Heart of Space

Prison Break (External)

Wang Fan is an orphan. To be precise, he became an orphan at the age of five, and he became an orphan because someone killed his parents in front of him when he was five years old.

He still can't forget that look, which is full of hysterical madness and murderousness.

He is still very grateful for the hen cage in his family. He is also grateful to the carpenter for making the chicken cage closed so that he can escape the disaster.

Now, he is still in a cage, but the cage here is no longer made of wood, but reinforced steel.

A flute sounded, and Wang Fan knew that it was the prison guard shouting for dinner!

According to the principles of film science, every escaped prisoner proves that the owner is innocent in the end. This sentence convinced Wang Fan. But he didn't expect his innocence, he just expected to escape. Because in two days, he will face a secret shooting and say goodbye to this wonderful world forever.

What is his charge?

From Wang Fan's point of view, he is innocent, which has nothing to do with faith, law, or morality. This is just a bloody revenge story of an orphan whose parents were killed.

That's all.........................................


The long and harsh siren sounded, and in the dark room, a pair of eyes suddenly opened, like a bright lightning in the night sky, scratching the black. A soft self-talk came from the dark room: "It's time!!!!"

As soon as the sound fell, there was a loud sound of footsteps from the long corridor outside the room.

On the black mirror-like floor, a man came over, wearing a police uniform and looking at four pale words behind him - Danlin Prison. It is in English.

The prison guard's face was pale, and his long and narrow eyes were hidden with tyranny and viciousness. From time to time, he glanced back and forth in the small rooms in the long aisle, as if the king was patrolling. But in fact, everyone knows that he is just a hound among the wolves - a gatekeeper!

The loud footsteps stopped in front of a dark door. The prison guard knocked on the door with a police stick and shouted in a hoarse voice, "No. 1213, it's time for you to be locked up!" Get ready to come out!" With that, he stretched out his hand and pressed a raised part of the wall next to the door.


From the window on the door, a pale light suddenly shot out, illuminating the room.

Under the pale white light, a figure sat with his back to the iron door. The room was very small, and there was only a low bed and a toilet for the toilet. The figure was wearing a light blue prison uniform and his hair was scattered on his shoulders. From his back, he was a thin man.

"Bum!" Bang!"

The prison guard impatiently knocked on the iron door with a baton and shouted, "No. 1213, your time is up. Do you hear me? Damn it, give me garlic!" Get up!"

His voice was hoarse and unpleasant. He penetrated through the window below and echoed in the small confinement room.

Finally, the people inside moved, stood up from the floor, and turned around gently. A deep and powerful voice sounded: "Jia Denan, what are you calling? Do you think I don't know that your wife has cuckolded you? If you want to find self-confidence from me, don't dream!"

The prison guard outside the door heard this and was furious: "You..." However, when he saw the murderous eyes of the man inside, the words behind him swallowed again.

He didn't dare to provoke the evil star inside. I heard that this man went to the prison because of revenge and killed a family of seven people in one fell swoop with a high amount of explosive. On the street, two luxury cars were blown to pieces, and even the street was blown into a large pit several meters deep. Not to mention people, even the shops on the street have been blown up. When he entered the prison, the man was even more ruthless. A few days ago, a prison boss just scolded him for a few words and was cut off one of his ears. In order to avoid worse things, the prison had to close him again. For this kind of villain sentenced to life imprisonment. Even he dares not provoke.

After muttering a few words, the prison guard still put down his tone and said, "Wang Fan, please turn your back on me!" Go back to the door!" In awe of the fierce name of the other party, the prison guard said an extra word of invitation. You know, how rare the word "invitation" is in this prison where fighting is used for food.

Under the light, I finally saw the man's face clearly. Although his face is a little pale, it can still be seen that he is a yellow man.

The first impression was not the murderous black eyes, but the beard on the man's face, extending from his chin to the temples, and the beard under his nose almost covered most of the man's face. It's just that from the skin of this person, this person is still very young. It is estimated to be twenty-four or twenty-five years old.

