Alchemy Era

Chapter 28 The Wind Chaser on the Wind Rock Tower

The mage tower is located halfway up the mountain, next to a curved square. There are domes and spire towers in a circle of white stone buildings, but they are far less magnificent and magnificent than the spires of the sword group, with only the gray color eroded by the wind and rain. It's like a deserted and deserted castle, desolate and dilapidated.

However, at this time, the noise here is abnormal, and there is no sign of being abandoned. A team of knights were armed with bright armor, and the attendants held horses and flags for them. They gathered in front of the closed front door of the mage tower. A knight wearing a half-faced helmet shouted in front of the door, "On the order of the lord of the city, you are ordered to open the door."

There was no sound inside, as if the whole building was out of smoke. The leading knight seemed to say something, and then several servants pulled out their long swords from the sword belt of the saddle and walked forward. Open the door! Otherwise, we will cut it away!"

"Please wait a moment." A voice finally came from behind the door, "I need... to ask the wind pursuer."

"We were ordered to come, but you dared to disobey the law!" A knight servant roared through the door, "We have reason to suspect that you are hiding criminals!" He said that a sword cut on the door of black iron and copper, and burst into flames.

"No...we didn't..."

"Are you deliberately procrastinating so that the black dawn can escape?" The servant is another knife.

The other party trembled behind the door, "We have nothing to do with them!"

"It doesn't matter what are you afraid of?" The servant asked sharply, "Open the door! If we disobey, we will throw them all into the prison. Don't forget that you don't have immunity from casting now!"

"That...that's all because of the alchemists... We, we didn't do anything wrong..."

"Open the door." The knight interrupted him, "The iron gate can't stop us."

The other party still bites and can't let go, "I have to report to the pursuer."

"Yes." The knight said, "I believe that the wind chaser will not be stupid enough to distinguish between right and wrong. And you'd better pray that you really have nothing to do with Black Dawn.

The man was amnesty, and his hurried footsteps flew away.

The Wind Rock Tower is surrounded by several towers. Its appearance is plain, and its bare brown rocks are covered with small holes formed by wind and rain, and even small sand grains fall from time to time. It looks like an old man who is about to walk, but it is still standing as before.

When the young mage apprentice was out of breath and stumbled up hundreds of steps, the wind chaser was standing on the terrace and looking into the distance. Hearing the sound, he asked without looking back, "The knights came by the order of the lord of the city?"

"Yes, yes." The young mage apprentice took a deep breath to relieve himself. They asked us to open the front door and let them come in to search... Black Dawn."

This is a long-expected result. What else did they say?

"They have been ordered by the lord of the city and will stay here." The mage apprentice's face was full of anger and resentment. "They said that they would monitor our every move."

The chief mage knows that this is not all the order of the city lord. Yesterday, the enchanted mages not only intended to kill the city owner, but also the alchemists and many nobles who watched the ceremony that day were involved. This is self-made. They offend people all at once! A bunch of stupid guys who don't consider the consequences! They can die, but the whole guild will be notorious for it. Daniel's life in exchange for his life was squandered by them. When their reputation is ruined, who else will believe their self-defense and self-redemption?

The inquiry of the mage apprentice broke his thinking, "Chief mage, what should we do?"

"Let them in." The wind chaser said in a tired voice.

The face of the mage apprentice wrapped in a brown robe is full of resistance, "But..."

"Let them in." The chief mage repeated, "give the courtyard to their horses and use the west attic as their dormitory. We will meet whatever they ask for.

The mage apprentice was unwilling to take the order. Everyone here is the same. The pursuers think that they are eager for iron and blood, fire and sand. Only old people like me have lost their enterprising spirit and even resisted. They all hate me in their hearts. The chief mage sighed, but the old people had no choice but to do it.

He looked down at the courtyard on the terrace, and the knights poured in like a fox rushing into a chicken cage. The attendant settled the horses and followed the mage into the western attic to prepare everything for the knight, while the knight delineated the territory like a mammal. They peed in the corner of the tree, scratching their claws, leaving an indelable mark. They showed their claws and fangs and stared at their prey coldly. Their prey hid in the shadow of self-respecting safety, in the cracks in the stone wall. There, the wind chasers saw countless gloomy eyes. Who is the mouse-catching cat? He didn't know that he just asked whether it was a cat or a mouse to restrain his appetite and stop doing shocking things. The consequences made him dare not imagine.

"Your Excellency." The mage apprentice reported behind him, "They have arranged it."

"Let them go." He waved his hand tiredly, "We have a clear conscience."

"Do you have a clear conscience?"

"Just what you did before and what you do now."

"But the knights..."

"Do we have secret secrets?" He asked back.

The mage apprentice shook his head, "No."

"Then there is no need to worry about other people's sight." They are so afraid unless they have restless thoughts. This is good, the chief mage thought helplessly, this is also good. If this can calm some guys, he would rather have another team of knights to serve as jailers for him. As long as the person is not an alchemist, he will open the door to welcome him.

