Alchemy Era

Chapter 53 Gladiator

"God, Miss God."

Everyone's eyes fell on the female magician, but she still went her own way without realing it. Don't you hold me?" Ai Ruola tilted her head and whispered in the alchemist's ear, "Be happy, my dear fiance, don't be bitter, as if I will kill you." She whispered in his ear, and her intimate gesture shocked others.

The alchemist heard the voice of others gritting their teeth: "White Devil."

In the arrow-like surprised eyes around him, Li Ou felt uncomfortable all over. If his eyes could kill people, he must be completely skinless now. He glanced at the girls who looked completely inconspicuous under the crowd. Their eyes are full of pain. Do you think I can be happy?" He asked.

"You will." Aurora said affirmatively. Her fingers were raised, and in the direction of her fingers, there stood a strong soldier as straight as a mountain in the shadow. There is no doubt that it belongs to the captain of the bodyguard Yahan. So, if you are happy, at least you have to put on a smile.

Li Ou obediently pulled out a smile that was worse than crying. How about this?"

The female magician stared at him for a while. You really like to laugh." She said, "But you are barely qualified."

She dragged him to the high platform with Leo's irresistible strength and stood side by side with Prince Patton. Miss, you, you are..." Prince Patton was kept in the dark. He didn't know anything about Ai Ruo's special move and looked at them dullly, not knowing what to do. Why are you with the White Devil?

"It's very simple," Ella said lightly, "because he is his fiance."

This is more incredible than the news that Prince Patton is about to marry Nianta. All the believers, whether real or false, stayed where they were, as if they were stunned by the thundering news. After a while, they recovered from the shock, and then set off a tsunami-like begging sound.

"This...this is impossible..." The old man and the woman were stunned, crying and knelt down and pleading bitterly. You are the daughter of God. Why did you marry the white devil? He is a blaspant without faith. Their faces were covered with tears and snots, and even kowtowed on the hard stone bricks, showing their opposition and their piety.

The impulsive men were carried away by anger. They rushed up, and an officer in military uniform with a sword around his waist almost jumped straight up to the platform. He and Leo looked into each other and almost pointed a sword at his throat.

"You devil," he asked loudly, "what shameful means did you use?"

"I am the victim--"

"Fuck you fart!" The officer scolded and interrupted him angrily, "You devil who played dirty tricks!" He looked at the female magician sadly and knelt down in front of her. Miss God, as long as you order me, I am willing to kill him for you! Even if the body is broken, it will not hesitate.

Ayora's eyes were cold, but the officer didn't realize it.

He stared at the alchemist. I want to fight with you." He threw the white gloves at Leo's feet.

"Duel?" Li Ou squinted at him, "I also want to kill people. It's just right. But I think it's better for you to pick up the garbage you threw away, otherwise it's not good to annoy your owner. A watchdog must at least know what your master thinks.

"It's none of their business." Arora muttered coldly and then raised the volume. At my command, sir, pick up your gloves. This is Prince Patton's throne hall, not your Colosseum. Please pay attention to your words and deeds.

The man is like a duck strangled by the throat. Little, Miss?" He had an incredible expression.

The female magician was impatient, "Do as I told you!"

The officer bent down sadly like a puppy who had been whipped hard and almost picked up the white glove with his mouth. The female magician raised her neck on the high platform, like a proud swan sweeping over the people trembling with her anger. I have made up my mind." She said, "And this is also the metaphor of the mother of the desert." In just one sentence, Airora blocked the mouth of the crowd.

"Go and lie." Leo cursed in a low voice beside him.

However, the female magician heard his muttering and responded to him, "They are worse than ghosts."

Although most people were still in shock and did not recover, the dinner still went on as planned. However, everyone has no appetite for the delicious food served, and even the silver knives and forks seem to have become rare swords that weigh thousands of pounds. The weapons of the gods will kill them as long as they touch them a little. The men and women all stared at the wine glass in front of them and kept asked the attendant for the wine pot. The alchemist thought that even if they drank it, they would smell like stinky water in the sewer.

In the corner of the banquet, Luo Xi could no longer stand the atmosphere and left the banquet angrily; only Lu Yuewu and Miss Bachelor were talking in a low voice, only occasionally giving him a brief glimpse.

"The woman you should pay attention to today is me." The female magician said in his ear.

Li Ou snorted coldly, "Can I think you are jealous?"

