Heart of Space

Chapter 36 Blade Storm

The golden round wheel attacked Wang Fan from the ground, scraping a huge scar on the slate ground all the way, and the golden round wheel roared to Wang Fan.

Wang Fan had been prepared for a long time, and his momentum also climbed to the peak. He waved the blue and silver sword and fiercely infused his whole body with fighting spirit into the sword body. He jumped high to avoid the golden wheel and jumped three or four feet to the sky of Albert. The blue and silver sword burst out of silver fighting spirit and smashed it.

Albert shouted, "Okay!"

Then he clenched the sword in both hands, crossed his head, and fought with Wang Fan.


Wang Fan occupied the fall in the air and cut it off with the force, but failed to suppress Albert. After the two were deadlocked for 5 seconds, Wang Fan was blown out by Albert. Wang Fan turned around twice in the air and stood firmly on the ground.


Before he stood firm, he heard a sound of breaking the air behind him. Wang Fan subconsciously moved three meters to the left and looked in place. He saw a golden light wheel raging from there, and the golden wheel made a sharp roar. Cut a corner of Wang Fan's clothes.

Wang Fan was scared into a cold sweat. If he slowed down a little, he would go back to his hometown. He said to himself, "What a whirlwind sword, it can still be used like this!" It seems that it won't work without a unique trick.

The fighting spirit was fiercely infused into the blue and silver sword, and Wang Fan secretly recited the spell of the wind blade at the bottom, stimulating the engraved magic wind blade on the blue and silver sword.

This discovery was only embolded after fighting with Yanyang last time. The blue and silver sword is engraved with wind blade spells, which can be stimulated with mana, but the last battle was so fierce and short that Wang Fan forgot to use it. There happens to be a trial training this time. Why not do it?


The silver fighting spirit is shining, and the powerful momentum rises to the sky, and the sword light is more than one meter long at the tip of the sword.


Then, Wang Fan shouted loudly, and the blue and silver sword buzzed and trembled. A crescent-shaped wind blade flew out of the sword body and hit Albert directly.


The crescent wind blade is more than a foot long, and the speed is only faster than the fighting gas, and it is extremely flexible, and the movement is elusible. Albert was shocked, dodged in a hurry, and hurriedly used the golden round wheel to resist Wang Fan's wind blade again.

Whether it is a wind blade or a golden round wheel, there is a time limit after casting, and it often disappears between a few breaths, and this unique trick is very mental.

Albert used the golden round wheel again. The golden huge wind wheel roared and stood on Wang Fan's crescent wind blade attack route. However, Wang Fan's crescent wind blade was obviously more flexible and flexible than his golden round wheel. It just flashed over the round wheel and circled in front of Albert. Albert shouted. His face was not happy or worried, and a golden fighting spirit suddenly appeared on his body.

"The sun is in the sun!" Albert shouted loudly, and his spirit locked the crescent wind blade far away. The big sword turned halfway, burst out a strong golden light, and waved a sword.


Like a fierce tiger coming out of the box, the strong sword light came from the big sword and came to the crescent wind blade very fast. The golden light and silver light were intertwined, colliding with beautiful sparks. Like a huge colorful fireball exploding, the strong light shines on all sides. Make all the onlookers blind at this moment.


The onlookers were shocked and subconsciously retreated again, but the people in front were blocked by the people behind and couldn't retreat for a while. I don't know how many more stampede incidents happened. Screams sounded in the crowd.

When the light dissipated, everyone was surprised to find that Wang Fan and Albert were fighting together again. This time, they were fighting with their own swords.

Wang Fan jumped up and shouted, "Bump and fight!"

Cut off the condensation of the power of fighting spirit in one fell swoop, with an unprecedented momentum.

Albert was on guard, and the golden sword was shining all over the place, blocking it. Just as the two swords intersect, Albert was surprised to feel a strong electric current from the other's sword, which instantly paralyzed his shoulders.

"Drink!" Albert is worthy of being an experienced veteran in combat. He was not shocked. He quickly squatted down and retreated, dodging Wang Fan's powerful blow.

"Is your sword a magic sword?" Alberta asked in surprise. While relieving the paralysis on the shoulders.

"Not bad! The name of the sword is Qingyin!"

"What a blue and silver sword, it can emit two kinds of magic! I admire you!" Alberta laughed and said, "Even so, I won't lose to you. Next, Brother Dia, you have to be careful. I'm going to use my trick."

Wang Fan also laughed and said, "Okay, let me see your real trick!"

Albert stopped talking and stood still. The golden sword began to tremble slightly, beginning with a slight buzz, and then suddenly became violent. The golden sword burst out a strong golden light, and the tip of the sword suddenly burst out more than a meter long, and Albert's body suddenly had a strong fighting spirit. The momentum of rushing to the sky is overwhelming.

"Boom!" Like lighting a gunpowder barrel, the golden fighting gas spread in all directions.


