Heart of Space

Chapter 2 Milia!

When Colin ran out of the door, he saw a luxurious carriage parked on the roadside of Qingshi from afar. In the carriage, a twelve- or three-year-old girl jumped out of the carriage. At this time, the brilliant morning light has broken through the thick fog in the morning, and the golden sun shone on the girl's body, covering her with a layer of light gold.

Although the girl is only twelve or three years old, she has come out beautifully. Her big blue eyes are very flexible. Under her beautiful nose is a touch of pink lips that are always slightly raised. Her long golden wavy shawl hair flashes with charming golden light in the sun, and a pure white princess skirt wraps her delicate body. At this time, the girl was shrouded in the golden sun, and her whole body seemed to exude a golden luster. It's so beautiful!

Colin in the distance was also moved by this scene. For some reason, Colin felt that his heart beat violently, and a strange fluctuation hit his heart from his chest, making him slightly intoxicated.

Colin was a little confused. He was sure that he had never had such a strange feeling, but he vaguely felt that he had experienced this kind of thing for a long time. This is a kind of complex and difficult feeling. For ten years, since I was sensible, I have often dreamed and always felt that I had forgotten a lot of things. But when I think about it, my brain hurts like a needle.

In his dream, he seemed to have become a man named Wang Fan, and he also felt that he was that person.

There are many strange things in the dream that he has never seen before. Colin didn't care much about those strange things, but some short stories in the dream were gradually remembered by him over time. These short stories are more close to reality, such as "Magic Apprentice", which tells the story of a teenager who learns magic. And there is magic in this world.

"Hey, Colin, what are you doing standing stupidly? Come here quickly!" The girl waved to Colin.

Before Colin could come, the girl jumped out of the carriage, shook off the hand of the servant beside her, ran over vigorously, and ran to Colin breathlessly. When she came closer, Colin saw more clearly.

The girl's pink face expanded rapidly in his eyes, and Colin could even clearly see every eyebrow of the girl. As he got closer, a unique fragrance of the girl spread into Colin's nostrils. Colin looked at the girl's big blue eyes and was inexplicably panicked.

"Miss Milya, why are you coming to me?" Colin said hesitantly. My eyes dare not face the girl.

Melia pouted her pink lips, and her happy expression suddenly became lonely. She took out a small black dagger from behind, handed it to Colin, and said crisply, "Gee, what's for you!"

Colin looked at the long black dagger in Milia's little hand and was a little stunned for a moment. He didn't know what the unruly Mila was doing with her dagger, and didn't reach out to take it. Instead, he asked in a daze, "Why are you giving me a dagger?"

Melia pulled Colin's hand angrily, put the dagger on his hand, and said angrily, "Just take it for you. Why do you ask so much? Well, I have given you my most precious thing, and now, you also want to give me one of your most precious things.

Looking at Mila's white and tender hand shaking in front of her eyes, Colin's already confused brain was even more confused: "What are you doing, Miss Milya?"

Seeing Colin's stupid appearance, Milia was ashamed: "This fool, don't you know what I mean when I gave you something? This nerd!"

As soon as her eyes turned, Milia thought of an excuse.

"Idiot, aren't we friends? Since we are friends, we have to give gifts to each other. I have given you my gift just now. Now, you also want to give me one." Milia said angrily. A pair of big eyes are blinking. It's so beautiful.

Colin scratched his head and said with a red face, "But, but, I don't have anything valuable?"

Melia's pink little face suddenly changed. She grabbed Colin's collar angrily, just because she was a few centimeters lower than Colin, which looked a little funny. The little face was close to Colin, and Milia said angrily, "Idiot, how can you say no? You must have it. You must have it. Give it to me quickly!"

"I, I, I!" Colin was grabbed by the collar by Mireya, and he saw the beautiful face less than an inch away from the opposite side. His nose smelled the other's fragrance. His heart was even more confused, and he said with a sad face, "I really don't have it!"

Melia suddenly shook off Colin and said angrily, "I don't care if I don't care. You must give me something, and it's your most precious thing."

Although Milia is not tall, but when she is angry, Colin is really a little afraid of her. Since she met this noble lady three months ago, Colin has been crushed by her and is no match everywhere. Now Milia is like an angry little tiger, and Colin feels like he is being roasted on the fire.

Just as the two were deadlocked, the middle-aged servant beside the carriage in the distance shouted, "Miss, let's go!" Time is running out. Madam is still waiting for you!"

Melia didn't look back and said, "I know, are you annoyed? Wait for me for a moment!"

Suddenly, Colin saw that the eyes of the beautiful girl in front of him dimmed, caged with a thin layer of water mist. There was a sad look on his little face, and his delicate lips were tightly squeezed, as if he had made some sad decision.

A feeling of pity came from the bottom of his heart and lingered in Colin's ignorant heart. Colin felt a slight pain in his heart. Then a tenderness came out from the bottom of my heart. Colin couldn't help stretching out his hand to comfort the sad beautiful girl in front of him.

Who knows, when Milia saw Colin stretching out her hand, she suddenly grabbed Colin's arm with one hand and bit Colin's left hand fiercely.


Colin screamed, and the severe pain in his left hand woke him up from intoxication. Seeing that Mila bit herself fiercely, Colin panicked and said, "Melia, what are you doing? Let go of me, it hurts so much!"

"Woo-woo!" What answered him was a more violent bite, and a sharp pain hit his brain, which made Colin very painful.

"Gone go of me, let me go! It hurts so much. My hand is going to break!" Colin said in horror. The right hand pushed Mireya fiercely, but the more she pushed, the more severe the pain in her left hand became. It was almost unbearable for Colin.

Suddenly, the left hand was sent, and Milia let go of Colin's left hand.

Colin looked down and saw that the blood had been bitten at the root of the thumb of his left hand, and the two rows of blood tooth marks symmetrical on the palm and back of his hand were bleeding. The violent pain came from the hand to the heart.

"You, why did you bite me?" Colin said angrily.

"Ha ha!" Mi Liya smiled, stretched out her pink tongue and licked the red blood at the corners of her mouth. She blinked her big blue eyes and said, "Since you can't take anything out, I have to take it myself!" I bite you so that you remember me! I want you to think of me every time you see the wound on your hand.

After saying that, Milia ran back without waiting for Colin to answer.

Jumping into the carriage, Milia turned around and shouted to Colin, " Colin. Daoer! You must come to Milan to find me in the future, otherwise!" She waved her little white fist and threatened, "Hmm, or I would have bitten you."

After saying that, Milia got into the carriage.

The middle-aged servant smiled at Colin and said gently, "Colin, our young lady is leaving Tucker today. This time, she is here to say goodbye. Goodbye, young man!" After saying that, the servant picked up the whip and drove the carriage into the distance.

The luxurious carriage quickly went away on the bluestone street, and the rolling sound extended to the end of the street. Colin looked at the back of the carriage, and his heart suddenly became empty. He felt so uncomfortable.