Alchemy Era

Chapter 29 Sanctuary of Silence

They climbed the stone steps that were eroded by the wind and sand. The silent monk statues on both sides looked behind the hood and looked at them solemnly all the way, as they were moving forward. Looking up... Li Ou felt that although it was dead, there was an indescribable majesty in it. Li Ou restrained his mind, hard-faced, and made a solemn and respectful appearance.

Three people are waiting outside the hall. To be precise, it is a middle-aged man and two boys. One of the two boys was very young, no more than nine years old, and the slightly older one was only eleven or twelve years old, but their eyes were full of deep hostility and their fists clenched tightly. Like the middle-aged man, they wore red, brown robes of monks like statues on both sides of the stone steps, with wide bell-shaped cuffs and pointed hoods. The middle-aged man also wrapped the lower part of his face in a long black scarf and could only see his eyes. It was him who spoke.

"Blandic." He said in a deep voice, as if he was afraid to shock the ghosts in the monastery. The sand almost covered his voice. I haven't seen you for almost a year. Welcome, and your friends."

The desert warrior stepped forward and touched the other party's forehead with his forehead. Mario monk. We need to rest." He made another gesture, and the monk returned the salute with the same gesture. Leo guessed that it was a unique etiquette belonging to the Silent Sanctuary. After a long journey, we are already very tired.

"Just rest is not enough." Mario monks glanced at them one by one. I can see that you have experienced fierce battles, knife wounds, wounds, and traces of magic. And death."

"Yes, that's a terrible scene we've never seen before - I promise that even the Ashbourne monks can't imagine." The desert warrior said in a trembling voice, "I have only seen similar records on the mud slab of the sanctuary. It... I can't describe it."

"Our eyes are not blind and our ears are not deaf. Brandick. The monk said seriously, "We have seen and heard it." It is far away from Pompe de Carre, and Leo doesn't know how he saw it. He couldn't help showing a faint mockery. But the other party seemed to capture his fleeting suspicion. The earth told us that the wind also brought a message.

"You didn't see it with your own eyes." There is anger in the eyes of the desert warrior. You have never heard the news.

"Your faith has been shaken and is no longer firm and unbreakable." The monk pointed out disappointedly. Li Ou's mouth opened, because the fall of the gods was a real fact and an unconcealed truth. Brandick just realized that what you instilled in him was just a seemingly sweet lie. But he tried to shut up. Are you afraid?"

"No." The desert warrior responded.

"Let me see your hand."

The desert warrior took a breath before doing so to relieve the panic and anxiety on his face. His hand stretched out straight and remained as calm as ever.

"Ask yourself, what do you have to say about your faith?" The monk let go of the hands of the desert warrior. Do you feel doubt and fear?" He got closer to the desert warrior and lowered his voice.

"Everyone is full of fear. Doubt is the key to finding the truth, which will only strengthen my faith, not the opposite. My hands can stay calm because I know the truth. If I choose to escape it, I will be controlled by emotions. The desert warrior responded. His words made Leo feel more like reciting some kind of oath, with no emotion at all.

The monk patted the desert warrior on the shoulder to show his approval. The gods are watching you. Brandick. You are the best warrior of the Silent Sanctuary, and I hope you will not take the road of shame to the sanctuary and your teacher. Remember what you just said."

The desert warrior lowered his face to show his admonition.

"Go ahead." The monk told him, "Ahiburn monk, your teacher is waiting for you." The desert warrior nodded to Leo and left first under the leadership of two boys. Mario monk turned his head, and Leo waited to see how he arranged their untrustworthy demons. Guests from the Western Continent. He said, "Valias, believers of the gods call you the white devil. You have no faith, but the gods will not turn away his guests. But the taboos of all holy places.

"Brandick has explained to us." Leo told him.

"Well, good, I hope you will abide by the rules of the Silent Sanctuary."

"I know what it means to follow the Romans." Leo's tone became indifferent. It doesn't feel good to be under the fence.

The scarf on Mario's face covered all his expressions. He let him aside and made a welcome gesture, "Come on, you can stay for a few days and have a good rest. No demons will come here. This place is protected by God. His meaning is very clear, and those who do not believe in God are not guaranteed. If you don't mind, White Devil, we can also hold a sacrifice for your dead companions.

Liou can't refuse this kind of kindness. Sorry to trouble you. Mario..."

"You don't have to use Sir, and you don't need to call us by yours." The monk waved his hand and told them, "In the silent sanctuary, we have only one name, that is, 'monks'."

There is no light in the hall, and the sunset down the mountain can't illuminate this place. Li Ou feels that there is a dark place around him, hiding malicious eyes. I can't see anything." Rosie's voice came from behind him, "Can I cast magic?"