"Whew!" A golden fighting spirit flew out of the golden fighting spirit and came to Wang Fan quickly. Before Wang Fan took it, another foot-long fighting spirit was sent out from Albert.

Wang Fan was shocked and quickly ran the golden formula of Kita Daoer to the extreme. The silver fighting spirit was instilled into the sword body, and the first wave of golden fighting spirit was cut off. Before he could take a breath, the second fight came to his eyes again, and Wang Fan had to raise his sword again.

"Wh!" Whew!" Whew!" Wheops!"

More than a dozen golden fighting spirits flew out of Albert and attacked the ground from all directions. It's unpreventable.

While tossing and turning, Wang Fan cut off the fighting spirit from all directions and cut down one golden blade after another. It's really left and right, with flaws coming out frequently, and it's about to be under the storm of Albert's blade.

On that side, Albert is also forced to support himself. With such a great fighting spirit, he can't stand it anymore.

Wang Fan, who was busy resisting, suddenly flashed an inspiration: Since Albert can use the blade storm, why can't I use the blade storm? Although I don't have a formula, I can use the wind blade!

If you think about it, you can use it. Wang Fan instilled the fighting spirit of his whole body into the blue and silver sword in one fell swoop. At the same time, he read words in his mouth, secretly recited the spell of the wind blade technique, and cooperated with the wind blade art depicted on the sword, and stimulated dozens of wind blades on the sword in one stroke.

"Woth!" "Wh!" "Wh!" "Sww!"

Countless wind blades flew out of the sword, forming a crescent-shaped silver wind blade in the air.

Wang Fan shouted softly: "Go!"

Dozens of wind blades made a sharp roar and flew out. It is mixed with Albert's golden blade storm.

The silver wind blade and the golden sword blade were installed together, and a strong energy storm broke out. For a moment, the sand flew on the field, and the bluestone ground had been cut into pieces. Fragmented stones and sand raised fragments all over the sky.

The crowd in the appearance battle has already retreated by hundreds of meters, but it has been affected by the aftermath of their battle.

Countless sword blades and wind blades are confused and explode. Every moment, the blades and wind blades collide, and infinite glory breaks out. The figures of Wang Fan and Albert are submerged in the light. I don't know what's going on.

Gradually, the crowd in the appearance battle found that after the explosion, some silver arcs appeared in the air and kept flashing.

Belle stood outside the crowd and was already stunned. Since Wang Fan began to fight against Alberta, she has fallen into a trance. She never thought that the little guy who was often bullied by herself in his eyes turned out to be a first-order adult. And it's so powerful.

Looking at the surging storm energy. She was lost: "Dia, who the hell are you?"

Suddenly, there was a loud shout in the field, which woke up Belle.

She hurriedly looked at the field and saw that in the aftermath of countless energy, the two people actually fought together again. However, at this time, the appearance of the two was really not good. Wang Fan's clothes were cut into pieces, the broken cloth floated in the air, and blood stains oozed from several places. And his opponent Alberta doesn't look good either.

Although there was armor resistance, his armor was also torn in several places, and there was blood flowing inside.




The battle between the two is still very fierce. Alberta is experienced and full of fighting spirit. Wang Fan, on the other hand, has a special fighting spirit. Every time he fights the sword with Alberta, he will transmit an electric current and paralyze Albert's body. If it weren't for his experience. I have been defeated a long time ago.

After a long time, both of them were injured. Albert thought that the other party was a beginner, and he was definitely not as aggressive as himself. As long as he persists for a while, he can win, but Wang Fan has the support of a heart of space, and his aura is the same as fighting with him. It's up and down.

Suddenly, Albert patted his sword, blocked Wang Fan out, and shouted, "Don't fight! Don't fight!"

Wang Fan also stopped with his sword and asked doubtfully, "What's wrong?"

Albert smiled bitterly and said, "Why is your sword electric? Every time it paralyzes my shoulder and I can't use it!"

"Is there electricity?" Wang Fan was stunned at first, and then remembered the arc when the wind blade exploded just now. He suddenly realized and said to himself: It turned out that his fighting spirit was accompanied by the power of thunder and lightning. It was really high!

"Haha, this may be my blue and silver sword!" Wang Fan was perfunctory.

"All right, let's draw. Brother Dia is serious. I, Alberta, have made you a friend. Come on, let's go in for a drink. What about our young master Mario? Master Mario!" Alberta laughed and said cheerfully.

Wang Fan patted his head and said, "I almost forgot Belle!" With that, he hurriedly searched for Belle's figure in the crowd, but he didn't see anyone.

"Your excellency, congratulations on your great power! Miss Belle just went back to the hospital!" The old class had to find it out from nowhere and said beside Wang Fan.

Under Albert's call, Master Mario squeezed from behind the crowd tremblingly. He reluctantly squeezed out a smile at Wang Fan, how ugly it was.

He stammered, "Brother Dia, oh no, it's Lord Dia. If you don't remember the villain, just let me go!"

[I'm about to recover. I'll have an outbreak today. There are at least two more chapters! Please cover the red ticket!]