Alchemy Era

Chapter 30 "Ghost" Edsey

"It's right in front, right in front." The clown muttered all the way.

He was out of breath, sweating all over, and his face was pale. But he seemed to be possessed, always staring at the front, indifferent to everything around him, and his footsteps continued for a moment. And the deeper it goes, the more unclear Alan Hurt's mind becomes. He even ran desperately. The fat figure is like a rolling ball, but no one finds it ridiculous.

Li Ou felt an evil intention to peep around and lead them into the abyss. At the end of the dark passage is an open blood basin, waiting for them to step into it by themselves.

The clown suddenly fell to the ground. He angrily shook off the help of others and stood up with his hands on his knees. He seemed to be tireless and didn't feel pain, so he began to "speed" again. Hurry up! Hurry up!" He kept urging, "It's almost there! It's almost mine!" He can't help but talk.

Li Ou doesn't know what's wrong with him? His delusions made him unable to extricate himself? Or did something affect him and control his mind? For example, what the "clown" said... Li Ou quietly asked his magic consultant, but he got a negative answer. I can't feel anything. It's very quiet, and the magic is peaceful. Rosie replied, "If I want to say it, I will blame it on the curse."

The curse is silent and invisible, even more than the poison of the alchemist. This made his anxiety and worries more serious. The walls on both sides seemed to be squeezed towards the middle, while Alan Hurt's murmur was like a life-threatening note, making him feel bloated and unable to think.

He looked around, but saw that the mercenary commander who Alan Hurt didn't want to mention his name looked calm - more calm than Lu Yuewu - as if it was an unsmiling dead face. With the courage that came from nowhere, Leo walked towards him.

However, when facing the other party, Leo instinctively felt a suffocating danger. It seemed that a cobra was holding its neck up and pointed its venom-stained teeth at his eyes.

"You and I do things with money." He narrowed his eyes and answered Leo's question, "What does the employer tell us and how to do it?" Of course, sometimes employers are too stupid and we will ignore them. He seems to have something to point at.

"So what did he tell you?"

Explore the way, clean up monsters, and clear traps. The work done by the scout."

Now the "clown" is leading the way, and his purpose is obviously very clear. Does he have a map? Li Ou asked.

"Then you have to ask him." The other party said, "But he probably can't answer your question now."

"He seems to be cursed." Leo pointed out.

"Who knows?" Leo can't see any flaws in the other party. Some people will lose their minds in front of huge benefits. He looked behind him and said, "It's better to worry about the mercenaries behind than to worry about this. Like our employers, greed has irreparable consequences."

"You too?" Li Ou asked.

"I'm also a mercenary." He grinned, but it seemed to blow a cold wind coming through the glacier. Li Ou shivered. Mercenaries only work for money. Leo felt a kind of joke and contempt in his eyes that he could not understand. It seems that you don't seem to be worried about it.

Someone will clean them up. Li Ouxin said. And the person in front of me - "I will be vigilant." He said, "However, when he claims himself as a robber, what he does is very different from that of robbers. I should thank you for reminding me."

"You are very smart." The other party praised.

He is the stupidest. Leo didn't feel happy at all. After a confrontation, he didn't ask any details he wanted to know. On the contrary, the fear and fright in my heart are getting deeper and deeper. The other party is like a pool of stagnant water, which can't stir up any waves. He is not like a mercenary. Li Ou thought, but what is that?

They went all the way deep into the ground. It seems that after centuries, when they thought that they were born as a mole living underground, the corridor in front of them finally became more spacious, and the dust on the granite stone slabs under their feet gradually thickened; the murals on both walls also became complete, and the story became more and more wonderful.

"This is Eleanor's prophet." Li Ou whispered to Lu Yuewu.

"It's just an old maid full of delusions." Rosie interrupted.

"I like her story." Alyssa whispered.

Liou's commentary had to stop because of this. He felt a headache, as if someone was stirring in his brain with nails. Let's talk about it when we get home." He rubbed his eyebrows, and the paralysis of the needle made him unable to concentrate on the murals beside him.

They walked to the end with the cold eyes of the statue on both sides of the corridor.

Only a closed stone door blocked them. The stone gate eroded by the years is engraved with ancient words.

"What does it say?" Lu Yuewu asked.

"I only know a few." Li Ou answered honestly, "The combination of two words on it should be 'Enze'."

"Enze'?" Rosie snorted disdainfully, "Behind Enze is usually a deadly trap."

But she was wrong. Two mercenaries pushed open the stone door, and nothing happened.

They cautiously walked into the final hall. Wooden tables and chairs have long turned into fragments and dust, and the exquisite candlesticks have been devoured by rust. Only a small number of porcelain is still intact, but the glaze and patterns on them are also mottled. The stone pillar pits supporting the wide hall seem to have been mothed by insects, but they still faithfully adhere to their duties, like the armor erected next to the stone pillar - they were then smashed by mercenaries like frightened birds.

