Alchemy Era

Chapter 14 Final Decision

D3 will be released on May 15th! But the mainland is not included. Damn it!"

"You are annoying." Eugene, the red pigeon, complained to Leo as soon as he stepped into the water prison.

The one-eyed jailer led him to the cell, "Don't discuss how to escape." He fucked a shabby throat. Eugene, the red pigeon, threw him a bag of coins boredly. One-eyed pulled away the rope, took out a glittering coin from it and put it in his mouth and took a bite. What a big deal. If only there were more of you white devils." He sucked his nose greedily.

"Get out." The red pigeon said hatefully.

"No problem, no problem, I'll go out." Throw the money bag with one eye and go out. He suddenly stopped and turned his head to remind him, "You only have 15 minutes."

The one-eyed promise to close the iron gate of the water cell, and there were only three of them in the empty cold and wet water cell.

"Why are you here?" Leo thought it would be Lu Yuewu who came to visit them. What about them?

"To put it bluntly, they are now equivalent to hostages." I knew it would be like this. He was completely relieved to learn that they were only under house arrest in the attic. I know you don't want to see me." The red pigeon said coldly, "But look at you like this. If you don't come, you will die!"

Li Ou touched his mouth. It is full of dry blood clots, from the corners of the mouth to the neck. He frowned in his arms, and so did Rosie, who muttered unconsciously. With their pale faces, it is like a monster that eats people.

"I just didn't expect you to get permission." He had a hoarse voice and almost burst out of fire in his throat. It seems that our hostility to each other has been seen in our eyes? He smiled softly. Who would have expected that their dispute would eventually turn into his life-saving straw, the only hope? This is simply... incredible.

"This is the consequence of making claims and self-righteousness! Damn it! Why did the lord of the city ask you to follow? While cursing and complaining in a low voice, he pulled the water bag out of his shirt. He hides well. Drink it, clean fresh water, there is no blood in it. He said.

Li Ou thanked him, took a small sip and wrapped it in his mouth, and then fed it to Rosie. She sobbed in his arms, but she couldn't stop it. Her eyes were unable to open, and she could barely stand in his arms.

The water bag was heavy in the hand of the alchemist, exuding seductive temptation. He wanted to drink it all at once and drink it happily. He is already hungry and thirsty. But Rosie suffered from illness in his arms. He finally choked his cold and numb arm and resisted it. He only took a small sip. So many drops of water are just enough to moisten the throat. Then he stuffed it with a wooden plug, checked it again and again to ensure that it would not drip out, and carefully put it in his arms. Maybe in the next few days, they can only rely on this little water to support.

Leo felt the pity and sighing eyes of the red pigeon Eugene. He lowered his head and did not look at him. When is it now?" He asked weakly.

"After you were arrested, six days have passed."

That is to say, Baron Allenbert came two days ago? Since the baron left with anger, fatigue made him squint for a while, but soon he was awakened by Rosie's unconscious shouting. She was deeply immersed in nightmares and suffered from illness and past nightmares. She became weaker day by day, and later even tears were almost exhausted. He was helpless.

When on earth can they go out? No, he doesn't expect to be pardoned. When will you judge us or give us a good time? He is looking forward to ending this torture soon, whether the result is good or bad. Rosie won't hold on for long.

"I don't know." The red pigeon replied without thinking about it.

He didn't lie. But Li Ou hoped that he would tell them some nice lies at this time.

"Li Ou..." The female mage in her arms muttered meaninglessly.

Li Ou hugged her tightly. If something happens to Rosie, I will definitely turn this place into hell. His voice was hoarse, like a broken drum, but it could not hide his determination and hatred.

"The premise is that you still have the strength to go out."

Please stop telling the hurtful truth. He longs in his heart. He looked up at the dark cell and didn't know where the way forward was. Death has raised the sickle and waited for an order. He can only lead his neck to be killed. How ridiculous it is that a person is charged with a crime that does not belong to him. He was unwilling, and his anger was burning and roaring loudly.

"We didn't kill him." He defended himself powerlessly.

"He?" Eugene, the red pigeon, showed surprise, "He means... Do you mean the son of Baron Allenbert?"

Who else will there be? Why did he pretend to be surprised?" We fed him poison and cast a spell on him. He sneered in a low voice, and even he couldn't tell whether he was laughing at himself or helpless. Who else will be there besides us? Isn't that what the baron charged? Ah, the white devil killed his child with his trick.

Red pigeon Eugene interrupted him, "You made a mistake."

This time it was his turn to be surprised. Did I make a mistake? He opened his eyes wide. What's wrong?" If they are wrong, why are they locked in a water prison that can't see the sun and endure torture all the time?

"You didn't kill him."

Bintentioned lies or unmistakable facts? But there is no doubt that this is the most beautiful sentence he has heard these days. Since it's not," the question in his heart was like a blooming poppy, attracting him to keep touching. Then why blame us? Blame it on magic? Do you regard us as unpardonable murderers?"

"Because..." From his expression, the pigeon seemed to be difficult to speak. Under the firelight, there was more fear on his face than pity. He swallowed his saliva and said from the beginning, "After the baron's child woke up, he became as quiet as a three-year-old child, no longer barking... He curled up there, with only a baby-like IQ... but later... there was an accident..."

