Alchemy Era

Chapter 31 Joker

"Please click, ask for red tickets, please collect! Ask for everything you can ask for!"

Li Ou is falling into a struggle with nightmares. In his dream, the ghost seemed to see through his heart, constantly changing the appearance of his loved ones, and then let them fall in front of him one after another. He almost collapsed. But the hoarse warning suddenly resounded over Aiingblo was like a life-saving straw, saving him from the embrace of the octopus tentacle monster.

He got up quickly and saw a fire outside the window, and the sky was red. The blazing fire spread in the downtown area, as if a red dragon was constantly spraying flames. Is it the black dawn? Leo can't confirm.

"Li Ou! Leo!" The door of his house was knocked vigorously.

Lu Yuewu and Luo Xi hurried downstairs, "What's wrong?"

"I don't know." Li Ou shook his head, "Just don't have anything to do with us."

However, contrary to expectations, there was an anxious white rose knight standing at the door. He was followed by ten riders. They are all fully armed, holding swords and shields and wearing winged helmets. Sir Ipahui Kai's face was full of sadness and restlessness, and his hand holding the hilt of the sword opened and opened. As soon as he saw Li Ou, he reached over and grabbed his arm, "Follow me!" He couldn't help pulling him out.

"What the hell happened?" Li Ou tried his best to break free and asked, "What made you so panic that you had to sound the alarm?" Is it the black dawn?

"They are only targeting you." The White Rose Knight waved his hand and asked a rider to go to the tower shield area as Li Ou ordered to call the dwarves to help take care of the spider queen. He opened his mouth uneasily, "But these guys are more terrible than those crazy people. They... They can't be called human at all... No, they are still human... Damn, I don't know what to say!"

"They are a group of walking corpses." A rider said tremblingly.

A moving body? Li Ou's heart thumped.

"No matter what the hell they are, we have to rush there now!" The knight ran fast and his armor sonoroused. We found out too late. The whole rotten alley and the Clear Water Bay Pier have been occupied by them. The soldiers guarding the station only have time to block a few surrounding streets. They won't stop them for long.

"They can't kill?" Lu Yue dance is the key point.

"It's already dead, how can you die again?"

"Who killed them and then drove their bodies?"

"If only I knew!" The knight said sullenly, "But even the defense line we have hastily established is precarious. Who will pay attention to these if we keep retreating!"

"Where's the alchemist?" Leo asked puzzledly, "What about the priests and white knights of Andal? What about the mage? Where are they?

"The iron sword can only kill them by cutting off their heads, but it is too dangerous. Close combat can only cause unnecessary deaths and injuries and strengthen the army of the dead." The knight glanced at him, "So, you used a lot of blazing glue to create a turbulent flame. At this time, only the flame can slow down their footsteps, and the holy water and magic of the church pastor can completely kill them.

"Where's the mage?" He asked again.

"Don't mention them!" The other rider said angrily, "They are all dead!"

"Didn't you send someone to find them?"

"Whoever goes can only close the door!" The knight said angrily, "What did the doorkeeper bastard say?' This is the order of the wind chaser. Since a few days ago, the mage's tower has been completely closed, and it is not allowed to enter or leave. Damn wind chaser! Immortal idiot!"

After Li Ou left that day, he didn't know what they talked about and didn't want to know, but he never expected that the wind pursuers on the Fengyan Tower dared to use the mediation of the female city owner and their concessions as a shield. The older he is, the thick-skinned he is. Does he viciously think that there is no rule for the dead to act?

"These mages are clean and neat to kill people, but they run faster than thieves when dealing with monsters." Rosie sneered coldly, "In my opinion, it's better to change the name of the mage tower to a flea nest."

"Fuck it!" A rider cursed in a low voice, "Is it right for him to die?"

Li Ou thought for a moment and then made a decision. Wait." He stopped and said, "Even if we go now, we can't turn the situation around. Therefore, we might as well change the way and find it in person.

