Arrogant Snake King Arrogant Concubine

Chapter 55 Think of Me

"Sit down first." Xiaohuan poured two cups of tea and asked, "Do you have a name?"

Ye Mingzhu shook her head and said, "No one has told me my name. Maybe not... Is this very important?"

"It's very important for you demons." Xiaohuan paused and said, "Don't name yourself easily. If you are predestined, someone will give you a suitable name."

"Will you really meet the person you mentioned?" Ye Mingzhu's eyes lit up and said excitedly, "I can live like this, waiting for that person to appear and call me by my name, right?"

Xiaohuan nodded and said, "I'll call you Pearl for the time being, but this is not your name."

"Actually... In fact, we are also very predestined, aren't we?" Ye Mingzhu felt that she liked Xiaohuan very much. Since she had thought, she had only met two people. One was the person who asked her to guard the cave, and the other was Xiaohuan. That person is not good to her, but Xiaohuan is very good to her, giving her freedom and teaching her a lot of things.

Xiaohuan smiled and said like coaxing a child, "I'm not predestined to be with you. I'm just using you. You can stay here for the time being. When you meet that predestined person, you won't say so."

Ye Mingzhu said cautiously, "My benefactor, I believe what you said."

Xiaohuan nodded and was about to tell Ye Mingzhu what the place was, but Lin Qian suddenly pushed the door in. When Lin Qian looked into the clear eyes of the night pearl, he was stunned by the door and didn't know what to do for a moment.

She felt that the conversation between the two just now was a little strange. She didn't like the prince, so there was no need to talk nonsense. But Lin Qian, who originally wanted to talk about those things just now, only squeezed out a smiling face and said, "Excuse me."

"The vegetable snake." Xiaohuan called Lin Qian, who was about to exit the door, and said, "What's the matter with me?"

"It's Mo Ge who is looking for you." Lin Qian casually replied, "But it doesn't matter. You go on."

"Come back." Before Xiaohuan finished speaking, Lin Qian had already walked downstairs quickly. Xiaohuan was angry, and he crushed the quilt in his hand and remained on the ground, with blood red in his eyes.

"The benefactor..." Although Ye Mingzhu felt Xiaohuan's anger, she was also sure that it would be easy to crush her original body according to Xiaohuan's strength, but Xiaohuan was obviously angry because of the woman just now, and she should have persuaded her.

Xiaohuan glanced at Ye Mingzhu, frowned slightly, and was disturbed by Lin Qian. All his previous patience disappeared. He casually said, "Go out."

Ye Mingzhu didn't dare to say anything more, so she got up and went out. Xiaohuan was left in the room, but it made him even more angry. Lin Qian, a snake, always had a way to make him angry. How dare he disobedient? Not coming back? Do you dare to say that you like the prince? Shame on the snake world, don't blame me for being rude!

Ye Mingzhu didn't know whether she would turn into dust when she basked in the sun, so she walked all the way to the shade of the trees on the first floor and stood there at a loss. Xiaohuan asked her to come out, and she came out, but she was not familiar with the outside and didn't know where to go.

Lin Qian was originally angry. Xiaohuan unexpectedly brought the girl back in her brothel, but suddenly saw the night pearl standing in the shade of a tree with confused eyes.

Lin Qian thought that Xiaohuan actually kicked the girl out, which should have nothing to do with it. Then he reluctantly smiled and walked to Ye Mingzhu and said kindly, "My name is Lin Qian. I'm the boss of Siyun Pavilion. What's your name?"

Ye Mingzhu shook her head and was not in a hurry to speak. She didn't know what her name was and didn't want Lin Qian to call her name. She knew that Xiaohuan was angry because of this woman, so after thinking about it, she said, "Don't be angry with kindness. He is very good."

"The benefactor?" Lin Qian is a little unclear.

"The benefactor is Xiaohuan's benefactor." Ye Mingzhu looked at Lin Qian and said seriously, "Don't be angry with him, okay?"

"What does this have to do with you!" Lin Qian turned around to leave, but was pulled by Ye Mingzhu's cloak.

"The benefactor saved my life and gave me freedom. Now that he is unhappy because of you, of course I will come to you, which of course has something to do with me." Ye Mingzhu looked at her hand exposed to the sun, stunned, and then said happily, "You see, I haven't turned into dust."

Lin Qian frowned slightly but did not shake off Ye Mingzhu or speak. She always felt that Ye Mingzhu's words were speechless.

Night Pearl seemed to have found something. She walked happily from the yin and yang to the sun. She excitedly grabbed Lin Qian and said, "The benefactor let me out of the ground. Not only did I not turn into dust, but I can also bask in the sun. Sister Lin, the benefactor is really a good person!"

Lin Qian felt more strange when he heard this, but suddenly remembered that Xiaohuan said that he was trapped in the ground. Did Xiaohuan say that he was trapped because he saved the woman... In order to save this woman, he almost killed himself... Lin Qian suddenly wanted to laugh. What kind of blood spell contract is useless!