The distant sea breeze blew and became unusually cold in this high place, and the body of the wind chaser trembled. He raised his hand to cast spells, as he had done countless times before, and let the wind obey his orders. However, he quickly lowered his arm and let the cold wind get into his robe. What's the use of magic? None of these can eliminate the fear and hatred that follows black magic. Everyone is stretching out their hands to him. I have to feed them one by one. He only feels physically and mentally exhausted. Maybe I should abdicating. But the cold wave is coming, and darkness is sweeping over. If you listen to what they say, magic will last forever, and it will only be a joke that ends in his hands. Even at this moment, he didn't know how long the Fengyan Tower he was staying in could stand.

The wind chaser on the wind rock tower turned back to the room. He is old, his beard is white, and his back has not been straight for a long time. Even if he goes farther, he will be breathless and his legs and feet will be weak. How long has it been since I left the tower? He sat in a high-backed chair and tried to recall, but to no avail. Maybe it won't be long before I can even recite the spell completely. But before that day, he still had a little time and some opportunities to find the firelight to dispel the darkness, so... he decided to do whatever he could.

The quarrel in the corridor disturbed his meditation.

The knight is coming. The wind chasers are familiar with the way they walk, the jingling collision of armor, and the pleasant sound of the heavy sword hitting their legs. The wind will not hide it. They are always loyal and reliable - as far as ever. But now... the silver armor can no longer represent glory and pride, but this man is steady and slow. He may not be the son of a tailor.

The mage apprentice stopped him. Your Excellency the Chief Mage is resting. Don't disturb.

"I came here to visit." The knight said, "It doesn't represent others, only according to the order of the city lord."

But the mage apprentice obviously did not hear his implication. He faithfully stopped the knight outside the door and stubbornly repeated: "Don't disturb the chief mage."

He sometimes has tinnitus in his ears, but at least now the breeze still listens to his orders and accompanies him. Feng'er sent a message and also conveyed the order for him. Let the knight in." He let the wind pass, "We can't stop guests from visiting."

The knight walked around the school apprentice and pushed the door in. He saw his apprentice gritting his teeth at the door and hating him. Like others, the wind pursuer realizes that he is young and hot-blooded, impulsive and irritable. He can't see the future either. I have to fight alone. He thought tiredly, so he shrank tighter in the chair. You go out first." He ordered his apprentice.

The mage apprentice reluctantly retreated, leaving only him and the knight in such a large room.

"Speaking, what do you need a knight to send a message in person?" He no longer has the energy to greet people. What do you think of the city lord? How do you need to cooperate with Fengyan Tower?

The knight sat up straight on the hard chair, rubbing his skirt on the wood and cutting old antiques. Lord, I hope you can warn your mage and let them restrain their arrogance, stop going out and stir up trouble. His hand was always on the hilt of the sword. "Everyone knows that the mages are not all black dawn, but no one knows how many mages secretly maintain this belief. Lord, I hope you can make a guarantee that yesterday's events will not happen again.

"No one can control other people's thoughts, nor can black magic." He said powerlessly, "I can order the mage tower to be confined from now on and no longer open. But I'm neither a knight, a mage, or your servant. They will oppose, make noise... and even..."

"What will happen? Master?"

He looked out of the window. As an old man who is about to walk, I have seen too many conspiracies and rebellions. The red flame burns in their chests, and one day it will break out of its shell and burn out everything that prevents it. Mr. Knight..." He saw the knight showing an incredible look. "As you think, they will drag me down this tower without hesitation. I'm old. In their eyes, the weak old sheep can't control a hungry wolf pack.

"Are you refusing?"

His body and his brain are resisting this empty conversation, but he can't refuse. He is a respected chief mage, but he is at a disadvantage in this dialogue. Gaiin's stupid little wolves who are hungry and unscrupulous.

"No, I long for this to calm down more than anyone else. But I'm just one person." The wind around the wind chaser is also silent, as if it has stopped. He sighed, "No matter how strong the wind is, it can't shake the mountains. What's more, changing people's hearts?

"What if there is another one?" The knight said, "What if the alchemist is willing to take a step back?"

So that's what she meant? He calmed down and thought carefully. He remembered that when Black Chenxi appeared ten years ago, he was much younger than now, and his legs and feet could support him to climb up and down the steep tower. At that time, the victims, black dawn, and innocent mages, were all corpses all over the field, blood stained the streets, and the gallows were like walkways and trees all over the streets. It was a difficult time for anyone, and it is the same now.

"I don't want to repeat the previous mistakes." The chief mage said, "If so, I promise."