"Where are you going?" The knight looked at him, "The Mage Tower?"

Li Ou raised his eyebrows, "Otherwise, where did the reinforcements come from?"

"You can't change the result even if you go." Knights can't do it, not to mention hostile alchemists. Leo read his thoughts from his eyes. The mage is stubborn and will close the door directly.

"It's just an iron door."

"Aha, Leo, I know." Rosie was eager to try, "I love your idea so much. I can't wait."

The mage tower is dark, with only a few faint rays of light penetrating from the tower, and the sky is as red as day, dazzling. It seems that all the people living here are blind." Leo mocked and stepped forward. As the knight said, the gate of the mage tower is locked, and since the wind chasers announced the closure of the tower, the knights stationed there have been withdrawn.


"I've been preparing for a long time." Rosie moved her hands and feet and stepped forward.

"Are you really going to do this?" The knight asked uneasily, and Lu Yuewu also cast worried eyes.

"Is there any other way for you to call out the blind and deaf people inside?" Li Ou looked at them without hesitation and said seriously, "The sword is far sharper than words."

Rosie's fingers are like playing with the strings, and her red hair dances like an elf. She chanted a powerful three-stage spell loudly, and the strong magic fluctuation attracted riots in the tower. The flame that changed from orange to blue was like a cannonball, hitting the iron gate firmly and making a deafening sound. For a moment, they felt the mountain shaking and standing unsteadily. When the black smoke dissipated, they were frightened to find that the door had collapsed, and the pillar wall next to it was also full of cracks and crumbling. The mage hiding behind the gate was also full of horror. They pushed each other for a while before they came forward with fear.

Time is tight, and they don't have time to talk to them. Take your staff and follow us."

"Where do you want them to go?" The wind chaser appeared in the crowd with his help. He stiffed his body and looked older and older. Is it you again?" He saw Leo.

"Unfortunately, it's really me again." Li Ou held his arm and sneered. I thought you were too old to see the right thing, but I didn't expect that your eyes hadn't fallen blind.

"The wind is my eyes and my ears."

"But in my opinion, it has not listened to your orders for a long time. Otherwise, the firelight is in front of you. How can you turn a blind eye?

"That has nothing to do with us."

The knight was furious and drew his sword out of its sheath. "What does it have to do with you? Did the city fall?

"Unless they attack the tower." He must have made up his decision now, and he was still looking forward and backward. Otherwise, we will abide by the agreement and can't keep it.

"Agreement? God is out of here. How dare you make an appointment? The knight almost slashed people with his sword.

"For some people, an agreement is something that can be used to stop people when it is useful and can be easily discarded when it is not used." Li Ou sneered and said, "In my eyes, you are this kind of person."

"What you say, I won't let them take a step here."

"I really hope that you can say the word 'agreement' so openly in front of Black Morning and accept the torture of the trial court so righteously."

The wind chaser on the wind rock tower suddenly clenched his staff.

"Don't act rashly." Rosie said with a smile. A fire ruby full of violent magic flew up and down in her hand. If you move a little more, I can't guarantee where this gem will fly.

"What do you mean?" He stared at Leo and asked in a low voice.

"Didn't you guess? Just like what I said when we first met. Li Ou said lightly, "I just need to say to the city lords and nobles - 'Only mages can summon undead creatures.' What do you think of the result?"

He shouted angrily, "This is a lie, this is a threat!"

Li Ou noticed that the other party's body trembled in the cold wind at night, and he should go to the tower to sleep. Whether it is a lie or not, no one can tell. Li Ou smiled softly, "But the threat is real. Lord Wind Chaser, it is still a matter of choosing one or the other. What choice do you make this time? I sincerely hope that you don't bargain with me this time.

