Heart of Space

Chapter 104 Anger!

The wind roared, and Wang Fan sat on the back of the devil's green hair and closed his eyes to meditize. The knowledge that Terence instilled in him before his death was so vast that he could not fully understand it. However, it was with his knowledge that Wang Fan had some understanding of Rex's knowledge.

Originally, Rex's knowledge was too difficult to understand, and he could use little magic power, but after some of Terence's knowledge impact, he learned a lot of spells and skills.

"The energy between heaven and earth has various attributes. The main attributes are: wind, fire, earth, water, light, darkness, lightning, life, space, etc. In addition, there are some partial energy, such as curse energy, undead energy, chaotic energy, etc.

For the strong human beings, in the end of their cultivation, the legal and martial arts will be mixed together to reach the legendary state, and the difference will not be so big. And at the level of gods, there is no difference. Above the fourth level, martial arts and legal positions will refine the body and turn their bodies into a container of various energy to better use the power of various attributes, while above the seventh level can attract the power of heaven and earth. The combat effectiveness will be raised to a level of horror.

"Legends will have their own field, which can be the field of wind, but the field of fire. Unexpectedly, the field of Terence has dual attributes, the dual field of wind and thunder, and a powerful field.

Wang Fan felt the pleasure of the cold wind blowing through his cheeks and kept exclaiming in his heart: "This Terence. Feng, I have such a rich knowledge, so many spells of various attributes, and so many so many that I basically don't have to learn some other magic in the future. Just learning his spells is enough for me to learn for decades. Of course, the premise is that I must meet the standard of learning. Unexpectedly, he mastered a lot of forbidden spells. Unfortunately, the forbidden spells must be more than seven levels to be performed. That means that I can only do it when I'm in the sixth level. Level 6, I don't know when I can reach it?"

The demon green hair flew very fast. Because he flew through the sky all the way, he avoided those monsters.

Soon, Wang Fan approached the boundary of the evil city. This time he came back, his heart was really mixed. When he went to the magic cave, he was actively coerced, and his life was in danger at any time. Now, he can be invincible.

The huge contrast made him feel very complicated.

When she went, Morissa was still the enemy, and now she has become her own woman. At that time, my weak self can now cross the level to kill the fourth-order super strongman.

Seeing that the evil city was in sight, Wang Fan asked Lv Mao to stop and put him into the heart of the space. Originally, he also wanted to put in the little hair ball squatting on his shoulder, but this little guy just couldn't get in. Since Wang Fan found out yesterday that the small fur ball can nourish the aura of the heart of the space, he has been cheating it in. But it just doesn't go in.

"You little guy, there's nothing you can do about it. You can't go in, but you must be obedient and not speak, you know?"

The little fur ball nodded cutely and sounded in a crisp voice: "Well, master, the ball must be obedient."

With that, he licked Wang Fan's cheek with his pink tongue.

After flying on the treetops for more than ten minutes, the tall wall of the evil city appeared in front of him. In order not to attract attention, he specially let the green hair stop at the back of the mountain in the distance. Slowly come to the business road.

Although the owner of the evil city is no longer there, the number of caravans coming and going on the road has not decreased at all, and even the guards at the gate are still as arrogant and domineering as ever.

This time, Wang Fan directly showed his strength and pushed away the pedestrians around him with strong pressure. The guards at the gate of the city respectfully sent him into the city.

In this city, it seems that absolute strength is more important.

As soon as he entered the city, Wang Fan stopped a carriage and asked him to drive himself to the Yunmeng Hotel. The coachman tremblingly invited Wang Fan to get on the car for fear of accidentally provoking this young and powerful adult.

Soon, the carriage came to Yunmeng Hotel quickly and steadily.

As soon as the carriage stopped, the ** boss's wife in the Yunmeng Hotel greeted her.

"Oh, isn't this Lord Dia? You came back. I don't know how worried I was about you. So many people suddenly came that day. They all came for you. I don't know if you were injured? It doesn't matter as soon as you leave. Unfortunately, my house has also collapsed, which makes me spend a lot of money to repair it.

The boss's wife's blood-red lips said this one by one. The small eyes are dripping, as if calculating something.

Wang Fan glanced at her shrewd face and didn't know what she was thinking. Then he took out a bag of gold coins from the heart of space and threw it to her. He said, "That's enough! Tell me, is the servant who came with me still there?

When the boss saw the money, he opened his eyes and said with a smile, "Enough is enough. Oh, you're talking about that fat man. He has left a long time ago."

Wang Fan nodded, and he had already expected it. However, De Biao was originally coerced by him and had no feelings. This time he came here mainly to see Alice's situation. When he was coerced to leave, he remembered that he also provoked two groups of people.

The two little fat men who beat her in the store. He remembered that the boss's wife said that the fathers of those two little fat men were also fighters. What's the name of Marcus? And the other one is the two fat women who went to ask for the rent. That man, Wang Fan intuitively felt that they would not give up. Especially after learning that he had left.

Without talking too much with the boss's wife, Wang Fan immediately walked to Alice's house.

It has been many days since he left this world. Maybe something happened a long time ago.

The shantytowns are still dilapidated. On the narrow road, sewage is flowing, and several children in exposed crotch trousers are chasing and playing. Perhaps, here, they still maintain carefree innocence.