Since then, the wind chaser has never walked out of the room, and he has been curled up in a chair. When the night was thickest, he placed crystals, lit incense, and summoned the sages in the fire. He asked the sages with different planes for answers, but the sages like light smoke did not give him the exact answer. His words are unknown, and his words are like riddles. He tried his best to guess and only came up with vague puzzles. In the end, he still doesn't know what the probability of success is, what the result will be, and what will be waiting for him, but he is willing to try.

In fact, he can understand where the mage's hatred for alchemists comes from and how he can be seduced by the declaration of Black Dawn. It's all because the sharps of the swords are aggressive, but if they are willing to take the initiative to retreat... Although he feels that he can't trust them all... At least this is a good sign that there is some possibility of reconciliation - although it is minimal.

The wind chaser on the wind rock tower did not know how long he had been sitting. He moved his body, but he heard a harsh moan. His bones are protesting. When I'm old, he will read about it again. Soon, this will belong to you. Don't worry too much. But he doesn't know if they are still willing to listen to his little nagging. He meditated for a long time, and only the eternal young wind accompanied him. When the guests came, he didn't even know when it was.

The sky was slightly bright, and the guests had arrived.

He was fully armed, wearing a full-cover helmet, put down his mask and covered his face tightly. The wind chaser sent away his apprentice early, leaving only Feng'er as his guard, faithfully and strictly guarding the room and stone wall from spreading out of a few words.

"Hello, please sit down." The wind chaser attracts the wind. She happily held up a cup of black tea and put it in the hands of the guests. Are you talking to me like this? This will make people feel that they are not sincere enough.

"I visited alone. It can be said that the sheep entered the tiger's den. Of course, I have to be careful." The guest's voice sounds very young.

"It's safe here. The breeze is my eyes, and the strong wind is my guard. They will not make mistakes and will perform their duties faithfully. No one can break in, and no one can eavesdrop."

"It seems that you don't trust the people around you enough." The guests still have no intention to take off their helmets. "They complain about you?"

"I'm old." The pursuer said, "There is always an insurmountable gap between old and young people. I used to be teenagers, so I can understand their thoughts and their intentions; without time to sharpen, they will not become old people.

"So, will the old man look forward and backward?"

Looking forward and backward? Is he talking about me? The pursuer couldn't help smiling bitterly and thought that what he said was really appropriate. If he rewards and punishments moderately, will they regard his orders as nothing? I don't understand what you're talking about?"

"No, you know very well. You can't restrain the mage in the tower. The guests were ready and came with swords. The knights have reported several pranks against them - which is just an official word - which is only a day away. We are all watching when the 'prank' will turn into a real attack.

The wind chaser frowned. They thought he was sitting in the tower all day, so they thought he was blind and deaf? Since the death of the god, there has been no mind reading in the world. He still escapes like this.

"But it's good for swords and money." The guests pointed out the truth mercilessly, "You always promise their money, but you forget to use a sharp blade. You are magnanimous, but the mages think you are cowardly and incompetent.

"Enough!" The wind chaser only felt full of anger, "I don't accept your visit to listen to your accusations."

"This is a kind reminder."

"I can't hear any kindness!"

"...and sincerity." After the guest finished speaking, he took off his helmet and showed his masked face. He is very young, almost the same age as when the wind pursuer first stepped into the Wind Rock Tower. I'm Celstin Leo. He stood up and saluted him, "I came according to the will of the eye of insight. But the choice is mine."

Choose to give in or veto? Hearing this, the wind chaser calmed down instead. Eye of insight? Can he represent creation, truth and wisdom?

"If we didn't work hard, how do we know it's impossible?"

He was avoiding my question, and the pursuer realized that this was a private action of insight. He became more and more vigilant, and he was afraid of falling into the trap of an alchemist. Why should I accept your offer?

Black magic, and people who have lost their lives for no reason these days. There are more lives waiting for us to protect together. The guest replied calmly, "The priest told me that he didn't think black magic was caused by the black dawn. But besides them, who else has studied the black magic you call 'truth'? I don't think you want people to blame the mage for this.

"This is a threat."

"This is advice."

"I can't see the difference between them."

"You will know if you think about it carefully. We have a common enemy, and we are staring at us inside and outside. The guest stood up and said, "Lord Wind Chaser, I think you still need time to think about it, and I also need it. But before I leave, I have something to say.

After listening to so much ridicule and sarcasm, there are no more words. Say it."

"You are an old man. And the wise old man knows when to pretend to be cowardly and when to act vigorously. Wolf cubs always need to go through training to eventually integrate into the wolves and become cunning and ferocious. But they, with all due respect, are like seeing shit flies and can't wait to enjoy a big meal. He put on his helmet again.

The wind chaser watched him turn around and leave, and suddenly stopped him, "Who the hell are you?"

"Lord Stunas intends to let me take over his position. But I... are not interested in this - whether it is insight or an alliance that abandons each other's past, and I don't expect it. The guest shrugged his shoulders helplessly, "Come here today to run errands for him."