Alchemy Era

Chapter 16 Killer

Li Ou climbed out of the bathtub and left a string of wet footprints on the masonry floor. He grabbed a bath towel, dried his body, then put on underwear, trousers, shirts, boots, put on a waistcoat and studded horse boots. The clothes and trousers are dark red with blue and black stripes. There is no pocket all over the body.

The silver plate for breakfast contains a plate of caviar, a roasted seabird, fried tuna slices and thin slices of crispy bread. But he was not in the mood. He just poured himself a glass of red wine and was stunned at them.

Soon, he will be extruded from the dungeon for trial.

He has no way of knowing who is the presiding judge and who will preside over the ruling.

What's more, what's the use of unification and clear? His charge has long been settled, and now it's just a walk. The prince's people were happy to hear that a white devil wizard was sentenced to death, from which he gained love and showed his authority, which made the nobles feel at ease and afraid. What did he pay? Nothing. He may agree to a piece of paper put forward by the pigeon. Sending out a few symbolic warships did nothing to him. Is this what the king does? Always adapt to the times and adopt the most favorable solutions? Is the so-called fairness and justice always comparable to charming magic to deceive the people?

He learned a profound lesson from it: Don't treat the king as an ordinary person, but a knight. But what? He will die, and now it's too late to know. The alchemist poured a big mouthful of red wine, and the sweet, greasy and bitter taste permeated his mouth.

A high platform must have been built on the ground, and the garden is crowded with people. Moon Dance and Rosie may still be locked in the attic and may attend his trial under the close watch of the bodyguard. In any case, he thought that the prince would let them see it with their own eyes, restrain them, or... make them angry.

I hope they can see the situation clearly and don't be impulsive. But...Rosie... he felt heart-wary pain when he thought of the red-haired female mage. She will be desperate, but that will kill all of them. I hope the moon dance can stop her. For the first time, he prayed so sincerely to heaven and offered his faith and everything that could be exchanged to the deceased gods.

However, not to mention the gods, even the devil did not hear or respond.

A footstep broke the silence of the dungeon and walked slowly towards him with light footsteps.

Is it finally this moment? The alchemist drank all the glasses of wine. Do you really have to admit your crimes without hesitation - even if you didn't commit it? The capricious impulse stirred in his heart, but the cruel facts made him extinguish the enchanting ghost fire. He coldly and made the final decision. When the footsteps approached, he stood up.

To his surprise, the visitor was a one-eyed jailer. Behind him, there was neither a bodyguard with bright armor or a fierce red robe. He is alone.

"Why is it you?" He was very puzzled. Just let you escort me out alone?"

"I don't have such power." The one-eyed jailer said with a hippie smile, "I'm just here to see the lovely alchemist. Look at his expression before he dies..."

Leou recognized who he was. I must have let you down." He interrupted the other party coldly.

"Yes, yes, I thought you would cry bitterly. When you recognized me, you immediately knelt down and begged me to take you out." The one-eyed jailer took off his blindfold and threw it around with one finger. You know, I'm free to come and go here."

Li Ou never doubted this. But... "Don't dream."

He looks like I expected you to be like this. Therefore, you can only watch the chance to live float away from your eyes. His mouth made a meaningless sound, like ridicule.

Li Ou didn't say a word.

"Oh, don't look at me like that." He showed a sad expression. It's vivid and looks like a pain in the heart. This really makes me sad. I dare to swear that I didn't do anything.

People who usually say this are especially unreliable. What's more, he has been peeping from the side. No one is more suspicious than them when it comes to stealing their hands and feet secretly. He is even more reluctant to speak.

He covered his chest and sighed painfully, "No one believes the truth."

Don't he think he is defiling the word honesty? His posture is like an incompretentious clown, show off his body, which is disgusting. As a killer, everyone who heard the truth is dead. He was sarcastic.

"Ouch!" He was shocked, "How did you know? Can you really read minds?

The joke told by the killer was so cold that the alchemist couldn't help shivering. Let the day come soon. I can't wait to bathe in the sun on the gallows. This is his real idea. After staying in the dungeon for so many days, he really felt that seaweed and moss had grown in his bones.

"I promise, it doesn't feel wonderful at all." The killer said, "Look, first of all, you hang your whole body with only one rope, and your tongue will stick out - with all due respect, it's really like a dead dog;" He shrugged his shoulders, whistled, and broke his fingers one by one. Secondly, you will be surrounded by people, thrown eggs and spit by dark monkeys - then you will be glad that you are dead..."

"Well, no." Leo nodded from time to time. Talking to the killer, he felt much more relaxed, and the tension and uneasiness about to set foot on the execution ground gradually dissipated. He simply leaned against the prison door and put his hands on his chest. Is there anything else?" He is looking forward to it.

"Of course. Of course, there is the end." The killer also leaned against the prison door, back to back with him. His voice is full of teasing. In the end, your body will slowly rot, flowing with water and smelly, and everyone can't avoid you, except flies, crows and vulture. They peck away your eyes and suck away your brain.

"I died early at that time."

