Alchemy Era

Chapter 21 Haier Hurt

Hayl Hurt and his brother are carved out of a mold. He has the same black hair and a smile that never fades on a round face. Their tall cheekbones and deep eye sockets indicate that they have Leo blood across the sea. Haile Hurt is different from his brother in that he is slender, while his brother is like a bucket.

He sat behind the large mahogany table, and the candle on the silver candlestick on it dripped with candle tears, illuminating the dark room in the stone castle. Haile Hurt's shrewd eyes looked at the visitors through his glowing gold-rimmed glasses.

"I'm sorry," he said, "I apologize to you for what happened in the hall. My brother has always been unable to distinguish between what is more important. Therefore, he can only work in the lobby on the first floor.

That's a good position, Li Ou thought, full of oil and water. Just like a watchdog, it is always full and shiny. It's just that the watchdog obeys the owner's orders from beginning to end and has no self-will. Because dogs are cheap, there are several lurking in every corner and can be replaced at any time.

He suddenly felt that the mage was not so ugly and disgusting.

If he hadn't provoked a fight and caused a duel between fire and frost, he would have made the dirty hall even more messy. The Hurt brothers may not appear. Otherwise, you have to follow the rules and steps they set and pay a large amount of toll. He doesn't believe that the self-serving White Rose Knight will reimburse his expenses.

The idea flashed by quickly, and Leo planned to hold on to the topic.

This damn weather not only made the mage who sat aside anxious and sighed in a bad mood, but also made him not feel less cheerful. They can't be the only ones to taste this stuffy and depressed taste. Sharing with each other is the noble way.

"The escort of the Chamber of Commerce also took a rainstorm holiday today?" He asked.

But Hail Hurt is not like his brother, but the smile on his face is brighter and more sincere.

"Everyone has to rest, don't they?" He spread out his hands and said, "After working hard for more than half a year, they should have time to go home to accompany their women. At least, my guards were driven home by me.

"They have a kind master."

"It's just heart-to-heart." Haile Hurt waved his hand and stopped the topic from continuing. All right, Mr. Leo, please allow me to read old Balode's letter first. I need to know why he suddenly remembered me as an old friend.

"He never mentioned it to me either."

"The dwarf is as stubborn as a stone. Their surnames are either rock or steel. Haier Hurt said while reading the letter, "Some must have changed his mind."

"It's a thousand-faced hand." Leo explained.

"I understand." Hull Hurt interrupted him, "Please let me finish watching it."

The room was silent for a moment, and only the noise of the hall downstairs and the sound of rain hitting the outer wall of the stone castle were faintly transmitted through the closed doors and windows.

Lu Yuewu sat calmly, while Luo Xi muttered in a low voice. Her voice was so low that even Li Ou beside her couldn't hear what she was muttering. He can only turn his attention to other places. In this office, which belongs to the director of the Nova Chamber of Commerce, there are several bookshelves full of books and information box, and cross swords and shields hanging in the corner near the window, with a set of golden armor.

"Mr. Leo." When Haile Hurt finished reading the letter, he looked up at Leo carefully. "It turns out that you are Fernandez's son." He suddenly looked annoyed and patted himself on the thigh. I should have thought of it a long time ago. He said, "You are so much like him."

Leo was surprised by his words.

"Do you know your father well?" He straightened his back, leaned forward, and asked anxiously and confusedly, "But I have never heard my father mention it. Ballold never said that to me either."

"Have you not read the letter?" Haile Hurt asked strangely, but before Leo could answer, he raised his hands and motioned, "This is a stupid question. Please forget it." He said. Of course I still remember your father. He put down the letter and explained patiently, "Fernandez has a lot of relationship with Nova, and we were partners who traveled together in the early years. For this reason, I should take care of his descendants. But..." He bent his fingers and knocked on the letter, hitting the table through the thin paper, making a rhythmic sound that seemed to hit his heart. "Barrod's request is a little difficult."

In fact, Li Ou is more interested in the hidden concealment of the previous generation. Because he had never believed in the original official report and attributed the cause of his father's death to the guardian of the ruins, but several inquiries were blocked back by Balode. Since then, he clearly knew that they seemed to have made up their minds to take what happened before and bring it to the grave.

Hayl Hurt is a person he didn't know unexpectedly. But looking at his smiling face, Li Ou knew that the guy who wore a mask to deal with people at the same time as him would not easily give up his guard against him and happily told it. They will only talk about him.

Because merchants are sometimes more stubborn than dwarves; but they are more profit-interested creatures.

