Alchemy Era

Chapter 18 Trial 2

"Please collect! =w=ใ€

That night, no one visited the exquisite cell.

The alchemist held the wine bottle in his hand and lay alone on the hard board**. He thought of Eugene, the red pigeon, who suddenly stood opposite him. The hatred in his heart is still surging wildly. He moved his fingers, and the magic of his palm was about to come out. Keep everything. Except for a few people around him, no one knows that he also has mastered spells. Who will appear next? He guessed, and crazy thoughts suddenly gushed out in his heart. Hijacking or killing... The muscles on the face are twisted together and there is a dull pain.

The next day of the trial, witnesses came one after another. Tavern owner, dock boatman, ruffian hooligans... As long as all the people who can have something to do with him are in favor, they come to the throne hall for a half-day tour. The first time they met the king, they were watched by so many bigwigs. They were trembling and timid, but their ability to recite the lines was not bad, and they all counted his guilt clearly. Including him, he provoked trouble in the pub and killed people first. Describe him as a brutal and crazy murderer.

The alchemist never said a word, allowing the plot to continue according to the other party's wishes.

When those guys dispersed, the story reached ** moment, and a coroner who came out of nowhere appeared in court to testify. He did a job similar to that of a priest of the dead and dealt with the dead. He dissected Edward's body. Adults, the Baron's son did die of being bitten off his throat, suffocating and bleeding.

It's nonsense. Did I kill him?" Li Ou asked.

"Please listen to the witness." The monk warned him.

"No. However, I dissected his stomach and found some residues of medicine in it. He began to citation scriptures in order to draw the following accusations. Edward's body has accumulated many toxins from the past. It is hard to say that his medicine did not cause a reaction and stimulated the activity of latent toxins.

"I think", "maybe", "maybe", "difficult to say"... all of them are ambiguous. Fortunately, he died at the hands of his biological mother. Li Ou sarcastically, "Otherwise, the monster will come out of the cage and die."

Unexpectedly, Baron Allenbert restrained his anger and looked at his eyes with the pleasure of revenge.

The witness who appeared was the prince's magic adviser. I have visited the baron's house several times and cast spells on his wife and children. He started like this.

"No problem?" The brown-haired judge asked.

"No." The magic consultant shook his head, "I did almost nothing."


"Baroness..." The magic consultant was a little hesitant, but finally said it. She is a demon worshiper.

There was a riot in the hall. Everyone's faces suddenly turned pale. What are you talking about? Baron Allenbert stood up with a frightened face. This was obviously not what he expected.

"She is a demon worshiper." He repeatedly stressed. The Baron's house is full of purgatory words, and there are mysterious arrays everywhere.

There were whispers around, and Leo raised his ears and heard them begin to argue whether he was the murderer. Has everything turned around? It's definitely not that simple. The captain of the guard once said that he was a tease. The courtiers will only please the kings they serve.

The prince waved his hand impatiently, "Say what you think. What we want to hear is the conclusion.

"I walked with them and found no abnormality. However, I doubt..." Another new word is nothing new. I'm tired of hearing it. Please change it. No one heard the prayer in his heart. The alchemists may have inadvertently triggered them, making the baroness mad.

Thank God, there is finally a "may" and "inadvertent" used on him.

"This sensational thing...isn't it the responsibility of the alchemist?"

The magic consultant interrupted the judge's inquiry for the first time. Please listen to me." He said, "As far as I know, the baroness has a habit of sharing all the potions with her son. She will drink half and feed the remaining half to her child. His medicine does make the monster sleep, but the large dose * in the medicine can also drive people crazy.

It's a fucking good trick. He couldn't help but appreciate it. First, condemn him, and then send him into the abyss. In shock, no one can calmly think and distinguish the true from the false. As for *? Who the fuck cares about this! He proved that Leo did kill Edward - not by himself, but by knife. Isn't this the murderer's usual means?

However, this is still not fatal. But the Thousand Lake City State is a magical desert and a hell for a mage, which alone is enough to condemn him. The crowd in the hall was excited, and the ignorant believers did not care about the flawed evidence. They only knew that it was enough that they had a reason to kill him. They shouted loudly to kill him and vowed not to give up until they reached their goal. Black Chenxi should really develop its power here. Maybe they have become monarchs long ago. He thought wildly.

"I have something to say." If you don't open your mouth, you won't have a chance.

"What else can he say?" Baron Allenbert made up his mind to make him a sworn enemy. It's nothing more than defending yourself. Now that the evidence is conclusive, do you still want to listen to his nonsense?"

"It is because the evidence is conclusive that we should listen to his last words." The brown-haired judge said, "Your Excellency, are you afraid that he will tell some secrets?"

"I don't have any secrets!"

"Then listen to what he wants to say." The brown-haired judge narrowed his eyes and said, "I'm curious."

The prince raised a hand. Slowly, the hall calmed down.

"Are you going to confess?" He asked.

"This is a ridiculous farce, a poor trial." Li Ou's eyes swept at the rats in the hall. They wore black or yellow-brown fur, chirped and whispered, with sick greed and fanaticism in their eyes. I'm glad," he said slowly. "I'm glad that all the people present are your subjects without other envoys. If they were present, I think they would laugh loudly and spread the farce all over the world through the mouth of the bard.

