Arrogant Snake King Arrogant Concubine

Chapter 38 Thorn Plants

"One glory and one loss." Shuangwu sighed and looked at the attic upstairs. She always felt that Xiaohuan was there, but she was empty. Shuangwu was not careless, but said to Lin Qian in a low voice, "My master has already known about you and Xiaohuan, so everything is up to you. If you can help him through the disaster, then we will naturally keep you to protect you, but if you can't, then... I hope you know it well.

"What the hell..." Before Lin Qian finished her words, Shuangwu left without looking back. She did everything she could do. Knowing that God's will, her master still took the risk and chose to help Xiaohuan. Maybe... not just for Xiaohuan... but for the country of the Yan family...

Lin Qian curled her lips and felt a little unhappy after she saw Shuangwu leave. She was either reminded or threatened. She didn't owe anyone anything. How could she live such a bad life?

Lin Qian thought about his journey. He was cautious and exquisite on all sides, afraid of causing trouble for himself, but now he is still in trouble. If he investigates carefully, the reason is still because he caught Xiaohuan. As long as he has something to do with Xiaohuan, he will never be good!

"Little snake, what did the Taoist priest say to you?" Xiaohuan suddenly appeared in the attic, holding the fence and said condescendingly, "Tell me quickly."

"What's your business!" Lin Qian was angry with the trouble brought to her by Xiaohuan. At this moment, she only felt upset when she heard Xiaohuan's voice.

"Are you a little complacent?" Xiaohuan frowned, and a thorn vine suddenly drilled out of the ground, wrapped around Lin Qian's ankle and picked it up. Xiaohuan looked at Lin Qian hanging upside down in front of him and smiled comfortably and said, "Are you ready to tell me now?"

"Yes...if you have the ability, you can let me down!" Lin Qian's voice trembled a little. She didn't know that she was afraid of heights until now. No wonder she was a snake, but she would rather sleep cold on the tree on the ground... It turned out that she was so afraid of heights...

"I have no ability." Xiaohuan yawned and went straight into the house without pay attention to Lin Qian. Now there is no other way for Lin Qian except these small punishments. Therefore, as long as Lin Qian is unhappy because of these small punishments, he can be happy.

"You! Come out! Let go of me!" Lin Qian was hung upside down in the air and only felt dizzy.

Although the small workers and girls in the courtyard really want to put Lin Qian down, they are more afraid of Xiaohuan. Xiaohuan has the ability to trap Lin Qian with thorns and vines. He is definitely not an ordinary person. Moreover, he lives in Lin Qian's house and is not polite to Lin Qian. Naturally, everyone dares to help Lin Qian before he opens his mouth. Who knows if it is the boss's. As for men, if they lose their jobs because of this, it's not worth it.

Xiaohuan untied his clothes happily in the room and checked his wound. After yesterday's rest, the fatigue was almost gone. Only the still visible bone wound was really tricky. Today, he came with a double dance. If he remembered it next night... he would be in trouble.

If you want to live a fearless living in the capital, you must use some special ways to heal your wounds! As long as you get better, there is nothing to worry about.

Thinking about it, Xiaohuan tidyed up his clothes and got ready to go out.

"Xiaohuan, let me down..." Lin Qian knew that it was impossible to find someone else to save her. Xiaohuan was a demon or an old demon. He wanted to trap himself, but others could not save her, so she called Xiaohuan's name over and over again. Finally, she saw that the door was opened and quickly pretended to be pitiful and said, "I'm wrong. I'll tell you everything in the future, and you can let me go."

"Do you really know it's wrong?" Xiaohuan knew that Lin Qian's appearance at this moment was deceptive. After all, he had been cheated like this. In terms of acting skills, Xiao Huan did not dare to despise Lin Qian.

"guarantee. I promise to tell you everything." Lin Qian was hung, his little face turned red, and his eyes were full of water vapor, which made Xiaohuan feel that he seemed to be a little soft. The beauty of this small snake is different from that of ordinary snakes, but with a little pitiful meaning. Ordinary people can't bear to bully them at all.

"I trust you once." Xiao Huan said, and the thorn vine seemed to understand. He put Lin Qian firmly in front of Xiao Huan and withdrew it back to the ground, as if it had never appeared.

"I haven't asked you, what are those?" Lin Qian originally wanted to lose her temper, but looking at Xiaohuan's smiling expression, she always felt a little malicious, so she straightened her hair and patiently asked about the thorn vine.

"That's my whip." Xiao Huan replied casually, "A kind of plant with thorns."

"Is that a plant?" Lin Qian suddenly thought of how to raise dead flowers and plants, so she had an idea and eagerly asked, "Do you usually water them?"

Xiao Huan nodded. He didn't know what Lin Qian thought of, but he knew that it must not be a good thing, so Xiao Huan didn't say much about the thorn whip, but bypassed Lin Qian and said, "I'm going out for a few days. I'll come back if I have something to do."