"Accident? What accident?" Eugene, the red pigeon, opened and closed his mouth, and couldn't say the sentences that had reached his mouth. He trembled all over because of fear. What on earth is he afraid of?" Pigeon, please don't hesitate to finish it all at once. Anyway, the end is nothing more than the death of their family. In short, they deserve it. What else are you hiding from them? Eugene, the red pigeon, hesitated for a long time. There is not much time left for us. Do you want us to see death with questions?

The other party shivered, and the pigeon's mouth, which was bound by the mouth cover, could finally be opened up and down. I haven't recovered yet." He lowered his head with fear in his voice. After all... After all, it's too terrible."

He lost his patience. Get out of here if you don't say anything!"

"I regard this sentence as your nonsense, alchemist." The red pigeon Eugene reminded him.

"Then say it happily." He still couldn't resist the anxiety in his heart. You are like a woman."

"Then take care of your mouth and listen to me." Red Pigeon Eugene sighed, "Listen, alchemist." He looked into his eyes and said, "I promise, you would never expect... No one would expect it to be like this."

His medicine, Rosie's magic did work. Baron Allenbert's child finally looks like a person. I'm a little thin and have a bad head. He cried silently all day, and his tears were wet. Everything should have been better and better. But the other person has completely changed. She changed everything. Baron Albert's wife, the Margaret, walked into her own son's bedroom that night, bit her own flesh and bone throat with her teeth, opened his chest with her nails, and ate the blood-stained and beating heart.

The red pigeon Eugene's face was paler than theirs, his eyes were full of fear, and his words were full of desire to quickly escape from the darkness and bathe in the sun. He said in a trembling voice, "... She still smiled at everyone in a pool of blood and even tried to let everyone share her... son..."

"That's not because of us." The dry and hoarse voice and weak voice made Leo's words sound unconvincing. Eugene, the red pigeon, seemed not to hear it. He continued, "Everyone agreed that evil witchcraft changed her mind. Everyone believes that you are the culprit.

"Does it include you?"

The red pigeon Eugene said nothing.

That's what he thinks! Li Ou gritted his teeth at the headless pigeon, and he was sure that the chirping pigeon did not make any protest against the prince's decision to imprison them. He will never regret his decision to part ways with the pigeons. If he does it again, he will definitely make the same choice.

"You should go to the baron's house and check the baroness's bedroom." He said coldly, "She is a fanatical witchcraft believer. Even if she carried out the black magic ceremony in private, I have no doubt.

"What's the use of this?" Red pigeon Eugene interrupted him, "What's the use of this, alchemist?" Does anyone believe you?"

The magic consultant should be clear... but he is a teaser. The miser never speaks unfaithful advice. So what are you trying to say today? See if we are dead?"

The red pigeon Eugene hasn't had time to answer. Time is up." The one-eyed jailer opened the iron door and came in.

"Give us another minute."

"You only gave the golden boat for 15 minutes, Mr. White Devil."

"I have more." The red pigeon Eugene stuffed the red silk money bag into the hand of the one-eyed jailer in disgust. "Enough for a minute!"

"There are rules. I only accept bribes once." The other party shrugged his shoulders and threw the money bag to the red pigeon. Put away your stinky money, white devil. I don't want it. Let's go and get out of here. I'm compassionate enough, but you are noisy and always refuse to get to the point, and now my patience has been exhausted.

He has been eavesdropping, and there are always mice in the wall. But who will he report their conversation to? Rosie suddenly trembled in his arms. Her body is getting weaker and weaker, and she is dying. Leo, she is about to die. If you want to do something, you must do something, otherwise you can only watch her die in front of your eyes. He found the answer to the question and made a decision in an instant--

"Bold the money into your arms." The alchemist told the jailer, "Do something for me."

"Oh? What's the matter?" The jailer's one eye was curious, "I'm just a jailer. What can I do?"

"You can do it, which can't be easier for you. It's your job." He said, "Just return every word you hear to the captain of the bodyguard and to Prince Opelham."

The one-eyed prison guard held the money bag in his hand again. Well... this little money... seems to be enough..." He looked up at Leo, "Well, what do you want me to convey? I pricked up my ears and listened.

Li Ou took a deep breath. Have you made a decision? He asked himself. Leo kissed Rosie's forehead. Her weakness is pitiful, and she should not bear such pain. If she hadn't met him, she wouldn't have suffered so much. So... Yes, I have decided, and I will never go back on my word.

"Tell them," he said loudly with all his strength, "say that I am willing to plead guilty and be tried. Openly and privately, do as he or the Baron wishes. Only this way, only this way." Five horses were divided into corpses or burned at the stake, all with them, and I took them alone. I won't defend any charges. What they want is the wizard's head, and I'll give it to them.

"Alchemist, are you crazy?" The red pigeon shouted loudly.

He turned a deaf ear and stared into the eyes of the one-eyed jailer. I have a premise that no matter what time it is, early in the morning or midnight, within today, Rosie will be treated and forgive her non-existent sins.