Wolf Empire

0129 fire prevention and anti-theft best friend


There was a loud noise in the sea. While the attention of "Black Beard" Saheim was on the "Kudo Merchant Ship", Princess Masashi's "Tianyi" hit it fiercely from the back of the side with its own collision angle. The huge and sharp collision angle knocked the other party's hull into a large hole about three meters in diameter. The two ships collided with each other and had a huge impact in the stormy waves at the same time.

The people on the "Tianyi" had been psychologically prepared to return. Few of the pirates on the "Blackbeard" Sahim's ship could stand, and many pirates standing on both sides fell directly into the sea.

Sahem, a big pirate with a black beard, saw more than a dozen masters jumping on the other party's boat, fists and swords. In the blink of an eye, he had killed dozens of men who rushed over, untied the chain hammer wrapped around his waist, let out a low roar, and rushed away.

"Give me this beard!" Antonye turned to the following brother Youdong and said, "Go and help Yuyu!" The latter's boss reluctantly danced with two knives and rushed to the "blood shark" pirates who fought with Yuyu, Chenyuan and others.

Andongye jumped high and roared like a wolf-toothed. The "wolf-toothed thorn" had come to his hand. Seeing the stab of An Dongye, the "black beard" Saham changed on the spot. He immediately judged that this thin and lonely lame and martial arts were far above him, and he didn't care about his face at the moment. He leaned and hid aside, hoping to avoid the volley blow of Antonye. Of course, the men around "Blackbeard" Sache are not idiots. They all scream and jump, and escape faster than their boss.

In mid-air, he stretched out his feet a little on the horizontal rail. Andongye's body turned, and the military thorn changed its original direction and continued to stab the "Black Beard" Saheim. The latter was shocked and knew that it was unavoidable. He gritted his teeth and suddenly threw a chain meteor hammer. With a "ding--" sound, he swung the "wolf tooth stab" diagonally. Go out.

In fact, with the 600-year dark magic possessed by Antonye, even if the original unchanging knife is stabbed, "Blackbeard" Sahim is absolutely irresistible, so his change in the middle is really a step. This made Mouye can't help beating his head hard with bricks several times after this battle.

Surely, a wild martial arts skill was much higher than the "Blackbeard" Sham. After a slight deviation, the knife still accurately pierced the chest of the big pirate leader.

The special "wolf's teeth" of the three-edged blood tank*, in and out, hit the heart of the "Black Beard" Sache, and will be killed with one blow. The latter roared and fell to the ground.

Seeing the "Black Beard" Sache fall into the pool of blood, several pirate leaders were slightly stunned and suddenly shouted: "No! Boss Sham is dead! Ah! Ah!! Ah!!!"

"Blackbeard" Shaem is a well-deserved second head of the "blood shark" pirates with the imperial veterans as the main body. In terms of martial arts alone, even the "para-baron" Takeshi Hojo, who was supported by some dark forces of the imperial military, did not dare to say that he would win. In the eyes of their subordinates, their two leaders can almost be said to be invincible symbols;

But now, "Blackbeard" Sham was killed in a face-to-face! This is something they never thought of! So the unexpected great fear made all the "blood shark" pirates who had just rushed to the fierce battle all mess up for a moment. Hysterical exclamation and screams came one after another, and two pirate ships that tried to escape collided with each other!

Taking this opportunity, the guards of the VIP ship and the mercenaries of the caravan of the Kudo freighter suddenly reversed the unfavorable situation of passive beating.

"Is it so exaggerated? Is this the importance of the leader of a team? Yu looked at the chaotic scene on the pirate ship opposite and felt a shock beyond his expectation.

Three of the eleven pirate ships that the other side leaned on are gradually tilting and slowly sinking. Many pirates are forced to jump into the huge waves of sharks with blood basins; the remaining pirate ships do not seem to need to be beaten, and the pirates are close to the edge of collapse.

"Brother, their rescue fleet has come up!" Youdong, who was covered in blood, jumped over and shouted, "We must return to our ship. This ship is about to sink!"

"Withdraw--" Count Chenyuan issued an order in due course.

"We finally avoided the danger of being attacked on both sides, although the current situation may not be much better." An Dongye, who returned to Tianyi, smiled bitterly at his friends.

"The reaction of the 'Baron-Baron' Hojo Takeshi is much faster than I thought!" Count Chenyuan was not very optimistic and pointed to the group of shadows approaching quickly. Twenty-five pirate ships that were originally docked in the distant sea were only 400 meters away from their Tianyi at most.

"These pirates are well trained, advancing and retreating properly, and their orders are full of the momentum of professional soldiers. It is likely that they have served in the army of a certain country and are by no means an ordinary mob." Antonye said in a low voice.

"I feel the same way." Youdong recalled, "From the eyes and movements of the few pirates I fought with, 100% of them are definitely soldiers or soldiers. I can feel that they are absolutely right."

Obviously, as if to avoid some problem, Count Chenyuan, who buried a scandal in the past of the senior officials of the imperial army, reluctantly smiled and said to his fiancee in the command module, "Your Highness, what should we do next?"

"What can I do?" Princess Masashi gently shook her hair and said with a calm face, "Slee to soldiers, generals, king to king, let's fight to the death!"

"The flag soldiers, inform Miss Meixun and Yunmian on the 'Kudo' to follow up and echo the 'Tianyi' from the flanks;" Count Chenyuan pulled out the saber and issued an order: "Turn the bow, aim at the flagship of the 'blood shark', and rush over at full speed!"

In the case of the great difference in strength between the enemy and us, the mission had no choice but to drive the damaged Tianyi, which had just collided with the "Blackbeard" Sachham, and met the 25 "blood shark" pirate ships neatly arranged by the other side--

As he got closer and closer to the "Blood Shark" flagship, Antonno also noticed that the other 24 pirate ships of the other side were also surrounded this side in a half-moon shape, and was secretly shocked: "It seems that this 'baron' Hojo Takeshi is not a brave and resourceful man!"

And at this time, An Yixue, who was guarding the command module and standing high, suddenly changed her face and shouted to Princess Rie Musashi, "Look!"

Princess Rie Musashi looked in the direction of the little girl's finger, and her face was also difficult to see!

- The "Kudo merchant ship", which should have followed up with each other and fought side by side, abandoned them and escaped by taking advantage of the pirate ship's attention and being attracted by the rushing "Tianyi"!!!

Everyone turned around and was less than 100 meters away from the flagship of the "blood shark". It was too late to avoid it. Looking at the pirate ship that had gradually surrounded, Princess Masashi finally realized that she had neglected the most critical problem:

- Those who fought with them were not the well-trained imperial soldiers, but some mercenary businessmen of Kudo Heavy Industries. Kudo Meixun and Chu Yunmian had just fought with her, but they were almost instinctive actions in order to survive in the case of escaping hopelessly; and now the situation is getting better, With these "scapegoers" rushing forward to help block the vicious pirates, it's strange that they don't run away for their lives!

"You two dogs and men!" Looking at the "Kudo" merchant ship that disappeared on the Haiping Line, Princess Masae, who gritted her teeth, secretly cursed her best friend who fled regardless of righteousness: "Kudo Meixun, you rotten bitch, gold and silver jewelry, perfume luxury cars, these luxury goods, I don't miss you. Usually my sister and eldest sister are short intimate, but the critical time As soon as Hou and Xiaobai left, they really misread you! Humph! If God has eyes this time, he will protect me from death. Let's see how I can tear your little, coquettish and force when I return to 'Tianjing'!"

His face gradually turned pale. Looking at the dark gray sky, Anton's ambition whispered unwillingly, "Is it the end of my wolves?"