"Yes, the body is dead and the soul is still there." His tone suddenly breathed a chill. It's colder than the water cell that Li Ou stayed in a few days ago. You can always feel that kind of pain."

Li Ou suddenly straightened up, turned around and stared at the lazy killer all over his body. What on earth are you trying to say? He asked word by word.

"Let's see how you understand." The killer shrugged his shoulders indifferently, "Anyway, it's not so good for someone to let you die."

What did he do that attracted the unprovoked hatred of others? The answer is obvious. He suddenly felt shudder. Is it because of Baron Allenbert's child, or because of his wife, the Margaret?

"I didn't say anything." The killer reminded him.

This is tantamount to affirmation. But what he has done seems to have nothing to do with the big picture. But there are still people who are angry about this, and even hysterical, stirring up the muddy pond behind their backs and setting off waves that engulf them.

"Who the hell is it?"

"There is no comment." The killer said, "Because I don't know either. I'm just running errands for others."

"For whom?" Li Ou chased after him tightly. What on earth does he want to do? Is it just to let you come to see me? What's the use of saying this to the dying? Is he still going to save me? I don't think he has such a good intention."

The killer looked distressed. With so many questions, which one do you want me to answer first?

"Come one by one." He snorted angrily.

The killer was silent for a long time. He seems to be thinking, but in Li Ou's opinion, he is more like closing his eyes to refresh his mind. As far as I know--" He dragged the long ending, and his words were full of play, which always made people feel that what he said was false. But Leo had to listen patiently. He has no choice.

"Everything in Qianhu City is quite beautiful." The killer stretched out and put up the corners of his mouth. I'm just a second-rate killer in the Western Continent, but here, a little trick can make me a gold medal killer. Lazy all day, cheating and slippery, extremely comfortable. But what about you? You broke the calm. The sea has stirred up a storm, and natural people want to get rid of it quickly.

Calm? The night witch is also part of calm?

"It's been seven years, seven years. Everyone is used to her. If she is not there, maybe something else will come out. Like a flame ghost, like a succubus..." The killer whistled, "I like succubus a little more."

The killer couldn't say it more clearly. The night witch is the core of the problem. She is a key weight to maintain balance on the balance. Their move is to destroy the original situation of equal power. But...

"She is different from us."

"Yes, yes, who makes you self-righteous and affectionate?" The killer said with a headache, "It's not good to negotiate without grinding your mouth and have to use knives and guns. Look at me, although I'm a killer, I haven't killed anyone for a long time.

He is talking about his employer who doesn't want them to die.

"All people only want peace and tranquility. So..." As a result, the alchemist has experienced it himself, and naturally it is self-evident. That's the only way, alchemist." The killer sighed like regret, "That's all I can do." He repeated it again.

If Leo wants to come, there is probably nothing they can do. For the snails that destroy a pot of good soup, they can be said to be benevolent. There is really no need to try to fish them out at this time. This is simply a return to the mountain. He knows himself. Once he goes out, sooner or later he will touch the night witch. Their choice is extremely correct. And... the curse is like a nightmare. He doesn't know what will happen in the end, and may become the same situation as the night witch. After all, you can't escape death.

After a long silence, the alchemist suddenly said, "Killer, can I call you that?"

"It's up to you." The killer shrugged his shoulders, "I don't have a name."

Li Ou poured two glasses of wine and handed them to the killer outside the prison. He leaned against the iron fence, took a sip and whispered, "Speaking of which face is your real face?"

The killer touched the cup with him. Do you want to know?" There was a smile on his face. But I don't know if it's the best for you.

"Why? I'm dying. Do you still need to hide from the dead?"

"Are you going to know the truth before you die... or are you going to give me your last words next?"


"That's not necessary." The killer sneered, "I won't be your microphone."

"They will pay you gold boats or gems."

"If I convey my last words, your female mage lover will definitely kill me." The killer said with a serious look, "I'm convinced of this."

"I have never doubted it either." Li Ou said, "Is this a revenge for me?"

"I think she will give me a hug." The killer swd his face, "I was turned into your appearance to see her."

"Even if revenge, the object of revenge is me?"

"That's right!"

They looked at each other and suddenly laughed. A mouthful of red wine choked into the alchemist's throat, and he coughed loudly until tears flowed.

"Okay, okay, don't be sad. "I've had enough," said the killer. "I can't see men crying the most."

Have you had enough? What do you mean?

"I won't convey my last words for living people."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, you probably won't die." The killer drank a glass of wine and said, "Propose a 'god' to the prince and to the presiding judge. Don't tell me that you don't even know what a 'God' is.

Liou looked stunned. I...of course I know..."

"That's all right. Tell them that you want to be a 'God'. It is up to God to decide." There was a smile in the killer's eyes, "God is dead. Only this group of black monkeys don't believe it. In the mortal world, we are our own gods.

Everything turned around at the last moment. This damn killer!" I should have shed tears earlier!" He shouted angrily, and the prison door was smashed and kicked by him.

The killer waited patiently for him to vent, and then poured a large bucket of oil on the fire in a good mood.

"Remember to prepare chili powder next time we meet." He laughed.