Prisoner No. 1213, known as Wang Fan, looked at the prison guard indifferently, turned around and gently retreated to the door.


The prison guard took out the key, opened a long small window in the middle of the iron gate, and ordered Wang Fan, "Stretch out your left hand!"

Wang Fan stretched out his left hand, but stretched out his right hand together. The prison guard stared helplessly behind Wang Fan, because it was a violation of the regulations. He couldn't stretch out his hands at the same time, but he didn't want to be angry about this senseless thing, so he had to take out the handcuffs and handcuff Wang Fan.

"Okay, you can step back. I'm going to open the door!" The prison guard said after handcuffing.

Wang Fan moved forward a few steps lazily and said indifferently, "Hurry up, lunch is about to begin!"

The prison guard quickly opened the iron door and shouted, "You can come out!"

One hand grabbed Wang Fan's arm and the other hand pressed on the baton around his waist. The prison guard closed the iron door vigilantly. His body was tight and his mental strength was highly concentrated. At the same time, he said as calmly as possible, "Let's go, I'll take you back to the new cell!"

Suddenly, Wang Fan, with a beard on his face, turned his head and smiled strangely at him: "You seem to be very nervous..."

The prison guard's fat cheeks suddenly shook, and his body suddenly tightened. He clenched the baton around his waist with his right hand and stared at Wang Fan, just like a highly vigilant leopard. Once the other party took action, he would quickly jump on it.

"What do you want to do?" The prison guard's fat lips trembled and asked nervously.

"Ha ha ha!" Wang Fan smiled and took the lead in walking forward. As he walked, he said, "Don't be nervous. It's just a joke. Come on, I'm still in a hurry to eat!"

Compared with the free and easy of the criminal Wang Fan, the prison guard Jiadenan was nervous to death. Just as Wang Fan smiled at him strangely, he almost couldn't help taking action. Looking at the super evil prisoner walking slowly in front of him, Jiadenan swallowed his saliva and quickly caught up with him.

"Step! Step! Step!"

The footsteps of two people are particularly harsh in the open corridor. Jiadenan felt that the sound was beating in his heart like a drum. His heartbeat unconsciously accelerated a few points.

After passing through two doors, finally, in the suffering, Jiadenan took Wang Fan to the door of the cell.

Jiadenan tightened Wang Fan's arm and motioned, "Wait a minute!" Then, he picked up the work permit and pressed it at the magnetic card identification on the fine steel gate, "Tick!" With a sound, the fine steel door automatically opened a gap.

Jiadenan opened the door and said, "Let's go!"

Wang Fan raised his leg and stepped in. Before he could enter, a huge noise came out of it. Screams, roars and scolding were intertwined, forming a wave coming to his face. It almost makes people feel that they have entered the downtown. However, it seemed that he was used to this sound. Neither the prison guard nor Wang Fan entered the iron gate without care at all.

As soon as he entered the iron gate, the sound inside suddenly weakened.

Beyond the iron gate, there is a huge cell, surrounded by a square box. In all directions, it is densely covered with large and small cells. In the corridor of the cell, several patrolmen are carefully patrolling. And the huge sound came from the cells.

After Wang Fan entered the door, he looked up and inspected the hundreds of cells above with indifferent eyes, with a strange smile on the corners of his mouth.

Suddenly, the sound of the huge iron door collided on the third floor!

"Bum!" Bang!" Someone is slamming the iron gate. An angry voice came: "Wang Fan, you son of a bitch! No shit. Yellow monkey with eyes! Garbage in the toilet! I must kill you! I'm going to kill you..."

Looking up, in the three-story cell, there was a tall black man in a cell who was scolding. He slammed the iron door with his fist and slammed the prison door. This made the three-layer patrolling prison guards quite nervous.

Strangely, the black man's left ear seems to be gone, wrapped in a circle of white gauze! And there is a faint blood oozing out.

