lasted all night and half a day. Dozens of towering tree people wave thick vines to kill the soldiers of the Light Alliance everywhere on the plains and hills. Every time the soldiers of the Light Alliance unite to form a team to counterattack, they will be dispersed by one or three or four tree people. In the face of the powerful force of the tree people, all resistance is futile.

Delissus floated in the high sky and has been directing the trees to pursue. Behind the trees is General Bush's army, who are responsible for cleaning the battlefield. The pursuit continues, and Deliss is getting deeper and deeper into the East.

"This is the last wave of organized Alliance of Light Legions." Deliss looked down and commanded the three treemen to directly destroy the army of light composed of a thousand people.

After a few hits of the absolute force of the tree man, the temporary army of thousands of people was immediately dispersed. Several leading low-level professionals were seriously injured and died under the attack of the tree man. When the other soldiers saw that their generals had been killed, they dispersed again and fled everywhere. The tree people waved the long vines and scraped the ground, and groups of soldiers were blown away like baseballs. He was hit by the tree man's long vine, either with a fracture or vomiting blood. For a while, the scene was very bloody.

Looking at the disintegration of the enemy below, Deliss was finally relieved.

"Fortunately, it was completed before the power of the ancient tree of life was used up!" She said with exclamation. Slowly falling from the air.

General Bush commanded his men to chase the defeated troops. He came to Delis and laughed and said, "Lord Deliss, thanks to your help this time, we will definitely lose this battle without you. It's a pity that the life time of this ancient tree is only one day, and there are only three dozens of ancient trees left. Otherwise, if you command them, we won't fight to the Holy City of Light.

Deliss wiped the sweat on her head and said tiredly, "Yes, the ancient tree of life is very powerful, but the waste aura is also very powerful. With my ability, I can only support these dozens of ancient trees of life for a day. No more will work. These three ancient trees are actually about to die.

As she spoke, Deliss suddenly felt a trace of danger passing through her heart.

A subtle voice sounded in his heart: "Danger, get out of here."

This feeling is very mysterious, just like a sudden painstaking effort**. Although she didn't feel murderous or someone was nearby, she still quickly dodged aside. In a rush, she didn't even have time to turn her head to look. She felt a sharp wind blowing from her side and a chill brushed her face. It's like frozen ice in the north.


General Bush beside him was listening to Delis when he suddenly saw a dark shadow breaking out of the ground and attacking Delis quickly. A cold flashing sharp blade cut over Delis's side and cut off a dark green corner of her clothes. If it hadn't been for Deliss' escape. This sword may break Deliss by one or two.

Killing! The strong and unopenable murderous atmosphere spread out.

The shadow couldn't hit it. Suddenly, it was like a latent cheetah exploded, and the murderous gas broke out of the body, like the magic of nine layers of hell, like the madness of the sea. The strong black gas instantly enveloped a ten-meter radius, covering both General Bush and Delis. In this black fog, the sound of ghost crying and wolf howling is popular and refreshing.

"No, it's the killer of the dark night, Lord Deliss, go!" General Bush seemed to see something and immediately shouted.

As soon as Delis was shrouded in black gas, she was shocked and immediately raised her bare hands without saying a word, and put a green shield in front of her. But as soon as the shield was put down, a "ding" sound was heard. A sharp object stabbed on the shield, and the shield was punctured and shattered. However, Deliss was not in a hurry. She took out a dark green magic crystal from her arms with her left hand and pinched it hard. The magic crystal smashed, but a thick green light burst out. As soon as the green light appeared, it immediately spread to Delis's whole body. It forms six strange palm-sized green diamond-shaped shields. These six shields moved at a high altitude and laid a new layer of protection around them.

After the sharp blade pierced the first layer of protection, it immediately met the six diamond-shaped shields.

It was a "ding" again, but this time the sharp blade was blocked. The diamond shield was hit by a huge force, and Delis's face turned white and was blown out. The hit shield was immediately shattered. However, in an instant, the green light spread, and the remaining five shields returned the defense layer to normal.

This blow blew Delis away, but also let her out of the ten-meter range of black fog.

At the moment she was bombarded, she finally saw clearly the person who attacked her. It was a woman in a dark tights. Her long purple and gold hair was firmly wrapped. A pair of blue eyes were as deep as the sea, but with a cold murderous intention. The murderous intention is like a soul-eating beast crawling out of hell, without any mercy or popularity. The woman holds an almost transparent sword in her hand, and she doesn't know what it is made of. But it is obviously very strong.

Her eyes are staring at her, just like a cheetah staring at her prey. There is endless murderous atmosphere inside. Deliss was looked at by these eyes, and her heart was a little stiff.

That look seemed to be magical. At a glance, he would attract himself into it, like the sea, like the sky, and like a hell that swallowed no one. A glance makes people fantasize, and a glance makes people make a life-and-death choice.

"Lord Deliss, be careful!" A loud shout woke up Deliss.

Deliss shook her head and immediately woke up. She immediately knew that she had been hit by the other party's ecstasy. As soon as he woke up, he saw that the other party's sword had stabbed in front of him. As soon as his mind moved, the six shields suddenly stood in front of him.

