Alchemy Era

Chapter 35 Who is the traitor?

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The investigation seemed to be stuck in a quagmire. They were not close, but lost their way in the maze built by layers of obstacles. Everyone seems to have no problem looking at it, and they are not tempted, let alone bewitched. The alchemist couldn't help doubting whether he had entered a dead end and thought too much about the simple problem.

"Can you make any progress?" When we met in the holy church, Leo first broke the dullness.

They sat on the bench of the statue, and the fiery sun shone through the painted glass windows, and the dust in the beam of light couldn't help dancing. The two monks looked tired and leaned against the back of the bench and closed their eyes. Hearing the alchemist's inquiry, Mario monk opened his eyes with difficulty, "No." He said, "No anything."

"Boys have never experienced the road of sand." The red-robed monk rubbed his eyebrows and intervened, "At least the young children have never experienced it. Older boys have to wait until winter comes before they are ready.


"Winter in the ancient calendar." Mario monk explained briefly and didn't want to say more.

Li Ou doesn't think so. I thought it was a real winter."

"That's not what we should worry about." Ashbourne told him, "That's far away. Let's focus on our eyes." He paused, took a breath, and stared at the stone statues of the gods in front of him that would no longer speak. The sun shone on them, reflecting the mottled brilliance. There are so few boys who know this that they have not even walked out of the sanctuary.

"What about the Desert Warrior?"

The Mario monk interrupted him, "Are you trying to say Brandick?" He was silent for a moment, "It's not him." He said confidently, "Although I have doubts about Brandick as much as you - because his faith is almost broken - it won't be him. The closed meditation hut was the only place he stayed in those days.

"Where are the others?" The red-robed monk took a breath and narrowed his eyes. He doesn't look like a man in his prime at all, but like an old man in his prime. Although desert warriors are warriors of the gods, many of them are willing to fall. Because they can't stand the life of ascetic monks and day-to-day training? And the life-and-death torture of being thrown into the sand? The alchemist couldn't help thinking about it. We have to be careful. Now... there is a long way to deal with each other."

"They, our disciples are all normal." Mario replied, "At least, I haven't found anything unusual. I will continue to pay close attention to them.

"I'm afraid that time won't wait for people."

They didn't take the viscount's harsh words as a joke. They can fight against a group of soldiers, but they can't fight against the whole army. What's more, those guys also have a crazy duke. A madman never follows common sense.

"What about the monks?" Li Ou asked.

The red-robed monk sighed first and stared at the geometric patterns on the stained glass window. This is a tedious job."

"Ahiburn Monk." Mario monk shouted dissatisfiedly.

"Don't worry, don't worry. Listen to me." He put his elbow on the armrest and put his chin on the back of his hand. Because there are too many monks to test one by one, I screened some. Unfortunately, some people have indeed changed. Not many, but shocking. Without this, we would probably never find their different intentions.

"Ahiburn monk, what's going on?"

"A group of violators who yearn for a comfortable life." The red-robed monk said.

The alchemist sighed, "People's hearts can never be speculed."

"Yes." He nodded heavily, and Leo felt for the first time that he was like a soul-led monk, not a muscular warrior. But it can't be said whether it's lucky or unfortunate. They have nothing to do with this matter."

"The traitor is still hiding." Mario's bricks looked at Leo, "What about you? White devil, where are your people?

"There is no progress in the interrogation." He replied, "Everyone has their own worries. Even if the incense in the quiet room can relax their resistance, it is obvious that they can't tell their secrets. Moreover, they don't have any potential abnormality.

"Either it's too well hidden," the red-robed monk commented, "or we have found the wrong direction."

Liou nodded in agreement. I will try to ask again. Change the direction." He sighed helplessly, "Maybe we value the temptation of magic too much and ignore the most realistic rewards."

"Yes, I think so too. I think those who break the oath are our breakthrough..."

"...we'd better go hand in hand, Ashburn monk." Mario monk said, "Abandon magic and incense and use some of the most primitive means. There is no doubt that fear is often more useful than deception.

"Fire tongs and long whips, blood-bleed torture tools." The red-robed monk sighed, "May the gods be merciful." He stood up from the bench and confessed to the gods. May the gods forgive our sins.

"May the gods be merciful."

"Wait." Before the end of the conversation, Leo threw a question that troubled him. I have never figured out what the purpose of those guys is. Is it just to drive us away and kill us in the desert that should not be shouted every day? To please the desert mother who seduced the Duke of Patton?

The church suddenly fell into a depressing and terrible silence, and Leo felt some uneasiness. He felt that things would definitely be unexpected. Ahiburn and Mario monks looked a little embarrassed and helpless, and they looked at each other. Hesitant and didn't know how to speak.