The black man's scolding immediately caused a carnival in the whole cell, and the huge sound immediately went up a step. Many criminals walked from the room to the back of the prison door, waving their hands and shouting.

"Delong, good job, tear up this yellow monkey!"

"Haha, Delong, the person who tore off your left ear is here. If you don't have eggs, I'd be happy to vent for you, haha!"

"Kill him! Kill him!"

"Tear him and break his neck! Boss Delong, kill him!"

There was a frenzy in the prison. Countless curses and roars mixed with the sound of banging into the door converged into a huge wave, almost drowning Wang Fan standing on the patio below. However, Wang Fan's face was calm and he didn't look at them. Under the guidance of Jiadenan, he walked to his new cell.

"Wow!" Whew!"

A roll of toilet paper was thrown out of the prison door by the prisoners and dragged a long white strip in the air, which looked like a festive ribbon.

Wang Fan's new cell is on the second floor, and the black cell is exactly the upper and lower floors. Walking in the corridor on the second floor, passing through one prison after another, the people inside stretched out their long arms and tried to grab Wang Fan. But they were all knocked back by Gardenan with a baton.

"Cock!" Jiadenan pasted it on the prison door with an identification card, and the prison door opened immediately. There is a prison guard in his thirties next to him.

"Go in!" Jiadenan said. The expression is not relaxed at all!

Wang Fan obediently entered the prison door and looked inside. The cell was a two-person room. At this time, the lower bunk of the upper and lower double beds was already occupied by a young white man. The white man's face was thin and pale, his eyes were full of blood, and a pair of equally thin hands trembled slightly.

"Wang Fan, turn your back to the prison door and stretch out your hands!" The voice of Jiadenan came from the rear.

He stretched out his hand obediently, and the sound of the key turning came from behind. His wrist was light, and the handcuffs had been removed by Jia Denan! Wang Fan rubbed his wrist and stood in front of the prison door, staring at the thin white man in front of him like a beast.

The distant footsteps behind him, Wang Fan knew that Jiadenan had left.

Staring at the young white man who began to tremble in front of him, Wang Fan suddenly smiled at the corners of his mouth and pointed to the upper and lower bed and said, "I like to live below. I think you should like to live above, right?"

As soon as Wang Fan moved his arm, the young white man left Queen Cang and stepped back two steps, and his blood-filled eyes were full of fear and uneasiness. After hearing Wang Fan's words, he said, "Ah, yes, yes, I like to live above. I, I will move right away. Move it right away!"

Without waiting for Wang Fan's urging, the roommate, who was like a frightened bird, hurriedly rolled up the bedding debris on the lower bunk, hugged them together randomly, and threw them to the upper bunk. In the groove by the wall, there are dozens of books stacked neatly together. Wang Fan saw clearly that the above book turned out to be a "Psychological Dream Exploration", and several other books are also books of this kind.

Wang Fanxin said, "I didn't expect that this guy is still a good baby!"

When the young white man packed up, he stood aside obediently and stood down. He looked as honest as he was. Wang Fan ignored him. After spreading his things on the lower bunk, he lay down with his clothes, closed his eyes and began to take a good rest.

Since Wang Fan entered the cell, the abuse and roar outside have not stopped, especially the black man above. His unique loud voice can't be stopped even if you plug your ears. However, none of this can affect Wang Fan.

At this time, he is repeatedly calculating whether there is anything missing in the plan he will implement next!


The alarm bell is ringing. It's time to eat! Wang Fan, who was lying quietly in **, suddenly sat up, and a pair of dark eyes bloomed with divine light. He shouted in his heart, "Plan to start!"

"Wan!" Buff!" "Oh!"

Hundreds of iron gates were opened at the same time, and the electronic monitoring prison door was strong and convenient. After the iron gate was opened, groups of criminals came out of the prison door, and a huge noise filled the whole prison.

