Heart of Space

Chapter 416 Don't fool you to death

On the boundless clear sky, a golden escape light flashed rapidly among the clouds, and every time he flashed, a nearly transparent gray escape light appeared next to the golden escape light. Once the two escape lights collide, there will be a huge roar, and the cloud will be as if it had been exploded by a nuclear bomb, creating a huge hole.

A few flashes, and the golden light came to the front. This is a big man in a golden helmet. He is very tall and burly. At a glance, I knew that he was that kind of cheerful and bold man.

But at this time, the big man couldn't be cheerful. He is about to collapse.

Since he encountered his first sneak attack half a day ago, the damn assassin has attacked him 108 times. If it hadn't been for the durability and high defense of the God of War armor on my body, I might have fallen.

"Damn Candace, I said I didn't plot to you. Why are you so haunted? How many times do I have to say it before you believe it? I didn't plot to you, and I didn't know the treasure of the water god Berners at all. The big man roared with great aggrievedness. The golden escape light collided with the gray escape light again and stayed in the air.

This big man is naturally a hegemonic saint.

Since the last time Wang Fan put Candice, the god of shadows in the palace of Berners, Candace mistakenly thought that it was the Overlord who plotted him. Candace hated the domineering saint to the bone. After the split was killed, he immediately came to a split again and went to the palace of Berners to look for it, but the Berners palace had long been small, and there was no trace of Wang Fan. However, this is not a problem, because the "bominable" domineering saint clearly told his name and identity before killing his split. Therefore, Candace easily found the Overlord in the Mokai Empire.

So, a game of assassination and escape began.

Although Candace's split is not strong, he is the god of shadow. He is very good at hiding and assassination. His domineering strength is stronger than his split, but he can't kill him. So Candace began to assassinate and sneak attack like a cowhide candy. During the cultivation of Batian, when eating, sleeping and walking, he is secretly looking for opportunities to attack and assassinate. The overlord is exhausted and nervous. At first, Ba Tian thought it was his enemy who came to the door. Later, with the sneak attack after another, Ba Tian also learned that he seemed to have taken the blame for others.

Although he tried his best to explain, Candace was unmoved. The cowhide candy usually sticks to him and doesn't let him stop for a quarter of an hour.

"Candace, I warn you that I have run out of patience. If you dare to do this again, I won't be polite!" The overlord opened his beard angrily, and his red eyes stared at the looming gray shadow not far away.

The virtual shadow let out a cold laugh: "Ji Jie!! Ba Tian, don't pretend. If you have any tricks, just use them. Since you dared to plot against me, you should be prepared to bear my anger. Moreover, the treasure of the water god is not something you can eat as a legend. I advise you to hand it over honestly."

Ba Tian roared, "I told you that I didn't take the treasure of the Water God. And I don't know the treasure of the water god at all. You idiot, you don't know if you have been cheated. If I plotted on you, I would tell you who I am. Do I live there? Will I be so stupid?"

Candace said in a sharp voice, "What, how dare you scold me for being a fool. That's not the case. Look at the sword!"

Ba Tian patted his forehead, and his face showed a very helpless look. His body flashed and then stabbed into the distance.

The two fought and fled, and soon came to the northern part of the chaotic land, which was the decisive battlefield of the three major alliance armies. The aftermath of the battle between the two is really too powerful. You know, the legendary strong man can tear the world apart and break through the surface barrier. The messy space turbulence alone can make the earth collapse, the mountains are broken, and the rivers are broken.

Soon, the fight between the two attracted the attention of people.

After a while, Batian and Candace came over the headquarters of the Natural Alliance. The battle between the two caused a thunderous sound in the air, and the original thick clouds were torn into pieces by their boxing style and sword spirit, revealing the sun high in the sky. The vision of heaven and earth made the barracks below also boil. More and more soldiers and officers ran out of the tent to watch. When I saw the two people in the sky, one punch and one foot could make the world collapse, and the sea of clouds tossed. They were stunned and couldn't close their mouths for a long time.

The battle between the two has attracted more and more attention. Many people quietly followed behind to watch.

He was assassinated by Candace repeatedly, and he was also angry. He is also a saint in the realm, not an ordinary small role. He has explained it, but it is still useless. As a saint, he could not stand this oppression and discrimination, so he began to pester Candus wholeheartedly.

As soon as the overbearing saint used all his strength, Candace was immediately at a disadvantage.

However, as a god who has been a god for a long time, Candace has more means than hegemony, so Candace will not be defeated for a while. The two of them stalemate for a moment.

When Wang Fan brought Deliss to the Military Department of the Natural Alliance, this is what he saw.