"Tell me the real answer." He looked into their eyes and said, "It's not about me, it must have something to do with my people, right? Tell me the answer. I need to know."

"Yes, it's not." The red-robed monk said ambiguously.

"Let's be honest." Leo's patience was completely exhausted. I'm not that vulnerable."

"Okay," Ashbourne sighed, "Actually, we shouldn't have hidden it from you." He sat down on the bench again, and Leo could see that he was procrastinating and organizing his speech. But he has to speak.

"Give me the answer." He said angrily, "I don't want to hear lies."

"Quiet, white devil." Mario monk reminded him, "This is the holy church."

The red-robed monk waved his hand to signal that he didn't have to be so harsh. Things are very troublesome, you know?"

"I don't know anything."

"Don't be excited, listen to me." Ashburn pressed his hand down and motioned him to calm down. Strictly speaking, it has little to do with you--"

Li Ou stared at his face, "Your expression tells me that you are lying."

Ashburn's words were not interrupted by his sarcasm, "-It has nothing to do with you white devils, but someone else."


"Miss Nianta."

"She?" Leo asked in shock, "What's wrong with her?"

"The news brought by Mr. Viscount is," the red-robed monk stared into his eyes, "Prince Patton wants to marry Miss Nianta."

He stayed in the room until nightfall.

"There is a traitor among us." When Rosie lay on ** as if she was asleep, Li Ou said to her. Rosie slowly opened her eyes and looked at him quietly. Until he felt embarrassed and guilty, until he looked away. Is that why you are silent? The corners of her mouth hung with habitual mockery, "No wonder Lu Yue's dance will be angry."

"But you're not her."

"Yes, I'm not her." She put her hand on his hand.

Li Ou leaned against the wall and stared at the candle on the table next to the narrow bed. The candle flame swayed and flashed, and the shadows swayed around him. The room seemed to be darker and colder. The long hair of the female mage in front of her is like a flame. He can still have a support." I just can't guess who it will be. It's not Rava Joray, nor his son.

The female mage couldn't help frowning when she heard it, "Is it our people?"

"Knight, Raven." Leo said painfully, "I don't understand."

"No one can spy on other people's hearts." The female mage told him, "The gods can't do it either. What's more, the world is selfish. Honor or not. It's just that I can't cast spells now. She buried her head and smiled bitterly, "Your good uncle said that if I cast a spell now, I will never touch it again."

"I know." He clenched the female mage's hand and was silent for a moment.

Suddenly, there was a sound outside the door, as if the gerbil was running around the yellow sand, and it was like a cat scratching the door panel. Who?" Leo asked in a low voice. However, there is no answer. It seems to be his hallucination.

"There's someone outside, right?" Rosie whispered.

Leo did not answer. He grabbed the sword belt placed on the chair and pulled out the rune sword from the scabbard. Three steps forward, he came to the door, his back close to the cold wall, and his left hand slowly stretched over and held the door handle. He saw the female mage holding up a short crossbow, nodded to her, and then pulled the door open. The wheel shaft creaked, and the dark courtyard was empty.

"There is no one." The female mage put down the short crossbow.

The alchemist believes in his judgment, "There must be someone." He said without a doubt, "My ears are not deaf." He tidied up the sword belt and clenched the long sword. "Stay here, don't go anywhere."

"I think it's more dangerous to stay here."

She is right. The female mage slipped from his side to the door, walked out, stopped on the way, and looked back at Leo. He sighed helplessly and followed.

A new moon hangs in the sky, and countless stars twinkle. Surrounded by undulating shadows, silent and dead. Li Ou walked into the main building complex of the sanctuary by intuition. He couldn't help asking himself why he chose this road, but he couldn't find the answer, and he had no intention of stopping at all.

"Nothing." Rosie said, "Are you too nervous to hear it wrong?"

The alchemist didn't say anything. Just then, he heard the rubbing of the boots on the slate and the sound of the door slit opening. The sound came from the rest rooms of the monks. So clear, he was sure that it was not a nightmare. Go here." Leo is far more familiar than Rosie here. He stepped up the steps, and there was a shadow lurking at every corner of the stairs. Li Ou moved forward carefully and stabbed twice with the tip of his sword in a suspicious dark place.

Suddenly, he heard a short whimper. He thanked the stone wall of the quiet sanctuary, and the sunken wall amplified all the sounds. Leo quickly climbed the stairs, and Rosie followed him closely. A monk's room is large. Li Ou stood at the door, holding a sharp sword in his hand to make his eyes adapt to the darkness. The thick curtain covered the window, and the room was as dark as ink. Who is it? He shouted.

Nothing. The sound seems to have disappeared. No breathing and no response. He held his breath, moved slowly, and moved against the wall to the window. Then he pulled off the curtains and the moonlight came in to cool the room.