Wang Fan also came out of the cell and stood in front of the door! Next to him, young white people were also accompanied tremblingly. The prisoners kept coming out of the cell. For a moment, all the prisoners had left the cell. Dozens of prison guards patrolled vigilantly, and those who were dishonest after leaving the cell would be a baton.

A fat prison guard below took a blue notebook, recorded something, and then looked up and said, "There are a lot of people. You can go!"

As if they had received the order, dozens of patrolmen began to shout that the prisoners lined up to leave the corridor. Wang Fan was mixed in the crowd, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he patrolled back and forth from time to time, as if he was looking for someone. Finally, his eyes met a vicious and vicious look.

- That black man!

The white gauze was particularly obvious on the black head. The black boss with one ear looked at Wang Fan's eyes as if a hungry wolf was staring at the food. The black man swung his teeth at Wang Fan, moved his lips, said a sign language, and at the same time raised his middle finger to Wang Fan!

Wang Fan restored what he said: "I'll stab you to death!"

With a smile, Wang Fan stopped paying attention to him and continued to patrol. Finally, he saw the man in the corner. - It was a young prison guard in his twenties. His face was full of seriousness and vigilance. His waist was straight, and the baton in his hand shook, as if he could fall on someone's fart at any time. On the stock.

Seeing him, Wang Fan was relieved.

The place to eat is in a small castle not far from the prison. The road is very close, as long as you cross an open space. But on the side of the open space, a asphalt road leads directly to the gate of Danlin Prison. From here, you can almost directly see the tall steel door of the prison.

When crossing this open space, Wang Fan glanced at the prison gate in the distance and inadvertently lost a few nearly transparent thin steel thorns in his hand. The steel thorn fell to the ground, just where there was a layer of light tire marks. After that, he went away slowly, and everything seemed to be normal.

Walking into the restaurant, Wang Fan kept scanning around and paying attention to the movement vigilantly.

In his eyes, several big men looked at themselves from time to time, and they were also transmitting something to each other. Looking at their malicious eyes, Wang Fan naturally knew what they wanted to do, but this was also what he expected, so he smiled provocatively at them.

He walked past with a plate under the indifferent eyes of the master of the prison restaurant, which was full of food unique to the prison.

When Wang Fan saw that the young prison guard had come to the restaurant, Wang Fan slowly walked over, sat down three meters away from the young prison guard, picked up the spoon and began to eat. He was facing the young prison guard and looked up at him from time to time.

After a while, the young prison guard found the bearded prisoner who looked at him from time to time.

Maybe Wang Fan's eyes are too aggressive, or maybe the young prison guard's suspicion is too heavy. Anyway, under the deliberate guidance of Wang Fan, the young prison guard has an idea that he is "liked" by the bearded prisoner!

"How can it be! You cheap prisoner, how dare you hit me! I'm not glass!" The young prison guard was transferred here from the army, and his stomach was full of hot-blooded impulse. Almost immediately, he came forward to find the trouble of this prisoner.

Just as he was about to act, he suddenly found two strong men approaching the beard in front of him. A sharp plastic spike was sticking out of the two's broad prison uniforms. I don't know where they got it. After the spikes appeared, the two suddenly rushed forward and were about to stab the young man.

"Ah!" The young prison guard screamed and rushed up, but it was a step late.



Two soft sounds sounded, and the two sharp spikes broke through a thin layer of prison uniform and stabbed into the muscles of the human body, stirring the intestines in the stomach. However, the person who was stabbed was not the bearded. It's those two strong men!

It turned out that at the critical moment just now, the beard was like an eye on his back. When the two strong men poked him, his body shook quickly and broke away from the attack of the two people. Then, he leaned forward with both hands. When they didn't react, they turned over and took away their spikes, and then Wang Fanliang The sharp spikes immediately broke through their same weak clothes and stabbed them into their stomachs.

This action was like a surprise, fast and beautiful. The young prison guard had just jumped between Wang Fan and the two strong men.



