Alchemy Era

Chapter 24 Head

"Fuck harmony!"

There is a deep dark pit behind him. They just climbed up the ladder of the iron ring.

Li Ou turned his head and took a look. Countless big eyes flashed at the bottom of the darkness. The demons pushed and squeezed into a ball, and there was an angry roar in his throat. A demon somehow climbed on the iron ring, but Li Ou kicked it down. The other party fell down with dance, and the sound of hitting the ground echoed in the patio.

"You go first." Leo told the girls in the narrow passage, "Follow the knights and we will come right away."

Rosie stayed by his side and didn't leave. What are you going to do?" She laughed.

Didn't she already guess? Leo looked at her helplessly. He has never done anything about her. What's more, she has taken the medicine, and the magic is surging in her body. Everything is irreparable. It's better to use it completely. He knew that she thought the same way. Unlike Lu Yuewu, he and Luo Xi have always been the same kind of people in essence.

"You can do whatever you want. Don't collapse this place." He told her.

"I love living like this." The spark of life beat in her amber eyes, which formed a sharp contrast to the previous dead woman. She is the kind of person born for magic. Although it's a pity." She slapped her mouth.

With her deep singing, the magic converged into a torrent at her fingertips. In an instant, her hands made several complicated gestures, and an invisible force burst out from her fingertips, hitting the dark depths like a siege hammer, making a loud sound like thunder. The temple shook, and the cracking sound of the huge stone was frightening. The demons seemed to have expected something. They stopped making noise and all held their breath. It seemed that after a long time, a boulder seemed to collapse as if a melting iceberg, like a domino, the boulder kept falling in the shaking and loud noise, burying all the demons at the bottom.

"Are you satisfied?" Rosie raised her beautiful eyebrows, and her long hair, which was more dazzling than the sun, fluttered in Leo's eyes. Do you want to turn this place into a real hell? I still have a lot of useless means."

"You have to ask those demons." Leo told her, "Ask them if they are satisfied with their coffin."

The corners of Rosie's mouth bent. She put her hand behind her ear and listened for a long time. They didn't say anything. It seems that they are quite satisfied. What a pity." She curled her lips.

The Ravenman rounded the huge axe and smashed a big hole in the wall. They waited patiently for a while, and then poked out their heads. No one. Safety. The knight made a gesture. They drilled out of the rat path and breathed a long sigh of relief.

This is the room that Leo and the desert warriors peeped in before. There are still traces of messy around. The small fragments in the corner are still not completely clean. The wall is blank, but there are traces of brocade hanging on the black square stone. The other party removed the decoration, but could not erase the traces.

"Resp where you are." Leo said.

They are all exhausted. The knights sat down in batches, and the crows were responsible for vigilance. The girls opened the kettle and drank water. It's enough to moisten the throat. Miss Bachelor told them seriously, "Sat everything. There are only so many of us.

Liou took a small sip of the water bag thrown by a knight and put it in his mouth to let the water vapor wet the nasal cavity. He was glad that the girls who followed him were not spoiled princesses. None of them shouted bitterly and tired, and all of them kept up with their pace - especially the ladder. Although there was strong fear and uneasiness in their hearts and faces, they all persisted to climb up with their own strength. It seems that after staying with them for a long time, they have become omnipotent.

"Where to go next?" Knight Tario sat down beside him, holding a helmet in his hand, with dust and blood on his face, but he still couldn't hide his deep fatigue. The knight pulled out a wry smile and lowered his voice. I think we have too little chance of success, what do you think? We are in the hinterland of the enemy, and it is not so easy to get out of trouble.

The devil is like a hungry wolf, waiting around, dripping his mouth and staring at him. There are too many of them." Leo is also not sure enough about this. Residents of a whole city.

"Even black magic is not so terrible." That's because you haven't seen real black magic." You must have a way, right?" The knight asked him, as if he really thought he had the ability to reverse the world. But last time, it was not him who stopped the black dawn.

However, these words cannot be said. Facts are more hurtful than lies. The truth will only hit people's hearts and destroy the will. I can only say that I will do my best," Li Ou clenched his sword and said, "Do your best. We all have our own responsibilities, don't we? If I bring you into danger, I will naturally have an obligation to take you out. So are you."

"For glory." The knight said righteously, "For the sake of duty."

Glory. Li Ou sighed. However, at this time, everything has nothing to do with honor, only life. For everyone." He said, "For every living life." Let the honor go to hell." We will go out alive, I promise.

The knight nodded, "For every living life."

"Get up, get up!" The conversation was suspended, and a raven issued a warning. The devil is coming.