The female assassin shouted in a low voice: "The demon god is possessed!" Suddenly, the momentum of the female assassin increased several times, and the transparent sword seemed to be infused with mysterious power, and suddenly turned blood red. The murderous gas spreads from the sword, and the surrounding air will be solidified by the murderous gas. The strong smell of blood is almost difficult to breathe.

"Ding!" The crisp tip of the sword collided with the shield, but this time, the shield was finally broken.

"Bum!" Bang!" Bang!" Bang!" Bang!" With five soft sounds, the remaining five diamond shields were easily broken by the blood-red blade. The blood-red sword was handed forward. A sword pierced Delis's left shoulder.

Deliss snorted bitterly and felt the cold blade of the long sword pierced her left shoulder. The other party's fighting spirit has broken through his body along the blade. The next moment, as long as the other party's fighting spirit breaks out, he can easily completely destroy his magician's fragile body. Delis knew that this was her most dangerous moment, and the next second, her life was about to end in the hands of the other party.

Before her death, many pictures flashed in Delis's mind, and finally set the scene in the small town and Wang Fan in the medicine garden a few years ago.

"Brother Colin..." She shouted sadly.

At this time, she was ready to face death, but when the female assassin heard the words of Brother Colin, her cold blue eyes suddenly lit up, showing a look of surprise and surprise. The blood-red sword in his hand did not continue to stab.

"How do you know Lord Colin? Say it!" The female assassin asked for the first time. The blue eyes sparkled with a bright luster.

Delis opened her mouth to speak, but was interrupted by a roar.

"Let go of Lord Deliss." General Bush came up angrily with his golden axe. The golden spirit wrapped all over his body. He split it like a meteor. At this time, General Bush was extremely angry. How can he not be afraid of anger? Delis is noble. If something happens to him, he can't bear the responsibility. What's more, Delis helped them win the war, and it was reasonable that she couldn't let something happen to her.

The female assassin shouted coldly, "Looking for death!"

She suddenly patted her left hand quickly, and the strong blood-red fighting spirit surged out from her palms, unexpectedly making the sound of tidal waves in the air, and dozens of meters of huge tidal waves galloping wildly. There was a sudden roar inside. A monster that looks like a three-headed dog emerged from the blood-red fighting spirit, and a bloody evil spirit was born with the three-headed dog. It's like a beast from hell. Three heads bit General Bush fiercely.

General Bush saw the three-headed dog more than ten meters high bite fiercely, but he was not afraid. Instead, he angrily instilled all the fighting spirit into the golden axe, and an axe cut at the bloody three-headed dog.

The axe came to the body, and the three-headed dog turned its head slightly if it was spiritual, and was cut on its shoulder by a golden axe. But he was not half an axe. Instead, the axe was embedded in the body of the three-headed dog. The three-headed dog cracked its blood basin and bit it at General Bush. General Bush pulled out his axe, but felt that the axe could not be pulled out as if it was in a quagmire. Seeing the three-headed dog bite down, it is irresistible. He just needs to give up the axe and fight.

General Bush is a fourth-order warrior. But the three-headed dog is not inferior to him at all. It's hard for one person to be entangled and fight together.

Without care about their fight, the female assassin looked at Delis coldly and asked again, "Say, do you know Lord Colin?" Where is he now? Don't play tricks. If you dare to tell a lie, I will kill you!"

Delis snorted bitterly, and her bent eyebrows frowned a Sichuan character. Because the other party's sword is still on his shoulder, the other party can take his life at any time. However, the other party's problem also made her feel strange.

"Do you know Brother Colin?"

The female assassin shook the blade hard and interrupted coldly, "Now I'm asking you, I don't care who you are, but I don't allow you to call him brother. Come on, Lord Colin, where is he now?

Although the female assassin was trying to control her emotions, Deliss still heard a trace of tension from the other party's voice. This made Deliss even more confused.

At this moment, a contemptuous laughter suddenly came from the sky: "Blood orchid is worthy of being the king of the new generation of killers in the dark night. However, a killer actually banned others from calling him brother. It's really funny to say it. But I'm curious, who are you from Colin? Why have I never heard of you?"

"Who?" The female assassin shouted coldly. Look at the air warily.

Suddenly, a galactic sword spirit split straight down from the air, and the target was the black female assassin blood orchid. The sword spirit was so abrupt that it was almost cut off as soon as the laughter fell. Obviously, it was a deliberate sneak attack.

The female assassin's body trembled and disappeared from the same place, as if she were invisible. Dodge.

"Boom!" The silver sword hit the ground straight. In an instant, the ground was split into a huge trench dozens of meters long. The earth is shaking like a mountain, splashing earth and stones splashing in the air with vegetation.

Fortunately, Deliss also fled early, otherwise she would have been affected.

"It's worthy of the invisibility of the night, and I can't find it. You're running away quickly, huh!" The contemptuous laughter sounded again.

As soon as Deliss looked up, she happened to see two figures emerging from the air. One was an indifferent man in purple tight armor. He is ordinary-looking and stands slightly on the side of another person, as if he is protecting that person. The other one is more dazzling.

This is a young girl. Her long golden wavy hair is simply bound, and her water-blue eyes are matched with a delicate white porcelain-like face. This is a perfectly-so-so-so girl. Although she is only sixteen or seventeen years old, that noble and sacred temperament has revealed the most beautiful side of a woman.

The girl suddenly smiled at Deliss: "Delis, long time no see!"