Alchemy Era

Chapter 11 Solar eclipse

"Oh, my God!" The gods are on top.

Women covered their faces and turned their heads and couldn't bear to watch, while some people squatted on the ground and began to vomit.

"Who on earth did this?" The village head pointed his crutch at the body on the ground tremblingly. Who is the murderer? He questioned harshly. Everyone didn't know the answer. They looked at each other and finally turned their eyes to the quiet hotel.

A man said cautiously, "Will it be inside..."

Everyone's faces were suffocating, and they all guessed the terrible thing. So they neatly stayed away from the hotel, as if it were a sleeping beast, afraid to wake it up and be swallowed by it.

"Alton?" The village head can't pay attention to it.

The priest looked up at the blue and cloudless sky, and the bright white sun hung high above his head, making the mountains around the village reflect colorful rainbows. He settled down and said loudly, "No evil creature dares to walk openly in the blazing sun. They will turn into flying ash in the sun.

The priest's words seemed to inject courage into them.

"Captain Oprah," the village head ordered, "Open the door."

The militia captain hesitated for a while, walked up, quickly kicked open the door of the hotel, and then quickly retreated back.

"What the hell." The village head scolded, but he hesitated not to take a step forward.

The door of the hotel squeaked, as if there was no one inside. The hotel without lighting is as dark as a hole, an abyss leading to hell, and it seems that countless demons will come out of it.

"Are they all dead?" Captain Oprah whispered to himself. What should we do next?"

No one can answer him.

The villagers stared at the open door of the hotel, and suddenly there was a sound from inside. They suddenly tightened their hearts, shrank their necks like hedgehogs, arched their backs, and hid behind the heavily armed militia and trembled.

"Raise your weapon!" The captain of the militia shouted loudly, as if he was also cheering himself up. Don't humiliate me and don't retreat!"

The woodcutter and his refugee brother poked their heads out from behind the door. They opened their mouths wide, their eyes widened, and slowly walked out of the hotel in surprise and cautiously.

"Your axe, man! Stop." The captain of the militia shouted like a frightened bird, "Put down your axe!"

The woodcutter looked at the weapons in the hands of the militia: they were sharper than his axe. But at this time, his inner horror has far exceeded his fear of the militia. Instead, he clenched the logging axe and stopped far away. He looked at the villagers in the sun uneasily and unbelievablely and rubbed his eyes with his left hand.

"You..." He opened his mouth with difficulty, and his tired face could not hide his shock. ...Are they all still alive?"

"We are all fine and not dead." The militia captain said, "Put down your weapons."

"I thought you were all dead." The woodcutter still couldn't believe it. But he obediently threw down the axe. Last night..."

"...last night?" The village head interrupted him. He circled the two headless bodies on the ground with a crutch. What the hell is going on? How did they die?"

"Monster." "The devil." Shadow." Knight."

The refugees began to talk, chattering and noisy. Their panic is difficult to eliminate, and their words are not sentences, stammering and ambiguous. In the end, there is no useful information.

"All shut up!" The village head knocked on the ground with a crutch. Come on." He pointed to the woodcutter.

"It's that... monster." The woodcutter found that his throat was extremely dry. A tall black shadow and a knight on a horse. The woodcutter felt that just describing these had made him tremble and cold all over. He looked up at the blue sky, which was sunny. He was sure that the knight did not appear. He killed them." He finally said.

The village head calmly swept away the group of refugees in front of him. Have you all seen it?

"We saw it with our own eyes." The woodcutter said haggardly, "And those noises, didn't you hear them?" They shouted, they smashed the door, their screams and cried, and they didn't hear them? Didn't you see the footprints on the ground? He asked. But when he looks over--

"Where are the footprints?" The village head said.

Two bodies fell by the door, and the two heads rolling in the middle of the street had been put away by them. The clear and deep huge footprints in the mud last night are now gone. The doors and windows are flat, without even a footprint.

"This...this is impossible." The woodcutter had no idea what had happened, and he didn't know how to explain it. He said at a loss, "I saw it clearly. I swear by the scepter in the hand of the Virgin Mary that I saw it last night and it was there.

The village head frowned and asked, "Then how did it disappear?"

"I don't know, how can I know?" The woodcutter shouted excitedly.

"I know." The militia captain said, "Because that's just a lie you made up." With a wave of his hand, the militia gathered around and surrounded the refugees. The white bright blade was aimed at them. Maybe you are those demons.

"No, we are not!" The refugees were excited, "It's not us!"

