Alchemy Era

Chapter 33 Visitors

"Damn river crab!"

Li Ou wandered around, and several times, he walked to the main road to the sanctuary hall. The temple is located in the yellow sand, on the current sand sea. The sloping square tower reflects the dazzling sunlight and doesn't look real.

He thought for a moment and decided not to return to his residence. Rosie's appearance deepened his guilt, and he didn't know how to deal with it. He plans to go to the square in the sanctuary to practice martial arts with the boys first. The monks knelt in front of the statue and prayed silently. Occasionally, one or two boys are busy in the sanctuary, but most of the boys practice martial arts in the scorching sun in the square. Most of the boys stared at the stakes in front of them, and the spears practiced stabbing; some young children stopped practicing when they saw him and gave him curious and strange eyes. But without exception, they were punished by the monks. Several of them shouted out after being whipped in exchange for a harsher lesson.

The alchemist looked at the boys, and guilt drove him away quickly. When he left, he couldn't help thinking of Pike Devin, the blind boy. He raised his head and tried to find the figure of the quiet hall through the shadow of a dark yellow building that seemed to be lifeless. It's hard to say what the effect of meditation is. At least he can't feel it.


"Marion Monk. I'm looking for you."

"Me?" The monk in a purple robe raised the corners of his mouth slightly, with a little teasing in his tone. Isn't it lost and can't go back?"

"Of course not." He is not so stupid.

They walked as they spoke. Is that what you are looking for Parker?

"Do you know that too?" He admitted that it was probably not a secret among the monks anyway. It's just that he expects not to be known by others. Is it convenient?"

"It's inconvenient now. Neither the monk Ashbourne nor I want you to disturb him now. He is preparing and praying. Mario monks reached out to lead him. They walked into a shadow and immediately felt a comfortable coolness. We need to see what we can get from your meditation. This is a delicate and patient process.

Li Ou doesn't have that much patience. He wants to leave and go to County Sirius. What on earth did he see? I really want to know." He asked urgently, "Although the monk Ahiburn said there was no problem, I knew that Parker fainted. After a short contact, he fainted and seized it. This is very dangerous. Both for him and for me.

"No, you think too much." Mario monks insisted on their views. This is harmless. Syncope is only due to some degree of self-protection. He is just too young to control his ability.


"Yes." The monk must have nodded, "I know better than you. I can't describe his talent, but he will be fine. I promise. We just need time and a little patience.

"I know."

"If you know, why are you still restless? What are you afraid of?" Mario monk narrowed his eyes and stared at him with sharp eyes. Leo avoided his sight. Are you afraid that we will lure you to kowtow in front of the gods and sing hymns? White devil, we discriminate against non-believers, but we will not use such inferior means.

"That's not the case." Leo denied, "I never thought so."

"What is that? Mario asked, "If not, why do you show resistance and impenance?" Li Ou is speechless. Are you hiding something? You know your body.

"I'm in good health."

The Mario monk sneered coldly. I'm sorry that we didn't see this." He led Li Ou through the corridor and entered the colder hall. His footsteps rippled like water around him, hitting the sunken stone wall. The monk Ahiburn checked your injury. He was a mercenary, learned a lot, and learned the art of healing in the sanctuary.

Li Ou frowned, and he felt impatient and irritable. I know." He said in a tone. Key points.

"The point is that he thought that your terrible injury was caused by the toxins accumulated in your body, but in fact it was not." Mario monks stopped and responded to the etiquette of another monk walking towards them, while making polite gestures. Waiting for the monk to go away, he continued, "But something else."

"I don't know what it is." Li Ou said coldly, "I can't even feel it myself."

"There is something unknown about you." Mario monk told him, "The Ahiburn monk said that the remnant of the dark spell was like a parasitic moth, dormant and spitting silk thread like a silkworm. The terrible curse surrounds you, getting thicker and thicker like a silkworm cocoon, slowly tightening the bondage. We all want to know what's going on, but we can't do it by ourselves. We have to rely on the child's talent.

"I have removed it." The phantom, he killed the other party and made his soul fly away.

However, Mario monk shook his head. Think about it. Either it is not dead or it is just some kind of medium. He said, "You should know that some curses cannot be lifted by simple killing. Although it is usual."

This is impossible. Leo doesn't trust their judgment. He could also hear the phantom howling and screaming in Rosie's magic fire, and the twisted and struggling figure of the phantom appeared in his ear. He was very sure that the other party could no longer survive, and even gods could not resurrect creatures whose souls had dissipated.

"Since you don't believe it, please wait at ease." Mario monks pushed open a hidden stone door with complicated lines, depicting the scene of war. The Sanctuary of Silence welcomes you to stay here for a long time. No one can drive you away."