Two strong black men covered their stomachs in pain, and their faces twisted to the ground. Blood splashed out of their stomachs and quickly dyed the prison uniform red.

The screams of the two immediately shocked the prison guards in the restaurant. A large number of prison guards with shields rushed in and knocked down all the prisoners in the restaurant to the ground. Wang Fan was also specially taken care of. Several prison guards pressed him together and put his face on the cold floor.

"Get down! Get down! Everyone, get down!"

"Call the doctor! These two people are injured in the abdomen and need treatment!"

"You two, take Wang Fan out of here, and the others will maintain order!" A prison guard who looked like a head shouted.

"Kkaka!" Wang Fan's wrist was re-carryed, and his hands were twisted behind his back. A prison guard and the young prison guard grabbed Wang Fan and walked out. When he was about to go out, Wang Fan smiled at the black man who had lost his ears. Of course, he knew that what happened just now was dictated by the black boss. The black man's face was really blue.

Out of the restaurant, Wang Fan was twisted by two prison guards and sent to the temporary monitoring room.

When he came to the monitoring room, Wang Fanxin said, "The second step is complete! Next, we will draw away this superfluous prison guard! I don't have much time, and the food truck should be leaving soon!"

He glanced at the coffee cup on the table in the monitoring room and saw that it was still steaming. Looking at the slightly fat prison guard, he was overjoyed. At this time, he sat in a chair with his hands behind his back, and neither prison guard could see his movements.

As soon as the palm of his hand slipped, a pocket red pill appeared in his hand, and then he flicked his fingers. The small pill crossed a wonderful arc and fell into the coffee cup. The voice was small, and Wang Fan did it cleverly, so it was not found.

The two prison guards in front of them, as if staring at Wang Fan against the enemy, seemed that as long as Wang Fan made a move, they would do it!

After a while, the slightly fat prison guard began to sweat on his head. Under thirst and nervousness, he saw the coffee cup on the table, reached out and took it over, and drank it as soon as he looked up. After drinking in one breath, he burped, and a satisfied smile appeared on the fat prison guard's face.

It's just that not long after drinking, the fat prison guard's face began to look ugly. At first, he could bear it, but after a series of unstoppable farts, he finally couldn't resist the strong venting from his stomach. He twisted his face and poked the young prison guard who covered his nose next to him. His face looked ugly and said, "I can't help it. You can't stand it for a while!"

The young prison guard couldn't help his series of stinky farts and nodded hurriedly and said, "Go ahead!"

The fat prison guard, like Meng Da Shi, hurriedly covered his stomach and went out. After the fat prison guard went out, there were only Wang Fan and him left in the room. Seeing Wang Fan's usual indifferent expression, the young prison guard couldn't help panic. Therefore, he became more cautious.

Staring at the young prison guard, Wang Fan's hands behind him kept groping and shaking. A nearly transparent steel bar appeared in the palm of his hand. After a few strokes, the handcuffs clicked open. However, the sound was covered by Wang Fan with his palm and did not spread out.

Wang Fan smiled gently at the young prison guard. Suddenly, he looked at the door and said in shock, "Well, Warden Smith, why are you here?"

Maybe Wang Fan's expression is too deceptive, or maybe the young prison guard has little experience. Anyway, the young prison guard listened and immediately turned his head in surprise. When he saw that there was no one outside the door, he immediately knew that he had been fooled. - But it was too late!

With a bang on the back of the head, there was a sharp pain and dizziness, and the young prison guard fell down gloriously!

After taking over the young prison guard's body, Wang Fan quickly took off his clothes and changed with himself. After that, he hugged his body and dragged him to the chair, held him down and turned his back to the door.

After changing his clothes, Wang Fan immediately walked to the small bathroom in the monitoring room. There was no toilet in the bathroom, only a place to wash his hands. When Wang Fan opened the door and saw that there was a razor and other face washing utensils on the washstand, a smile appeared on his face.