He saw: a naked monk lay softly on **, with his head hanging on the ground. Look at him head up and belly down. His head was twisted 180 degrees.

Who did it? Leo only felt creepy. He turned his head and looked at Rosie and found that she was also at a loss.

However, suddenly, there was a lot of light around, and the monks came with candles. They blocked the door and stared at them. The eyes kept wandering between them and the body.

The alchemist's heart is going to be bad.

Sure enough, a monk broke his oath and suddenly spoke in horror. The white devil killed him. Although he quickly covered his mouth, successive monks found a way to vent their fears and completely forgot their vows. Did you kill him?" The devil!"

"Shut up! Open your eyes and see, we didn't do it.

However, his defense can't do anything. The monks gathered more and more and more, blocking the door firmly. They shouted, and the silent sanctuary roared angrily and buzzed in their ears. Several shrill screams suddenly exploded. The monks were stunned.

"Get out of here!" Li Ou shouted at the monks, "Make way!"

"Fuck, didn't you hear me? The murderer is somewhere else!" The female mage also shouted loudly, but the monks blocked their way out and could not advance or retreat. She was so angry that she picked up the short crossbow and pulled the trigger. The crossbow was nailed to the lap of the monk who first shouted. He screamed repeatedly, and blood gushed out of his fingers, but also shocked the others. They finally made way and chased the scream in the sound of the "devil" of farewell.

At the top of the stairs in the aisle, a boy lay face down in a pool of blood with a terrible wound on his back. Two steps forward, another boy fell to the ground and his face was split by a sharp blade. Li Ou clenched his sword, swallowed his saliva, and stared nervously at every shadow. After all, they failed to catch up with each other, and the bodies of several boys were placed in front of them. All of them died in terrible killings.

"He is teasing us." Rosie said angrily.

Maybe not. The killing of the other party is irregular and makes people unable to guess the purpose. I just want to know who he is. Leo told her, "Is it out of her own will or was she seduced?"

"What's the difference?" Rosie said with a sneer.

He had to admit that there was no difference between the two.

They carefully bypassed the unfortunate children and walked to another walkway. Knight Tario came over with a sharp sword and an anxious face. Sir." He saw them and ran towards them, "Are you all right?"

"We are unharmed." Leo stared at him strangely, "Why are you here?"

"I heard some noises, footsteps, and screams. So I came all the way here. There is no blood on his sword, only a thin shirt, clean and tidy. What on earth happened? I just heard the monks shouting.

"Someone killed a monk and some children."

"They mistakenly think we are murderers." The female mage snorted coldly and touched the crossbow in the groove. "I told them with it that we are not."

"Mr. Knight, did you see anyone coming from that direction?" Leo asked.

"B...Brandika..." Cavaliers tried to say the pronunciation of the Desert Warrior, "When I came, I happened to see him walk down the stairs to the place where the monks lived."

Li Ou's heart suddenly tightened. He tried his best to contain the trill in his words. Have you noticed that the alchemist swallowed his saliva, "is there anything strange about him?"

"Is it different?" Knight Tario tried to recall, "When you said that, I suddenly remembered. There seemed to be some scratch on his face, but it was too dark and I didn't hold the torch, so I couldn't be sure.

Li Ou and Rosie looked at each other, and he saw that her eyes also had an incredible look. He also didn't want to believe that Brandick would be the murderer. However, he has suffered **, and his faith is getting worse and worse. Moreover, his whereabouts are really strange. Didn't the monk Mario say that he had been locked in the quiet room and was not allowed to leave without permission? How did he appear here?" Did you see anything else? For example, blood stains?"

"No." Knight Tario affirmed, "He is wearing a gray linen shirt. If there is blood stains, it must be easy to recognize. It's"


"He holds the axe and seems to smell of blood."

The facts are in front of us, and Leo can't help but believe it. If it's really Brandick, then the monks... he can't imagine. Let's go!" He called the knight, "Hurry up! We have to catch up with him."

Turning a corner, suddenly there was a sound of fighting in front of him.

Under the hazy moonlight, Brandik is facing them and fighting with two other desert warriors with two knives. He was a big two, but he did not fall behind, but had the momentum to suppress the other party.

"Brandick, put down your weapons." A desert warrior ordered.

"Stop!" Another said, "Do you want to disobey the order?"

However, Brandick didn't say a word, and the axe in his hand waved more fiercely, rolling up a whirlwind around his body and rolling his opponents in. For a moment, the sound of gold and iron fighting sounded one after another, and a series of sparks lit up their faces. Brandick's face was firm, and his opponent was frightened.

"You actually want to kill us?"

He responded with another series of ruthless blows.