Arrogant Snake King Arrogant Concubine

Chapter 174

Lin Qian has been thinking about Qiongqi's words. I don't know if it was because Qiongqi was Baiye. Lin Qian inevitably cares every word he said in his heart. His deep belief in Baiye makes Lin Qian even more worried about the four words deep love at this moment.

Lin Qian sighed slightly and was ready to get up and do something else. Maybe she would not have time to be so busy. She tried her best to persuade herself to believe in Xiaohuan.

Lin Qian was a little dissatisfied with himself and decided not to think about the future. Instead, he sat up lazily and wanted to go downstairs to help. But when she sat up, she suddenly found that someone seemed to be in her room. This feeling made him sweat coldly and hesitated to look back and confirm...

"Let's talk." Jinman's hoarse voice came from the table. When Lin Qian heard this sound, she felt that her body was cold in an instant. She was stiff and didn't know how to react. She didn't know when Jinman came in, but she didn't feel it at all...

"Miss Lin doesn't have to be so nervous." Jinman said slowly, "If I really want to be against you, I can do it directly when I first come in."

"What...what do you want..." Lin Qian turned his head and looked at Jinman cautiously, but he couldn't see anything from Jinman's chaotic gray eyes.

"Before I came in just now, the old man wanted to kill you. But now, I have found that there is something better for me than killing you.

Jin Man's voice was very flat, and there were no ups and downs and no emotions could be heard, but Lin Qian heard a little conspiracy from Jin Man's words, which made her feel even more uneasy. She really couldn't figure out why Jin Man decided to let her live...

Lin Qian had not figured out Jin Man's intention and did not dare to ask questions, let alone speak out. She was worried that she would annoy Jin Man... And Jin Man was not in a hurry to speak. She looked at Lin Qian motionless, as if she was thinking about something. Suddenly, the room was as quiet as if there was no one in the room, and there was no sound of breathing.

Just as Lin Qianjue's body began to stiffen, Jinman opened his mouth again and said, "My purpose is not to you. If you cooperate with me, I promise I won't hurt you at all."

"If you want me to hurt Xiaohuan, I'm sorry I can't do it! You'd better kill me!" Lin Qian looked at Jin Man with strong stubbornness in her eyes. Although she was scared, if she really wanted to save her life on the premise of hurting Xiaohuan, she would rather die than succumb!

She will never do the same thing again! Although she was not voluntary last time...

"Of course, the old man will not make such a rude request." Jinman knew that Lin Qian was minding about controlling her stabbing Xiaohuan last time, so he paused slightly, and then said very slowly, "I hope you can cooperate with me to seduce Wanyi to appear."

"Why?" Lin Qian suddenly became alert. Why did she ask not only why she was looking for her, but also wanted to know why Jin Man didn't go to Wan Yi by herself. But when he thought of his current situation, he seemed to cooperate and said, "Yanyi is now with Shuangwu. You'd better find Shuangwu than to look for me!"

"You are smart, but you are not stupid." Jinman sneered after hearing Lin Qian's words. He could hear what Lin Qian meant. Lin Qian wanted to save him first and then find a way to save his life, but how could he find Shuangwu to cause trouble for himself! Lin Qian looked down on him too much.

Wan Yi just confirmed his relationship with Shuangwu, and the two will definitely be together all the time, and he wants Wan Yi to appear alone! After all, Shuangwu has a dragon vein, and if he wants to get close to or even kill him as a demon, he will undoubtedly push himself to the forefront of the storm. He and Wan Yi are obviously the two brothers' business, so why do they need to be so complicated!

"What do you want me to do?" Lin Qian did not dare to relax her vigilance. After all, Jinman's sneer was the most emotional behavior in her impression. She didn't know if she had annoyed him...

"You just need to go to the woods in the suburbs with the old man, and I will make my own arrangements for the rest." At this time, Jinman did not want to hurt Lin Qian. After all, he first left the snake world just to solve the fate of his twins, not to be the enemy of the snake world. Now, he is even more unwilling to make a big deal.

"Good. I'll listen to you!" Lin Qian thought that as long as he could get out of the bedroom, someone would always see that such a circuitous tactic was much better than annoying Kingman's killing in the bedroom!

"Those who know the current affairs are handsome. Miss Lin is really a smart person!" Even Lin Qian could quickly figure it out. Naturally, Jin Man also thought of it. He hooked the corners of his lips with uncertainty and stood up after watching Lin Qian put on his shoes.

Just as Lin Qian raised his head to ask when to leave, Jin Man suddenly knocked Lin Qian unconscious. Lin Qian is indeed smart in the face of danger, but in front of him, he is still a little immature!

Lin Qian still wants to go out of the door? Jinman sneered again and shook his head at Lin Qian, who fainted on the ground. The woman was too restless. Only fainting was the most reassuring way for him, but Jinman did not do it seriously, and he still had other concerns!