They walked through the hall and walked along a row of statues of warriors and archers. These are the warriors of the gods. Mario monks said, "They fight for gods and can enjoy respect and worship after countless years."

Li Ou did not say a word and did not comment. He was worried that as soon as he opened his mouth, he would start a dispute and then sparked anger. Are these desert warriors? Alchemists feel that the quiet sanctuary is less and less like a pious monastery, but a warrior cult that trains warriors, a place to cultivate fanatical religious armed forces. He took a deep breath and didn't know how many desert warriors in the silent sanctuary obeyed the instructions of the red-robed monks. Obsidian, he couldn't help thinking about it.

"They are all holy warriors." Mario explained.

The Ashbourne monks said this word at the memorial service. Holy Samurai?"

"A warrior who is truly recognized by the gods." The monk said, "However, no one has been honored in the Silent Sanctuary. Blanc had had the opportunity to receive this honor, but his faith has been shaken. He still needs to sharpen for a long time.

Because of the old man's temptation. Li Ou nodded to show his understanding.

"This is the holy warrior Kasuma," said the Mario monk, pointing to a male warrior wearing a cloak and a machete around his waist. He was also a member of the Silent Sanctuary. Later, he joined the Temple Legion and participated in the protracted battle.

The battle of the fall of the gods. Leo knows the history mentioned by the other party. But he kept his mouth shut. As a believer of the gods, they must not want to hear its name. We call it the Fire and Meteor War. On the contrary, Li Ou thought that the fall of the gods began with a rain of fire meteors like the end of the world. Cassima was given divine power. He killed a demon lord and retreated all over..."

The monks talked about history, but Li Ou didn't want to listen to his boast. He is familiar with that history and knows the gains and losses of the defeat of the battle. Although no one knows the cause and effect, he knows far more than the gods and monks of the family. In the battle of the fall of the gods, the gods could not resist the joint army of alchemists and demons. They were defeated and killed one by one. The soul is dragged into the abyss and becomes the devil's food. Why didn't he say this?

Through the breezeway, the surroundings suddenly became lively, of course, compared with before. Many gray-robed monks were busy, and several older boys walked past them with expressionless faces. Then Leo saw Brandick, who was fully armed, carrying a long-handled axe and monitoring the boys' work with sharp eyes.

Is it... "Is anyone coming to visit?" Li Ou asked.

"The guy who claims to be a guest, a nuisance and arrogant." Mario monks used several derogatory adjectives in a row. Anyway, I don't want to see them. But they came to the door. The sanctuary of silence... also has to succumb to the secular world. He sighed.

The alchemist is puzzled. So, why did you call me?

"Traitors are everywhere." He said briefly.

"I'm Arnoldko, Viscount of Shiris. This is Sir Thales, from Harmondale.

Li Ou bowed casually while looking at the two guests in front of him. They wear comfortable leather armor with silver nail buckles, wrapped in a cloak against sand with gold edges, and a diamond-shaped emblem on their left shoulder. He was a little surprised that the mark was too obvious and disturbing.

Ashburn, who had a straight face from beginning to end, noticed his surprise. These noble gentlemen," he said casually, looking for a more comfortable sitting position in the throne-like armchair. He still maintains the posture of a soldier and seems particularly unsuitable to this kind of rhetorical situation. Leo thinks so. Duke Patton of Sirius County.

"It's the prince." The younger Sir Thales corrected decisively, staring at the red-robed monk with hostile gray eyes. The muscles climbed like worms on that black charcoal-like face. Prince Patton.

"Don't waste time on titles and details." Ashbourne smiled sarcastically, "At the beginning, only royal nobles would be called princes, but now it seems that this is not the case. Any guy can give himself the title of prince. Anyway, the kings have no real power. Who among you crowned him?

"It's not your turn to dictate about the kings, bald!"

Brandick touched the cold axe with his right hand. Shut your mouth and don't forget who you're talking to.

Ahiburn raised his hand to stop him and touched his head. That's right." He paused and continued, "Let's talk about why the guests came to the sanctuary. You know, Leo, not everyone knows the direction of the sand road outside.

"They have golden eyes." The alchemist said casually, sitting in a chair and yawning. He wants to sleep.

"I think you made a mistake." The red-robed monk commented coldly, "They are assigned. And the other one, I never thought that kind of guy would come to worship the gods. Who will show you the way, huh? Your silence represents acquiescence. I will check and see who accepted the bribe from the Duke of Patton or something else. In the eyes of some guys, money is omnipotent.

"How dare you slander His Royal Highness?" Thales shouted, and he threw his cloak back, revealing the brass-rimmed carved leather armor, "Do you dare to question the authority of the ruler?"

