Alchemy Era

Chapter 22 Street War

"It's too painful to think about the name!"

The terrible and huge dark gold pupil laughed and disappeared in pleasure. In the rolling black clouds, the sky fire fell from the sky, burned the sky, tore the zenith in the distance, briefly illuminated the dark night, and the starlight seemed to be afraid of Clegg's power, and even flashed cautiously.

Li Ou suddenly realized that it was dark at this time.

However, the day is like night, but the night is like the day. The day and night here are completely reversed. The meteor roared and fell to the ground, shaking the mountain, like a volcanic eruption, the hot yellow flame and dark red magma were thrown into the sky, the smell of sulfur filled the nose, and the hot gas filled the chest. Houses collapsed one after another, and the ground fire and sky fire reflected each other and raged crazily.

The desert warrior was wrapped in the firelight, and his face showed obvious panic. Leo knew that he was the same. His face was stiff and his hands and feet trembled. We..." The desert warrior's throat rolled, "What should we do?"

"Just don't rush into the monster pile." Leo said a cold joke.

But the desert warrior didn't laugh. We failed." He lowered his shoulders and said, "We failed!" He turned his head and shouted at Leo, "I am ashamed of the commission of the gods. I am a sinner, watching the lambs of the gods become toys in the hands of demons. I'm a coward. I haven't done anything.

Li Ou endured his roar. What's the use of being angry with me?" He stared at the other party's confused eyes. You don't recognize the situation at all. We can't stop them. Can you compete with the annihilation demons? Don't joke."

"Then we..."

"It's yours." Leo corrected him, "It's not mine."

"What is the mission of...?" The desert warrior said blankly.

"Ask your gods." Li Ou said coldly, "Don't ask me. I'm not that bitch."

The desert warrior lowered his head and let the meteor roar over his head and fall on the street not far away. In the shaking of the ground, they fell to the ground. Leo got up from the ground and saw the desert warrior sitting on the ground, motionless like a sculpture.

"Do you want to die?" Leo grabbed his arm and said, "Let's go."

The desert warrior fell into the quagmire of deep self-reproach and regret. He twisted his neck like a puppet and raised his head. Leo noticed that his weapon had taken off his hand and slipped to the ground. Where are we going?" He asked.

Where else can I go? In short, you can't die in vain.

"Of course, we have to go back. We have to take them out of here." This place has become the abyss where demons live. And they are unpopular outsiders and malicious enemies. Do you still want them to become one of those guys? Leo used all his strength. But he is not a Hercules and has no natural magic power. He can't hold a rigid and stubborn rock. Let's go!" He really wants to kick each other hard.

"I don't want to go." There was a wavering fire in the eyes of the desert warrior. The left eye is an acquired belief, and the right eye is the instinct to survive. The words from his mouth made Leo just want to cast a spell on him. I won't give up hope. I'm going to have a look." He patted Li Ou's hand and slowly got up. However, his hand holding the handle of the axe always trembled. Maybe I can stop something more horrible from happening." This sounds full of despair.

More horrible things have happened. They all saw it with their own eyes.

"Do you want to apologize with death?" A ridiculous and ignorant belief. Then you should also ask your gods how to punish them. You are fleeing the judgment of the gods. The body of the desert warrior trembled. He knew that he was right. Also, don't forget that it was your gods who guided you to save us, and now, our lives are hanging by you. On the one hand, it is better to save people's lives than to build a seven-level Futu, and on the other hand, it is meaningless to die and bury your friends. What choice do you make?"

When they turned the fork in the flames, they saw several former citizens wandering at the door of the pub in front of them. They hung fragments of rags, revealing reddish-brown horny skin, and thick flared scales on their cheeks were like fish's cheeks, opening and closing as they breathed. They ran back and forth in the ruins of the burning pub, and the sea of fire seemed to be a pleasure bath for them. They smelled the smell of wine in the air, bleating in their mouths, fighting with each other, like mythical and legendary sheep-headed people.