The excitement on Alan Hurt's face seemed to see the god's fanatical believers. I'm coming, I'm coming! I know you are here!" He shouted feverishly and rushed out desperately. He fell down again, but he didn't get up. He seems to be a mentally ill patient crawling on his limbs. I'm coming! Wait for me!"

Mercenaries and nine people of the three religion were taken away by his shouts. They thought that the dark hall outside the lighting of the torch was covered with gems and gold coins were piled up like mountains. A man screamed and rushed out. Then more people followed. They pushed and pulled each other, and the last one passed Alan Hurt's crawling body one after another and rushed into the darkness.

Luo Xi ran forward, but looked back and found Li Ou standing still.

"Why are you still stunned!" She shouted angrily.

"Don't go. Something is wrong."

"If you don't go, there will be nothing!" Once linked to gold coins, she seems to have lost her mind. Even the amber eyes are shining with the shining luster of gold coins. That's the biggest thing wrong!" She shouted.

"Rosie." Lu Yuewu opened her mouth. She already had a long sword in her hand and shook her head at Miss Mage. Trust Leo's judgment. He won't hurt us."

"You guys stop!" Alan Hurt stretched out his hand in front of him, "It's mine, it will only be mine!"

But everything is in vain. The fight and abuse sounded in the dark, as if it were a noisy pub by the harbour of Ainblo. But the noisy voice stopped abruptly with a sad shout. Only the voice of the "clown" sounded like a ghost and couldn't help echoing in the empty hall.

"I know you're here... I worship you, I submit to you... I'm yours... and you're mine, mine... will only belong to me..."

He climbed into the uncontrollable darkness. And Li Ou suddenly found that the mercenaries beside them had completely disappeared, and a fresh and bloody atmosphere surrounded them.

"Be careful!" He shouted almost at the same time as Lu Yuewu.

Before their voice fell, the hall suddenly glowed, as if tearing off the black curtain blocking the sun. The strong light instinctively blocked them, but their eyes were still faintly tingling and unable to see.

When their eyes recovered, they saw countless magic lights on the dome of the hall, shining like a magnificent temple on the surface under the day. For a while, Li Ou actually had a sense of time disorder. In the middle of the hall, mercenaries were killed and injured everywhere, and blood stained the slates under them red. And Alan Hurt knelt between the dead bodies, knelt in the pool of blood, and kept saying, as if the blood was the burning incense in the temple, which could make his prayers more pious and reach the ears of the gods.

But next to the clown, the mercenary commander was smiling mocking at them.

"How are you, alchemists?" He stroked his chest and saluted them, "Recognize me, I'm the judge knight of Black Dawn." Ghost 'Edsey'.

"What do you want to do, the haunting guy?" Andrewson shouted to hide his fear, "Kill us? Then come on! Don't talk nonsense!"

"Kill you?" Ghost Shadow shook his head and said, "If I were as crazy as those mages, I wouldn't have waited until now. There are many opportunities along the way, and it is easy to kill you. Even if some of you are smart people, swordsmen and mages.

This kind of praise is more ironic. Li Ou is not blessed to suffer. So what are you going to do?" He asked.

"My mission does not include killing you. And now it has also been completed. What will happen next has nothing to do with me." "Ghost" bowed slightly, and his movements were as impeccable as a real knight. So, I'm sorry that I can't accompany you."

He turned around and left, and the magic lights went out one by one. In the shadow that the hall could not be illuminated, some dark shadows hurried past. When the hall returned to darkness, they heard Alan Hurt shout ecstatically, "Holy bottle!"

Blood converges and blood boils. A half-man-high stone platform rises in the center of the hall. A bottle made of gold was placed on it, shining dazzlingly. Alan Hurt trembled and stretched out his bloody hands and carefully removed them. "You finally belong to me!" He was so excited that he almost cried.

Now Leo finally understands why Alan Hurt hires so many three teachers and nine streams——

Blood is the key to everything.

"You are mine!" Alan Hurt picked up the blood-red gold bottle and laughed crazily, "It's mine!"

"Hart!" Leo shouted.

The clown Alan Hurt suddenly hugged the golden bottle. He looked at Leo warily, "You, so many of you... what do you want to do? Don't come here, don't come here."

"He is crazy." Rosie said. Her eyes are never separated from the bottle made of gold.

"No one wants your things." Leo said, "We should go back."

"Go back? Where are you going?" He looked at Leo approaching him and said, "I don't believe it! Even my brother will deceive me, let alone you? You must want my bottle, right?" He lowered his head and stroked the bottle intoxicatedly. "It's so beautiful that people can't bear to put it down. Will you want it? Let me tell you!" He shouted at Leo, "No one can take you away from me!" No one can!"

The clown suddenly jumped up, avoided Leo's pull with agility beyond his size, and ran outside the hall. Li Ou tried to catch up, but the stone gate suddenly closed in an instant. He shouted at the other end of the stone gate, "It's mine. No one wants to take it away!"