"It's the Duke, not the Prince." Leo kindly reminded the other party. He has never met the Duke of Patton and can't make a more complete comment, but obviously, he thinks it is difficult for such subordinates to become the kind of Prince O'Bron.

"It's not your turn to talk!"

"Quiet!" Ashburn shouted and narrowed his eyes. "Lower your voice and be careful. Who do you think you're talking to?"

"I know who I'm talking to." The Jazz took a step forward. The older viscount Arnoldco grasped his elbow tightly. Thales pulled out his arm hard, "My words represent His Royal Highness and the will of the lord of this place! There are soldiers we brought in the yard--

"I know another team of cheaters who passed the test of the sand road." Ashbourne waved his hand carelessly and nodded to Brandick beside him. "The warriors of the gods will treat them well. I won't bother you."

Viscount Arnoldko clenched his fists, "What do you want to do?"

"Some people claim that this land belongs to the secular lord." Ashbourne said coldly, "I have to teach them a lesson so that they can recognize the situation. This place has belonged to the gods since ancient times, not mortals."

"All right, all right." The alchemist interrupted impatiently, "This is a piece of yellow sand. Could anyone still be interested in this place and plan to build a city? Then his head must have been squeezed out by the door.

"Shut up, White Devil--" Thales shouted.

"It's you who should shut up, bitch." Ashbourne interrupted in a cold and majestic voice, "Regard your voice. This place is called a sanctuary of silence. Even if it is far away in Harmondale, I think you have heard of where it is. It is still and shouting, and it is also forbidden to defecate anywhere. I really should have cut off your tongue."

Blandic simply took the long-handled axe in his hand and stared at the Jazz coldly. That's enough!" Thales shouted like a falset, "I won't sit back and watch the insult of the charlatans! I won't turn a deaf ear! We will rule this place, and now is the time for you dark and superstitious liar to get out of here--

"Shut up, idiot." Leo showed a cold and hateful smile, "I heard that your city has now changed its doors and believes in the mother of the desert, and now you still dare to talk nonsense in the territory of the gods. Ashbourne monks, you should really expel them directly as infidels, or hang gallows and stakes... I think you don't lack these things, right?"

Ahiburn sang with him, "Yes, you are so noisy that I forgot this." He narrowed his eyes and stared coldly at the most vigorous jazz, showing his determination to dare to do so.

Tales turned pale and took a step back.

"Excuse me, dear monk Ahiburn, Prince Patton can't tolerate this alchemist appearing on his territory. It doesn't matter what he is here - His Royal Highness knows that he will cause trouble like a magnet -"

The drama is finally here.

"I don't think Leo has brought us trouble, and we have to be responsible for the Duke's failure." The red-robed monk interrupted, "What's more, when will our affairs start to worry the Duke? Since the woman lay on his ** and helped him with her hands and mouth? As far as I know, he can't stand up at all.

Li Ou couldn't help laughing. I think what he is more worried about is whether the devil has cut his nails or not.

"Enough!" Arnoldko said stiffly, "I didn't hear your slander."

"Don't you hear? Are you deaf? Ashburn sarcastically. I don't care at all. I still want to laugh at everyone. Anyway, everyone has been tacit for a long time.

"Lord Viscount." Li Ou said with a bad smile, "Didn't you take this as a joke in private? Didn't you show him that your sword was sharper than the Duke of Patton when you were with your lover?

Viscount Arnoldko's iron fist clicked.

"I think Leo is right?"

"Presumptuous!" Sir Thales trembled with anger and stretched out his hand to his waist. "If you dare to do it," Brandick warned, "I will take your sword, beat you in the face, and finally kick you out of the door."

Viscount Arnoldko stared at the alchemist's eyes. Leo found that the other party's eyes were full of unshakable pure hatred. Li Ou concluded that they could not repel each other with ridicule. Ahiburn monk, if you expel the white devil, this territory will still belong to you. Neither His Royal Highness nor the envoy can tolerate the alchemist to stay one more day on this land.

"In this temple, I'm the one who gave the order." The red-robed monk said calmly, "And this is the land that belongs to the temple. It neither belongs to the duke of your brain nor to the woman who came out of nowhere. Alchemists are my guests, and I like to have friends with me. He can stay here as long as he wants.

"Even if he summons the devil, are you willing?" The viscount said with some threat.

"In my opinion, it's you who break the peace."

"It seems that you won't agree."

"Your ears are really deaf. Did I say the word 'yes'? The red-robed monk said coldly, "I'll say it again. My answer is no. Get out now. Do you remember how to get out?"

Arnoldo held down the angry Thales, bowed, the nail buckle on the leather armor, and then he stared into the alchemist's eyes. This will not be our last visit, Monk Ahiburn. He said, "We will come again. Next time, I think you will agree to our proposal next time."

"That's what I'm worried about." The red-robed monk replied coldly.