Alchemy Era

Chapter 22 Swords and Spire

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20-22 radio broadcast time 22 (Sunday), 8 p.m. to 10 p.m.


Q group: 249063284


Soldiers poured in.

An alchemist apprentice first found them aggressively. What are you going to do?" He asked tremblingly. This is the spire of the sword group.

"Let's get out of the way." A soldier rudely pushed him away, "Don't get in the way."

"What are you going to do?" The other party shouted uneasily behind them, "Stop, you can't go in!"

But no one paid attention to him.

Through the hall, Li Ou stood in the courtyard and looked at it. The hurried alchemists found that they all avoided it with a frightened face, for fear of causing trouble. The flag representing the city owner is flying, which seems to be a little useful. On the right is the tower of insight. Go to the right." Leo made a decision that he should deal with the traitors first. If Mr. Stunas is true, then even Vernanlak - his uncle is unforgivable.

The Tower of Insight has been defended.

"Who are you?" An alchemist shouted at them, "You are not welcome here, the city owner's lackeys."

"Don't talk nonsense with them." Rosie said.

Yes, now is not the time for nonsense. They have to occupy this spire before others can react. So Li Ou gestured without saying a word. The soldiers rudely squeezed away the alchemist in front of him.

"Stop, you can't do this." The alchemists struggled and shouted, and finally were controlled by the soldiers, tied together and thrown in the corner. Let go of us."

"Shut up." Leo looked at them and said, "No one will kill you, just be honest."

"I recognize you!" An alchemist suddenly shouted. You are a subordinate of Stunas!"

"Traitor!" Another alchemist spat.

Li Ou rarely defends. He will tell them who the real traitor is with facts. He looked at these angry and unwilling people and wished that they would not be annoyed and regretful in the future.

"Let them stay here and let's go."

But they did not take a few steps forward, and the awakened steel guards blocked their way. These mithril puppets have streamlined bodies, holding sharp swords and great power. It's hard to fight them with flesh and blood.

"Li Ou, this..." Lu Yuewu didn't know what to do.

The puppets approached them and made a click at the joints. They flashed with cold light all over their bodies, revealing a chilling and desperate cold light. The Neanderthian soldiers took a step forward and tried to stop them, but Leo stopped them from killing meaninglessly. Let me do it." He said, "These steel guards will only obey their masters."

There is no doubt that the eye of insight is their real owner.

Li Ou took a deep breath and read a mysterious sentence rich in magic. These vicious puppets immediately stopped. Guard the door. No one is allowed to come in." Hearing his order, the steel guards turned a blind eye to their intruders, walked past them and guarded the gate.

"How did you... do this?" Lu Yuewu asked.

"Lord Stunas told me the secret language under my control." Leo looked at the direction of the stairs, "Some people think they can control them, but it's not that simple." He sneered. Let's go. Let's go up. No one will stop us."

The alchemists were controlled by them along the way, and the puppets they tried to attack were controlled by Leo. They ran unimpeded until they rushed to the last tower, and a familiar person blocked their way.

"Oleph." Leo frowned.

"Li, Leo." He said hesitantly, with a look of embarrassment. Behind him, Sturnas' daughter Eliza's face was full of pain. She looked at Leo and wanted to say something, but she didn't dare to speak. go back."

has taken this step. They are all the same and can't turn back.

"Orey, you know what happened, and you know who is right and who is wrong. Get out of the way." Li Ou took a deep breath and looked up at his good friend. I don't want to fight against you.

"Liou, you are like this... They won't let you go."

The devil will not let them go. All sentient beings are equal, only in the eyes of demons and gods. No, they will forgive me and punish the traitor. I have no doubt about it. Oliver, get out of the way.

Oleve shook his head, "I won't get out of the way. He is my father."

"Even if he is a traitor."

"I..." Oliver lowered his head in embarrassment, and Leo realized that Stunas must be right. His father must have colluded with Black Chenxi. He is my father." He kept repeating.

"What about Eliza?" The girl raised her eyes and looked frightened. Don't you feel guilty about her?"

Alyssa opened her mouth wide. She seems to have no idea what happened to her father. There is no doubt that Oleph and his father undoubtedly took advantage of her. She was used to harm her father.

Oleve buried his head deeply and dared not raise it.