"Where are you going?" Lin Qian suddenly thought of Shuangwu's words and was worried that Xiaohuan would go out to cause trouble, so he eagerly followed, "This place has not been decorated yet. Where do you want to go? I'll accompany you."


"Let me follow you, or... or I won't tell you what Shuangwu said."

"Do you still want to be hung outside by me?" Xiaohuan frowned unconsciously. He never liked to be threatened, even if it was a trivial matter.

"Then let me tell you, can you take me with you?" Lin Qian continued to fight, "Otherwise, you will go somewhere else."


"Shuangwu said that we are both glorious and damaged. If I can't stop you, she doesn't guarantee how long I can live. So... I'd better go out with you, don't you think?" Lin Qian knew that even if he was by Xiaohuan's side, he might not be able to stop him, not to mention letting him go out by himself. Maybe something would happen. If she was implicated at that time, she would be too unfair.

"She won't do anything to you. So, snake, don't drag me down!" Xiaohuan turned his back to Lin Qian, and his voice was very low, but Lin Qian could hear it clearly.

"Me?! How can I drag you down! Obviously, you are accumulating me!" Lin Qian frowned, grabbed Xiaohuan's sleeve and said, "Don't think you can talk like this. Let me tell you, you..."

Xiaohuan grabbed Lin Qian's wrist, pulled him down and said harshly, "Don't always think about binding me with the blood spell. There is nothing I can't do except not killing you and not letting you die. Don't let me imprison you and cherish your present freedom."

Lin Qian opened his mouth and was pushed away by Xiaohuan before he could speak.

Xiaohuan strode away without any hesitation. He knew that the words that the two dance threatened Lin Qian were just saying, but... He had to take the matter of losing both glory and loss... Blood Spirit Curse... It has always been a trouble. Only by recovering himself as soon as possible can he ensure that he can protect Lin Qian and protect himself.

Lin Qian stood there angrily for a long time and finally said to himself, "Damn it... I stopped him at all!"

Lin Qian couldn't care whether she had lost face or not, because it had become a habit to pretend to be pitiful and humble in front of Xiao Huan, so although Xiao Huan was rude to make a fool of her, she still didn't feel how difficult it was to accept, but... she really couldn't stop Xiao Huan! At this time... Do you have to commit suicide to get him back...

Lin Qian gritted her teeth and went straight downstairs. She didn't see Xiaohuan with a whip. Maybe the whip was still in the soil. She wanted to pour some hot water to kill the thorn plant, so that she could worry less in the future!

Thinking, Lin Qian went to the fire room, burned a large pot of hot water, and poured it into the soil from the position where the thorn vine had just drilled out. After three times, he sat down and rested at ease. She felt that as long as it was a plant, it would die after her tossing like this.

If Xiaohuan sees her doing this, he will definitely laugh, because although the thorn whip is a plant, it is not a simple plant. He has been drinking his blood in his early years, and now he will not be hurt by ordinary things at all.

What's more, what just came out of the soil and trapped Lin Qian was only the shadow of the thorn whip. The whip has always been hidden in Xiaohuan's arm and never left the body. Except for the enemy, it will not be used at all. Therefore, it can't be said that the thorn whip is not afraid of hot water. Even if he is afraid, Lin Qian can't put the whip in hot water.

Xiaohuan walked on a slightly quiet street, and his indifferent appearance was completely opposite to the people around him who were in a hurry. Xiaohuan was ready to go out of the city and wanted to find some Taoist priests or cultivated monsters to eat, so that he could use the essence of those Taoist priests to make up for his wounds and speed up the wound recovery.

But he hasn't come far yet, but he was stopped by the oncoming people.

"You are here to kill me." Xiaohuan's tone seems to be light and casual, but in fact, he has gathered his strength in his hands. When the other party attacks, he can fully counterattack. If there is no cover from the sleeves, you can definitely see the gathering place of strength. The thorn whip on the arm is as red as a bursting blood vessel, and the shadow-like spikes are looming, ready to protect the Lord at any time.

"Do you think I want to kill you?" Wan Yi smiled kindly and said, "I will not only kill you, but also help you. Do you believe this?"

"I don't believe it." Xiaohuan never believes in anyone. If he must believe something, he would rather believe in Lin Qian's tears than believe that Wanyi is harmless to him.

"You didn't stop you when you went to Beijing, which is not..."

"Stop talking nonsense. If you don't come to kill me, get out of the way." Xiaohuan smiled and said, "If you want me to believe in you, you might as well find some Taoist priests for me to eat, so as to show your sincerity, how about it?"

"Don't kill again." Wan Yi knew that his identity as a Taoist priest would only disgust Xiaohuan, but he must stop Xiaohuan before he left the city.

"Hmm!" Xiaohuan narrowed his eyes, smiled with a strange smile, and said cynically, "Don't say these high-sounding words to show your compassion. If you are really compassionate, you should kill me to eliminate harm for the people. Where did my words come from?" Ridiculous! Since you don't want to kill me, then let me go. Everyone has his own life, not to mention that I'm a demon. How can you control it?