It's much easier to deal with them than to make friends with dwarves and compete with pub owners. Well, Leo turned his head and looked at the pouring rain outside the window, thinking that he had another reason to stay in the Nova Chamber of Commerce.

"What did Ballold say?" Li Ou asked.

"I'm curious why thousands of people are staring at you." Mr. Hurt smiled, and the thin glasses reflected the glimmer of the candle. "But I think it's more likely that my old friend Barrod has finally learned the exaggerated use of lingua franca."

Li Ou gently shrugged his shoulders.

Most dwarves like to go straight and say the best. But Balode won't do that. No one can live safely in that complex place in the East District for decades, but Balode did. Therefore, Leo felt that his letter could never be as exaggerated as Haier Hurt said. He can only pass it vaguely.

At this time, Li Ou suddenly recalled what Haier Hurt had said before and felt that every word he said seemed to be full of profound meaning. Although it was all point-to-point, he showed his curiosity in the tone of expression and excuse, trying to make Leo speak bluntly.

Not only him, but he found that his two guards also heard the sound.

They all frowned at Hurt's joke. Rosie couldn't help looking at Leo's eyes with unbearable anger. He was urging him to pat the table quickly and leave.

He shook his head slightly, causing the other party to hum clearly. But he also felt that this meaningless temptation was enough. As Lu Yuewu said, he is not a businessman and can't show false goodwill at this time to maintain a cold fake smile on his face. So he looked at the director of the Chamber of Commerce.

"Mr. Hurt, just say what you want to say." He listened to his mouth and said, "I'm only here to convey my greetings for Balrod, not to listen to you and the old dwarf old man who is still in the blacksmith's shop in the East. I think he can't hear what you say from a city.

"Yes, yes." The expression on Haier Hurt's face did not change at all, as if he did not hear Leo's dissatisfied sarcasm. "People always sigh for a long time when they are old." He sighed cooperatively, and then finally returned to the topic. Balode asked me to take care of you and find a good job for you. But... Level 5 Alchemist, you also know what this means, right?

"Of course." Leo nodded, "Seven out of ten in the Creators Guild are far better than me."

"That's right. I'm just one of the heads of the Nova Chamber of Commerce. Haile Hurt smiled bitterly, "There are other guys on my head... Barrod really looks up to me."

This is an obvious rejection.

Liou intends to leave this. This is the only way to enter the Nova Chamber of Commerce.

And then someone knocked on the door and entered.

A capable man in a tight blue coat and a roll of paper came in. He first glanced at Li Ou and others in the room, and then whispered in his ear under Hurt's unimped signal.

When the man left, Mr. Hurt changed his words.

"But since I am the son of an old friend, I will definitely do my best."

Hurt spread out the rolled-on paper and greeted Leo to watch it together. That's a map that details the geographical environment around Ainblo. On the scroll outlined by the black charcoal pen, a pattern marked with the color of cinnabar is eye-catching and dazzling. The text marked next to it made Li Ou even more surprised.

He didn't understand why Hurt, a secret thing involving huge interests, was allowed to watch.

"A lucky guy found an unexplored relic --" he said, "As I expected, it's just below the place where you conducted the promotion trial - to be precise, it's the second floor of the relic."

"Are you going to invite me?" He asked uncertainly. But why?" He doesn't believe in the dream of pie falling from the sky.

"This is no longer a secret." Hurt did lament this time, "What should and shouldn't have been known has been news."

"So everyone will send a lot of manpower this time."

"That's exactly." Hurt looked at him, "What do you think?"

When Leo and Hurt agreed to leave this copper-smelling place, Mr. Haile Hurt's brother accidentally stopped them after they left the office.

"My brother asked you to join the expedition, right?" As soon as he came up, he asked impatiently with a trembling big belly.

"It's one of the expeditions." Luo Xi said in a cold voice.

"Anyway!" He waved his arm and said, "I just hope you can let me know when you leave." He made a strange request, "I don't want to miss such a good thing and be excluded."

This is almost a handiwork.

His expression became relaxed when he heard Leo's reply and revealed a little information. You don't want to be excluded from huge wealth like mercenaries. He was bewitched, "My brother is too conceited and stubborn as iron. But I'm more realistic. I know what you want, alchemist. If you want money, I want help. We need each other, and I can't make this sentence sound better.

"This sounds like a risky gamble." Leo didn't want to get involved in the fight and resentment of the Hurt brothers, so he had to retreat. Mr. Hurt, I think I will inform you of my decision in due course.