"I'm sorry, I can't, mage." The monk stopped her. "No spells are allowed here."

"Does it also include magic?"

"Yes, it also includes magic."

They are careful at every step until their eyes gradually adapt to the dark environment. The hall is empty, without decoration, murals and statues, simple and unpretentious, like a simple stone house. But their footsteps and even their breaths are clearly audible. Every stone brick is amplifying the sound. It sounds messy, and a noise is echoing. Now Leo finally understood why the monastery was called a silent sanctuary.

Leaving from the hall and approaching the courtyard behind, the magic-reinforced sand is made into a low stone wall, surrounded by a large number of buildings: the broken old waterwheel, the windmill with creaking leaves, the cloister where monks sleep, the dining hall, and the mud church of prayer and meditation. The windows of the church are inlaid with glass, the wide doors are carved with statues of the gods, and there are aisles on the heptagonal spires. Behind the church is part of the oasis, and some older boys are silently pulling weeds, planting vegetables and carrying buckets. Mario monk took the visitors around a poplar tree and passed through another aisle.

"Do you mind sharing a room? It's not big, but it's comfortable.

"I don't mind."

"We have some humble huts reserved for visiting guests." The monk said, "They are not used very often, but we often clean them to keep them clean and dry."

"Okay, thank you."

The cottage they live in is on the east side of the monastery, facing the edge of the oasis. According to the monk Mario, it is next to a huge sand lake. In this way, we can resist foreign invasion. It can also prevent guests from escaping. Li Ou thought. The monk took them through the small open space where the boys gathered - every boy looked at them with curiosity and surprise - and then stopped at a corner. From here, you can see the silvery waves on the silent lake and the frost-like indifference when the moon climbs the hill. Just like this ruthless sand sea." The monk pointed and said.

"We can see exactly the same scenery every night." Rosie said.

"If you can see the eyes of this streamer lake. You won't think so."

"The sand lake once devoured a lot of lives?" Li Ou asked.

The monk lamented. A lot. Including my friends." He stretched out his hand and stroked helplessly, and then moved on. I am in pain, but now I regard this as the test of the gods and the hardships in life. I got an unspeakable experience in death. It makes me cherish the life in front of me more. That's why we took you in." And then? Is there anything else? It is difficult for Leo to agree with death as a gift. It made me realize that swordsmanship, and even the true meaning of magic, should not be just tools to take the lives of others. He turned his head and looked at Leo, "I wonder if you, as white devils, understand this."

He understood this without tasting the taste of death. I also don't understand why I have to train warriors like Brandick if I cherish life. And you..." Leo said, "You also have mysterious energy. It's equally dangerous."

"It's the world." The monk said, "There are too many times when only killing can save lives."

Leo nodded in agreement. Although this seems contradictory, it is a naked reality.

"I'm glad we reached a consensus." There were words in the monk Mario's words, as if with some kind of unknown admonition, as if they were his students.

Turning the road, those huts are right ahead. The monks said that they were very simple, indeed. They looked like a stone hive, short and round, with only a narrow square window like a cell. Leo had to bend down when he went in to avoid his head hitting the door beam. Inside are solid yellow sand floors, hay beds, warm animal skins and blankets, a lamp, a basin of water, a pot of cider, some bread and cheese, and two low chairs.

"I hope you are satisfied." Mario said.

"It's good enough to have a place to stay." Leo said, "We can't ask for more."

But the space of a stone house is still too small to accommodate all of them. So the monks arranged housing for them. Eight men are in one room, while women enjoy some kind of care. The three of them are in one room. Go out the door and go to the right. The stone house near the bush is the bathroom. Mario monk specially pointed out, "But there is only one room there. Ladies'd better find some gentlemen... But please don't take a bath in the oasis. You don't want to have lice in tomorrow's breakfast, do you?"

"and so on. I want to live with Leo. Rosie said, "I mean, the leading alchemist."

"What about you and him elsewhere? That's between you white devils." Mario monk said, "But in the Silent Sanctuary, men and women can't sleep under the same roof unless they get married."

"We are his guards and followers." Lu Yuewu said. Miss Bachelor translated her words.

The Mario monk shook his head. That doesn't work either. You are safe here. No one will hurt you. I can swear in the name of the gods.

"I'm afraid it will disappoint you," Rosie suddenly said, "I'm his girlfriend."

The Mario monk prepared a separate room for them, and finally threw down the lamp and left contemptuously.

"Why do you say that?"

"Am I not?" Rosie's eyes slanted.

"Of course it doesn't mean that." Leo said, "It's just..."