In less than three minutes, when the bathroom door opened again, a young and handsome man came out, with a gorgeous chin and temples, a well-fitting police uniform and a police cap on his head. Like a good policeman of the people in a new era, no one can see that this little white-faced person is actually the original sloppy bearded prisoner.

Wang Fan straightened his clothes in front of the mirror, hung his work permit on his chest, and took out a handkerchief from his pocket.

"Very good, I'm a glorious prison guard now!" With that, he smiled at the mirror and walked out.

Out of the monitoring room, Wang Fan calmly walked to the restaurant along the scheduled route. After passing a corner, Wang Fan suddenly saw two prison guards coming in front of him, and one of them was Jiadenan.

Wang Fanxin said, "It's not good!"

But at this time, he had been seen by the other party. If he retreated, it would be even more suspicious. Therefore, he suppressed the vibration in his heart, lowered the brim of his hat, and took out a handkerchief with his left hand to cover his mouth and nose and coughed vigorously.

Seeing that the two of them passed face to face with Jiadenan, Wang Fan's heart beat into the drum. Fortunately, Jiadenan only glanced at him. After seeing the work permit on his chest, he no longer paid attention to him, but it was this time that made Wang Fan sweat coldly behind his back.

Passing by!

Wang Fan's heartbeat finally calmed down. Just as he was speeding up his pace to leave the corridor, Gardenan's voice suddenly came from behind.

"Hey, who is that, Owen! Wait a minute!"

"Irving, this is calling myself! That's what young prison guards call it. Wang Fan was uneasy. Did he find out? His heart rose to his throat, stopped, turned stiffly, covered his nose and coughed vigorously. He looked at Jiadenan. He noticed that Gardenan's expression did not seem to find him.

"Oh, your name is Owen. How is the prisoner Wang Fan you took away now?" Jiadenan asked. The eyes are calm. It seems that he didn't recognize Wang Fan.

"Cough! Cough! Oh, you said that bearded prisoner, he was taken away by the warden!" Wang Fan said in a hoarse voice.

Jiadenan listened and asked with concern, "Oh, that's it. But I see if you are sick. Do you want to see a doctor!"

Wang Fan waved his hand repeatedly, "It's okay!"

Fortunately, Jiadenan just cared politely and didn't really pay attention to it. He said a few words and continued to leave.

Wang Fan had a layer of cold sweat behind him, and there was also dense sweat on his eyebrows. After Jiadenan left, Wang Fan stopped and quickly walked to the restaurant. Along the way, Wang Fan met several waves of people, but they stopped paying attention to Wang Fan's work permit. After passing several checkpoints with his work permit, Wang Fan came to the asphalt road outside the restaurant.

When he saw the big truck that stopped on the road, Wang Fan smiled. Walk over.

This is a truck that transports ingredients. It appears here at a fixed time every day, and almost even the rut is exactly the same. Therefore, the steel thorn left by Wang Fan in advance will be effective. Two people in blue overalls are checking the tires. It seems that it is about to be installed.

"It's really strange. How can there be steel thorns on this road? Don't you clean the ground in prison?" A man complained.

"Okay, install it quickly. It's time for the boss to scold again!" Another person urged.

Wang Fan, with his waist, sneaked over, came to the back of the truck silently, fiddled with the iron lock of the rear door a few times and opened the door. With a flash of his body, he went inside. The carriage was full of the smell of vegetables. Naturally, it didn't smell so good in this small space, but at this time, Wang Fan's whole mind was outside. I didn't notice the taste here at all.

"Bang!" Bang!" Two stalks of closing the door, the two got into the car, followed by a rumbling sound, and the truck set sail again.

After a while, the truck stopped for a while, and there seemed to be a click. Wang Fan knew that it was the opening sound of the prison gate. I'm so nervous. There was a sound of talking and laughing outside. It should be that the driver was talking to the prison guard. After a while, the truck paused slightly and then drove out quickly.

The smoke and dust rose everywhere, and the vegetable truck carrying Wang Fan left Danlin Prison!