Wolf Empire

0026 Paladin

The Bright Cathedral, located in the northeast snowfield of the Canglang Empire, stands on the bright holy mountain more than960 meters above sea level. This is the headquarters of the Holy Church of Light and the holy place for hundreds of millions of pilgrims.

The towering and majestic buildings and the whole snowy mountain are integrated, which is majestic and magnificent, making all believers who come to worship from all directions looking up at the holy light at the foot of the mountain can't help but feel awe and worship them.

An Wedan took off the paladin helmet, looked at the icon of the goddess of light in front of the Cathedral of Light, devoutly drew an inverted triangle on his chest, and then silently closed his eyes and prayed silently. Her golden silky hair spread out in the morning light, burning the greedy eyes of the knights behind her.

The beautiful and noble Anydan is the head of the Holy Envoy Knights of the Holy Church of Light. She has amazing beauty, super combat strength and pious faith, and is simply the embodiment of a perfect angel. For a long time, countless prominent nobles and highly cultivated priests have been lost under her increasingly mature charm, and their pursuers are like crucian carp crossing the river.

After praying, the Paladin of Anqidan put on a silver-white exquisite helmet again, covering her perfect appearance. The paladins behind them sounded with slight regret, and their eyes looking at her became more and more full of special feelings.

The delicate body under the armor of the head of the Paladin Knights of An Yidan was slightly stiff. For a devout knight who was raised by the church since childhood and vowed to defend and spread the dignity and glory of the goddess of light at any time by force, she felt that what she needed was respect, not admiration.

With a silent sigh, the head of the Paladin, led by a young male priest, walked into the office of Saint Banachiem, the archbishop. The metal boots stepped on the smooth marble floor like a mirror, and echoed in the empty silent corridor.

From time to time, the leading priest turned around and secretly peeped into the hot posture and peerless face of the Paladin of the Paladin, causing the latter to frown with indifference and was about to scold the young male priest for his rudeness. The incomparable voice of the archbishop Banage Eum sounded at the other end of the corridor:

"My child, welcome to come back to report."

The saint Banagiem, a amiable secret archbishop wearing a sacred golden robe and appeared at the door of the office and opened her arms to the dusty Paladin. The head of the Paladins of Andan Paladin came forward, hugged gently, and then knelt down on one knee: "The chief of the Holy Order of the Order Yu Dan, see the Holy Bishop, what are your instructions for summoning your subordinates?

"The horn of begging pagans has sounded. Are you and your glorious and brave paladin knights ready to fight for the goddess of light?" Holy Archbishop Banadiem gently pressed her hand on the head of the Paladin of Anitan and said lightly.

"Dive everything to spread the glory of the goddess of light at any time!" An Wedan made the head of the knights stand up, with no expression on his indifferent face as usual.

"The great army of His Majesty the Emperor of the Canglang Empire has been unprecedentedly hindered in the prison death fortress in the Kingdom of Wind Wings, and they need the help of the Holy Church." The Privy Archbishop, Saint Banajiem, looked seriously at the head of the Holy Envoy of Andan.

"bao zheng the task is completed!" The knight leader of Anydan instinctively straightened his body and answered loudly. The close-fitting armor perfectly outlines her beautiful and touching curves, and with her gorgeous, cold and frosty look and eyes, she looks like a heroic female god of war.

"Go! My dear child." The archbishop, Saint Banajime, smiled with satisfaction, closed her eyes, and drew an inverted triangle with her right hand on her chest.

"Yes." The chief of the Order of An Yidan returned a salute and turned around and walked out.

The rhythmic and wonderful footsteps sounded in the silent corridor again, and the sunlight outside the window lengthened her graceful figure, which changed between light and dark.


Fire prison death fortress.

This military fortress, known as "the strongest fortress on the continent" by later military scholar Yang Shu, is the last line of defense to the royal city of the Windwing Kingdom. The 300,000 troops of the Canglang Empire have been unimpededed and consumed here for three and a half months.

The death fortress in the prison gathered almost all the 150,000 remaining combat power of the Windwing Kingdom, making the final fight to the death. Once the fortress is broken, there is no danger to defend, and the royal city will be destroyed. In this 500-kilometer strategic base, the fort, supply, maintenance, equipment, medical treatment, communication, control, intelligence, etc. The wall of the whole fortress is made of giant granite that is ten meters long, five meters wide and three meters thick. The wall is 20 meters high and 10 meters thick, solid and solid. Unbreakable.

Giant bed crossbows are lined up on the wall, and the giant crossbow arrows as thick as arms are ferocious. Under the wall is the trebuster phalanx. Hundreds of stone throwers stand behind the strong protective wall, and the raised poles are like long guns slanting into the sky, majestic and spectacular.