She bit his ear with her teeth through the veil and teased him skillfully. If this makes you feel better," she said, "I will tell you without hesitation that I'm jealous. I make you more impulsive than them, don't I?" Her hand fell on his crotch.

The alchemist looked at her sideways, "You're not much better, are you?" He sneered and said, "You probably can't wait to enter the bridal chamber more than I do."

"Of course," she didn't seem to hear Leo's sarcasm. The earlier the better."

The air in the hall seems to be sticky and solidified. The banquet was dead, as if sitting with a corpse.

"What the hell! Laugh at me!" Prince Patton cursed and said, "Guardian, go and call some gladiator!" I'm fed up with this now! Tonight is the engagement dinner between me and Miss Nianta, and it is also the envoy and..."

"White Devil." Leo reminded him, and he also reminded himself.

"...the good times of the white devil." He answered, "Damn it! Raise your glasses for me. I want to hear blessings, not the so-called 'no', 'this can't' and so on. I don't want to hear any rejection!"

Everyone forced their faces to rejoice, raised their glasses, and reluctantly said blessings from their mouths. But this also seems to be enough to heal the fragile dignity of Prince Patton. He laughed in the hypocritical greeting, and he clapped his hands and said, "Let the gladiator come up!"

So, under the leadership of the guards, two powerful gladiators walked to the throne hall and knelt down on Prince Patton's legs. Prince Patton raised his hand. They stood up. The gladiator did not wear armor. They were naked, revealing swollen muscles and terrible wounds all over the front and back, and some even fatal injuries. One of the gladiator had a wound from shoulder to waist on his chest, and the other's face seemed to have been cut by countless sharp knives, his lips turned up, and the muscles of his cheeks were almost eaten by beasts. He even put on a mask so as not to scare them.

"You are all brave warriors," Prince Patton said, "but there is only one winner tonight. That person will get my reward: money, and... freedom! Fight until you die."

The battle ignited **, and the nobles shouted in unison, "Don't die!"

The two gladiators stood face to face and calmed down. They held each other for a moment, and then roared almost at the same time and rushed at each other. The gladiator with a terrible wound combed his short hair, hit his opponent's arms, grabbed his arm with one hand, and tried to knock him to the ground. But although his opponent was as strong as an elephant, he was as flexible as a snake and lightly clasped his wrist. The former showed a ferocious smile at the corners of his mouth. His face was full of panic and despair in a blink of an eye. There was a harsh scream in his throat, and with the crisp sound of broken bones, he knelt to the ground in pain.

However, this is not the end.

His opponent still didn't mean to end, and he didn't let him go. He went straight to another gladiator and put his hands around his opponent's head. His opponent almost fainted in pain, with a dull face and seemed to be completely unconscious. The man smiled ferociously, and the tattered ghost-like flesh and centipede-like wounds squirmed, which was even more horrible. He raised his head and stared straight at Leo. There was cruelty and unconcealed hatred in his eyes. Then he twisted his arm with a crisp sound, and his opponent's head tilted aside, and his whole body slipped to the ground.

The men took a deep breath and then shouted loudly; the women covered their eyes or mouths tightly, pressed their chests, and did not even dare to breathe. Prince Patton was stunned for a moment and seemed to be equally surprised. His chest fluctuated violently, and the alchemist couldn't help doubting whether it was a sudden attack of his evil disease.

"A wonderful battle. Short, but fierce." It's strange that the dead are not fierce. Prince Patton took a few breaths, as if to cover up and hold his fear. Then he continued, "You, gladiator, come here. As the winner, you are qualified to stand in front of me." The gladiator stepped forward a few steps. He lowered his head, but Leo couldn't forget the hatred in his eyes just now. He was extremely confused and didn't understand where the other party's malice came from. But his hand was still pressed on the hilt of the sword, and his whole body was tight. What else do you want besides the money and freedom I promised? Prince Patton asked.

The gladiator was silent for a moment. Then he raised his head. There was a cruel and joking smile on his face, as if he were looking at the prey that fell into the trap. The broken face squirmed, making people cold all over the body. Prince Patton retreated irresistibly and his legs trembling. The gladiator stared at the alchemist from beginning to end, and his eyes turned red. Leo saw pure hatred in his eyes and an insoluble desire to kill.

"What do I want?" He sneered and then roared out. His life!"

Without warning, he jumped high, like a lion rushing at Leo fiercely.