"Damn it, why did they find us so soon?" Rosie cursed. A disgusting smell seemed to be the dirt in the sewer pouring on them, and the heavy and dense footsteps sounded through their ears. She pulled up Nalya beside her and stuffed the dagger inserted in her belt into the girl's pale hand. Take it and hold it tightly. Remember to stab the enemy with the pointed end. If you really can't, stab yourself, remember the position, and remember that the heart is on your left hand side. Damn it, ask for more blessings."

A spell of five rainbow lights smashed a wall, and then kept smashing several demons into mud. The warriors of the Raven tribe waved a huge axe to cut the demons in the way into pieces, their limbs splashed everywhere, and their flesh and blood flew everywhere. In a bloody storm, they found a bloody road and turned into the side hall next to them under the guidance of the desert warriors.

"Go here." The desert warrior said.

The demons blocking the road were loose, and the knights easily cut out a road. Li Ou couldn't help but be glad that the temple was big enough and there was more than one way to the outside. After passing through a corridor, the demons seemed to have disappeared, and even the stench quietly disappeared. The surroundings were silent, and only a headless god looked at them.

They slowed down, but remained vigilant. Brandick. Li Ou said, "How far is it?"

"Don't talk." The desert warrior made a silent gesture.

The sound in the dark came one after another, which belonged to their boots; the gasp came from their breathing. Other than that, they didn't hear anything." Nothing." A knight said.

"We are too nervous." A crow said. He carried a huge axe, so heavy that even his strong body could not support such a long period of fierce battle. I have to change a lighter weapon. He told Feifeiduo. The latter motioned him to ask the knight for a broad-edged heavy sword. That's too light." He complained, but still threw the axe aside.

"Shut your mouths!" Rosie yelled at them in a low voice angrily. Stop, don't move!"

"The devil will catch up." Miss Bachelor said worriedly, "They can smell us."

"I am the mage! It's not you!" Rosie suddenly turned her head, stared into Miss Bachelor's eyes, and said word by word, "I said, don't move! It's better to even stop breathing!"

The ceremony has ended. However, some whispering passed to their ears. The voice was not only like the wailing of the banshee, but also like the words of ghosts, and the magic swept the air around. But Leo felt that the voice was different from those monsters. Although it was full of some evil despair, it was also malicious.

Li Ou doesn't know where the sudden sound came from, but it is certain that each of them heard it.

"What's the sound?" The knight asked.

Even the knights can't hide their fear, not to say the girls in the team. They huddled together and trembled, almost lying on the ground. They are not afraid of cruel demons and wandering ghosts, but they are afraid of the ghost's whispers. What on earth is it? They are like stranded fish, drowning people, seeking their support. What is it?

"Did you hear it clearly? What does that voice say? Miss Bachelor asked confusedly.

"It's calling us." Luo Xi explained before Li Ou, "A mouse that hides and can't see the light."

"Maybe it's still a trap." Leo said, "However, it is more likely to be the kindness of the other party."

"Like a spell sage summoned from another plane?" Rosie poohed and sneered, "I've seen a lot of fake guys, and I just want to use magic to bombard them back. Where do you come from?

But this is different from those liars wearing pointed felt hats full of stars. Li Ou could hear that the voice lingering in his ear was full of anxiety and desperate despair. It's more like begging them than using some kind of scam.

The desert warrior didn't say a word and turned around.

"Where are you going?" Li Ou asked.

"I heard the metaphor of the gods, and we have to follow his urging."

"Bullshit gods." Rosie sarcastically.

The desert warrior was not angry. He said, "I know that voice."

They went against the direction of leaving the temple and moved deeper into the darkness.

In the distance, several demons found their traces and roared excitedly at where they were. Li Ou heard their footsteps, but in a blink of an eye, their cry turned into a wailing. They screamed and ran away, as if there was something they feared and frightened them. This aggravated their worries and they stopped. However, the sound kept urging them to move forward, and their temper began to become irritable. The magic became like embroidery needles piercing their skin, and their eyes and nostrils poked their eardrums fiercely.

"I hate grumpy guys." Rosie said.

The knights and the crows endured the magic sound in their ears, and also showed resentment.

"Don't resist him and follow his will." The desert warrior said, "He didn't mean any harm to us." He repeated it again. I recognize its voice, and I know he wants to help us. Li Ou didn't know where the other party's confidence came from, and he didn't want to reveal more, as if it was a taboo that could not be mentioned, containing terrible curse power.

The surrounding magic dispels the disgusting smell. Filter out the ghost-like whispers of the other party. In fact, this is a good place for them to rest. The fierce and cruel battle is completely away from them, and there is only comfortable peace and a shelter that makes people sleep peacefully. Tiredness gradually surged up as they deepened. Li Ou yawned and then infected the whole team like a plague. The hypnotic sound seemed to come from all directions.