"What's wrong? Why don't you dare to say it?" Leo asked loudly, "You don't like Eliza. Why do you hide such an important thing from her? Why didn't you tell her the truth and tell her that you and your father used her?

"I... Leo..." Eliza summoned up her courage, "What happened?"

"Your father..."

"...Father." Eliza choked. He is a traitor. He is dead.

Li Ou doesn't know how to comfort him. He is not a traitor, and he is not dead. He is still alive. Leo stared angrily at Oliver and looked at his suddenly raised face with disbelief. It surprised you, Oliver, Lord Stunas is still alive. Just stop and capture it. Don't resist.

Alyssa looked at Leo and turned her head to look at Oliver. She suddenly covered her mouth with a painful and unbelievable expression, and tears rushed out. Oliver..." She cried and asked, "You... you hurt your father. Why... Why did he do this? He didn't hurt you. Why? Why?"

Oleve was silent and let Eliza hold him and shake it hard.

Leou suppressed his anger. Keep an eye on him." He told the soldiers, "The others come with me."

The door of the room was locked, and a Neanderte violently split it with a huge axe. There was silence in the room. Vernenrac sat on the chair that originally belonged to Stunas and watched Leo's intrusion without looking panic. From his calm face, Leo thought that he had expected such an outcome.

"Liou." He opened his mouth first.

"Uncle Vernanlak..."

"I didn't expect you to come."

"I didn't expect it either." What he didn't expect was that the other party was willing to be a traitor by any means. Does this chair feel good to sit? He sneered, "You can't wait."

"You don't understand. Life is like sailing against the water. If you don't advance, you will retreat. I don't want to live a life dictated by others.

Of course, Leo understands this. What he can't agree with is only the other party's means. So you will do anything to frame and hook up with Black Dawn?

"This is just the simplest means." He has no intention of repentance, which is more like a matter of course, and he seems to show off proudly.

"The simplest means?" Li Ou sneered, "What's the more complicated thing?"

In the face of his question, Vinanlak was silent for a moment this time, and then... he smiled strangely, and Li Ou only felt creepy. For example..." He dragged his tone, "Kill his good friend."

Li Ou's heart suddenly rose in mid-air. He clenched his fist and couldn't suppress the anger and grief in his heart.

Vinan Lac looked at his reaction and laughed, "Yes, you're right. I killed your father. No, to be precise, I killed him myself. He died in front of me... and I buried him."

Vennanlak's words are tantto a bolt from the blue for Leo. Such a fact is more difficult for him to accept than the end of the world. Although he had expected it for a long time, Leo still couldn't believe his ears. He opened his eyes and bit his teeth rattling. He held the sword tightly, and his anger surged up like a volcanic eruption.

"Liou." Rosie called him.

And he can't hear anything. He stared at Vernanlak. Why did you kill him?" He resisted the murderous intention and questioned loudly. He can't run away, and he wants to kill his enemies. After he learned the truth.

"Come on, kill me." Vernanlak laughed presumptuously. Your father, Fernandez, I killed him! I fed him poison and sent the sword into his chest. You are worthy of being a father and son. He shows the same expression as you now. You deserve it. Who made it so easy for you to trust people?

His screams spread outside, and Oliver shouted in shock. Father!" He was taken to the door by the soldiers. Why, why did you kill Uncle Fernandez? He is your good friend."

"Yes, he is my friend and my opponent." Vernanlac's face suddenly became ferocious. He also took away the only precious treasure in the world that should have belonged to me! He took away the scroll of Oris alchemy! It can help me become a creator! However, it was taken away by your father, put into his pocket, and refused to share it with his friends.

Li Ou took a step forward, "So you killed him?"

"Unfortunate, I didn't find where it was hidden." Vernanrak said with a sneering smile, "But it must be in your hands now. Tell me, what is recorded on it? Just satisfy the last wish of a dying person.

"You will regret knowing the answer."


"It is recorded that how to kill God, of course, it is also good to deal with people." Li Ou raised his sword, "For example, take the pointed end to stab the enemy. You can see if I'm wrong."

However, before he waved his weapon, Vernanlak spit out black and stench blood from the corners of his mouth. He took the deadly poison. You won't succeed." The other party's face was sarcastic and sneering, and he said with difficulty, "No one can kill me except... myself..."

"Father--" Olev screamed.