"You are contempt for justice!" The prince angrily slapped the handrail. Alchemist, I gave you a chance. Don't take it as your golden sword, a life-saving talisman!"

He never thought so. He is thinking about how real the anger shown by the prince is. He shrugged his shoulders and stood under the high platform and turned to face the crowd around him, showing undisguised mockery. I just want to see if you still have even a little human brain that can think and understand right and wrong, instead of fighting for walnuts with red buttocks like monkeys.

The hall exploded, and all kinds of abuses and curses came, trying to drown him with saliva. The red robes had to hit the floor with spears to make the hall quiet again.

The anger on the prince's face is not false this time, and it is obvious. Enough! Alchemist, don't challenge our patience and the majesty of the throne hall. The prince gritted his teeth. If that's what you said, then you can shut up."

"No, I haven't finished yet."

The prince looked at him with warning, "Pay attention to your words." He said coldly, "Your words and deeds will determine your fate."

Isn't it decided long before this farce? He held back and didn't say anything. He looked around again with a relaxed smile, "I'm not guilty!" He whispered, and there was a sudden silence in the hall.

"What did you say?"

"I don't admit my guilt." The alchemist smiled brightly and said word by word, facing the ocean composed of a red monkey's buttocks-like face with joy. I said that this was a wrong case and a malicious slander. I don't admit all the charges you have charged me."

** becomes deafening.

The prince stared at him, with angry flames in his eyes and clenched his fists. Leo felt very happy. It is undeniable that he won one game and won a game. When you die, do you still want to argue?" The prince shouted. There was unforgivable annoy in his resentful eyes. Oberon was reminding him not to forget the promise of the day.

However, in Li Ou's opinion, this is not a sophistry. He just decided to play with them until the last moment. No one can think about it. He thought wildly. What oath, go to hell! God's corpses have been allowed to grow maggots, and wild dogs have peed on them. What else can they talk about?

He raised his hand, "I have something else to say."

"Ty!" The prince was furious, "What else can I say?"

"It's not that I refuse to plead guilty." He told everyone loudly, "I haven't seen his wife - after I was in prison. You said she went crazy. This is one side of the word, and I don't believe it. You can't just let him have a hard time alone. Although Baron Allenbert is also a victim, although it is also worthy of sympathy, it does not mean that he will be soft-hearted and easily stop. There was a whisper in the hall. Have any of you seen it? Only rumors have spread quickly, and things in the afterlife have always been spread by slander.

The controversy is getting louder and louder. Leo looked at the frightened and angry Baron Allenbert, and then looked at the angry but repressing Prince Auberen. He decided to pour another ladle of oil. Your Honors, have you witnessed the current situation of Baroness Margaret?

The monk who had been sitting beside the prince and had never expressed his opinion said, "We have never seen it."

"If there is nothing confirmed, why should it be convicted?"

The brown-haired judge turned his head and looked at the prince, "Your request is reasonable."

"Your Excellency." Baron Allenbert protested angrily. I will never agree! My wife has suffered a lot, and now she has gone crazy and lost her mind. Do you still want her to be laughed at and pointed out in broad daylight?

"Alchemist, do you insist on watching it?"

The prince's tone became more and more cold and arrogant. He must be regretting that he made the wrong decision and held this stupid public trial to make him so presumptuous. Li Ou shrugged his shoulders, "My request is reasonable. Prince, judges, you don't want to be blinded by rumors and make a life-long wrong judgment, do you? Seeing is believing and hearing is believing. As the old saying goes. He turned to Baron Allenbert and said with a sneer, "What's more, she is the murderer of your son's death. I didn't bite Edward's throat or eat his heart.

The baron was about to refute, and the prince raised his hand to interrupt him. He made a decision, "Then bring her here."

Waited for an hour until near dusk that a team of red robes led - to be precise, tightly tied with ropes, as if leading Baron Allenbert's wife. The red robes' hands were covered with scratches on their faces, and their robes were ragged and embarrassed.

Ms. Margaret's clothes are tattered and stained with blood stains that can be washed in the future. She was like an enraged lioness, grinning and roaring in the hall. Her eyes were dangerous and bloodthirsty, staring at everyone around her, as if they were her prey, which made her salivate endlessly. No one noticed that the magic lines on her body were shining.

"Are you satisfied? Are you satisfied, alchemist?" Baron Allenbert questioned loudly.

However, in a moment, Ms. Margaret suddenly rushed to a red robe beside her, pressed it under her, and opened her mouth to bite the other party's neck. There was chaos in the crowd, and several red robes and bodyguards came forward and tried their best to pull her away. In the meantime, there was a beast-like roar and sharp hiss.

"Bout her." The prince sent a message.

The noise gradually subsided, and everyone couldn't help taking a breath.

"At this point, what else do you have to say?"

"I have nothing to say." Li Ou sighed. Mrs. Margaret was indeed eroded by magic. And all the cards he should play are finished. It's time for me to launch the last attack, a Jedi counterattack that none of you present expected. He looked at the monks sitting upright on the high platform. His life has to be handed over to the servants of these dead gods.

"I plead guilty." He finally said.

"It should have been so long ago."

"Wait." Baron Allenbert stood up with a disturbing gloomy smile on his face. Your Excellency, I still have two witnesses. Before we are convicted, we might as well listen to what they say.