Where does the sound come from? Li Ou couldn't resist the doubts in his heart. Where is the front?" He asked.

"A dead end." Miss Bachelor pointed out.

"It is the basement where monks reflect on themselves." The desert warrior explained, "I remember the road."

A closed stone door blocked their way - a dead end. Leo couldn't help but be glad that the other party's magic had threatened the countless demons - the whisper became more and more rapid and excited. After this stone gate, he kept urging them, and his voice gathered into a whip and beat their body and skin, showing the owner's impatience and anxiety.

The stone door creaked and slowly opened.

presented in front of them is a round room. The floor and walls are covered with magic lines, shining, shining or gold or blue, red or light yellow, full of the remnants of some evil magic. A metal bracket stood in the center of the room, and a head was placed on it, and the pale spine stretched down from the silver-white bracket and inserted into the sink below like the root of a plant.

"My God, what the hell is this?" A knight exclaimed.

The Ravens kept praying to the wild gods they believed in. The ladies covered their screams in horror, making intermittent and messy screams. Everyone clenched his weapon and stared at the head with caution.

"Who are you?" Knight Tario's throat rolled.

The victim of an evil spell. Leo realized the sad exhibition. In the Lozva era, they will see countless, like this, show-off trophies. But now, this is just a remnant of some terrible spell. He looked at Rosie, and they all guessed what kind of spell this guy was subject to - besides the annihilation of the demon god in the name of the mother of the desert, who else mastered this cruel trick that regarded torture as pleasure?

The head rotates as hard as a gear without oil, and the joints of the spine make an unpleasant and harsh sound. A pair of white eyes are full of revenge, fierce madness, and frightening joy.

"Welcome." His head opened his mouth, showing a tragic smile, which was creepy. Guests from afar.

The incandescent flame danced like a naughty elf at Rosie's fingertips. Shouldn't you serve tea as your master? She said. The face of the head showed panic. Leo easily stood with his chest in his arms, thinking that sometimes threats are often more effective than negotiations, such as now. Rosie sneered, "Say something quickly and fart quickly."

The head turned bare with only the pale cervical spine, "Brandick."

The desert warriors didn't lie. However, his name surprised Leo.

"Lord of the city." The desert warrior shouted.

Monroe Celtic knelt on the ground and held the short spear.

He made up his mind, but he didn't know where to start.

The demon priests gathered together in ragged clothes, praying loudly and laughing wantonly. Monroe Celt, who kept spitting from their mouth, could not understand a word, but he could guess the meaning of their words from their tone, nothing more than praise and prayer, nothing more than mocking and demeaning mortals - naturally including him.

He knew that not only the body, but also the souls of the once gentle and elegant priests had become demons. They were all manipulated and treated as dolls, except for him.

What Monroe Selt couldn't figure out was why the whole city had become a ghost, and he was still alive, why he was still a real human being, why he maintained his reason, created all this with his own hands, and watched it happen in front of his eyes. He hated his cowardice and his easy knees.

There were waves of low roars and hiss in the square. The new demons tore the skin of human beings and broke away from the cocoons one by one. He felt nausea, and he never thought that demons would be born like this. But Monroe Celtic forced himself to look at them. His throat rolled and his empty abdomen surged. He couldn't help being uncomfortable and his eyes blinked. He was like a stone sculpture looking at. He wants to put this disgusting scene deep in his heart to motivate his courage, lest the hard-won madness dissipate. A warrior is responsible for his mistakes. He knows that he is not a warrior, but he does not want to become a sinner for thousands of years, let alone continue to be the foolish bishop who has been deceived.

A burst of** came. Monroe Celtic saw his followers in the square, and now the abominable demons are scattered like a tide. What's wrong with them? He thought confusedly.

"The smell of human beings." A priest suddenly said hoarsely.

"Sacrifice." Another priest said.

Monroe Celtic was glad that he understood the simple words of the other party. It must be those white devils. He thought it must be them. Only they hide underground without faith and are not deceived by lies. The gods have passed away. I would have believed it earlier. Monroe Celt couldn't help praying for them.

He once hated the white devil as an unbeliever and thought they were heinous criminals. But now, he doesn't want them to repeat his mistakes. For every living life. He told himself in his heart for the last hope. You should have your own responsibility for your own mistakes. Self-reproach and guilt turned into steel-like courage. You can do it." Monroe Celtic told himself. You can do it. Courage is in your heart. He clenched his spear and stood up.

In the dark basement, the short spear with his hands and feet under the hint of the wanton mocking head was shining, covering the dark golden light that the demon god bet on it, and reappeared a silver, holy and immaculate light.

"It comes from the gift of the gods." The head told him so.