Jinman put Lin Qian in a special leather bag and left quietly as when he came.

At the same time, Wanyi, who was talking about Lin Qian in the other courtyard, suddenly found a familiar snake-scarry letter appearing in front of him.

Shuangwu didn't say anything. After watching Wanyi read the contents of the snake scales, she frowned and thought that it was mostly related to Lin Qian... But Wanyi had told her about Lin Qian. Although she had not told her why Lin Qian's soul was called, with these causes, she could also understand the reason why Wanyi attached so much importance to Lin Qian. .

Wanyi crushed the snake scales in his palm, with a trace of anger between his eyebrows and said to Shuangwu in a gentle tone, "I'm going out to deal with some things. You go back to the palace first. I'm afraid I can't come back before dinner."

"Is there any danger?" Shuangwu can see from Wanyi's expression that most of Wanyi wants to see Jinman, but although she has never faced Jinman head-on, she also knows that Jinman's cultivation is very profound, which makes her worry about Wanyi!

"There will be no danger, don't worry." Wan Yi smiled gently and said, "I'll go to Jinman first. Some things are caused by the two of us, and it's time to break up!"

"Can I help you?" Although Wanyi said that there would be no danger, although Jinman and Wanyi were brothers, they stood on the opposite side like enemies... Saying that there would be no danger, she was not a child, how could she easily believe it?

"No." Knowing Shuangwu's worries, Wan Yi breathed a sigh of relief and said as if to promise, "No matter what happens, I promise that I will come back. So relieved."

Although Shuangwu couldn't rest assured, Wanyi was sure that she would not take herself out. In this case, she had to choose to believe it, so she nodded and held Wanyi's hand and said, "This is what you promised me. Anyway, you have to come back well!"

Wanyi nodded, got up and left. Before going out, he looked at Shuangwu with a complicated look, with a lot of inexplicable emotions in his eyes, which made Shuangwu couldn't help but regret that he agreed to leave Wanyi...

Wan Yi actually didn't know what Jin Man was looking for. The content of Jin Man's message was very simple. He only said that he was waiting for him in the forest in the suburbs with Lin Qian, but only Lin Qian was in Jin Man's hands, and he must arrive in time!

Don't say that he promised Xiaohuan to help take care of Lin Qian, that is, he summoned Lin Qian and caused so many complicated things, so he had to come out to solve it.

Jinman sat under the tree, shining on his face through the sun in the shade of the trees, and there was no emotion on his face.

Where is Lin Qian?! What the hell are you going to do?!" Before Wan Yi stood firm, he couldn't help asking this sentence. Compared with Jin Man's peace at this moment, Wan Yi was a little anxious.

"She's here." Jinman slowly stood up, took out the bag containing Lin Qian, put it aside, and acted rudely.

"Why do you need to be hostile to the snake world? There is something that can't be said and solved together!" Wanyi did not dare to grab it. After all, Lin Qian was still in the bag and was very close to Jin Man. If he provoked Jin Man to kill Lin Qian, he would be extremely guilty.

"It's useless to say it. Will you be willing to die for me if I say so?" Jinman said disdainfully, "We are tired of each other and won't do anything for each other, so... I can only fight for what I want!"

"Death for you?" Wan Yi accurately heard the content of Jinman's words, but still calmed down and said, "Do you want me to die? It's good to complete your conspiracy, isn't it?"

"You have always been in my conspiracy." Jinman has decided to kill Wanyi today, so he said without hesitation, "Do you think what you see when you watch the stars is true? Double dance ascending to the throne will lead to cholera. Xiaohuan is in charge of the snake world and can contain the two worlds of demons. You see that Lin Qian's dark star can contain Xiaohuan. You think what you see is their fate. In fact, these are what I let you see!"

Wanyi took a cold breath, and his footsteps were a little floating. Jinman's words suddenly reminded him of Jinman's insistence on separating from him after peeping at the sky... Maybe the conspiracy has been laid out since then... And he... just cooperated to complete all this...

This kind of cognition made his back chill, but he couldn't speak.

"You are too naive!" Jinman suddenly laughed and said frantically, "Since then, I have been trying to change the fate of twins. Now although I don't have to live and die with you, I am constantly weakening, unless your strength is compatible with me and combined into one, so you must die!"

Wanyi was still immersed in Jin Man's words, but suddenly saw the bag containing Lin Qian, so he quietly took off the snake scales in the palm of his hand and sent an empty letter to Xiao Huan. Even if he could not escape the fate of dying, he did not hope that Lin Qian would have any more accidents... After all, he has been Jin Man's accomplice for so many years, and his death is not regrettable. !

"Guess why I didn't kill Lin Qian." Jinman smiled uncontrollably and looked at the silent Wanyi and said, "You have not only changed the fate of these people, but also Lin Qian's flesh and blood will be implicated by it!"