This is the eleventh time that the Canglang Empire has launched a strong attack. Unlike usual, the main force of this empire is the troops of the Bright Holy Church. The Knights of Light and the Paladin Knights are all dispatched. In addition to 5,000 combat priest troops, the Holy Church of Light has mobilized nearly 110,000 troops. Although these elite troops of the Bright Holy Religion are only one-third of the total strength of 300,000, Prince Musashi Fuji, the commander of the Canglang Empire, does not dare to doubt the position of their main force.

At the beginning of the battle, the chief of the Knights of Anyidan suspended in the air and was burned into ashes in the dazzling light. The light emitted by the burning body reflected the whole battlefield, and the thick pillar of light pierced the clouds.

Just when the defenders of the Windwing Kingdom, huddled in the fortress, were surprised by her strange behavior, a huge light and shadow god of war fell down on the clouds!

The huge light and shadow are 100 meters high, holding a huge lightsaber as wide as the gate in his hand and hit the wall of the fortress fiercely. The huge wall, 20 meters high and 10 meters thick, was cut open by a huge gap by the lightsaber, and the god of light and shadow immediately turned into light and disappeared into the air in full view of the public.

After the Light and Shadow God of War summoned by the Knight of An Yidan at the cost of life destroyed the strongest defense of the death fortress in one fell swoop, the 300,000 troops of the Canglang Empire rushed in. With the powerful combat ability of the two knights of the Light Holy Order and the magical healing skills of the combat priests, the vicissitudesitudes Empire only used In less than two days, the fortress was completely controlled, and the defenders of 150,000 kingdoms were almost slaughtered.

At the order of Musashi Fuji, the crown prince of the Canglang Empire, the imperial army went straight to the Wind Wing King City. King Fengyi was unwilling to be captured and humiliated and beg himself in the temple. The eldest princess An Xiyan protected her younger brother Prince An Shangyan under the desperate protection of her family, and took advantage of the chaos to escape from the royal city and defected to the Rasha Empire, which had always been friends with her mother country, to seek*.

The Kingdom of Windwing was reduced to a colony of the Canglang Empire, and the Shaman Holy See bordering it was greatly shocked. The first line of alerts in Galo City were frequently reported. Tang Feng, the third division, urgently organized a large number of exiles stranded in the jurisdiction, distributed weapons, guarded the city, and flew 800 miles to Huadu.

When the news of the fall of the death fortress in the prison came to the ears of the three major secretars of the Shaman's Holy See and others, they were suddenly and unknown, with 30,000 troops rapidly advancing in the direction of Huadu, like ants on a hot pot, anxious and restless.

In the case of any dispatch documents sent to the Military Affairs Department, the intelligence retrieval system outside Huadu urgently transmitted the report of troops approaching the imperial capital with unknown numbers to the military police commander Gong Ziming.

After it reported to the Military Minister, Marshal Tang Shu, the 101 Brigade belonging to the 1st Division of the Royal Guard stationed in Huadu quickly entered the first-class combat readiness. The main reason for adopting such a high-level mobilization and system is that Tang Feng, the commander of the Third Division, led the Third Division, and the 104 garrison brigade belonging to the First Division of the Royal Guard. A total of five regular brigades defended the southern border territory, suppressed the exiles*, and curbed the iron horses of the vicissitudes empire to continue to advance east. ; With the 2nd Division of Xia Nanxuan and General and the 5th Division of Lengbeicheng as the main force, the 6th Division is equipped with the 603 and 604 brigades of the armed police force, and the 1032 and 103 of the 1st Division's Guards, a total of 12 brigades and 50,000 soldiers are nearly 100,000 with nearly 100,000 of the five divisions of the 16th National Alliance. People confront the Moon City on the border between the two countries; coupled with the fact that the Fourth Division defending the Wusha Emirates cannot take a step, so that the center of the Holy See, which is now as weak as a baby in a baby, is ready to break with a touch.

The three Privy Archbishops gathered around the trembling acting Pope Wang Lei, racking their brains to guess which side the rapidly approaching army belonged to, whether it was an enemy or a friend? Is it the comeback of the Wusha Emirate, or did the Haoyue Alliance defeat the second and fifth divisions, or -

"Report!" Wearing gold glasses and military uniform, the commander of the gendarmerie walked in with his head held high, interrupted the thoughts of the superiors, and submitted a latest report to the superiors: "The nine cities of Gyeonggi Province have been reduced to a second-level warring system, and the unidentified legion has been identified as a friendly army, that is, the former commander of the Mobei Front Army, He is also the head of the Fourth Division of the Holy Warrior and the honorary Archbishop of the Red. He is currently a first-class general Andongye, who commands 30,000 troops and Prince Mufeng returned to Beijing to mourn.

Hearing the news, the four superiors all changed their faces!!!