Alchemy Era

Chapter 76 sunrise

The body of the octopus floated on the sea like a giant jelly, emitting a mixture of rotten and fishy smell. The smelly dark blood stained the sea as far as can be seen. A large group of silverfish turned up their white bellies and floated over the sea, surrounded by the smell of despair and death, as if they were in the field of death. Medium.

Lu Yuewu grabbed the rope ladder thrown by the alchemist and jumped on the deck. At this time, the sky began to rain again. Rosie stopped the spell, and the magic suddenly diminished. The bondage engraved in the short short film now has brought the angry reply of dark clouds: the dawn is late. Only the mountain-like clouds are heavily pressed on the top of her head, like the night-like dawn sky is lightning and thundering, the rain is like a pouring basin, and the black waves roll up the smelly sea water patting on the hull and splashing up. The water soaked their clothes.

"Come with me now." Aila came over and stopped in front of him. The tattered robe can't hide her amorous feelings. The rain and sea wet her long hair, making her like a goddess of bathing. It's time for you to pay the price for your mistakes out of gratitude or other rewards.

"There is no promise between you and me, Aila." Li Ou stared at her every move and tried his best to stabilize his body in the shaking. His hand pressed the hilt of the sword. I can't see your true face. You have too many secrets, and I don't want to guess.

"You will know everything." Ella said, "But it's not the right time yet."

He knew that she would say so. Damn it!" What on earth are you hiding?" The smell of being in the dark is not good at all. He now knows how Lu Yuewu and Luo Xi feel. Black morning light, destruction of demons, ghosts, and... too many. All kinds of information filled his brain. He seemed to have been thrown into the maze of Tauren, but his hand lacked a wool ball that could get him out of trouble.

"Can you swear that if I tell you everything truth, will you follow me?" Li Ou was silent and didn't say a word. Airola sneered mercilessly. Look, I knew you wouldn't agree, so it's useless to say anything.

"Don't you think you have too much nonsense?" Rosie sneered and said, "Do you still have the blood of a long-tongued little devil?"

Ajola turned her head and mocked unabashedly, "Do you still want to stop me, female mage? You consume so much power that you are doomed to lose.

"Don't laugh at 50 steps. You're not much better either." Rosie responded, "I'm still worried that you can open another portal handle. I'm afraid you have no life to come here and go back. In the end, he became our prisoner. I'm looking forward to that moment."

"You are doomed to be disappointed."

Rosie stretched out her hand, and the enchanting flames burned wantonly in the rain. "Only you will cry."

"Stop, do you want to destroy this ship?" Leo tried to stop their meaningless fight. Aurora, I won't go with you. I've been away from home for too long, and now I just want to go home. If you want... 'protection', you can follow me... go back..."

"...Are you crazy?" Rosie shouted sharply.

He is extremely normal at this time. He was sure that every word he said had been well thought out. He didn't want to see them fight. Each of them was at the end of the crossbow and couldn't control themselves. Every attack on each other may lead to unpredictable sad results. Whether it's Rosie or Aurora... or Lu Yuewu.

"Liu?" She also shouted in shock.

He waved his hand to stop her opposition. He knows what he is doing now. Negotiation is safer than fighting, especially between two mages who are beyond ordinary people's imagination and have countless secret spells. He tried to convince one of them. Arora," he said, "there is nothing to miss here." He looked at the city in the distance, and the flames were raging and the city was howling. There seemed to be sharp laughter of ghosts and souls in his ears. What else can you do when you go back?

"Aren't they with you? It's hard for me not to associate here. Aurora sneered and said, "As for what I do when I go back, it's my own business. You don't have to worry about it."

"Do you hear me?" Rosie took a step forward, "Your kindness is once again regarded as a donkey's liver and lungs. Since she wants to die, we will fulfill her. There is no need to look compassionate. Li Ou, you should be cruel to some women who don't know good or bad, or we will be jealous.

Aira stared at her, "I'd like to see how you're going to kill me. Do you use your three-legged cat's spell?"

"You can try it."

"I'll wait, female mage, come on, kill me as you said."

"Are you going to destroy this ship?"

"I promise that none of you will die except her." Rosie shouted at him angrily, "A coward!" Her hand quickly pinched a formula and chanted a repressing spell. A fire chain shot out of her palm, but was blocked by an invisible barrier.

"Do you have this ability left?"

"What about your succubus bloodline? What else did she leave for you? Rosie sneered, "Why don't you take off your clothes and** me? Maybe it will make me bow down under your pomegranate skirt and obediently tie my hand. Just like those men who think with their lower bodies.

Li Ou heard it particularly harshly, but he could neither stop her nor stab the sword in his hand at Aurora. No matter which side, he can't do it." Aurora, go back. He can only keep saying this. Otherwise..."

"...what else?"