When they arrived at the rotten alley, the situation had become more dangerous than what the knight described. The soldiers smashed the houses on both sides of the street, removed the wardrobe, barrels, and everything that could be used as obstacles, and put them on the street to try to stop the attack of the corpse, but the corpses would not be tired and could not feel pain. Therefore, when the alchemists used up all the blazing glue, the priests were exhausted and blurred. When the holy light could only burn the skin of the corpse, they began to retreat and retreat.

Countless blue and pale arms wielding and scratching across the obstacle suddenly caught the prey - a soldier who could not retreat. In the blink of an eye, the soldier was dragged behind the obstacle in a horrible wailing, and then only heard the horrible bites and chewing sounds accompanied by the howls of fear and pain, and soon everything returned as before. The bodies stood up again with red eyes and blood flowing from their mouths and continued to rush towards the soldiers. The soldiers' resistance is getting weaker and weaker. They are not afraid of knives and guns, not afraid of magic, and dare to attack them. But let them face these monsters, their courage has disappeared, and it is their limit to escape without turning around.

The arrival of the mage undoubtedly gave them hope again. Under the command of the knights, the soldiers regrouped. They put their shoulders against the shield and blocked the surging bodies. Under the unified dispatch of the magic tutor, the mages attracted fire, rain and hail and sprinkled on the corpses. Flames and frost raged in the streets, burning their bodies into coke and freezing them into ice. After a magic storm, the knights took the lead into the battlefield and harvested their heads one by one with their swords.

However, there are always some soldiers who can't do it. There were people they knew in the fallen corpse, and some weak-willed soldiers couldn't help putting down their swords and kneeling down, holding up the bodies of their relatives and friends and crying silently.

"Dry your tears!" The knight shouted at them, "Cut off their heads is the best relief!" They are already dead! Let them continue to live is just blasphemy to them! Raise your swords and then cut them down!"

Some people follow orders, while others are still hesitant. Then, the struggling corpses killed them.

The charcoal-black and frozen bodies were not dead. They struggled to reach out and drag the soldiers around them and bite down. The teeth bit their carotid, and blood gushed out.

"The Virgin Mary, what kind of monster is this?" A rider moaned in fear.

"Zombie." Rosie's face was calm, "Zombies made by black magic." She gathered an orange wall of fire to stop the footsteps of the corpses, and then pierced their heads one by one with pale flame arrows.

Who controls these dead and resurrified corpses? But who will it be? Leo has no clue. He created a sticky trap on the ground to lure zombies into it. Their feet were bound and fell down one after another. Soon the ground lay full of corpses with only their heads raised, leading their necks to be killed. But this is really insignificant for the continuous influx of zombies. Moreover, the newly dead soldier also got up from the ground and dragged the mutilated body and stretched out his arm to his companion.

"Oh, damn, how much more!" The rider cursed painfully. Their defense retreated dozens of meters in the blink of an eye. Have all the people in the downtown been turned into zombies?

"In that case, we would have become one of them." Leo wore a shield in his left glove. He knocked away the hand stretched out by a zombie, and then took the opportunity to cut off his head with a sword. At this time, a guy with thick brown hair and a missing face rushed towards him with blue eyes hanging outside his eyes. He lowered his head to avoid his claws, and then kicked the other party's stomach heavily. A storm rolled it up and smashed it into his partners, causing chaos among the corpses.

"I have to find a way." The knight gritted his teeth and insisted, "So we won't last long."

When Leo dodged, inspiration flashed in his mind. Dig a hole and bury them all."


"Go find the mage!" He shouted, "Dig a big hole and bury them."

"Fuck!" The knight couldn't help swearing, "This is a wonderful idea!"

The mages are ready to cast spells, and they must stand in front of them. At this time, they felt the power of the sea wave. The corpses pushed each other, and the brute force continued to accumulate and pass on to them. Every time they waved a sword, it was like hitting countless steel hammers at the same time. They had to shrink behind the shield, but their claws kept scratching the iron shield and making a harsh sound.

The knight's face was stained with blood, and he gasped and said, "What the hell! We can't even retreat!"