Leo gestured and told the desert warriors that if they wanted to save trouble, they'd better bypass them and choose a new path. The desert warrior shook his head and told him that this was the only way, other places... He pointed to the sky and the meteor that cut through the sky told Leo the answer. After all, they can't swim in the sea of fire like these demons.

They covered each other and moved forward alternately and quietly approached the demons. Those guys are fighting into a ball, as if they were beasts grabbing food. But Leo didn't have much expectation about this. He clenched his long sword and his numb fingers barely outlined a magic seal in his palm, hiding it and waiting for the opportunity.

The smell of sweat on their bodies is as spicy and pungent as the smell of sulfur on each other's bodies. One of the demons with swollen breasts first smelled the stench in the air - Leo thought it was a woman, a former woman - she turned around and saw them. Her throat shouted that it no longer belonged to human beings. All the demons stopped fighting, and an upside-down eye stared at them, showing a playful joke.

They simply stopped hiding and walked out of the bunker openly. The scales of the demons' cheeks opened quickly, and the big mouth hidden under the horny skin exposed, flowing out greedy saliva. The female demon first rushed up, took two steps, and then jumped high. Random display of jumping ability will always lead to serious consequences. She is no exception. The door on her chest opened, and the fatal flaw was like a sweet and enchanting woman stripped her clothes**.

However, the desert warrior hesitated for a moment.

Li Ou pushed him, "Look at her. She is a demon!"

The desert warrior stepped down with his right foot and stabilized his body. The muscles of his right arm were tight and bulging high, and the sharp and heavy axe rounded head-on. The devil's seemingly strong scales and keratin skin were like thin ice pieces on the lake, and the hard bones made a crisp sound one after another, and the dark red blood and white. The brain plasma splashed out. The desert warrior spit out a red fragment and pulled out the axe from the female demon's skull. The body fell to the ground, looking more like drunk than dead.

The remaining three demons roared loudly and made sharp threats. However, Leo heard their fear, hatred and retreat from their cry. The three demons are big and small. Leo feels that they used to be a family, and maybe there is an old man among them. Old people are always full of wisdom, but as demons, they are still too young.

The demons' attacks are disorderly and scattered at will, and they only know how to vent randomly. Leo easily tossed around in the seemingly endless offensive of the two demons, looking for a fatal opportunity. The little devil who was only tall enough to reach his chest was too impatient. He rushed up like his mother, while his father only knew how to bite his neck like a canine. He dwarfed the attack of the little devil, and the sword shook out a piece of silver flower and deeply pierced the other party's abdomen. He twisted the sword vigorously, and the sharp blade rubbed against the other party's spine and cheered happily. Li Ou suddenly pulled out his long sword and kicked the little devil away.

All the scales on the little devil's father's face stood upside down and shouted angrily. Li Ou never underestimated the devil's brute force. He gently avoided it, and the ready-to-go French seal threw it high and smashed it on a broken wall. The crumbling house collapsed and completely buried the demon.

The desert warrior stuck one hand on the other demon's neck, and the other hand hammered the axe handle on the face of the thing again and again, smashing his head into mud. It was not until the meat mud made a muffled sound. It was not until he finished venting that Leo called him in the distance, "Enough. Brandick. He wisely distanced himself from each other. He doesn't want to set himself on fire as before.

Only then did the desert warrior realize that the other party's skull had been smashed flat and deeply trapped in the crushing enemy. He stopped his hand and stepped back a few steps, allowing the demon to twitch and spray blood plasma.

"What did I do?" He looked at his hands in pain.

"He is a monster, he is a demon, look at him, he is not a human." Leo said.

A moment of silence seemed to be painful suffering, as if after a long time, the desert warrior opened his mouth. Yes, he is a demon. He seemed to hear something and suddenly regained his self-confidence. An understanding smile squeezed out from the ugly face full of blood.

However, Li Ou no longer wanted to care about any oracle at this time. The sky was burning above his head, and the chirping sound of demons in his ears was getting closer and closer. We'd better go quickly." He said, "Their cry and the sound of fighting will attract more demons. We have to get out of here before they arrive."