As soon as Wang Fan saw Candace and the Overlord, he immediately tightened his heart and subconsciously wanted to leave here, because he was also seriously injured at this moment, and the main plane split the giant he condensed into in one fell swoop. He also indirectly split his body. Under the power of the rules, even giants who almost surpass the legendary level can be killed in an instant. What's more, Wang Fan, who has only reached the eighth level. So he really needs to rest at this moment.

After sending Delis away, Wang Fan decided to leave. But I saw Candace and the Overlord in the sky. As soon as his mind turned, an evil smile appeared at the corners of his mouth.

"Datrice, you stay here. I'll be back as soon as I go!" Wang Fan explained to Deliss beside him. Then his body flashed and disappeared in place, and the next moment he came to the battlefield between Candace and Batian.

As soon as Wang Fan came up, he hit the space cannon. The turbulence of high-intensity concentrated space power was condensed into a pillar and spewed out angrily. The target is straight to the back of the overlord.

The Overlord is concentrating on fighting with Candace, and his body always opens the field of God of War. Wang Fan's attack was suddenly sudden, but he still sensed it. The fierce attack from the air cannon bombarded his field, and the round field was suddenly bombarded into a big depression. A force bombarded the Overlord dozens of meters away. Although it doesn't really hurt the overlord. But it made him a little embarrassed.

"Bastard, who is sneaking on me?" Ba Tian stabilized his body and suddenly turned around and scolded.

Wang Fan flicked the dust on his bullet shirt (although there was no dust on his clothes) and smiled with two rows of white teeth, "Your Excellency Batian, I haven't seen you for such a long time. You still have that bad temper!"

Domineering pupil tightens: "It's you! Colin-Daoer, how dare you show up?"

Wang Fan ignored the overlord, but turned to Candace, the god of shadow, and said, "Your Majesty Candace, Colin Daoer would like to pay sincere respect to you. I didn't expect to meet such a great god as you here. However, as great as you are, how can you have a conflict with a mortal ant like Batian? If you don't dislike it, I can help you eradicate this traitor who dares to rebel against the gods. I don't know what you think?"

As soon as Candace saw the attitude that Ba Tian and Wang Fan wanted to see, he immediately knew that Wang Fan was an enemy and not a friend. Hearing Wang Fan's advice, his heart moved and he immediately smiled and said, "Your name is Colin Daoer? Very good, you are very good. I like to make friends who are strong and polite, little brother Colin. Looking at you, you also have a grudge against Ba Tian, a despicable villain. Then let's join hands to kill him."

Wang Fan said elegantly, "As you wish!"

Wang Fan agreed, but his heart was very happy. One of the two fools was secretly attacked by himself and foolishly went to revenge others, but the other was wronged and besieged. The two gathered together, which was originally very wonderful. When Wang Fan gathered together, it was even more wonderful and a good play was staged.

With the support of Candace, Wang Fan turned his head and said righteously to Ba Tian, " Ba Tian, you despicable villain. I want you to chase me, catch my friend, and kill my woman when I am not strong enough. Have you ever thought of today? This means that good will be rewarded with evil will be rewarded with evil. It is not that the time will not be rewarded. Today, I want to avenge my blood for my relatives and friends. Just die honestly!"

After Wang Fan said, he said to Candace, "Lord Candace, I can't wash away the water of the heavenly river with this domineering hatred. Please let me take the lead for you. Just take a glimpse of it."

Candace had no choice but to dominate the sky. He was eager for Wang Fan's request. His ability is to hide and assassinate, and once he gets to the light, it will not be very useful. Wang Fan's arrangement is just right for him. It was because he was dozed off that the pillow was sent. The more Candace looked at Wang Fan, the more pleasing he felt. The good impression of Wang Fan in my heart has greatly increased. He nodded repeatedly and said, "Okay, okay, then ask Mr. Colin to do it. I'll help you from the side!"

Wang Fan snickered in his heart, but he didn't show his face on the surface. He roared, and his body rose to a gray-white field. In an instant, the hegemonic was enveloped in it.

"Space field - isolation!"

Ba Tian suddenly felt that his body sank, and his surroundings were full of resistance as if it had been submerged by water. This was still in the case that his field of God of War was opened. If it is not turned on, I'm afraid it will be solidified all around. This is the field, the real space field. It controls the space world and the space field of heaven and earth.

"I didn't expect you to make such a rapid progress. Last time you were just promoted to legend, and this time you are already a strong man in the field. I have to admire that Thor's artifact is indeed an extraordinary artifact. The way of domineering.

Saying that this was unintentional, the listener was careful. Candace, the god of shadows, his eyes lit up after hearing the words of Thor's artifact. It seems to have thought of something. Looking at Wang Fan, he became ambiguous.