"Give me half a minute!" Rosie suddenly said.

"What are you going to do?"

She stood up from behind the shield without saying a word, and Lu Yuewu quickly took over her position. She began to sing a long spell, and several times, the zombie's claws almost grabbed her dancing arm. Damn it! Can't this guy make people feel more at will? Leo groped behind the shield and poured a bottle of irritating medicine and threw another bottle to the knight while waiting for the effect to attack. Drink it! As a knight, do you want to watch the beautiful lady in danger?

His whole body began to sting, his muscles swelled, and his blood vessels were exposed, as if he could rupture at any time. But the giant power is full of every cell of his body, and he feels that he can move down the mountains.

Lu Yuewu found his abnormal behavior, "Liou?"

"It's okay." He shook his head and said. At most, there are some sequelae. Are you ready?" He asked the knight.

"What the hell did you let me drink?" His violent muscles were shackled in the cage of steel armor, which made him miserable.

"It's a good thing that can turn you into Hercules." Leo put his shoulders against the shield and his toes against the ground. Within a minute." He roared and his feet suddenly exerted force, and then the zombies in front of the shield flew out like a hit ball. He waved the shield and cooperated with the knight to blow the zombies far away. No one is their enemy.

They emptied a place in front of them, and then Rosie's spell was ready to be completed.

"Retreat!" The knight ordered.

Then the strong wind swept the area where they stood. The wind swept up the zombies, and the wind blade was responsible for cutting their bodies into pieces. When the wind gradually stopped, the casting of spells was just over. So the earth rumbled and trembled, and the bluestone paved streets cracked countless cracks and then collapsed into a huge deep pit. The zombies who lost their intelligence staggered into the pit one by one, roaring at the bottom of the dark pit and grabbing each other.

"Strengthe, strengthen." Rosie shouted, "Idiot, reinforce it with magic! Their claws can dig out the soil! Do you want us to be bitten off in our sleep?

Li Ou and Knight Kay fell to the ground and hummed from time to time. The priest is treating them urgently. Almost all their capillaries were ruptured and stained with blood.

"You didn't tell me about this sequelae."

"If I told you, do you still dare to drink it?" Li Ou couldn't help laughing.

"Daw, I have to have a few more bottles."

Li Ou was about to respond, and then he saw a figure flashing past the busy crowd. Moon dance, help me up." He stood reluctantly, and the pain in his body made the corners of his mouth twitch.

"What are you crazy about?" Rosie resisted his left hand, and Lu Yuewu was on his right, holding the sword in one hand and holding him in the other.

"I found a guy." He said, "I think I should be dazzled, but dazzling is not the sequelae of the medicine."

"Who is it?" Lu Yuewu asked.

Liou did not answer. Go there." He pointed to a dark alley by the street. Rosie planned to use spell lighting, but Li Ou stopped her. Rats always hide in the shadows, and they will run away when they see the light.

"You really know me, Mr. Leo." Suddenly, there was a gloomy and horrible hoarse voice behind them.

Lu Yuewu suddenly turned around and stood in front of Li Ou with a sword. Who?"

"It hasn't been long since the separation, have the ladies forgotten me?" The other party emerged from the shadow.

He is as thin as firewood, and his black hair is as dry as straw. But the outline of the face has not changed, and it still has tall cheekbones and deep eye sockets - all the characteristics of Leo Islanders.

"Clown!" They shouted in a low voice and couldn't believe their eyes. He is obviously as fat as a bucket, but now... He is not only as thin as hay, but also smells rotten all over the wind.

"Joker'? My nickname?" Alan Hurt pulled the stiff corners of his mouth, and Leo guessed that he was smiling. However, I like it."

What does the nickname do? Did you make a group of corpses? Li Ou asked.

He immediately denied it. Me? I'm just a businessman. How do I make it? But..." He said mysteriously, "I know who the murderer is."