Arrogant Snake King Arrogant Concubine

Chapter 13 Warm and Thin

The person who stopped the carriage took a casual look at Lin Qian and said to Shuangwu seriously, "Let her change my carriage. Will you... follow me to Beijing?"

"No." Shuangwu looked at the manlightly and said, "You just promise me to save her life."

"I will naturally help if you open your mouth, but you..."

"Her name is Lin Qian." The double dance interrupted the person and said to Lin Qian, "Come down."

Lin Qian was not going to get out of the carriage so early, because although she didn't hear what the two said, the visitor obviously had a deep affection for the double dance, or guilt. Running the brothel for a long time made her see the emotional changes between men and women very clearly, so Lin Qian did not want to disturb them at this moment. . But the double dance called her, and she could only go there.

Lin Qian lowered her eyebrows and walked to Shuangwu, but she was not in a hurry to speak. She didn't know anyone, and she understood the useless truth.

"Lin Qian, this is the prince."

The words of Shuangwu seemed to shock Lin Qian. She suddenly raised her head, looked at the tall and handsome man, and then withdrew her sight and whispered, "Little demon Lin Qian has seen His Royal Highness the Prince."

"Well, this is not the place to talk. Let's go to Beijing." The prince looked at the hour and said to Shuangwu, "Do you really don't want to go to Beijing with me?"

"Protect her." Shuangwu seemed not to listen to the prince's question, and turned around and left without any nostalgia.

The prince kept staring at the back of the double dance, looking complicated. Until he couldn't see it at all, he bowed his head and said to the seemingly obedient Lin Qian, "You don't have to worry. Since you promised the double dance, I will protect you. Get in the car."

Lin Qian answered and got into the prince's carriage. It seemed that the prince liked the double dance, otherwise the prince would have hurt the heart of the double dance, otherwise he would not have such an unconcealed emotion and been seen by her, an outsider. Lin Qian was calm and naturally won't say anything more. After entering Beijing, she will find a way to use the double dance as an excuse for her sister and let the prince help her business.

The prince sent away the original coachman, got into the carriage, and said to Lin Qian, "After entering Beijing, I will arrange a place for you and leave it for you. It's not convenient for me to leave the palace often. If you need anything, just write to me."

"Thank you." Lin Qian lowered his head, hid his eyes, and said with a slight inferiority, "How can such a little demon like me bother you so much..."

"You don't have to call yourself a demon, and you don't have to be so humble." The prince sat back, looked at the timid Lin Qian, and slowed down and said, "As long as I arrange it in the capital, no one dares to question it. Just live at ease. I will arrange food and clothing in advance."

Lin Qian raised his head, the watery fox looked at the prince, bit his lower lip, and sincerely said thank you.

The prince just cared about the double dance. At this moment, Lin Qian raised his head and looked at Lin Qian's appearance. He was slightly stunned and said, what a beautiful snake demon.

There are many things in the capital where demons combine with people. Some demons who have received the favor of human beings or can't suffer from cultivation will voluntarily destroy the inner elixir, decommit themselves to human beings, and keep their white heads together until human beings die. There are even little demons who are willing to follow and die. Even in the palace, there are some demon concubines around his father, even more The daughter of the minister still wants to be kind.

Therefore, although Lin Qian is a demon, the prince has no intention of looking down on him. What's more, this is a little demon entrusted to him by the double dance, and he will not put on airs and scare Lin Qian.

Lin Qian remained calm, but he was a little disdainful in his heart. He thought that the prince loved double dance, but at this moment, he was just a pertish. Lin Qian almost concluded that the prince had failed the double dance before, and most of them fell into the hands of a beautiful woman. He couldn't help sighing in his heart. Even though the double dance is beautiful and profound, hasn't he met a thin lover after all...

"If you want to thank you, it's time to thank Shuangwu." The prince said slightly deeply, "I owe too many double dances. If she can ask me for help, it can also be regarded as a chance to compensate me."

Lin Qian looked at the prince and lowered his head without saying anything. He said to himself, he was indeed a heartless man! At this time, everything may be wrong. It's better not to say anything. It's better not to comment on the royal matter.

"She lost too much for my position as prince..." The prince didn't know that Lin Qian was entrusted by Shuangwu to ask him for help. He thought that Lin Qian and Shuangwu were old acquaintances and would know something, so he simply sighed without hesitation: "She should have stayed in the palace and sit in Ronghua... But for me, she is now Even the imperial city doesn't want to enter again..."

Lin Qian didn't understand that the woman who could stay in the palace would definitely not be worthy of the prince, but what did the prince's words mean... Is there any hidden feelings...

"Don't be sad..." Lin Qian saw the tears in the corners of the prince's eyes and pretended to comfort him kindly.

"Since the double dance has handed you over to me, I will do my best to protect you." Lin Qian is petite and pretends to be gentle and kind at this moment. The prince smiled gently and touched Lin Qian's head. The meaning of love is very obvious. But this made Lin Qian a little uncomfortable. In the past, only his adoptive father touched his head, which was willing to do, but now, how can the prince do this...

Although Lin Qian was not used to it, she was not disgusted. The prince's behavior was at least not superior, let alone lustful. Instead, she was like an elder who loved her very much, which made her suddenly miss her adoptive father who had been spoiled her.

"I'll talk to you later when I have time. I'm almost at the gate." The prince lifted the curtain and looked at it, and then said to Lin Qian, "When you enter the city, just don't move in the car."

"Oh, okay." Lin Qian thought it would be easy for the prince to take her into the city, but he didn't expect that the prince would tell her like this.

"Did I embarrass you?" Lin Qian pretends to be understanding appropriately.

"No." The prince smiled gently and said, "Don't worry, I just don't want to show my identity easily. It has nothing to do with you."

"Oh." Lin Qian answered, lowered his head, and stirred his slender fingers uneasily.

When the prince saw Lin Qian's uneasy appearance, he stretched out his hand and touched Lin Qian's long soft hair again. When Lin Qian looked up at him, he smiled and said, "I'm here, don't be afraid."

Lin Qian blinked her eyes and blushed slightly, but her heart smiled. The prince was too simple. Did she pretend to be too good, or was the prince too stupid? Lin Qian has always looked down on men who fail women, so they can play on the surface, but they will not be sincerely grateful.

It's just a pity that this seemingly gentle man was born in such an affectionate court, and Lin Qian couldn't help but regret it.