"Because of Lu Yuewu?" She said, "Don't worry, what can the two losers do? They are breathless after a few steps, like an old man who is about to walk. Have you forgotten?"

How can he forget? Too many toxins have accumulated in their bodies, and the side effects of the drug are as if termites are eating their bodies, making them weak and on the verge of collapse. In order to catch up with this section of the road, they have to take more stimulant drugs to stimulate their potential. They are drinking poison to quench their thirst.

"I just want to die with you." Rosie sat down on the hay-paved **.

Li Ou can't say how he feels now, and his heart is mixed. How can we die? Stay here and take good care of your injuries."

"But we are not welcome here."

"I will." Leo assured her.

"I don't believe them."

"They will believe us." Leo held her hand. Her five fingers were wrinkled, full of slight lacerations, and blood condensed into scars. No longer smooth. If an unfaithful and blaspant alchemist converts to the gods under their edification, they will believe and meet all our requirements.

"They won't believe you." Rosie doesn't agree with him. They will easily see through your disguise.

"I'm serious."

"No, no." Rosie said coldly, "You are an alchemist, not a lamb of flattery and flattery."

"Life is far more important than faith." He told her gently, "It's yours."

After an unspeakable silence. Rosie lowered her shoulders and said, "How long will the effect last?" She asked.

"Until tonight."

"I'm afraid I won't sleep well tonight." Rosie whispered.

Li Omer was silent. He can't imagine how much pain they will bear when the repressed toxins suddenly burst out. That will definitely make them die, and even... kill them. I hope the gods here will bless us." He said.

After a moment, a knock on the door broke the terrible dullness of the room. He came to serve an eight- or nine-year-old boy with black skin and white eyes. He is a blind child. Leo realized. However, he seemed to be able to see things in the room, avoided tables and chairs, avoided the burden they threw on the ground, and put a basin of water on the table.

"Can you see something?"

The boy turned his head and looked at him without answering.

"Have you forgotten their rules? Don't talk." Rosie reminded him.

The boy cleaned up the room skillfully and then bowed to them and left. Rosie is curling her lips. I think it's better to call this college for the sufferers. They cultivate a group of severely tortured and repressed ascetic monks, and may order them to wear clothes with steel fur lining. Even..." She suddenly stopped talking.

"Even what?"

"Forget it, nothing." Rosie waved her hand and fell on her back. It's all over. I don't want to mention it."

She must have remembered her past.

When the evening bell rang, the monks invited them to dinner. But before that, Mario monks asked them. Friends, before sitting down to share bread, meat and honey wine, would you like to go to the church with me and pray for the souls of the good people of Pompe de Carre?

"I'd love to." Leo said.

He ignored the strange and doubtful eyes of the crowd and followed the monk Mario into the candlelit church. The temple is filled with the aroma of grass, and many boys and some gray-robed monks have been waiting here.

They read the chapters in a scripture first. Li Ou didn't quite understand, so he kept silent and stared at the gods in front of him: there were both soldiers and farmers. Girls and men were separated on both sides, and the sun and shadows were opposed to each other. The black sun pattern at the top of the church made his heart palpitations. They didn't recognize Clegg's true face. He hesitated about his previous ideas.

After the restful reading, they began to confession one by one. Of course, the protagonist is the children who were beaten and punished, and a gray-robed monk went to the gods and confessed the evil deeds in his heart to another red-robed monk.

"I thought no one could talk." Leo is very confused. Those gray-robed monks and those children.

"We are allowed to break the silence when we repent," the monk said. "It is difficult to tell the sins with gestures and nod."

One after another children came to the stage one after another. Their confessions are roughly the same, nothing more than weakness and retreat in their hearts, as well as hunger and thirst, and even fatigue that make them want to give up or steal.

"Mr. Li Ou, how about you? Do you have any sins that you need to repent of?" The monk asked him.

Yes, and there are many. He thought, there are countless. But he doesn't want to say it, let alone let others know. No." He told the other party, "A person will not make mistakes. That's part of life. I have learned from my mistakes, and I already know what to do next. I don't need to repent anymore."

The children were taken to enjoy their dinner.

Leo walked to the other side under the leadership of Mario monks. When walking to the hall, Leo expressed his curiosity. Can I know what their food is?

"Of course," the monk nodded, "potatoes and fish broth, and occasionally some lizard meat. But they are all tasteless. We are short of salt. After all, it's too far away from the city, and Pompeidecar no longer exists, doesn't it?" He sighed and looked at the water swaying in the moonlight on the other side of the aisle. Do you know, White Devil? The oasis is also shrinking, and the quiet sanctuary will soon live up to its name.