"Who killed them and left no trace?" The village head stared at the woodcutter, "It's hard for me to believe what you said. I would rather believe my own judgment: the haunted knight is a lie you colluded with and fabricated together.

"I didn't!"

However, the village head waved his hand and interrupted him, "Opra, arrest them." The village head said, "Throw them into the prison. Only in this way can we ensure that our villagers will not die again inexplicably.

"Village leader, wait a minute. Maybe...that's because of magic." Someone in the crowd spoke in a low voice. It's the messenger. Except for the priest, he is the only one here who is well-informed. That's right, it must be magic." He patted his head and said affirmatively, "Only magic can do it. Appear out of thin air and disappear out of thin air.

"Who will use magic here?" The village head said to himself.

"Those people who came before..."

The priest remembered, "...Miss Bachelor said that there were mages among them."

"What about them?" The village head asked harshly. What about those who came first? What about the alchemist? And the Holy Samurai?"

Everyone looks at me and I look at you, all confused. We didn't see it."

"What about you?" The village asked the woodcutter and his companions. They are right above your heads. Don't tell me that you don't know either.

They really don't know. The woodcutter stammered, "They, they haven't appeared... We haven't seen them all night. There is no noise on it... We dare not go up... Maybe they are dead?"

"It's more likely that they have run away!"

The village chief gave orders. Despite some hesitation, the militiamen still rushed into the hotel.

With a loud noise, the door seemed to be smashed by a hammer, and the door bolt broke and was suddenly knocked open.

"Get out!" Rosie's scream sounded.

"Monster, shut up!"

"Fuck your mother's monster!" Rosie roared back and smashed everything she could on the militia's head. Open your dog's eyes to see if I'm a monster, and then get out!"

Li Ou was awakened by the noise. He opened his eyes and saw a bright sword. The militiamen poured in from the door with bad intentions and even looked at him with hatred. What's going on?"

"You know it!" Captain Oprah roared at him tremblingly, "Get up quickly!"

The alchemist has no idea what happened. The sword forced him to leave the warm quilt and also forced him to walk out of the hotel... Then they all saw the bodies on the ground.

The girls screamed, while the soldiers tried to control the situation. Don't move." Leo stopped them and motioned them to calm down. Listen to what they say.

"Is this what you did?" The village head questioned.

"Which eye did you see us?" Rosie said rudely, "We didn't do anything."

"What's going on?"

"Ghosts know." Rosie said sharply, "You should ask your God, not us. I'm not your mother."

"There will be no one else but you." The messenger said, "Who else can perform magic?" His words encouraged the villagers, and the militia moved more roughly between their hands and feet.

"We have no knowledge." Leo stood up, and he couldn't let Rosie go on. Otherwise, she will make a mess of everything." We have been asleep without hearing any noise.

"Go and lie!" Some of the refugees shouted out unbearably. How could you say you didn't know? We are all going crazy to scream and beg for help. Will you hear it? Are you deaf?

Leo can't figure out what's going on. They looked at each other, and everyone's eyes were blank. They did not hear anything - including the soldiers standing guard. Leo noticed something wrong. They won't make such a low-level mistake: they are completely asleep and unconscious. Something must have affected them.

"Speak!" People roared impatiently.

They cursed with dirty words, and if they didn't agree, they would smash stones and snowballs at them. Li Ou was about to respond to their doubts when suddenly, the dogs all over the village barked.

Everyone couldn't help trembling. They felt a chill coming out of the ground. The woodcutter and his refugee brother opened their mouths in horror, but the sound turned into a white fog.

A man shook his hand and grabbed the evil charm on his chest. Monsters, monsters... are coming." He said in a trembling voice.

Li Ou felt that his feet were rooted, and he couldn't move at all no matter how hard he struggled. He gathered his will, read a short spell, grabbed a handful of powder and sprinkled it out. The silver metal powder turned dark in an instant, but at least it allowed the determined warriors to relieve their physical stiffness. Go back and pick up the weapon. He ordered. He looked at hundreds of weak-willed and immobile ordinary people in front of him and prayed for a miracle. They can't save so many people.

At this moment, the sky turned purple, like dusk. Leo looked up at the gray sky. This is impossible! A few minutes ago, it was noon! He saw part of the dazzling sun disappear into the darkness, and a black arc was encroaching. The black line is getting deeper and wider. This is a solar eclipse! The moon is bad between the sun and the earth, bringing them a night in the middle of the day. But this is impossible! Last night's moon was just a crescent moon. How could...