Lin Qian threw away the happy Ye Mingzhu and went into the kitchen. He happened to see Mo Ge sorting out the rest of last night's snacks, so he went to help and said, "Mo Ge, go and have a rest. I'll clean it up."

"Let's go and accompany the master. I can do it myself. I'll be sorted out soon." Mo Ge was originally kind, but this made Lin Qian unhappy again.

"He doesn't need me at all." Lin Qian said, "He brought the girl back by himself."

"How could it be..." Mo Ge didn't know the specific relationship between Lin Qian and Xiao Huan, but he could see that there was a trace of implication between the two. He was sure that the two were together, so he didn't believe that Xiao Huan brought the girl back.

"Go and see for yourself. The girl is in the yard." Lin Qian was busy with what he was doing. He ignored Mo Ge and went out of the kitchen and went straight to Ye Mingzhu.

Ye Mingzhu saw the sunshine and flowers for the first time, which was very novel and did not notice Mo Ge approaching her. So when the night pearl squatting on the ground to look at the ants was shrouded in the shadow, she raised her head and looked up at Mo Ge and said doubtfully, "Who are you?"

"Night Pearl? You are a pearl of the night. Mo Ge saw the prototype of Ye Mingzhu, and then whispered, "Tell me why you came here?"

"How do you know that I am the night pearl?" Ye Mingzhu stood up and looked at Mo Ge doubtfully and said, "You can't know... I didn't say that..."

"You don't care how I know, tell me why you came here? Obviously, it is a night pearl, but with the smell of dust. Where on earth do you come from? Mo Ge has always felt that Lin Qian is kind to him, so he wants to help Lin Qian ask clearly so that he can find a way to get rid of this night pearl.

"It was the benefactor who saved me..."

"Are you talking about my master Xiaohuan?" Mo Ge frowned and said, "Where are you from?"

"I... I used to guard the life monument for my benefactor in the cave... He saw that I was pitiful and brought me out..." Ye Mingzhu clearly felt Mo Ge's hostility and just wanted to escape upstairs and hide beside her benefactor. But the way upstairs was blocked by Mo Ge. She wanted to stay away from Mo Ge, so she took a few steps back outside the door, but hit the prince who had just entered the door.

When Ye Mingzhu saw that they were all people she didn't know, she didn't know where to hide for a moment, and her big watery eyes blinked helplessly.

When Mo Ge saw the prince coming, he lowered his eyebrows and put away the momentum that had scared Ye Mingzhu before. He said hello to the prince and went to call Lin Qian.

When Ye Mingzhu saw Mo Ge leave, she hurried upstairs and didn't dare to look at the prince.

But the prince clearly saw the night pearl, clear eyes like a spring, panicked like a deer, looking very cute, but he didn't know where the girl came from, but he was not lustful, so he just shook his head with a smile and didn't stop much.

"Your Highness." Lin Qian put away his anger, came out with hot tea and said, "Why are you free today?"

"Why can't you change your mouth when you say it's your brother?" The prince smiled gently, took the hot tea and put it on the table and said, "I've been busy in the palace a few days ago. Today, I'm free, so I want to see you."

"Is it all right in the palace?" After asking, Lin Qian smiled and said, "I won't ask much about the royal family. If my brother feels that he should say it, he will naturally tell me, right?"

"I'm here to tell you about this." The prince paused and said, "Yan Guangtai is disabled. Although he has used a lot of precious medicinal materials and folk prescriptions in the past few days, he has not been better. The doctor said that he can no longer stand up."

"What? How can it be so serious..." Lin Qian didn't expect Yan Guangtai to be so seriously injured. After all, she didn't see how Xiao Huan took action that day, and Wan Yi took action to save her. She didn't expect such consequences at all.

"It's cheap for him!" Xiaohuan knew that the prince was coming early in the morning and kept hearing this before he said, "If he hadn't come that night, he would have died long ago."

Lin Qian was angry when he heard Xiaohuan's words and got up and said, "Yes, you can kill him and let the emperor kill me. Do you think it's a good thing!"

Xiaohuan frowned slightly, flew down from the second floor, stood in front of Lin Qian with his hands behind his back and said, "Snake, if you mess with me again, don't blame me for being rude!"

The prince pulled Lin Qian to his side and said seriously to Xiaohuan, "If it hadn't been for the double dance to save her that day, I'm afraid she would have died. You have been locked in a water prison all day and have suffered a lot. You snakes are afraid of the cold. You should think about her.

Lin Qian was just angry, but after listening to the prince's words, he felt very wronged. His nose was sore but he didn't want to be soft and snorted coldly, "He won't think about me!"

Xiaohuan looked at Lin Qian, but Lin Qian refused to look up at him beside the prince. Xiaohuan frowned and asked Lin Qian, "The emperor locked you in a water prison?"

Lin Qian snorted and didn't say anything, but Xiaohuan's eyes were murderous. He took a meaningful look at the prince and turned upstairs.