"Sneeze, it smells so bad here!" Xiao Maoqiu suddenly spoke. He had been standing obediently on Wang Fan's shoulder. Whether it was the gate guard, the driver or the boss's wife, he thought it was just an ordinary ornamental pet.

Wang Fan smiled and patted it on the head and said, "Be patient. Wait a minute. I'll take you to meet a little sister. She's very cute."

However, when Wang Fan turned the corner and saw Alice's home, his heart was cold to the end.

Alice's home has been dilapidated. The door is open, and it is in a mess, as if it has been turned over arbitrarily. Several wooden houses also collapsed, the rubble was broken everywhere, and several holes were opened in the courtyard wall. If Wang Fan hadn't remembered the road, he wouldn't have believed that the barren courtyard in front of him was Alice's home.

Wang Fan quickly ran over and carefully checked every inch of the wooden house.

"There is no one! How could this happen? What happened? What the hell is going on here? Where's Alice? Wang Fan was very anxious.

At this time, Wang Fan's mental strength suddenly sensed that someone was peeping here. He suddenly looked up and saw a fat figure dodging.

Isn't that fat figure the renter-in-law?

Seeing that the figure was about to disappear, Wang Fan suddenly shouted, " Stop!"

However, the fat woman not only did not stop, but suddenly accelerated and ran hard. At this moment, the fat woman seemed to break through her maximum speed in her life and disappeared.


Wang Fan fell from the sky and blocked her way around the corner.

The fat woman was shocked and squeezed out a pale smile on her face, "Big, my lord, what's the matter with you stopping me?"

Wang Fan looked at her coldly and suddenly stepped forward, "Say, where are Alice and the others? Where have they gone?"

"Your Excellency, how can I know that? They have been away for many days and leave quietly. As you know, the house is already theirs. They can leave if they want. You don't have to tell me. The fat woman shook her fat face, and her scarlet two thick lips said one by one.

A trace of cold light flashed in Wang Fan's eyes and said coldly, "If you don't say it, you will die!"

At the same time, Wang Fan also completely released the pressure of his second-order senior strongman. All of a sudden, he made the fat woman sit on the ground in fear and felt that Wang Fan was like a real murderous atmosphere. The fat woman was wet and hot, and unexpectedly urinhibited out.

The fat woman suddenly howled and said, "Your Excellency, don't kill me, don't kill me. I didn't do this. It has nothing to do with me! It's all done by Marcus and others. It really has nothing to do with me."

Wang Fan squeezed out a word from his mouth, "Say!"

Next, the fat woman told the story tremblingly. She was scared by Wang Fan. It took a lot of effort for Wang Fan to understand the reason of the matter. It turned out that after Wang Fan disappeared, the father of the two little fat men, Marcus Fighter, personally came to Alice's house to catch Alice. How could Alice's mother and daughter resist a fighter? Therefore, Alice was captured. As a result, Alice's mother was in a fit of anger. I'm dead. In this way, the house is empty. As for where Alice went later, the fat woman didn't know. According to what she heard, it was sold to the slave trader.

The more Wang Fan listened, the more angry he became.

"Damn it, Marcus, as a fighter, you actually attacked a twelve- or three-year-old girl. Damn, I want you to die!"

Wang Fan looked at the fat woman who shrank and shook into a ball on the ground and kicked her fiercely: "Don't pretend to be dead, tell me the address of Marcus's house."

The fat woman woke up and quickly said the address of Marcus's house. After she finished speaking, she hugged Wang Fan's leg and screamed, "Your Excellency, don't kill me. This has nothing to do with me. I'm innocent. Don't kill me!"

Wang Fan kicked her away in disgust and said coldly, "Get out!"

The fat woman immediately got up from the ground and said, "Thank you, my lord, thank you, my lord!" He twisted his waist thicker than a bucket and escaped.

And Wang Fan, leaned lightly, went up to the roof, and flew to the north of the city.

In a gorgeous house in the north of the city, in a room full of gold engraving, a pile of fat meat that can only see the buttocks but can't see the waist is struggling to suppress a youthful and beautiful body. Move, the wooden bed below is creaking unbearable.

The woman who was pressed under the compost is beautiful. Her eyes are enchanting, and she is moaning with her rosy little mouth. Yin, she was beautiful and franed slightly, as if she couldn't stand the heavy blow of the compost head on her body. The two white and tender thighs only have slender feet sticking out, and the rest are pressed by fat.

The sound of "pop" in the room sounded, and the couple was actually announced in the daytime. **.

"Haha, beauty, you are really tight and narrow under you. Let me do a good job!" The compost head suddenly raised its head and laughed, but the impact of the buttocks became more and more fierce. This fat man has a fat face. On the look, it looks a little like those two little fat men.

"I hate it. You are so bad. The people who did it are sore all over. Oh, come on, I can't do it. Hurry up! I'm going to leak again, ah--"

With a loud scream, the woman's body trembled a few times, and the willow snake twisted its waist from side to side, as if it wanted to get out of the fat, but it was crushed by the fat and could not move.

"Hey, beauty, it won't work so soon. I'm not happy enough yet!"

"You bastard, you are always not enough, but you are much better than my useless husband."