Wolf Empire

0006 Miss

"What? Is it hard to taste?

When Miss Xia Yaya's murderous eyes forced the two men, Baiye Mufeng and Antonye broke out in a cold sweat at the same time.

In Huadu, the central city of shaman religion and politics, even if you don't know who this pope is, I'm afraid no one will not know Miss Xia Yaya of General Xia Nanxuan's family.

The reason why this young lady is so famous is that she not only has a beautiful and touching appearance, but also has a strong curiosity and destructive power. No matter what she likes, she will torture it to death.

It is said that she once fell in love with a Mobei Liangju in her cousin Baiye Mufeng Horse Gallery. Less than half a month after she got home, the horse's hair fell out. Another time, she fell in love with a pot of hanging orchids in the archbishop's mansion of State Councilor Nalan Ruochu. After she went there twice, the leaves of the pot of flowers died directly; more ridiculously Once she visited a quarry mountain in Nanzhen. The next day, the mountain disappeared, and there was a hole in the ground out of thin air-

Xia Yaya is such a freak, and she is a beautiful freak.

Of course, the taste of cod tofu made by such a freak is really not flattering.

"It's delicious." Delicious food, delicious food." The two men obviously felt the murderous and explosive power of the small universe that was about to explode. They praised without conscience, obediently bowed their heads and devoured the difficult cod tofu in an instant. They licked the plate dry and quiet, without even a fish bone. Remaining.

Miss Xia Yaya smiled playfully, touched the heads of the two men with satisfaction, and Xia Qixi, a smiling little maid beside her, with a large group of cats and dogs, left the sight of the two dull goose.

Baiye Mufeng exchanged the voice of pity with An Dongye with a bitter face, and a subtext clearly appeared on the faces of the two people: "This woman is really terrible!"

General Xia Nanxuan tasted his tea and said, "Your Highness, now the struggle between His Majesty the Pope and the archbishops has reached an irreconcilable level. We are soldiers. We should take obedience to orders as our natural duty and are determined not to get involved in the central power struggle. I hope that His Royal Highness has a plan for this."

Baiye Mufeng pondered for a moment and said, "Mu Feng understands that his father is old and weak, and the imperial archbishops have been peeping at him for a long time. Mu Feng has asked his father to preside over the Mubei jihad. On the one hand, he has been far away from Huadu, and on the other hand, he has also accumulated some military achievements, and he can also guard against the words of the bishops in the future.

General Xia Nanxuan nod and said, "According to the division and deployment of the division of the Military Affairs Department and the Marshal's Office, the border city where the Fourth Division is stationed is closest to the border of the 'Wusa Emirate'. Judging from this, the Fourth Division is likely to be appointed as the main legion of the Northern Expedition. Higashino-"

Andong Yezhong, who heard the words, immediately got up and saluted: "Teacher."

"You and I are of the same rank today. Don't be polite." General Xia Nanxuan waved his hand to the former strong deployment and sat down and said slowly, "I will transfer some of my old troops to your fourth division to help you control the army. They are all mercenaries who have followed me for many years. They have rich experience in fighting against the enemy. They can also train newly recruited recruits for you. I believe they will treat you. It's helpful."

Andong Yezhong sincerely saluted his old boss: "Thank you for your cultivation."

As expected by General Xia Nanxuan, two days later, Lieutenant General Andongye, who was watching the wolf youth training in the barracks, received an appointment from the Ministry of Military Affairs: An Dongyezhong was appointed as the commander of the Mobei Front Army, the fourth division of the Holy Warriors Army under his jurisdiction, and the 6th Division of the Border City Defense Army and the Holy Warriors Army. A part of the armed police force of the regiment immediately rushed to the defense area to deploy front-line defense.

In addition, the Marshal's Office also added an order: based on the drastic changes in the situation in Mobei, Anton Yezhong and Generals were allowed to recruit 5,000 new soldiers on the spot and awarded the 4th Division Guard Brigade of the Holy Warriors Legion to be established by the 4th Division.

Before leaving, Antonye came to say goodbye to his teacher General Xia Nanxuan, who encouraged the former and especially reminded the younger generation not to clash with the officials sent to the legion by the archbishops. When leaving, Antonye faintly saw Miss Xia Yaya and Qixi's little maid hiding at the corner of the corridor to visit this side. They deliberately wanted to say something. Finally, they looked at their lame feet, sighed, left the general's mansion, turned over their horses, and flew away with the long-awaited wolf teenagers.


In the northernmost desert named after the god of creation, the Sha people are the most tenacious people.

The living environment here is extremely harsh, with continuous wind and sand all year round, lack of water resources, unstopped roads, and poor materials. In addition to enduring sand thieves and beasts, local residents are in danger of dying anytime and anywhere.

All this forced the leadership of the Shah regime Wusha Emirate to eagerly expand its territory and lead the people away from this terrible place. To the north is an endless and more desolate desert; to the east is a forbidden place for warcraft and inaccessible death; to the west is the alliance of sixteen countries with a bright moon that moves its whole body and strength cannot be underestimated; to the south is the Shaman Holy See, which is slightly weak and can still be fought. Therefore, the southern invasion has long become the unanimous consensus of the highest leadership of the Sha people.

Shortly after the beginning of the Holy War in Wolf Capital, the sand people who sneaked into the territory of the shaman have already flown to the country. As the five strongest and most populated tribes of the Sha clan, the patriarchs of the five major tribes, the Golden Snake Department, the Wood Eagle Department, the Water Scorpion Department, the Fire Fox Department and the Tuoma Department, gathered in Shacheng to urgently hold an emergency meeting to take advantage of the Shaman's Holy See's army to fight against Shura in the east. When the rear is empty, the specific matters of sending troops to invade the south.

After a fierce bargaining, the final five patriarchs passed a resolution to select 10,000 elite cavalry by the five tribes, divide their troops south, and burn ** all the way. It is unstoppable and will soon surround the northern border city of the Shamanite Holy See.

Border City is a border trade city with a population of less than 50,000 and various ethnic groups. There are 5,000 city defense troops stationed here all year round, nominally the territory of the Shamanic Holy See, but as we all know, the population flow, goods transactions, military and political handover, etc. of the border cities and surrounding villages and towns are controlled by the local big chaebol Chu family, ignoring the tax dogma of the Shaman Holy See. The archbishops of the Shamanic See tried to teach the Chu family a lesson several times, but they all suffered from the length of the whip. The 20,000 private soldiers under the Chu family alone were enough to bother the archbishops.

Chu Yu, the contemporary head of the Chu family, is young and talented. With his worldly talent, he has flourished the commercial development of the border city, and the Chu family has become the ninth of the top ten chaebols in the mainland. And it was Mr. Chu Yu who, with 20,000 private soldiers and 5,000 city defense miscellaneous army, repulsed the attacks of the Wusha Emirates army again and tried to protect the border city without losing an inch of land for two months.

At this moment, the young owner stood on the tower in white, with his eyebrows locked, and looked deeply at the boundless Sha cavalry team under the city without saying a word for a long time.

"The prince, the Mobei Front Army, with the fourth division as the main force of the shaman, has been stationed in the 800-mile "first-line sky" passage, and has opened favorable conditions to recruit a large number of local teenagers to join the army. In just a few days, more than 10,000 people have been recruited. Recently, Mayor Bach has been summoned to the military headquarters to participate in the combat meeting. It seems that The lame man called Andongye is very ambitious!" The purple-haired red-eyed young man standing behind Chu Yu respectfully expressed his opinions without praise or humility.

"Pontos, you should immediately return to our World of Warcraft and inform Uriah and Uranos to mobilize our people and prepare for all possible disasters."