Li Ou looked at her for a while. The expression on her face was extremely resolute, and her pale golden eyes showed her desire undisguised. Her will was unwavering, and Li Ou finally knew that no matter how tongueful he said, he could not convince the other party with just one mouth. He took out the hot turtle-shaped rune, which was as bright as the sun in the dark clouds. I have done it once, and naturally I can do it a second time. Love Ruola, leave as soon as possible. You got what you wanted."

"That's not enough." Arora said, "You won't understand what the eye of insight means."

"Let's wait until I understand."

"I'm afraid it will be too late."

Every word she said has a deep meaning, but in Li Ou's eyes, it seems to be shrouded in layers of fog and thick shadows. He can't see it clearly, let alone figure it out. He really doesn't want to guess anymore. He clenched the turtle-shaped stone in the palm of his hand, and the hot heat made him make up his mind. Even if you are put on the gallows in front of you, it's better than being bound in an iron virgin for the rest of her life.

"Are you going to kill me?"

"No." Li Ou took a deep breath and raised the tortoise-shaped rune. He shouted in magic language, "I'll make you leave."

The power of magic poured out of the runes, as if it were a torrent of countless stones flowing down from the top of the mountain. The air was filled with the smell of ozone and barbecue. The hot temperature of the rune stone made his palm burnt black in an instant. He endured the pain, stimulated the rune stone, and condensed the sacred energy into a water-like spectacle, and bound Aila.

"No, Li Ou, you actually..." She forgot to resist, opened her eyes wide in surprise, and stared at the magic imprisoning her. The sacred power brought her great pain. She struggled in the bright cage and shouted in pain. Strange lines appeared on her face, and the characteristics of the succubus loomed.

"Do you want me to kill her?" Rosie is ready to move.

"No, open a portal and let her leave."

"Leave?" Rosie sneered coldly, "Waiting for her to come to you again to spend the night with you?"

"Rosie!" He shouted.

The female mage did not hesitate to look at him. Her eyes were full of mocking smiles, hiding pain and jealousy. OK, OK." She said in a strange tone, "Say it, where are you going to take her?"

Where to go? Sirius County has turned into a sea of fire, Pompeidkar has become ruins, and the distant Thousand Lake City State has become a paradise for ghosts and sea monsters. Then, he thought of a place. The sanctuary of silence. He said, "Send her to the Silent Sanctuary." He thought of the red-robed monk and the blind child with a strange talent. They won't hurt her, but will only imprison her... Probably... He suddenly lost no confidence.

However, Rosie giggled. They will welcome your visit, old woman, I promise. She said gloatingly, "They are willing to deal with the sinners and pagans who provoked the incident and destroyed the peace of the sanctuary. You will receive extra 'preferential treatment'."

Maybe... Leo thought of the hut under the sanctuary, where there was a black sun that they unconsciously worshiped... between Ashbourne and Ella, or they were not... pagans.

"No, Leo!" Aurora screamed. Or try to scream. But his throat was dry and hoarse, and he could hardly make a sound, let alone speak methodically. Don't let me go anywhere! Are you going to banish me? It's better to throw me into nine layers of hell..." The little sound she squeezed out seemed to be absorbed by the shining runes.

The glowing silk lines emitted from the turtle-shaped runes gathered into words, emerging words that she could not understand. They floated towards her, emitting a pulsating light. She desperately tried to summon some power to resist these magical runes... but the power refused to respond to her. What's worse, the shining words seem to begin to draw mana from her actions, that is, she is feeding them with her own strength and strengthening them...

"Nine layers of hell? That's really cheap for you, succubus. She heard the female mage say, "Do you still want to hang out with the devil? Pray to the gods. She laughed loudly.

Then, the light completely disappeared, the shining text went out, and suddenly there was a brief darkness around. Her eyes can't adapt to drastic changes. She reached out and groped in panic, but her hand only raised a few inches and touched the hard barrier. Then... an irregularly expanded portal lit up the dark space.

"No!" She shouted, but the strong attraction pulled her body and dragged her into a worm-like tunnel. In the beating of light and shadow, she saw the shadow of an alchemist. I will remember you!" She smiled wildly, "I will never forget today!"

Her voice became farther and farther away, and finally even her figure disappeared into the portal. When the portal gradually narrowed and finally closed, the magic seemed to dissipate, the ventilated ball quickly dissipated, the wind and rain stopped, the sky finally cleared up, and a long-lost ray of dawn penetrated the thick dark clouds and shined into the sea. The sea showed a beautiful orange color, and Nianta, who fainted on the ground, gradually became calm in the gorgeous beam of light.

Li Ou let go of his hand and a handful of dust fell from his palm. He looked at the magnificent scenery like the Kingdom of God and sighed deeply. Then he turned around and looked at the haggard girl, "We're home." He said with a smile.